Frederick Augustus Morgan

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Frederick Augustus Morgan (1807 - 1886)

Birthplace: Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom
Death: May 25, 1886 (78-79)
Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
Place of Burial: Australia
Immediate Family:

Husband of Emma Martha Morgan
Father of Elizabeth Ann Canning

Immigration to Australia: ?, 3 January 1826
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Frederick Augustus Morgan

Mount Morgan, Historic Township: "The Morgan Brothers"; part article.

Frederick Morgan (snr);

...On the 28th February 1825, he was arrested for stealing a length of cloth from a tailor's shop owned by George Samuel Blunt of Popham Terrace, Islington. On the 7th April 1825, he appeared before Justice Park in London's Old Bailey on the stealing charge. The 17 year old was found guilty and sentenced to death with a recommendation for mercy, because his parents were industrious. The sentence was commuted to life imprisonment with transportation to Australia. He was transported to Australia on the "Marquis of Hastings", leaving Portsmouth on the 24th August 1825, arriving in Sydney Town, Australia on the 3rd January, 1826.

On arrival at Sydney Town, he was assigned as a tailor to David Smith, tailor of O'Connell Street, Sydney N.S.W. It appears he remained in Smith's employment for 12 years until he was removed by the authorities in 1838.

Apparently, he left Sydney in 1838 and went to live at Bathurst, N.S.W. He received a Ticket of Leave, issued at Bathurst on the 1st May 1839 which bore the endorsement "allowed to remain in the District of Bathurst...December, 1836". His "Conditional Pardon" was approved by the Queen on the 12th August 1846. It contained the condition that he should never return to England.

In 1836, he met Emma Martha Woodward and a relationship developed, their first child (Frederick Augustus Morgan) being born in Sydney on the 2nd June 1837. Emma, her mother and Emma's two brothers arrived in Sydney on the 7th April 1827 as "free immigrants" on the "Elizabeth". The couple were married on the 24th April 1851 at Bathurst, four months before their eighth child was born. They eventually had sixteen (16) children altogether (snip).



Registered births to Frederick and Emma Morgan:

1837 CA: Frederick A Morgan; CA (Church of England Sydney, St Phillip's)
1839 CA: Elizabeth Ann Canning (Morgan); "
1845 CW: Thomas T Morgan; CW (Church of England, Abercrombie/Bathurst); Thomas S?
1847 CW: Francis E. Morgan; CW; Edwin Francis. "
1849 : William M Morgan (?)


Were they not married previously because of conditions of his Ticket of Leave/Conditional Pardon?

Marriage V1851 4054 162B ; LG ; Morgan, Frederick, to Woodward, Emma (all sic)
LG: Roman Catholic; Bathurst; Kelso; St Michael's, Co. Bathurst.

Births (first) and then deaths registered to Frederick (A) and Emma (M) Morgan;

1851 CL (Church of England, Kelso); Morgan, John B; died 1928 Newtown.
1853 CW (Church of England, Abercrombie/Bathurst); Morgan, Esther R.
1857 Tenterfield; Morgan, male.
1860 Sydney; Morgan, Andrew; died 1860 Sydney.
1861 Sydney; Fanny A (?)
1864 Sydney; Alexander; (?)
1866 Sydney; George W; (?)

Death 1859 Sydney; Morgan, Ada, daughter of Frederick and Emma.

Death 1903 Randwick; Morgan, Thomas S, son of Frederick A and Emma M.


Death 1886/5018 Randwick; Morgan, Frederick A, son of Thomas (sic).

The Daily Telegraph Sydney NSW Thurs 27 May 1886; Death:

MORGAN.— May 25, at the residence of his son, T. S. Morgan, Bishop's-court, Randwick, Frederick A. Morgan, in his 87th year (born c1799).

From the Mount Morgan article above: "He was buried in the Devonshire Street Cemetery, before being re-interred with his wife at Rookwood, Sydney."

Rookwood General Cemetery: Buried Date 30 April 1901: Emma Morgan and Frederick Morgan, and Thomas Rushton; Plot: AAA_Zone B/#/554


This is T. S. / Thomas Squire Morgan:

Death 1903 Randwick; Morgan, Thomas S, son of Frederick A and Emma M.

The Australian Star, Sydney Wed 18 March 1903; Death:

MORGAN.— March 17th,, 1903, at his residence, "Morganville," Bishop's-avenue, Randwick, Thomas Squire Morgan, aged 57 years (born c1846).

Funeral Wed 18 March for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood.


Their son Frederick Augustus Morgan died Queensland 1894, he is brother to Thomas Squire Morgan and Edwin Francis Morgan

Frederick, Thomas, Edwin mined in Queensland and pegged the Mount Morgan gold mine.


Death 8 Nov 1894/C/3780 ; Morgan, Frederick Augustus, son of Frederick Augustus Morgan and Remna (sic) Martha Woodward.

The SMH NSW Mon 14 Jan 1895; Brisbane Sunday;

Probate has been granted in the estate of Frederick Augustus Morgan, grazier, Rockhampton,
to Thomas Squire Morgan, formerly of Rockhampton, miner, but now of Sydney, gentleman ,
Edwin Francis Morgan, formerly of Warwick, farmer, but now of Brisbane, gentleman and
Frederick George Morgan, Rockhampton, grazier,
the personalty is £14,612.


Thomas Squire Morgan (died NSW 1903, son of Frederick A and Emma M) and
Edwin Francis Morgan (died Qld 1916, son of Frederick Morgan and Emma Martha Woodward),
were named as the uncles of Frederick George Morgan (son of Frederick Augustus Morgan and Mary Wheatley);

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954) Tue 10 Feb 1903 Page 6 THE ESTATE OF F. G. MORGAN.


BDM NSW Marriage 1864/3186 Tenterfield; Morgan Frederick, to Wheatley, Mary J.

Registered Birth of 1865/15682 Frederick George Morgan, to Frederick and Mary J at Tenterfield.

1865 Tenterfield, Boorook Station; a son (Newspapers: 24th July, Mrs Frederick Augustus Morgan, jun.)

BDM QLD Death 11 September 1909/C/1231 ; Morgan, Frederick George, son of Frederick Augustus Morgan and Mary Wheatley.

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Frederick Augustus Morgan's Timeline

Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom
May 5, 1839
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
May 25, 1886
Age 79
Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
May 25, 1886
Age 79