Fernando I de León, llamado «el Magno» o «el Grande» (c. 1016-León, 27 de diciembre de 1065), fue conde de Castilla desde 1029 y rey de León desde el año 1037 hasta su muerte, siendo ungido como tal el 22 de junio de 1038.
Era hijo de Sancho Garcés III de Pamplona, llamado «el Mayor», rey de Pamplona, y de Muniadona, hermana de García Sánchez de Castilla. Fue designado conde de Castilla en 1029, si bien no ejerció el gobierno efectivo hasta la muerte de su padre en 1035. Se convirtió en rey de León por su matrimonio con Sancha, hermana de su rey y señor, Bermudo III, contra el que se levantó en armas, el cual murió sin dejar descendencia luchando contra Fernando en la batalla de Tamarón.
Sus primeros dieciséis años de reinado los pasó resolviendo conflictos internos y reorganizando su reino. En 1054, las disputas fronterizas con su hermano García III de Pamplona se tornaron en guerra abierta. Las tropas leonesas dieron muerte al monarca navarro en la batalla de Atapuerca.
Llevó a cabo una enérgica actividad de Reconquista, tomando las plazas de Lamego (1057), Viseo (1058) y Coímbra (1064). Además sometió a varios de los reinos de taifas al pago de parias al reino leonés. Al morir dividió sus reinos entre sus hijos: al primogénito, Sancho, le correspondió el estado patrimonial de su padre, el condado de Castilla, elevado a categoría de reino, y las parias sobre el reino taifa de Zaragoza; a Alfonso, el favorito, le correspondió el Reino de León y el título imperial, así como los derechos sobre el reino taifa de Toledo; García recibió el Reino de Galicia, creado a tal efecto, y los derechos sobre los reinos taifas de Sevilla y Badajoz; a Urraca y a Elvira les correspondieron las ciudades de Zamora y Toro, respectivamente, también con título real, y unas rentas adecuadas.
Tradicionalmente se le ha considerado el primer rey de Castilla y fundador de la monarquía castellana, y muchos historiadores siguen manteniendo esta tesis. No obstante, parte de la historiografía más actual considera que Fernando no fue rey de Castilla y que el origen de este reino se sitúa a la muerte de este monarca, con la división de sus estados entre sus hijos y el legado de Castilla al primogénito Sancho con título real. En palabras de Gonzalo Martínez Diez:
Podemos y debemos afirmar con absoluta certeza el hecho de que Fernando nunca fue rey de Castilla, y que ésta nunca cambió su naturaleza de condado, subordinado al rey de León, para convertirse en un reino, hasta la muerte de Fernando I el año 1065.
Vida El futuro Fernando I de León tuvo que nacer después de 1015, y no hay ninguna seguridad de que fue el segundo vástago de Sancho III el Mayor, como tradicionalmente se había creído. La mayor parte de los documentos auténticos de la época lo sitúan como el cuarto de los hijos del rey de Pamplona, tras Ramiro I de Aragón, García Sánchez III el de Nájera y Gonzalo I de Ribagorza. En 1029, al acceder al condado castellano, Fernando no pasaba de los trece años.
Conde de Castilla
Cuando el conde Sancho García de Castilla falleció en 1017, dejó por heredero a García Sánchez, un niño de siete años, lo que dio inicio a un período turbulento para el condado castellano. Alfonso V de León recobró las tierras comprendidas entre el Cea y el Pisuerga, conquistadas años atrás por Sancho, en tanto que Sancho el Mayor intervino para proteger a su joven cuñado, aprovechando para apoderarse de varias plazas fronterizas.
El 1027 García Sánchez de Castilla llegó a la mayoría de edad y pretendió estrechar lazos casándose con Sancha, hermana del joven rey de León, Bermudo III. Sin embargo, fue asesinado por los hijos del conde de Vela, huidos de Castilla, se supone que como mucho en el año de 1028, ya que en ese año deja de mencionarse en la documentación.5 Los leoneses vieron en esta muerte la mano del rey de Pamplona, y los castellanos una conjura leonesa. En todo caso, Sancho el Mayor, salió favorecido del magnicidio: al no tener hijos el difunto conde García, Sancho invocó los derechos de su esposa Muniadona para gobernar en Castilla, de esta forma la documentación lo sitúa como el único gobernante del condado de Castilla. Sin embargo, el rey Sancho designó a su hijo Fernando como conde de Castilla, pero no se sabe exactamente cuándo fue el nombramiento, la primera documentación de este hecho es de julio de 1029, de esta manera mostraba a los castellanos que no iba a anexionarse el condado, y que este iba a conservar su entidad propia. No obstante, el rey de Pamplona se mostró como el verdadero poder en Castilla, y el hecho de haber designado a su hijo como conde le procuró que su autoridad fuera «plenamente reconocida y legitimada». Este hecho provocó que el condado de Castilla, que no era independiente, negara la soberanía del rey de León sobre el mismo, rompiendo el vínculo de subordinación con el reino de León y poniéndolo bajo la subordinación del rey de Pamplona, de este modo, a partir de 1028, ningún diploma castellano alude al rey de León.
Fernando se casó en 1032 con Sancha, la prometida de su difunto tío, que aportó como dote las tierras comprendidas entre los ríos Cea y Pisuerga.
En 1037 Bermudo III tomó por mujer a Jimena Sanchez, hija de Sancho Garcés III de Pamplona, y de su esposa, la reina Muniadona de Castilla, con lo cual pasaron a ser cuñados por partida doble los tres reyes: Bermudo, Fernando y García el de Nájera, y reclamó esas tierras, lo que condujo a la guerra entre los tres reyes cuñados. Algunos autores consideran que este momento es cuando el conde Fernando cambió su título por el de rey de Castilla, si bien no hay constancia documental de ello.
El trono leonés:
El conflicto entre cuñados se dilucidó en la batalla de Tamarón, el 4 de septiembre de 1037. Las tropas castellanas venían reforzadas por el ejército del rey García de Pamplona. Bermudo, con el ímpetu propio de su edad, picó espuelas a su caballo Pelagiolo y se introdujo en las filas enemigas, donde fue muerto atravesado por una lanza castellana. Los leoneses trasladaron su cuerpo a León y lo depositaron, junto a los de sus padres, en el panteón de la iglesia de San Juan.
Al morir Bermudo sin descendencia, era su hermana Sancha, esposa de Fernando, su sucesora en el trono. Sin embargo, los leoneses tardaron algún tiempo en aceptar a los nuevos monarcas. Durante meses el conde Fernando Flaínez (tío de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y abuelo de Jimena Díaz), se negó a entregar la ciudad a quien consideraba un usurpador, si no un asesino. Según la Crónica Silense, Fernando llegó desde Sahagún (desde «los confines de la Galaecia»). Finalmente, tras asegurar su posición en la Curia Regia, Fernando y su esposa entraron pacíficamente en León, y «en la era de M.LXX. VI a X de las kalendas de julio (22 de junio de 1038) fue consagrado don Fernando en la iglesia de Santa María de León y ungido rey por Servando, obispo de feliz recordación de dicha iglesia».
