Francisca da Costa Carvalho

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Francisca da Costa Carvalho

Birthplace: Cotia, Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil
Death: circa January 01, 1729 (65-73)
Cotia, Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Domingos Gonçalves da Cruz and Isabel da Costa
Wife of Manuel Pacheco Gato, Filho
Mother of Manuel Pacheco Gato, Neto; Francisco Xavier Paes; Isabel Gonçalves Paes; Ana da Veiga Pais; Izabel da Costa and 2 others
Sister of Paula da Costa; Maria Gonçalves da Costa; Isabel da Costa; João Gonçalves da Costa and José Gonçalves de Carvalho

Managed by: Private User
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Francisca da Costa Carvalho's Timeline

January 1, 1660
Cotia, Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil
São Paulo, São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
SP, Brazil
January 1, 1729
Age 69
Cotia, Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil
São Paulo, São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil