public profile
The mythical King Erichthonius /ɛrɪkˈθoʊniəs/ of Dardania was the son of Dardanus, King of Dardania, and Batea, (although some legends say his mother was Olizone, descendant of Phineus). He is said to have enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous reign.
Fundamentally, all that is known of this Erichthonius comes from Homer.
B: -1412 or -1420
D: -1366 or -1368
When Dardanus died, his son Erichthonius became king of the Dardanians and the richest of men, as he inherited both the kingdom of his father, and that of his maternal grandfather. Erichthonius 1 married Astyoche 3 (daughter of Simois), or as others say, Callirrhoe, a sister of Teucer. By one of them he had a son Tros, who after coming to the throne, called the people Trojans, and the land Troad after himself.
born: 1420BC of 1385BC
died. 1368BC or 1387BC or 1328BC or 1374BC
Erichthonius van Acadia.
King of Dardania
Another name for Erichthonius was Erichthonius Arcadia King Of
Erichthonius married Astyoche, daughter of Simios and Unknown.
Astyoche married Erichthonius King Of Dardania, son of Dardanus King Of Dardania and Batea Teucri Of. (Erichthonius King Of Dardania was born in 1420 B.C., christened in 1368 B.C. and died in 1368 B.C..)
Death: 1368 B.C. Reigned in 1374 BC
When Dardanus died, his son Erichthonius became King of the Dardanians and,as they say, the richest of men, as he inherited both thekingdom of his father and that of his maternal grandfather. Erichthonius married Astyoche,
daughter of the River God Simois, or as others say, Callirrhoe, a sister of
Teucer. By one of them he had a son Tros who, after coming to the throne,
called the people Trojans and the land Troad after himself. According to some
it was Tros who married Callirrhoe, but some say he married Acallaris,
daughter of Eumedes
born 1368BC or 1385BC or 1420BC
dead 1328bc or 1387BC
ID: I62082
Name: Erichthonius of Darania
Prefix: King
Given Name: Erichthonius
Surname: of Darania
Sex: M
_UID: 106C6FFF14959B429073F118D014E9378058
Change Date: 26 Nov 2005
Death: Y
Father: Dardanus of Darania
Mother: Baeta of Teucri
Marriage 1 Astyoche of Acadia
Tros of Troy
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Erichthonius of Dardania
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The mythical King Erichthonius of Dardania was the son of Dardanus or Darda, King of Dardania, and Batea, (although some legends say his mother was Olizone, descendant of Phineus).
Fundamentally, all that is known of this Erichthonius comes from Homer, who says (Samuel Butler's translation of Iliad 20.215-234):
"In the beginning Dardanos was the son of Zeus, and founded Dardania, for Ilion was not yet established on the plain for men to dwell in, and her people still abode on the spurs of many-fountained Ida. Dardanos had a son, king Erichthonios, who was wealthiest of all men living; he had three thousand mares that fed by the water-meadows, they and their foals with them. Boreas was enamored of them as they were feeding, and covered them in the semblance of a dark-maned stallion. Twelve filly foals did they conceive and bear him, and these, as they sped over the fertile plain, would go bounding on over the ripe ears of wheat and not break them; or again when they would disport themselves on the broad back of Ocean they could gallop on the crest of a breaker. Erichthonios begat Tros, king of the Trojans,and Tros had three noble sons, Ilos, Assarakos, and Ganymede who was comeliest of mortal men; wherefore the gods carried him off to be Zeus' cupbearer, for his beauty's sake, that he might dwell among the immortals."
John Tzetzes and one of the scholia to Lycophron call his wife Astyoche, daughter of Simoeis. Apollodorus also adds Erichthonius' older brother Ilus, who died young and childless; presumably a doublet of the other Ilus, grandson of Erichthonius, eponym of Troy.