La misma crónica asegura que en los dieciséis primeros años de su reinado no pudo hacer incursiones contra los mahometanos, ocupado en someter a la nobleza del reino. Ello es confirmado por la Crónica najerense:
Ocupado durante dieciséis años en resolver los conflictos internos de su reino y en domar el feroz talante de algunos de los magnates, ninguna incursión fuera de sus fronteras pudo emprender contra los enemigos exteriores.
Confirmó el Fuero de León, otorgado por su difunto suegro, Alfonso V, mandó seguir observando el código visigótico como ley fundamental del reino leonés, y se adaptó a los usos y costumbres de su nuevo reino, seguramente influido por su esposa la reina Sancha.
La guerra de Navarra:
A los dieciséis años de reinado, Fernando hubo de hacer frente a la guerra contra su hermano mayor, García III de Pamplona. Ambos hermanos llevaban años disputándose los territorios que su padre había segregado de Castilla y anexionado al reino de Pamplona (La Bureba, Castilla la Vieja, Trasmiera, Encartaciones, y los Montes de Oca), realizando constantes incursiones. Las crónicas, claramente partidistas, hacen caer exclusivamente sobre el pamplonés la responsabilidad del conflicto: estando García enfermo en Nájera, fue a consolarle el rey leonés, que, sospechando de su hermano, evitó ser apresado y se puso a salvo. Andando el tiempo, fue el leonés quien enfermó, y su hermano mayor el que le devolvió la visita, al parecer inocente de toda acusación, y a mostrar su buena disposición, pero con el deseo de ver desaparecer al enfermo para ocupar su trono. Fernando aprovechó la ocasión para encerrarle en el castillo de Cea, de donde escapó gracias a su astucia y a la ayuda de varios cómplices.
García se preparó entonces para la guerra, y con algunos musulmanes aliados invadió las tierras de Castilla, rechazando a los emisarios que le propusieron la paz en nombre de su hermano, «proponiéndole que cada uno viviera en paz dentro de su reino y desistiese de decidir la cuestión por las armas pues ambos eran hermanos y cada uno debía morar pacíficamente en su casa». Así pues, Fernando le salió al encuentro con un fuerte contingente, y ambos ejércitos se encontraron en la Batalla de Atapuerca librada en 1054.
García se había establecido a mitad del valle de Atapuerca, tres leguas al este de Burgos, pero los leoneses ocuparon de noche un altozano cercano y desde él cayeron al amanecer contra los navarros y sus aliados. Fernando dio orden de capturar vivo a su hermano, porque así se lo había pedido su esposa Sancha. Pero los nobles de León, que no habían olvidado la muerte su rey Vermudo, acabaron con García. Otra versión atribuye su muerte a un grupo de sus propios súbditos, obligados a huir a Castilla ante las humillaciones y exigencias tributarias de García.
En todo caso, el ejército de García huyó en desbandada, cayendo numerosos prisioneros en manos leonesas, entre ellos buena parte de sus contingentes moros. Fernando recuperó el cuerpo de su hermano y ordenó enterrarlo en la iglesia que éste había fundado, Santa María de Nájera. La victoria de Fernando tuvo como consecuencia la reincorporación a Castilla de las tierras reclamadas, estableciéndose la frontera en el río Ebro e imponiéndose vasallaje a su joven sobrino Sancho Garcés IV, el nuevo rey de Pamplona.
Reorganización del reino:
Sometidos los condes leoneses y seguras las fronteras, Fernando I se aplicó a consolidar las estructuras e instituciones de su reino, ya pacificado. Jugó un papel fundamental en la política peninsular y en la configuración del mapa político del siglo XI. Asimismo, en cuanto a política legislativa, su labor fue muy importante, reformando algunos aspectos de la Curia Regia leonesa, o restableciendo el derecho canónico visigodo mediante diferentes normas recogidas en el Concilio de Coyanza (1050 ó 1055), que fue presidido por el mismo monarca.
Durante su reinado se introdujeron en la monarquía leonesa las nuevas corrientes europeístas llegadas a la península ibérica a través de Navarra. Entre ellas destacan su relación con la Cluny y algunas de las primeras manifestaciones artísticas del nuevo arte románico en la península: la cripta de San Antolín de la catedral de Palencia y el pórtico real de la Colegiata de San Isidoro de León (1063), convertida después en panteón real.
Política exterior: A partir de ese momento, se inició la política expansiva leonesa, sobre todo hacia los territorios musulmanes meridionales, muy debilitados por la división de al-Ándalus, tras la caída del Califato Cordobés y el surgimiento de numerosos reinos de taifas. Se reanudó así, y ya de forma definitiva y decidida, la Reconquista.
Uno de los principales resultados de la política de Fernando I fue el sometimiento de varios de los reinos de taifas y el cobro de las parias (impuesto por la protección y por no ser atacados) a las taifas más ricas, como Toledo, Sevilla, Zaragoza o Badajoz. A la vez, se produjeron varios ataques y conquistas. Destacan la conquista de las plazas portuguesas de Lamego (1057) y Viseo (1058) y la toma definitiva (1060) de las de San Esteban de Gormaz, Berlanga de Duero y demás castillos y plazas del río Bordecorex, en territorio del alto Duero. Asimismo, las tomas temporales de Toledo (1062) y Zaragoza (1063), y la definitiva de la estratégica Coímbra (1064), junto al río Mondego, que puso bajo el mando del conde mozárabe Sisnando Davídiz.
Respondiendo a los pactos acordados, Fernando I envió a su hijo, el infante Sancho, en ayuda de al-Muqtadir, rey taifa de Zaragoza, cuando la plaza de Graus se vio atacada (1063) por Ramiro I de Aragón, su hermanastro, que fue derrotado y muerto. Posteriormente, condujo una expedición de castigo al valle del Ebro (1065) con el fin de vengar una matanza de cristianos acaecida en Zaragoza y reclamar a al-Muqtadir el vasallaje y el pago de las parias, que no habían sido dadas. Tras este castigo, la expedición continuó hacia Valencia, donde su rey Abd al-Malik ben Abd al-Aziz al-Muzaffar Nizam al-Dawla, tras resistir el asedio de la ciudad, plantó lucha en la batalla de Paterna, donde acabó derrotado. Al poco, Fernando I se sintió enfermo y ordenó la vuelta a León.
Muerte y sepultura: Fernando I llegó a León el día de Nochebuena de 1065 y su primera visita fue para la iglesia de San Isidoro, encomendándose a los santos para que le auxiliaran en su tránsito a la otra vida. Aquella noche acompañó en el coro a los clérigos, salmodiando los maitines en rito mozárabe, y al clarear el día de Navidad vio que la vida se le acababa. Comulgó en la Santa Misa, siguiendo el rito, bajo las dos especies, y a continuación fue llevado en brazos al lecho. Al amanecer del día 26, viendo aproximarse su final, hizo venir a obispos, abades y clérigos, mandó que le vistieran el manto regio, le colocasen la corona y le trasladasen a la iglesia. Hincó las rodillas ante el altar con las reliquias de san Isidoro y san Vicente, y oró y suplicó a Dios que acogiese su alma en paz:
Tuyo es el poder, tuyo es el reino, Señor. Encima estás de todos los reyes y a ti se entregan todos los reinos del cielo y la tierra. Y de ese modo el reino que de ti recibí y goberné por el tiempo que Tú, por tu libre voluntad quisiste, te lo reintegro ahora. Te pido que acojas mi alma, que sale de la vorágine de este mundo, y la acojas con paz.
