Historical records matching Ernst von Babenberg
Immediate Family
About Ernst von Babenberg
From MedLands:
ERNST von Babenberg, son of ADALBERT Markgraf der Ostmark [Austria] & his first wife --- (-killed in battle near Homburg/Unstrut 9 Jun 1075, bur Melk). The Auctarium Vindobonense names "Ernust filius eius [=Adalbertus] quartus marchio Austrie" when recording that he succeeded his father. He succeeded his father in 1055 as ERNST Markgraf of Austria. Heinrich IV King of Germany granted property to "marchione Ernest in marcha Osterreiche" by charter dated 22 Mar 1074. The Annales Gotwicenses record the death in 1075 of "Ernist marchio". The Chronicon Garstense records that "Ernust marchio Austrie et Gebehardus pater Lotharii postea imperatoris" were killed in the Saxon wars in 1075 "iuxta fluvium…(Unstrutt)". The Annales Wormatienses name "domni Eberhardi de Eberstein et domni E. filii sui, comitis de Sein et domni Ottonis de Eberstein" in 1249. The necrology of Kloster Neuburg records the death "V Id Jun" of "Ernsto marchio".
m firstly ADELHEID von Wettin, daughter of DEDO II Markgraf der Ostmark-Lausitz [Wettin] & his first wife Oda der Ostmark (after 1039-[26 Jan] 1071, bur Melk). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Adelhidis…[et] Agnes" as the two daughters of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo" and his wife Oda, naming "Hernesto marchioni de Bavaria" as wife of Adelheid and "Luppoldum marchionem" as their son. The Annales Gotwicenses record the death in 1071 of "Adalheit marchionissa". The necrology of Melk records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "Adalheida marchionissa ux Adalberti marchionis Austrie"[106]. At first sight, "Adalberti" has assumed to be an error for "Ernesti" as the latter's wife is the only known "marchionissa" of that name. However, the entry may alternatively refer to the otherwise unknown first wife of Markgraf Adalbert. The necrology of Kloster Neuburg also records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "Adelheidis marchionissa" but does not name her husband.
m secondly (1071 or after) SUANAHILD, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[108], she was Suanahild, daughter of Sieghard [VII] or [VIII] Graf [Sieghardinger] & his wife Pilihild ---, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.
Ernst (Österreich)
Ernst, genannt der Tapfere, (* um 1027; † 10. Juni 1075) war von 1055 bis 1075 Markgraf von Österreich.
Er folgte seinem Vater Adalbert und vereinigte die Böhmische Mark mit der Ungarnmark und der Mark Österreich. Zu seiner Zeit begann die Kolonisation des Waldviertels durch die Kuenringer. Zu Beginn des Investiturstreits stand er auf der Seite Heinrichs IV. und fiel als dessen Gefolgsmann in der Schlacht bei Homburg an der Unstrut.
Ehe und Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
In erster Ehe heiratete er 1060 Adelheid († 1071), die Tochter des Markgrafen Dedis II. (auch Dedo) von Meißen aus dem Geschlecht der Wettiner. Mit ihr hatte er folgende Kinder:
-1. Luitpold II. (* 1050, † 12. Oktober 1095), Markgraf von Österreich 1075–1095, ∞ Itha (von Formbach-Ratelnberg), Witwe nach Haderich (von Schwarzenburg)? -2. Justizia († zw. 1120/22), ∞ Graf Otto II. (III.) von Wolfratshausen -3. Adalbert von Pernegg, Graf von Bogen
In zweiter Ehe heiratete er 1072 eine Suanhild († 1120), Tochter des Grafen Sighard VII. von der Ungarnmark und mütterlicherseits Enkelin des Pfalzgrafen Hartwig II. von Bayern. Diese Ehe blieb kinderlos.
- Deutsch: Ernst (Österreich)
- English: Ernest, Margrave of Austria
- Français: Ernest de Babenberg
- Česky: Arnošt Babenberský
- Magyar: I. Ernő osztrák őrgróf
- Български: Ернст (Австрия)
- Sírja a melki apátságban található.*
- Első feleségétől, Adelheidtól született gyermekei:**
II. Lipót osztrák őrgróf I. Adalbert Pernegg grófja
- *ismeretlen nevű lány** Justitia
- His grave can be found in abbey Melk.*
- Children from his first wife, Adelheid were born... -3. girl with a unknown name**
Ernest the Brave (1027 – 10 June 1075) was the Babenberg margrave of Austria from 1055 to his death, following his father Adalbert.
He increased the territory of Austria by amalgamating the Bohemian and Hungarian marches into Austria.[citation needed] In his time, the colonisation of the Waldviertel was begun by his ministeriales, the Künringer knights. In the Investiture Controversy, he sided with the Emperor Henry IV and battled against the Saxons, dying at the First Battle of Langensalza. He married Adelaide Von Eilenburg (1040 - 26 Jan 1071).
Markgreve av Østerrike 1055 - 1075.
Ernst fulgte sin far som markgreve av nåværende Nedre Østerrike og på den annen side av Ems som greve i Traungau.
Han døde 10.06.1075 etter slaget ved Unstrut.
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 191. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 23, 105.
Ernst von Babenberg's Timeline
1027 |
Tulln, Niederösterreich, Austria
1050 |
Lower Austria, Austria
1055 |
Age 28
1060 |
Tulln, Niederösterreich, Austria
1075 |
June 9, 1075
Age 48
Bad Homburg, Darmstadt, HE, Germany
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