Historical records matching Florence Monteith Jowdy
Immediate Family
About Florence Monteith Jowdy
United States Census, 1930 for Florence E Elliott
name: Florence E Elliott event: Census event date: 1930 event place: , Aroostook, Maine gender: Female age: 10 marital status: Single race: White birthplace: Maine estimated birth year: 1920 immigration year: relationship to head of household: Daughter father's birthplace: Maine mother's birthplace: Maine enumeration district number: family number: 461 sheet number and letter: 22B line number: 92 nara publication: film number: 2340564 digital folder number: 4584729 image number: 00663 Household Gender Age parent John W Elliott M 57 parent Annie W Elliott F 38 Opal O Elliott F 13 Ernest E Elliott M 12 Florence E Elliott F 10 Freda L Elliott F 7 Jennie Willett F 80
Florence Monteith in household of William Monteith United States Census, 1940
Name: Florence Monteith Event Type: Census Event Date: 1940 Event Place: Caribou, Caribou Town, Aroostook, Maine, United States Gender: Female Age: 19 Marital Status: Married Race (Original): White Race: White Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife Relationship to Head of Household: Wife Birthplace: Maine Birth Year (Estimated): 1921 Last Place of Residence: Presque Isle, Aroostook, Maine Household Role Gender Age Birthplace William Monteith Head M 23 Massachusetts Florence Monteith Wife F 19 Maine Dana Monteith Son M 1 Maine District: 2-11 , Family Number: 132 , Sheet Number and Letter: 7B , Line Number: 64 , Affiliate Publication Number: T627 , Affiliate Film Number: 1471 , Digital Folder Number: 005462015 , Image Number: 00259
"United States Census, 1940," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KMM9-H5G : accessed 31 Jul 2014), Florence Monteith in household of William Monteith, Caribou, Caribou Town, Aroostook, Maine, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 2-11, sheet 7B, family 132, NARA digital publication of T627, roll 1471.
U.S. Social Security Death Index for Florence L Jowdy
first name: Florence middle name: L last name: Jowdy name suffix: birth date: 26 March 1920 social security number: 006-09-2027 place of issuance: Maine last residence: Craven, North Carolina zip code of last residence: 28560 death date: 26 November 2002 estimated age at death: 82
Florence Monteith Jowdy's Timeline
1920 |
March 26, 1920
1938 |
May 8, 1938
2002 |
November 26, 2002
Age 82
Craven, NC, United States