Crónica Silense
Después se despojó de manto y corona, se tendió en el suelo y se sometió a la ceremonia de la penitencia pública, vistiendo un sayal y recibiendo la ceniza sobre su cabeza. Al mediodía del día siguiente, 27 de diciembre de 1065, festividad de san Juan Evangelista, el rey falleció rodeado de obispos, tras un reinado de veintisiete años, seis meses y doce días, a unos 55 años de edad, que pocos rebasaban en aquel tiempo y que el cronista juzgó «buena vejez y plenitud de días».
Fue enterrado en el Panteón de Reyes de San Isidoro de León que él había construido, junto a la supuesta tumba de su padre, Sancho el Mayor, Rex Pirinaeorum montium et Tolosaeb Sobre la tapa de su sepulcro esculpieron el siguiente epitafio latino:
Que traducido al castellano viene a decir:
Aquí está enterrado Fernando Magno, rey de toda España, hijo de Sancho rey de los Pirineos y Tolosa. Trasladó a León los cuerpos santos de san Isidoro arzobispo, desde Sevilla, y de Vicente mártir, desde Ávila, y construyó esta iglesia de piedra, la que en otro tiempo era de barro. Hizo tributarios suyos, con las armas, a todos los sarracenos de España. Se apoderó de Coímbra, Lamego, Viseo y otras plazas. Se adueñó por la fuerza de los reinos de García y Vermudo. Falleció el 27 de diciembre de (la era) 1103.
A su muerte, en vez de respetar el derecho visigodo y leonés que impedía dividir las posesiones reales entre los herederos, siguió los principios jurídicos navarros de considerar al reino como un patrimonio familiar. Así, de forma similar a cómo hiciera su padre con él y el resto de hermanos y hermanastros, repartió en su testamento sus territorios entre todos sus hijos: su primogénito Sancho heredó Castilla, que se convirtió así en reino, y las parias de Zaragoza; su favorito, Alfonso, recibió el reino principal y predominante, León, y las parias de Toledo; García, Galicia y Portugal con título real y las parias de Badajoz y Sevilla; a su hija Elvira le correspondió el señorío de la ciudad de Toro y a Urraca el de Zamora, obteniendo ambas el título real y un importante patrimonio económico: el señoraje de todos los monasterios del reino.
Matrimonio y descendencia
En 1032 contrajo matrimonio con Sancha de León, hija de Alfonso V de León y hermana de Bermudo III de León. De esta unión nacieron:13
Urraca de Zamora (c. 1033–1101), señora de Zamora.
Sancho (1038–1072), rey de Castilla como Sancho I, y de León como Sancho II (1065–1072).
Elvira, (m. 1101), señora de Toro.
García (1042–1090), rey de Galicia (1066–1071 y 1072–1073), como García II.
Alfonso (1047–1109), rey de León (1065–1072), Castilla y Galicia (1072–1109), como Alfonso VI.
Según la Crónica silense:
El rey Fernando educó a sus hijos e hijas instruyéndolos en primer lugar en las disciplinas liberales, que él mismo había estudiado eruditamente, y luego dispuso que sus hijos, a la edad oportuna, aprendiesen las artes ecuestres y los ejercicios militares y venatorios al estilo español, ya las hijas, lejos de toda ociosidad, las formó en las virtudes femeninas honestas.
Fernando I de León. (2016, 7 de octubre). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 20:36, noviembre 20, 2016 desde https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fernando_I_de_Le%C3%B3n&....
Fernando I de Castela (1016 — 27 de Dezembro de 1065), cognominado o Grande ou o Magno, foi conde de Castela (1035-1065) e também rei de Leão (1037-1065), conquistou Viseu e Coimbra em 1064.
Era filho de Sancho III de Navarra (Sancho I de Castela), e da infanta Maior de Castela. De seu pai herdou o condado de Castela, e conquistou pela força das armas o reino de Leão, coroa da qual se tornou rei consorte pelo casamento com a irmã do rei Bermudo III de Leão, a rainha Sancha I de Leão.
Tal como fez seu pai, também dividiu o seu reino à hora da morte; assim, o seu primogénito, Sancho, herdou o reino principal, Castela; o resto dos seus domínios foi repartido por Afonso (Leão), Garcia (Galiza), e ainda Elvira e Urraca (a quem deixou a posse de dois mosteiros).
Fernando acabou por falecer na Festa de São João Evangelista, a 24 de Junho de 1065.
Fora do casamento teve:
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Veja também:
Ferdinand Ier dit le Grand, (né v. 1016 - mort en 1065), fut roi de Castille (1035-1065), territoire auquel s'ajoutèrent, en 1037, la province de León et, en 1054, celle de Navarre. Fils du roi Sanche iii de Navarre et de Munia Mayor de Castille, Ferdinand épousa la sœur de Bermude iii, roi de León. En 1037, il battit l'armée de Bermude et revendiqua le trône, invoquant le droit de succession de son épouse. En 1054, il remporta la victoire sur les Navarrais près de Burgos, tuant son frère, García iv, roi de Navarre, au cours de la bataille. Ce succès lui permit d'agrandir encore son royaume.
Ferdinand s'illustra également par ses victoires contre les Maures, auxquels il enleva Coimbra en 1064. Avant de mourir, il partagea ses possessions entre ses trois fils, ouvrant une lutte fratricide.
Abbad ii respectueux de la foi chrétienne, autorisa à Ferdinand Ier le Grand, en 1063, le transfert de Séville à León des restes de saint Isidore, le grand docteur de l’Église wisigothique des vie et viie siècles.
Sur mandat de Ferdinand Ier, les évêques leonais et asturiens, Alvito et Ordoño, venaient chercher à Séville les reliques du saint docteur qui furent transférées dans l'église San Juan de León, désormais appelée San Isidoro.
Fernando I de León, llamado el Magno o el Grande, (c. 1010/1012 – León, 27 de diciembre de 1065), fue conde de Castilla desde 1028 y rey de León desde el año 1037 hasta su muerte, siendo ungido como tal el 22 de junio de 1038.
Era hijo de Sancho Garcés III, llamado «el Mayor», rey de Pamplona, y de Doña Muniadona, hermana de García Sánchez de Castilla, del cual heredó Fernando el Condado de Castilla en 1028, si bien no ejercería el gobierno efectivo hasta la muerte de su padre. Se convirtió en Rey de León por su matrimonio con Doña Sancha, hermana de su rey y señor, Bermudo III, contra el que se levantó en armas, el cual falleció sin dejar descendencia luchando con Fernando en la batalla de Tamarón.
Casó con Sancha de León, hija de Alfonso V de León y hermana de Bermudo III de León. De esta unión nacieron:
* Urraca (c. 1033–1101), señora de Zamora.
* Sancho (1038–1072), rey de Castilla como Sancho I, y de León como Sancho II (1065–1072).
* Elvira, (¿?–1101), señora de Toro.
* Alfonso (1040–1109), rey de León (1065–1072) y de León, Castilla y Galicia (1072–1109), como Alfonso VI.
* García (1042–1090), rey de Galicia (1066–1071 y 1072–1073).