Strabo (13.1.48) records, but discounts, the claim by "some more recent writers" that Teucer came from the deme of Xypeteones in Attica, supposedly called Troes (meaning Trojans) in mythical times. These writers mentioned that Erichthonius appears as founder both in Attica and the Troad, and may be identifying the two.
King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth1
d. 1368 B.C.
King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth|d. 1368 B.C.|p275.htm#i13411|King of Dardania Dardanus of Greek Myth|d. 1414 B.C.|p275.htm#i27331|Bateia of Greek Myth||p113.htm#i13598|the God of the Sky Zeus of Greek Myth||p113.htm#i13604|the Pleiade Electra of Greek Myth||p113.htm#i13605|King of the Teucrians Teucer of Greek Myth||p113.htm#i13599||||
Father King of Dardania Dardanus of Greek Myth1 d. 1414 B.C.
Mother Bateia of Greek Myth2
King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth was the son of King of Dardania Dardanus of Greek Myth and Bateia of Greek Myth.2,1 King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth died 1368 B.C..3 He was the grandfather of King of Troy Ilos of Greek Myth; either as the brother of Erichthonius or (as I follow) as the son of Tros and grandson of Erichthonius.4 King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth married the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth, daughter of the River God Simois of Greek Myth.1,5
Family the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth
Child King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth+ d. 1328 B.C.3,2
[S1332] Royal Houses of Mythical Greece, online http://www.timelessmyths.com/, Genealogy: House of Troy and Dardania.
[S286] Edith Hamilton, Mythology: Timelss Tales.
[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Dardanus, 27.
[S862] Various EB CD 2001, Ilos (Gr. myth.).
[S1333] Theoi Project, online www.theoi.comindex.htm, ASTYOKHE.
Father: King Darda Dardaius [@ <^>v] ben Zarah b: in c 1710 BC in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
Mother: Princess Bateia Iliul Teucri [<^>v ] de Dardania b: in abt 1650 BC in Troad, Asia Minor
Marriage 1 Astyoche Illium [@ <^>v] de Arcadia b: in c 1420 BC in Arcadis, Greece
1. Has Children King Tros [@ <^>v] de Dardania b: in 1375 BC in Troy
King Darda (Dardanus) Of DARDANIA
Born: Troy, Turkey
Marriage: Princess Batea Of TEUCRI
Died: Abt 1414 B.C., Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
Princess Batea Of TEUCRI
Erichthonius Of TROY+
General Notes:
Death noted on Lewis Ancestry as 1414 BC Hecataeus of Abdera, a fourth-century B.C. Greek historian, states that "Now the Egyptians say that also after these events [the plagues of Exodus] a great number of colonies were SPREAD FROM EGYPT all over the inhabited world...They say also that those who set forth with DANAUS, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the COLCHI IN PONTUS and that of the Jews (remnant of Judah), which lies BETWEEN ARABIA AND SYRIA, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country [Egypt]; and this is the reason why it is a long-established institution among these peoples to CIRCUMCISE their male children, the custom having been brought over FROM EGYPT. Even the ATHENIANS, they say, are colonists from SAIS IN EGYPT." (Quoted from Diodorus of Sicily. G. H. Oldfather, 1933. Vol I, bks I-II, 1-34, p.91). An examination of some of the historical clues reveals that there lived in Egypt -- during the time of the bondage of the Israelites -- a man named DARDA. According to E. Raymond Capt, "Darda, "the Egyptian," (son of Zarah) was "DARDANUS," the EGYPTIAN FOUNDER OF TROY." (Jacob's Pillar. Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CA. 1977. P. 25). The early migration of Darda is noted in the book How Israel Came to Britain: Actually, groups of Israelites began to migrate away from the main body BEFORE THE ISRAEL NATION WAS FORMED -- while, as a people, they were STILL IN BONDAGE IN EGYPT. One of these groups under the leadership of Calcol, a prince of the tribe of Judah, went westward across the Mediterranean eventually settling in Ulster [Ireland]. ANOTHER, under the leadership of DARDANUS, a brother of Calcol, CROSSED TO ASIA MINOR to found the Kingdom later known as TROY. -- Canadian British Israel Assn. Windsor, Ontario. P.2.