Ferdinand I (c. 1015 – 24 December 1065), called the Great (el Magno), was the Count of Castile from his uncle's death in 1029 and the King of León after defeating his brother-in-law in 1037. According to tradition, he was the first to have himself crowned Emperor of Spain (1056), and his heirs carried on the tradition. He was a younger son of Sancho III of Navarre and Mayor of Castile, and by his father's will recognised the supremacy of his eldest brother, García Sánchez III of Navarre. While Ferdinand inaugurated the rule of the Navarrese Jiménez dynasty over western Spain, his rise to preeminence among the Christian rulers of the peninsula shifted the locus of power and culture westward after more than a century of Leonese decline. Nevertheless, "[t]he internal consolidation of the realm of León–Castilla under Fernando el Magno and [his queen] Sancha (1037–1065) is a history that remains to be researched and written."
Date and order of birth
There is some disagreement concerning the order of birth of Sancho III's sons, and of Ferdinand's place among them. He was certainly a younger son, and he was probably born later than 1011, when his parents' marriage is first recorded. Most, and the most reliable, charters name Sancho's sons in the order Ramiro, García, Gonzalo, then Ferdinand. Three documents from the Cathedral of Pamplona list them in this way, as well as four from the monastery of San Juan de la Peña. One charter from Pamplona, dated 29 September 1023, is witnessed by Sancho's mother, Jimena Fernández, his wife Mayor, her children, listed García, Ferdinand then Gonzalo, and their brother, the illegitimate Ramiro.
In five documents of the monastery of San Salvador de Leire, Ferdinand is listed after Gonzalo. Two of these are dated to 17 April 1014. If authentic, they place Ferdinand's birth before that date. Three further documents from Leire are among the only ones to place Ferdinand second among the legitimate sons, but they suffer from various anachronisms and interpolations. Two preserved diplomas of Santa María la Real de Irache also put Gonzalo ahead of him. On the basis of these documents, Gonzalo Martínez Díez places Ferdinand third of the known legitimate sons of Sancho III (Ramiro being a bastard born before his marriage to Mayor), and his birth no earlier than 1015. The Crónica de Alaón renovada, which Martínez Díez dates to 1154, but which other scholars dismiss as a late medieval concoction, lists García, Ferdinand and Gonzalo as Sancho III's sons by Mayor in that order, but in the same passage mistakenly places Gonzalo's death before his father's.
Count of Castile (1029–37)
Ferdinand was barely in his teens when García Sánchez, Count of Castile, was assassinated by a party of exiled Castilian noblemen as he was entering the church of John the Baptist in León, where he had gone to marry Sancha, sister of Bermudo III, King of León. In his role as feudal overlord, Sancho III of Navarre nominated his younger son Ferdinand, born to the deceased count's sister Mayor, as count of Castile. Although Sancho was recognised as the ruler of Castile until his death, Ferdinand was granted the title "count" (comes) and was prepared to succeed in Castile. On 7 July 1029, before a council in Burgos, the capital of Castile, Óneca, aunt of the late García and queen Mayor, formally adopted Sancho and Mayor, making them her heirs. The record of the council is the first recorded instance of Ferdinand bearing the title of count. A later charter from the monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña, dated 1 January 1030, explicits lists Sancho as king in León (the overlord of Castile) and Ferdinand as count in Castile. The first indication that Ferdinand was independently reigning de facto over Castile, or was at least recognised as count in his own right, is a charter of 1 November 1032 from the monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza, which does not mention his father, but dates it to the time of "Fernando Sánchez bearing the county". Sancho's decision to name his son as count in Castile preserved its high degree of autonomy, although no Castilian document after 1028 is dated by the reign of Bermudo III nor is he ever named as king of León. The only sovereign whose regnal year was used was Sancho III, making Ferdinand the first count of Castile not to recognise the suzerainty of the king of León.
'Sancho III arranged for Ferdinand to marry García of Castile's intended bride, Sancha of León, in 1032. The lands between the Cea and Pisuerga rivers went to Castile as her dowry. After his father's death on 18 October 1035, Ferdinand continued to rule in Castile, but he was not, as many later authors have it, king of Castile. Contemporary documents stress his status as count and his relationship of vassalage to the king of León. A document issued by his brother Ramiro on 22 August 1036 at San Juan de la Peña was drawn while "emperor Bermudo [was] reigning in León and count Ferdinand in Castile, king García in Pamplona, king Ramiro in Aragon, and king Gonzalo in Ribagorza." Two private Castilian documents dated 1 January 1037 both express Ferdinand's continuing vassalage to the Leonese monarch explicitly, dating themselves by the reign of "king Bermudo and Ferdinand, count in his realms"."
'In a dispute over the territory between the Cea and Pisuerga, Ferdinand, nominally a vassal of Bermudo III, defeated and killed his suzerain at the Battle of Tamarón on 4 September 1037. Ferdinand took possession of León by right of his wife, who was the heiress presumptive, and on 22 June 1038 had himself formally crowned and anointed king in León (1037–65)."
'Relations with Navarre"
'On 15 September 1054, Ferdinand defeated his elder brother García at the Battle of Atapuerca and reduced Navarre to a vassal state under his late brother's young son, Sancho García IV. Although Navarre at that time included the traditionally Castilian lands of Álava and La Rioja, Ferdinand demanded the cession only of Bureba. Over the next decade, he gradually extended his control over more of the western territory of Navarre at the expense of Sancho IV, although this was accomplished peacefully and is only detectable in the documentary record."
"War with Zaragoza"
"In 1060, according to the Historia silense, Ferdinand invaded the taifa of Zaragoza through the upland valley of the eastern Duero in the highlands around Soria. He captured the fortresses of San Esteban de Gormaz, Berlanga and Vadorrey, and afterwards proceeded through Santiuste, Huermeces and Santamara as far as the Roman road that lay between Toledo and Zaragoza. The success of the campaign was made possible by the preoccupation of the Zaragozan emir, Ahmad al-Muqtadir, with attacking the neighboring taifa of Tortosa and defending his northeastern frontier from Ramiro I of Aragon and Raymond Berengar I of Barcelona. The emir, up until then paying tribute to Sancho IV of Navarre, submitted to Ferdinand and agreed to pay parias. Although probably originally meant to be temporary, Ferdinand managed to enforce the tribute until his death."
"War with Toledo"
"With al-Muqtadir sidelined as a threat, Ferdinand turned his attention to Yahya ibn Ismail al-Mamun, emir of Toledo. It is probable that Ferdinand already maintained close relations with the Toledan court, and was perhaps protector of the Mozarabic Christian community in Toledo. In 1058, the last known Mozarabic bishop of Toledo, Pascual, was consecrated in León. In 1062, Ferdinand invaded the east of al-Mamun's taifa, taking Talamanca and besieging Alcalá de Henares. After seeing his country plundered, al-Mamun agreed to pay parias and Ferdinand left."
"Great raid on Badajoz and Seville"
"In 1063, using the new income from his parias, Ferdinand organised a "great raid, or razzia" into the taifas of Seville and Badajoz. Seville, and probably Badajoz also, paid a ransom for his withdrawal. This attack was probably also designed to remove Badajoz as a threat during his siege of Coimbra the next year."
"Reconquests in Portugal"
"Although the sources are unclear, it is possible that as early as 1055 Ferdinand attacked the taifa of Badajoz. His first serious campaign of Reconquista was an invasion of the lower basin of the Duero between the coast, which had long been held by León, and the mountains. On 29 November 1057 his army conquered Lamego and its valleys.[ Having secured the Duero, Ferdinand began to bring the valley of the Mondego under his control, first taking Viseu in its middle stretch on 25 July 1058 and then moving down towards the sea. It was "a long and grueling battle" before Coimbra, at the mouth of the Mondego, was taken on 25 July 1064 after a six-month siege."
"War with Valencia"
"In 1065, Ferdinand embarked on his last military campaign. He invaded the taifa of Valencia and got as far as the vicinity of the city itself, where he defeated the emir Abd al-Malik al-Muzaffar late in the autumn. The emir's father-in-law, al-Mamun of Toledo, seized control of Valencia, and the frightened emir of Zaragoza renewed his tribute payments to León. Ferdinand fell ill in November and returned to his kingdom."
"Emperor of Spain"
"Ferdinand was first titled "emperor" not by himself or his own scribes, but by the notaries of his half-brother, the petty king Ramiro I of Aragon, whose notaries were also calling Ferdinand's predecessor as king of León by the same title. In a royal Aragonese charter of 1036, before the Battle of Tamarón, Ramiro refers to his brother as "emperor in Castile and in León and in Astorga". A similarly-worded charter was issued in 1041 and again in 1061, where the order of kingdoms is reversed and Astorga ignored: "emperor in León and in Castile". The first use of the imperial style in a charter of his own, preserved in the cartulary of Arlanza, dates to the year 1056: "under the rule of the emperor King Ferdinand and the empress Queen Sancha ruling the kingdom in León and in Galicia as well as in Castile". On this basis, Ferdinand is sometimes said to have had himself crowned emperor in 1056."
"The imperial title was only used on one other occasion during his reign. A document of 1058 dates itself "in the time of the most serene prince Lord Ferdinand and his consort Queen Sancha" and later qualifies him as "this emperor, the aforesaid Ferdinand"."
"Death and succession"
"After becoming ill during the Siege of Valencia and the Battle of Paterna, Ferdinand died on 24 December 1065, in León, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the Basilica of San Isidoro. By his will, Ferdinand divided his kingdom among his three sons: the eldest, Sancho, received Castile; the second, Alfonso, León; and from the latter the region of Galicia was carved off to create a separate state for García. Ferdinand's two daughters each received cities: Elvira that of Toro and Urraca that of Zamora. In giving them these territories, he expressed his desire that they respect his wishes and abide by the split. However, soon after Fernando's death, Sancho and Alfonso turned on García and defeated him. They then fought each other, the victorious Sancho reuniting their father's possessions under his control in 1072. However, Sancho was killed that same year and the territories passed to Alfonso."
"Posthumous reputation"
"See also: Crucifix of Ferdinand and Sancha"
"The Chronicon complutense, probably written shortly after Ferdinand's death, extols him as the "exceedingly strong emperor" (imperator fortissimus) when mentioning the siege of Coimbra. After his death, Ferdinand's children took to calling him "emperor" and "the great" (magnus). In 1072, Alfonso, Fedinand's second son, referred to himself as "offspring of the Emperor Ferdinand". Two years later (1074), Urraca and Elvira referred to themselves as "daughters of the Emperor Ferdinand the Great [or, the great emperor Ferdinand]". In a later charter of 1087, Ferdinand is referred to first as "king", then as "great emperor", and finally just as "emperor" alongside his consort, who is first called "queen" then "empress"."
"In the fourteenth century a legend appeared in various chronicles according to which the Pope, the Holy Roman Emperor, and the King of France demanded a tribute from Ferdinand. In certain versions the Pope is named Urban (although it could not have been either Urban I or Urban II) and in other versions Victor (which is plausibly identifiable with Victor II). Ferdinand was prepared to pay, but one of his vassals, later known as El Cid, who in reality was a youth during Ferdinand's reign, declared a war on the Pope, the Emperor and the Frank, and the latter rescinded their demand. For this reason "Don Fernando was afterwards called ‘the Great’: the peer of an emperor". In the sixteenth century this account re-appeared, extended and elaborated, in Juan de Mariana, who wrote that in 1055, at a synod in Florence, the Emperor Henry III urged Victor II to prohibit under severe penalties the use of the imperial title by Ferdinand of León."
"This story is generally regarded as apocryphal, although some modern authors have accepted it uncritically or seen a kernel of historical truth in it. Spanish historian A. Ballesteros argued that Ferdinand adopted the title in opposition to Henry III's imperial pretensions. German historian E. E. Stengel believed the version found in Mariana on the grounds that the latter probably used the now lost acts of the Council of Florence. Juan Beneyto Pérez was willing to accept it as based on tradition and Ernst Steindorff, the nineteenth-century student of the reign of Henry III, as being authentically transmitted via the romancero. Menéndez Pidal accepted the account of Mariana, but placed it in the year 1065."
Ferdinand was barely in his teens when García Sánchez, Count of Castile, was assassinated by a party of exiled Castilian noblemen as he was entering the church of John the Baptist in León, where he had gone to marry Sancha, sister of Bermudo III King of Leon. In his role as feudal overlord, Sancho III of Navarre nominated his younger son Ferdinand, born to the deceased count's sister Mayor, as successor, and further arranged for Ferdinand to marry García's intended bride, Sancha of León.
On his father's death, Ferdinand continued as count of Castile, now recognizing the suzerainty of his brother-in-law Bermudo III, but they fell out and on 4 September 1037 Bermudo was killed in battle with Fernando at Tamarón. Ferdinand took possession of León by right of his wife, who was the heiress presumptive, and the next year had himself formally crowned king of León and Castile. He overran the Moorish section of Galicia, and set up his vassal as count in what is now northern Portugal. With northern Iberia consolidated, Ferdinand, in 1039, proclaimed himself emperor of Hispania. The use of the title was resented by the Emperor Henry III and Pope Victor II in 1055 as implying a claim to the headship of Christendom and as a usurpation of the Roman Empire. It did not, however, mean more than that the sovereign of León was the chief of the princes of the Iberian peninsula. Ferdinand's brothers García Sánchez III of Navarre and Ramiro I of Aragón opposed his power, but were both killed in ensuing battles, leaving Ferdinand preeminent.
Ferdinand died on the feast of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June 1065, in León, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the Basilica of San Isidoro. At his death, Ferdinand divided up his kingdom between his three sons, the eldest, Sancho, receiving Castile and Alfonso being given León, while from the latter the region of Galicia was carved off to create a separate state for Garcia. Ferdinand's two daughters each received cities: Elvira, Toro and Urraca, Zamora. In giving them these territories, he expressed his desire that they respect his wishes and abide by the split. However, soon after Fernando's death, Sancho and Alfonso turned on García, and defeating him they then fought each other, the victorious Sancho reuniting their father's possessions under his control in 1072.