Darda married Princess Batea Of TEUCRI, daughter of King Teucer Of The TROJANS and Unknown. (Princess Batea Of TEUCRI was born in 1327 B.C. in Troy, Turkey.)
Gen 92:
Erichthonious, King of Troy, son of Darda and Batea, married Astvocho Ilium.
Astvocho Ilium.
Erichthonius of Dardania
The mythical King Erichthonius of Dardania and Batia (died c. 1368 BC) was the son of Dardanus or Darda, King of Dardania, and Batia, (although some legends say his mother was Olizone). Erichthonius became king of Dardania when his elder brother Ilus died childless. Homer called him "the richest man on earth", because he inherited kingdoms from both his father and his mother's father.
His son and heir by Astyoche or Callirhoe was Tros, the eponym of the Trojans and the Troad. - [3]
[1] - http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jamesdow/s032/f743096.htm
[2] - http://www.b17.com/family/lwp/ged2html/d0033/I15684.html
[3] - http://experts.about.com/e/e/er/Erichthonius_of_Dardania.htm
The mythical King Erichthonius of Dardania was the son of Dardanus or Darda, King of Dardania, and Batia, (although some legends say his mother was Olizone, descendant of Phineus).
Fundamentally, all that is known of this Erichthonius comes from Homer, who says (Samuel Butler's translation of Iliad 20.215-234): :"In the beginning Dardanos was the son of Zeus, and founded Dardania, for Ilion was not yet established on the plain for men to dwell in, and her people still abode on the spurs of many-fountained Ida. Dardanos had a son, king Erichthonios, who was wealthiest of all men living; he had three thousand mares that fed by the water-meadows, they and their foals with them. Boreas was enamored of them as they were feeding, and covered them in the semblance of a dark-maned stallion. Twelve filly foals did they conceive and bear him, and these, as they sped over the fertile plain, would go bounding on over the ripe ears of wheat and not break them; or again when they would disport themselves on the broad back of Ocean they could gallop on the crest of a breaker. Erichthonios begat Tros, king of the Trojans,and Tros had three noble sons, Ilos, Assarakos, and Ganymede who was comeliest of mortal men; wherefore the gods carried him off to be Zeus' cupbearer, for his beauty's sake, that he might dwell among the immortals."
John Tzetzes and one of the scholia to Lycophron call his wife Astyoche, daughter of Simoeis. Apollodorus also adds Erichthonius' older brother Ilus, who died young and childless; presumably a doublet of the other Ilus, grandson of Erichthonius, eponym of Troy.
Strabo (13.1.48) records, but discounts, the claim by "some more recent writers" that Teucer came from the deme of Xypeteones in Attica, supposedly called Troes (meaning Trojans) in mythical times. These writers mentioned that Erichthonius appears as founder both in Attica and the Troad, and may be identifying the two.
Name: Erichtonius OF DARDANIA
Prefix: King
Given Name: Erichtonius
Surname: of Dardania
Sex: M 1
Father: Dardanus OF DARDANIA
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Abbrev: Stevens (1998) Dardanus
Title: The Line of Dardanus. In Descent from Adam.
Author: Stevens, Luke
Publication: Webpage: <http://www/geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2444/Dardanus.htm>12/4/1998.
död 1368 f.Kr.
född i Dardanien, Phrygia, Västra Turkiet
Fortellingen om trojanerne begynte først i myter og legender. Gresk mytologi sier at trojanerne var de opprinnelige borgerne i byen Troja i Troas-regionen i Anatolia (nå Tyrkia). Troja ligger i Asia, men byen presenteres i legenden som del av den greske kulturen med bystater. Troja ble kjent for sine rikdommer som de fikk fra handel med øst og vest, fine klær, jernproduksjon og massive defensive murer.