[edit] References This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain. Preceded by García Sánchez Count of Castile 1029-1037 Succeeded by Title Extinct Preceded by Bermudo III (in León) King of León and Castile 1037-1065 Succeeded by Alfonso VI (in León) Sancho II (in Castile) Garcia (in Galicia) Vacant Title last held by Bermudo III Emperor of Spain 1056 – 1065 Vacant Title next held by Alfonso VI of León Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_I_of_Le%C3%B3n_and_Castile"
Ferdinand I of León From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ferdinand I, called the Great (in his time, El Magno) (1017–León, 1065), was the count of Castile from his uncle's death in 1029 and the king of León—through his wife—after defeating his brother-in-law in 1037 until his death in 1065. He was crowned Emperor of All Hispania in 1056. Ferdinand was barely in his teens when García Sánchez, Count of Castile, was assassinated by a party of exiled Castilian noblemen as he was entering the church of St John the Baptist in León, where he had gone to marry Sancha, sister of Bermudo III. In his role as feudal overlord, Sancho III of Navarre nominated his second legitimate son Ferdinand, born to the deceased count's sister Munia, as successor, and further arranged for Ferdinand to marry García'a intended bride, Sancha of León. On his father's death, Ferdinand continued as count of Castile, now recognizing the suzerainty of his brother-in-law Bermudo III, but they fell out and on 4 September 1037 Bermudo was killed in battle with Fernando at Tamarón. Ferdinand took possession of León by right of his wife, who was the heiress presumptive, and the next year had himself formally crowned king of León and Castile. He overran the Moorish section of Galicia, and set up his vassal as count in what is now northern Portugal. With northern Iberia consolidated, Ferdinand, in 1039, proclaimed himself emperor of Hispania. The use of the title was resented by the Emperor Henry III and Pope Victor II in 1055 as implying a claim to the headship of Christendom and as a usurpation of the Roman Empire. It did not, however, mean more than that the sovereign of León was the chief of the princes of the Iberian peninsula, and that Iberia was independent of the Holy Roman Empire. Ferdinand's brothers García V of Navarre and Ramiro I of Aragón opposed his power, but were both killed in ensuing battles, leaving Ferdinand preeminent. Ferdinand died on the feast of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June 1065, in León, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the church of Saint Isidore. At his death, Ferdinand divided up his kingdom between his three sons: Sancho, who received Castile; Alfonso, who received León; and Garcia, who received Galicia. His two daughters each received cities: Elvira received Toro and Urraca received Zamora. By giving them his dominion, he wanted them to abide by the split in the kingdom and respect his wishes. However, Sancho (born 1032), being the oldest, believed that he deserved more of the kingdom, and therefore sought to gain possession of the divided parts of the kingdom that had been given to his siblings. (note: the Dutch version of Wikipedia says that Ferdinand died on 27 December 1065 ?)
Ferdinand I, called the Great (in his time, El Magno) (1017–León, 1065), son of Sancho III of Navarre and Mayor of Castile, was the count of Castile from his uncle's death in 1029 and the king of León—through his wife—after defeating his brother-in-law in 1037 until his death in 1065. He was crowned Emperor of All Hispania in 1056.
Ferdinand was barely in his teens when García Sánchez, Count of Castile, was assassinated by a party of exiled Castilian noblemen as he was entering the church of St John the Baptist in León, where he had gone to marry Sancha, sister of Bermudo III. In his role as feudal overlord, Sancho III of Navarre nominated his younger son Ferdinand, born to the deceased count's sister Mayor, as successor, and further arranged for Ferdinand to marry García'a intended bride, Sancha of León.
On his father's death, Ferdinand continued as count of Castile, now recognizing the suzerainty of his brother-in-law Bermudo III, but they fell out and on 4 September 1037 Bermudo was killed in battle with Fernando at Tamarón. Ferdinand took possession of León by right of his wife, who was the heiress presumptive, and the next year had himself formally crowned king of León and Castile. He overran the Moorish section of Galicia, and set up his vassal as count in what is now northern Portugal. With northern Iberia consolidated, Ferdinand, in 1039, proclaimed himself emperor of Hispania. The use of the title was resented by the Emperor Henry III and Pope Victor II in 1055 as implying a claim to the headship of Christendom and as a usurpation of the Roman Empire. It did not, however, mean more than that the sovereign of León was the chief of the princes of the Iberian peninsula, and that Iberia was independent of the Holy Roman Empire. Ferdinand's brothers García V of Navarre and Ramiro I of Aragón opposed his power, but were both killed in ensuing battles, leaving Ferdinand preeminent.
Ferdinand died on the feast of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June 1065, in León, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the church of Saint Isidore. At his death, Ferdinand divided up his kingdom between his three sons: Sancho, who received Castile; Alfonso, who received León; and Garcia, who received Galicia. His two daughters each received cities: Elvira received Toro and Urraca received Zamora. By giving them his dominion, he wanted them to abide by the split in the kingdom and respect his wishes. However, Sancho (born 1032), being the oldest, believed that he deserved more of the kingdom, and therefore sought to gain possession of the divided parts of the kingdom that had been given to his siblings.
Ferdinand was the second eldest legitimate son of Sancho III of Navarre. He was barely in his teens when he was put in possession of Castile in 1028 or 1029 with his father's backing, on the murder of the last count, as the heir of his mother Munia, daughter of a previous count of Castile and sister of the deceased count. That count, Don García, was about to be married to Doña Sancha, sister of Bermudo III, king of León, but was assassinated as he was entering the church of St John the Baptist in León by a party of Castilian nobles, exiles from their own land, who had taken refuge in León.
Ferdinand now married Sancha of León instead. He reigned in Castile with the title of king from 1033, though his father, King Sancho, did not die until 1035. On 4 September 1037, when his brother-in-law Bermudo was killed in battle with him at Tamarón, Ferdinand took possession of León as well, by right of his wife who was the heiress presumptive. He overran the Moorish section of Galicia, and set up his vassal as count in what is now northern Portugal. With northern Iberia consolidated, Ferdinand, in 1039, proclaimed himself emperor of Hispania. The use of the title was resented by the Emperor Henry III and Pope Victor II in 1055 as implying a claim to the headship of Christendom and as a usurpation of the Roman Empire. It did not, however, mean more than that the sovereign of León was the chief of the princes of the Iberian peninsula, and that Iberia was independent of the Holy Roman Empire. Ferdinand's brothers García V of Navarre and Ramiro I of Aragón opposed his power, but were both killed in ensuing battles, leaving Ferdinand preeminent.
Ferdinand died on the feast of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June 1065, in León, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the church of Saint Isidore. At his death, Ferdinand divided up his kingdom between his three sons: Sancho, who received Castile; Alfonso, who received León; and Garcia, who received Galicia. His two daughters each received cities: Elvira received Toro and Urraca received Zamora. By giving them his dominion, he wanted them to abide by the split in the kingdom and respect his wishes. However, Sancho (born 1032), being the oldest, believed that he deserved more of the kingdom, and therefore sought to gain possession of the divided parts of the kingdom that had been given to his siblings.
!Royal Ancestors of some LDS Families by Michel L. Call.
b. 1016/18
d. Dec. 27, 1065, León, Leon
byname FERDINAND THE GREAT, Spanish FERNANDO EL MAGNO, the first ruler of Castile to take the title of king; he was also crowned emperor of Leon.
Ferdinand's father, Sancho III of Navarre, had acquired Castile and established hegemony over the Christian states. On his death in 1035 he left Navarre to his eldest son (García III) and Castile to his second son, Ferdinand, who had married Sancha, sister and heiress of Bermudo III of Leon. Ferdinand's Castilians defeated and killed Bermudo at Tamarón in 1037, and he had himself crowned emperor in the city of León in 1039. In 1054 his Castilian troops defeated and killed his elder brother, García III, at Atapuerca, and he added Navarre to his possessions. In 1062 he forced the Muslim ruler of Toledo to pay him tribute and imposed vassalage on Saragossa and Seville. He conquered Coimbra in central Portugal and laid siege to Valencia, but he failed to capture it.
He followed the custom of dividing his estates, leaving Castile to the eldest, Sancho II; Leon to the second, Alfonso VI; and Galicia to the third. The first two dispossessed the third; and, on the murder of Sancho, Alfonso VI recovered the whole, becoming emperor.
Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
History: Ferdinand I (of Castile and León), called The Great (1005?-65), king of Castile (1035-65) and of León (1037-65); he was the second son of King Sancho III of Navarre. Ferdinand married Sancha, the sister of Bermudo III, king of León, and heiress to the throne of León. In 1037 Ferdinand defeated Bermudo in a battle at Tamaron, acquiring León through Sancha's right of succession. Ferdinand won the Battle of Atapuerca over his brother in 1054 and was recognized as the emperor of Spain in 1056. By his territorial acquisitions from the Moors between 1058 and 1065, Ferdinand inaugurated the period of Christian reconquest of Spanish land from the Muslims. Before his death Ferdinand provided that his estates be divided among his three sons, thus bequeathing a legacy of fratricidal strife that did not end until the accession of Alfonso I to the throne of Castile in 1072.
Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 2002. © 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Ferdinand was barely in his teens when García Sánchez, Count of Castile, was assassinated by a party of exiled Castilian noblemen as he was entering the church of St John the Baptist in León, where he had gone to marry Sancha, sister of Bermudo III. In his role as feudal overlord, Sancho III of Navarre nominated his younger son Ferdinand, born to the deceased count's sister Mayor, as successor, and further arranged for Ferdinand to marry García'a intended bride, Sancha of León.
On his father's death, Ferdinand continued as count of Castile, now recognizing the suzerainty of his brother-in-law Bermudo III, but they fell out and on 4 September 1037 Bermudo was killed in battle with Fernando at Tamarón. Ferdinand took possession of León by right of his wife, who was the heiress presumptive, and the next year had himself formally crowned king of León and Castile. He overran the Moorish section of Galicia, and set up his vassal as count in what is now northern Portugal. With northern Iberia consolidated, Ferdinand, in 1039, proclaimed himself emperor of Hispania. The use of the title was resented by the Emperor Henry III and Pope Victor II in 1055 as implying a claim to the headship of Christendom and as a usurpation of the Roman Empire. It did not, however, mean more than that the sovereign of León was the chief of the princes of the Iberian peninsula, and that Iberia was independent of the Holy Roman Empire. Ferdinand's brothers García V of Navarre and Ramiro I of Aragón opposed his power, but were both killed in ensuing battles, leaving Ferdinand preeminent.
Ferdinand died on the feast of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June 1065, in León, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the church of Saint Isidore. At his death, Ferdinand divided up his kingdom between his three sons: Sancho, who received Castile; Alfonso, who received León; and Garcia, who received Galicia. His two daughters each received cities: Elvira received Toro and Urraca received Zamora. By giving them his dominion, he wanted them to abide by the split in the kingdom and respect his wishes. However, Sancho (born 1032), being the oldest, believed that he deserved more of the kingdom, and therefore sought to gain possession of the divided parts of the kingdom that had been given to his siblings.
d. Jun. 24, 1065, León, Leon
byname FERDINAND THE GREAT, Spanish FERNANDO EL MAGNO, the first ruler of Castile to take the title of king; he was also crowned emperor of Leon.
Ferdinand's father, Sancho III of Navarre, had acquired Castile and established hegemony over the Christian states. On his death in 1035 he left Navarre to his eldest son (García III) and Castile to his second son, Ferdinand, who had married Sancha, sister and heiress of Bermudo III of Leon. Ferdinand's Castilians defeated and killed Bermudo at Tamarón in 1037, and he had himself crowned emperor in the city of León in 1039. In 1054 his Castilian troops defeated and killed his elder brother, García III, at Atapuerca, and he added Navarre to his possessions. In 1062 he forced the Muslim ruler of Toledo to pay him tribute and imposed vassalage on Saragossa and Seville. He conquered Coimbra in central Portugal and laid siege to Valencia, but he failed to capture it.
He followed the custom of dividing his estates, leaving Castile to the eldest, Sancho II; Leon to the second, Alfonso VI; and Galicia to the third. The first two dispossessed the third; and, on the murder of Sancho, Alfonso VI recovered the whole, becoming emperor.
Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Died on the day of the feast of St. John the Baptist with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown & royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk & lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the Basilica of San Isidoro.
Leo: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.), Reference: II 57.
Leo: Debrett's Kings and Queens of Europe, London, 1988 , Williamson, David, Reference: biographical details.
Jimenez Dynasty
Birth: 1017 Castilla y León, Spain Death: Jun. 24, 1065 León Provincia de León Castilla y León, Spain
Ferdinand I (1017 – 24 June 1065), called the Great (El Magno), was the son of Sancho III of Navarre and Mayor of Castile, and became Count of Castile from his uncle's death in 1029. Having acquired the Kingdom of Leon after defeating his brother-in-law in 1037, he became King of Leon and Castile. He had himself crowned Emperor of Spain in 1056.
Ferdinand was barely in his teens when García Sanchez, Count of Castile, was assassinated by a party of exiled Castilian noblemen as he was entering the church of John the Baptist in Leon, where he had gone to marry Sancha, sister of Bermudo III King of Leon. In his role as feudal overlord, Sancho III of Navarre nominated his younger son Ferdinand, born to the deceased count's sister Mayor, as successor, and further arranged for Ferdinand to marry García's intended bride, Sancha of Leon.
On his father's death, Ferdinand continued as count of Castile, now recognizing the suzerainty of his brother-in-law Bermudo III, but they fell out and on 4 September 1037 Bermudo was killed in battle with Fernando at Tamaron. Ferdinand took possession of Leon by right of his wife, who was the heiress presumptive, and the next year had himself formally crowned king of Leon and Castile. He overran the Moorish section of Galicia, and set up his vassal as count in what is now northern Portugal. With northern Iberia consolidated, Ferdinand, in 1039, proclaimed himself emperor of Hispania. The use of the title was resented by the Emperor Henry III and Pope Victor II in 1055 as implying a claim to the headship of Christendom and as a usurpation of the Roman Empire. It did not, however, mean more than that the sovereign of Leon was the chief of the princes of the Iberian peninsula. Ferdinand's brothers García Sanchez III of Navarre and Ramiro I of Aragon opposed his power, but were both killed in ensuing battles, leaving Ferdinand preeminent.