Den trojanske kongefamilien startet med Elektra og Zevs, foreldrene til Dardanos. Dardanos var ifølge greske myter opprinnelig fra Arkadia, men ifølge romerske myter var han opprinnelig fra Italia, krysset over til Lille-Asia fra øya Samotrake hvor han møtte kong Teukros. Teukros var selv kolonist fra Attika og behandlet Dardanos med respekt. Til slutt giftet Dardanos seg med Teukros' døtre og grunnla Dardania som sener ble styrt av Aineias. Da Dardanos døde gikk kongedømmet videre til hans barnebarn Tros som kalte folket trojanere og landet Troas etter seg selv. Ilos, sønn av Tros, grunnla byen Ilium som han oppkalte etter seg selv. Zevs gav Ilos Palladium. Poseidon og Apollon bygget murene og befestningene rundt Troja for Laomedon, sønn av Ilos den yngre. Da Laomedon nektet å betale, oversvømmet Poseidon landet og krevde at Hesione skulle ofres til sjøuhyre. Pestilense kom og sjøuhyret tok menneskene på sletten.
En generasjon før Trojanerkrigen erobret Herakles Troja og drepte Laomedon og hans sønner, med unntak av den unge Priam. Priam ble senere konge. Under hans styre invaderte de mykenske grekerne og erobret Troja i Trojanerkrigen, tradisjonelt datert til 1193–1183 f.Kr. maksyanerne var en vestlig libyisk stamme som sa at de var etterkommere av mennene fra Troja, ifølge Herodot. De trojanske skipene forandret seg til najader som gledet seg over å se ødeleggelsen av Odyssevs' skip.
Trojansk styre i Lille-Asia ble erstattet av herakleide-dynastiet i Sardis som hersket i 505 år frem til Kandaules. jonerne, kimmererne, frygierne, miletene fra Sinope og lydierne flyttet inn i Lille-Asia. Persia invaderte i 546 f.Kr.
Fjellet Ida i Lille-Asia er stedet hvor Gamymede ble bortført av Zevs, Ankises ble forført av Afrodite, Afrodite fødte Aineias, Paris levde som hyrde, nymfene bodde, «dømmingen av Paris» fant sted, de greske gudene så på Trojanerkrigen, Hera distraherte Zevs med sin forførelse lenge nok til at akhaiene, hjulpet av Poseidon, kunne holde trojanerne borte fra sine skip og hvor Aineias og hans tilhengere hvilte og ventet til grekerne satte av gårde til Hellas. Alteret til Panomfean (kilden til alle orakler) ble dedikert til Jupiter (Tonatos) nær Troja. Buthrotos (eller Buthrotum) var en by i Epiros hvor Helenos, den trojanske seeren, bygget en kopi av Troja. Aineias landet der og Helenos forutså hans fremtid.
Dardanien var det antika namnet på en region på Balkan, ungefär motsvarande dagens Kosovo med omnejd. Namnet kommer av folket dardaner. Namnet sägs komma ifrån det illyriska ordet "dardhë"(vilket även förekommer i modern albanska) med betydelsen päron på svenska.
Dardanerna (på grekiska dardanioi eller dardanoi; på albanska dardani eller dardanët) var ett antikt folkslag som bland annat nämns i Homeros' Illiaden där de var Trojas allierade. Deras ledare var Aeneas och de var bosatta vid berget Ida i Mindre Asien. Dardanerna beskrivs senare som synonyma med trojanerna själva.
Dardanerna var förmodligen av illyriskt[k%C3%A4lla behövs] eller thrakiskt ursprung, men har även beskrivits som en keltisk stam.[k%C3%A4lla behövs] De härstammade troligen från centrala Balkan, ungefär i nuvarande Kosovo, som kallats Dardanien.[k%C3%A4lla behövs] De grundlade flera städer i Mindre Asien, varibland stundom Troja räknas. De ska även enligt vissa källor varit så långt österut som till Indusfloden och där grundat staten Dardanistan.[k%C3%A4lla behövs]
Under 300- och 200-talen f.Kr. invaderade dardanerna Makedonien. Då romarna erövrade Balkan bjöd dardanerna hårt motstånd och genomförde senare flera uppror.