Ferdinand died on the feast of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June 1065, in Leon, with many manifestations of ardent piety, having laid aside his crown and royal mantle, dressed in the robe of a monk and lying on a bier covered with ashes, which was placed before the altar of the Basilica of San Isidoro. At his death, Ferdinand divided up his kingdom between his three sons, the eldest, Sancho, receiving Castile and Alfonso being given Leon, while from the latter the region of Galicia was carved off to create a separate state for Garcia. Ferdinand's two daughters each received cities: Elvira, Toro and Urraca, Zamora. In giving them these territories, he expressed his desire that they respect his wishes and abide by the split. However, soon after Fernando's death, Sancho and Alfonso turned on García, and defeating him they then fought each other, the victorious Sancho reuniting their father's possessions under his control in 1072. However, Sancho was killed that same year and the territories passed to Alfonso.
Family links:
Sancho of Navarre (____ - 1035)
Munia Mayor of Castile (____ - 1066)
Sancha de León (1013 - 1067)*
Urraca Of Zamora (1034 - 1101)*
Sancho II King Of Castile (1036 - 1072)*
Elvira De Toro (1039 - 1101)*
Alfonso VI King Of Castile And Leon (1039 - 1109)*
Garcia De Galicia (1042 - 1090)*
Ramiro I of Aragon (1000 - 1063)**
García III Sánchez (1010 - 1054)*
Fernando I King Of Castile And Leon (1017 - 1065)
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Basilica Of San Isidoro León Provincia de León Castilla y León, Spain
Maintained by: Anne Shurtleff Stevens Originally Created by: Jerry Ferren Record added: Feb 20, 2011 Find A Grave Memorial# 65901533
Tras derrotar a las tropas leonesas y la muerte de su rey, Fernando I accedió al trono de León por los derechos de su esposa Sancha, hermana de Bermudo III. Se produce la primera unión de León con el nuevo reino de Castilla .
Fernando I de Castilla y de León, apodado "El Grande" (1016 - 27 de diciembre de 1065), primer rey de Castilla coronándose en febrero de 1035, también fue rey de León desde el año 1037 hasta su muerte en la capital del reino leonés en 1065.
Era hijo de Sancho Garcés III de Navarra, llamado Sancho "El Mayor", rey de Navarra, y de Doña Muniadona. De su padre heredó el condado de Castilla, convertido en reino (al igual que ocurrió con su hermano Ramiro, que heredó Aragón, hasta entonces condado)
Inició su reinado atacando la frontera leonesa con la intención de recuperar las tierras perdidas por Castilla en los últimos años del reinado de su padre. Como resultado de esta política fue la muerte de Bermudo III de León en la batalla de Tamarón (en la actual provincia de Burgos). La corona leonesa recayó en Fernando por medio de su esposa Sancha, hermana de Bermudo. Sin embargo le costó mucho lograr imponer su autoridad a los nobles leoneses, recelosos de su nuevo soberano.
A partir de ese momento sus miradas se dirigieron hacia los territorios musulmanes. Pero Fernando no supo ni aprovechar su poderío militar ni la debilidad de los recién creados reinos de taifas. La codicia le pudo y prefirió cobrar las parias, impuestos que pagaban los soberanos musulmanes, a conquistar sus ricos reinos.
Hacia 1054 decidió que debía recuperar los territorios que su padre había quitado a Castilla y entregado a Navarra, por lo que el enfrentamiento con su hermano García IV (o García Sánchez III). El enfrentamiento definitivo se produjo ese mismo año en Atapuerca, donde García, traicionado por sus propios caballeros perdió la vida. Castilla había diezmado a los navarros, su objetivo se encontraba al sur.
A partir de ahí se limitó a realizar pequeñas labores de reconquista. Cabe destacar la toma de Coimbra (1063), la ayuda al rey taifa de Zaragoza contra su otro hermano, Ramiro I de Aragón, y un intento de tomar Valencia. En esta última campaña se sintió enfermo, ordenó la vuelta a León y murió pocos días después de llegar a la ciudad.
De forma similar a cómo hiciera su padre con él y el resto de hermanos y hermanastros, según su testamento, su primogénito Sancho II de Castilla heredó el reino principal y patrimonial de Castilla.
El resto de sus dominios los repartió entre el resto de sus hijos: Alfonso recibió el reino de León, García el de Galicia, Elvira ingresó en un monasterio y Urraca, la plaza de Zamora.
Fernando I de Leão (1016 — 27 de dezembro de 1065), cognominado o Grande ou o Magno, Rei de Leão (1037-1065), Conde de Castela (1035-1065), conquistou Viseu e Coimbra em 1064.
Era filho de Sancho Garcês III de Pamplona e da Rainha Munia Mayor de Castela. De sua mãe herdou o condado de Castela, e conquistou pela força das armas o reino de Leão, coroa da qual se tornou rei consorte pelo casamento com a irmã do rei Bermudo III de Leão, a rainha Sancha I de Leão.
Em 20 de janeiro de 1064 parte para Santiago de Compostela, em peregrinação para pedir a intercessão de Santiago, para o cerco que iria a efectuar em Coimbra. Nesta viagem, parte com a sua esposa Sancha, os bispos de Santiago, Lugo, Mondonhedo e Sesnando, este último do Porto, para além dos abades de Celanova e Guimarães, para além de outras personagens notáveis.
Depois de um cerco de seis meses, rendidos pela fome, as tropas de Almançor rendem-se a 9 de julho de 1064. Depois desta vitória, Fernando Magno parte juntamente com Sesnando para Santiago de Compostela, para agradecer o feito, tornando-se na primeira peregrinação a partir de terras portuguesas de que se tenha conhecimento por documentação histórica.
Tal como fez seu pai, também dividiu o seu reino à hora da morte; assim, o seu primogénito, Sancho, herdou o reino principal, Castela; o resto dos seus domínios foi repartido por Afonso (Leão), Garcia (Galiza), e ainda Elvira e Urraca (a quem deixou a posse de dois mosteiros).
Fernando acabou por falecer na Festa de São João Batista, a 27 de dezembro de 1065.
Nestas andanças pelo Condado Portucalense, deve de N. D. Sancho Fernandes. s.m.n.
Rey de Léon y Castela.
El-Rei D. Fernando o Magno, juntou seu Exercito, veio sobre Coimbra no anno do Senhor de 1064, e por espaço de sete mezes a teve mui apertada com contínuos assaltos, e combates. Defendendo-se sempre os Mouros animosamente com seu Rei Cide Arabum Arabe, guerreiro Africano; porque he natural de corações esforçados quererem morrer com liberdade, que viver em captiveiro, assim pelo inexpugnável sitio da Cidade, como pella boa cavalaria que dentro tinhão. Faltando neste tempo mantimentos, mandou El-Rei lançar pregão, que dahi a quatro dias presentes, levantava seu arraial, e marchava com elle a Leão. O que sabendo o Abbade de Lorvão fez uma avisada partida a seus Monges, em que summariamente lhes relatou o muito que importava ao bem da Christandade de Hespanha ser conquistada Coimbra. Com a qual vierão todos em claustro pleno, que lhe levassem os mantimentos, que então tinhão.
1016 |
1033 |
Burgos, Burgos, Castilla-Leon, Spain
1036 |
1039 |
Burgos, Burgos, Castilla-Leon, Spain
1042 |
Of, Burgos, Burgos, Castile
1047 |
Compostela, Ourense, Galicia, España (Испания)
1065 |
27 декабря 1065
Возраст 50
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