Dardanerna ska ha varit intresserade av musik och spelade traditionellt flöjt och lyra.
When Dardanus died, his son Erichthonius became king of the Dardanians and the richest of men, as he inherited both the kingdom of his father, and that of his maternal grandfather. Erichthonius 1 married Astyoche 3 (daughter of the river god Simois), or as others say, Callirrhoe, a sister of Teucer. By one of them he had a son Tros, who after coming to the throne, called the people Trojans, and the land Troad after himself.
From Wikipedia:
The mythical King Erichthonius of Dardania was the son of Dardanus or Darda[citation needed], King of Dardania, and Batea, (although some legends say his mother was Olizone, descendant of Phineus). He is said to have enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous reign.
Fundamentally, all that is known of this Erichthonius comes from Homer, who says (Samuel Butler's translation of Iliad 20.215-234):
"In the beginning Dardanos was the son of Zeus, and founded Dardania, for Ilion was not yet established on the plain for men to dwell in, and her people still abode on the spurs of many-fountained Ida. Dardanos had a son, king Erichthonios, who was wealthiest of all men living; he had three thousand mares that fed by the water-meadows, they and their foals with them. Boreas was enamored of them as they were feeding, and covered them in the semblance of a dark-maned stallion. Twelve filly foals did they conceive and bear him, and these, as they sped over the fertile plain, would go bounding on over the ripe ears of wheat and not break them; or again when they would disport themselves on the broad back of Ocean they could gallop on the crest of a breaker. Erichthonios begat Tros, king of the Trojans,and Tros had three noble sons, Ilos, Assarakos, and Ganymede who was comeliest of mortal men; wherefore the gods carried him off to be Zeus' cupbearer, for his beauty's sake, that he might dwell among the immortals."
John Tzetzes and one of the scholia to Lycophron call his wife Astyoche, daughter of Simoeis. Apollodorus also adds Erichthonius' older brother Ilus, who died young and childless; presumably a doublet of the other Ilus, grandson of Erichthonius, eponym of Troy.
Strabo (13.1.48) records, but discounts, the claim by "some more recent writers" that Teucer came from the deme of Xypeteones in Attica, supposedly called Troes (meaning Trojans) in mythical times. These writers mentioned that Erichthonius appears as founder both in Attica and the Troad, and may be identifying the two.
Erichthonius reigned for forty six or, according to others, sixty five years and was succeeded by his son Tros.
'''aka Erichtonius (Ericoinus Erichonius) i DARDANIA'''
Poss. Jullus i Roms 5-oldefar.
HM George I s 88-oldefar.
HRE Ferdinand I s 84-oldefar.
Osawatomie 'Browns 94-oldefar.
Kone / partner: Astyoche af ACADIA
Child: Trois af ACADIA
Hans (evt.) 2 (+)-oldebørn: Anchisa , Anchises den DARDANIAN , Priamos Podarces (High King) i TROY , Tithonius af TROY , Hecuba (Hecabe) af Frygien , Mnestheus (General) af TROY
Fra http://fabpedigree.com/s032/f743096.htm
Dardanus Begins the Greek Mythological Ancestry & Dara begins the Bibical Ancestry
DARDA nus -- son of Zeus and the nymph Electra.
I am not stating "this is so" however, this is probably how the association was made by someone, it may be erroneous, but they have the same root.
-1420 |
-1375 |
Troy, Turkey (Anatolia)
-1368 |
Age 51
BC, , Acadia
???? |
King, of, Acadia
???? |
King, of, Acadia
???? |
King, of, Acadia
???? |