Gabhran (Scottish Gaelic: Gabhran mac Domangart) was king of Dál Riada, in modern Ireland and Scotland, from about 538 until 558. He is the eponymous founder of the Cenél nGabraín. The Cenél nGabraín dominated Dál Riada until the late 7th century, and his son Aedan was later king.
Gabhran in Arthurian Legend Gabhran was a wise and excellent Prince. He first instituted the office of the King's Advocate. He persuaded Loth, a Pictish King, to league with Uther Pendragon, King of the Britons against the Anglo-Saxons in 502. Loth was also persuaded to marry Ann-Morgause, daughter to Gorlois and Igraine, step-daughter to the Pendragon and elder half-sister to King Arthur of the Round Table. When the famous King Arthur mounted the British throne, Gabhran aided him against the Saxons.
Gabhran was at last cut off, for one Toncetus, the Supreme Judge of Capital Crimes, a cruel and covetous man, expecting easy pardon of the King; the enraged people therefore cut him off. But finding they could not obtain the King's mercy, they next slew the King himself in 535 at the instigation of one Donald of Athol after a reign of thirty-four years.
His Queen and children fled to Ireland. Others say that he died after a tedious sickness and was buried at Icolmkill, the royal burying place.
He was succeeded by his nephew, Eugenius III, who instead of revenging his uncle's death, received Donald into favor, which made him suspected of having a hand in the conspiracy; and he was succeeded in 558 by his brother Conall, who introduced heraldry.
Conall recalled the children of Gabhran but died before their return in 568 after a reign of ten years. Conall was succeeded by his younger brother Kintellus, who courteously entertained Aedan of Dalriada, son of Gabhran and on his deathbed resigned to him. 1458
bullet Life Events:
• Acceded: King of Dál Riada, 538-558. 1458
Gabhran married Ingenach, daughter of Brychan of Manau Prince and Daughter of Domangall Hen Princess.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabhran_Goranus Gabhran Goranus (538-560?) was king of Scotland.
He was the son of Domgardus (Domangart), son of Fergus Mor MacEarc, and is reckoned as the forty-fifth king of Scotland according to the fictitious chronology of Fordun and Buchanan, but, according to the rectified chronology of Thomas Innes and William Forbes Skene, was fourth king of the kingdom of Dalriada, founded by his grandfather Fergus in 503. He succeeded his brother Congallus I in 538 (Tigernach), and is called, as his father and brother also are, Ri Albain, which may imply, as Skene suggests, that during their reigns the Dalriad kingdom had extended beyond its original bounds in Argyle and the isles. Buchanan gives, following Fordoun, a full but unreliable account of the events of the reign of Goranus, whom he makes the ally of Loth, king of the Picts, the eponymus of Lothian and the contemporary of Arthur. But almost all we really know of it is the brief notice of Tigernach in the year 560, when he records the death of Gabhran, king of Alban, and the flight of the men of Alban before Brude MacMailchon, king of the Cruithnigh (Picts).
He was succeeded in Dalriada by Conall son of Congallus, his brother, who reigned till 574, when Aidan, Gabhran's younger son, was inaugurated king at Iona by St. Columba, in preference to his elder brother Eoganan, and through the influence of Columba obtained the recognition at the Council of Drumceat (515) of the independence of Scottish Dalriada from tribute formerly exacted by Irish Dalriada, although the Scots were to continue to assist the parent stock in war. From this king the Cinal (or tribe) Gabhran, one of the three powerfuls, i.e. powerful tribes, of Dalriada who occupied Kintyre, Cowall, and several islands on the coast of Argyle, derived its name. The other two were the Cinal Loarn in Lorn, and the Cinal Angus in Isla.
Notes for Gabran Of Argyll King Of Dalriada
Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (170:4).
the following is taken from an Internet posting of Michael R. Davidson of Edinburgh. Scotland, on 23 Oct 1995:
Gabran mac Domangart
Gabran succeeded to the kingship upon his brother's death in 538. Welsh sources claim that Gabran married a certain Luan, daughter of Brychan, the founder of the Welsh kingdom of Brycheiniog. There are problems, however with accepting this as fact, as it appears that the traditions
of two Brycheiniogs, one in Wales and the other in northern Britain, were merged by medieval writers. Gabran's forces were defeated by the Picts in 558. He died in the same year, and was succeeded by Comgall's son Conall. Gabran gave his name to the Cenel nGabrain, one of the four
divisions of the Dal Riata. Most of the kings of Dal Riata, and later Scotland, were drawn from the Cenel nGabrain. According to the _Senchus_, Gabran was the father of five sons.
1. *Aedan.
2. Eoganan, d. 595.
3. Cuildach.
4. Domnall.
5. Domangart.
Gabhran was king of Dalriada. He reigned from about 538- 558.
c.525 - Prince Gabhran mac Domangart of Dalriada leads a Scottish party east to settle Gowrie, where he marries a British Princess, Lleian, daughter of King Brychan of Manau Gododdin and probably niece of King Cedic of Strathclyde.
In 538, in the Battle of Dalriada, he took the regions of knapdale and Kintyre.
Based on merged profiles,
Born circa 495, 499 or 500
Scots of Argyll
King of Dál Riata in the middle of the 6th century
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabrán_mac_Domangairt -SPF
In addition to Aidan(Aedan), Gabran had four other sons: Eoganan, Cuildach, Domnall, and Domangart.
Gabrán mac Domangairt was king of Dál Riata in the middle of the 6th century. He is the eponymous ancestor of the Cenél nGabraín.
The historical evidence for Gabrán is limited to the notice of his death in the Irish annals. It is possible that his death should be linked to a migration or flight from Bridei mac Maelchon, but this may be no more than coincidence.
* Adomnán of Iona, Life of Saint Columba, tr. & ed. Richard Sharpe. Penguin, London, 1995. ISBN 0-14-044462-9
* Bannerman, John, Studies in the History of Dalriada. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1974. ISBN 0-7011-2040-1
* Lane, Alan & Campbell, Ewan, Dunadd: An early Dalriadic capital, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2000. ISBN 1-84217-024-4
* Sharpe, Richard, "The thriving of Dalriada" in Simon Taylor (ed.), Kings, clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500–1297. Fourt Courts, Dublin, 2000. ISBN 1-85182-516-9
"Gabran is remembered as the first of the conquering kings. He is termed king of the Forth', and in the central territories of the southern Picts, in Strathmore, north of Perth, Gowrie preserves his name, while beyond it Brechin is named for another Irishman...perhaps the ally or subordinate of Gabran. The names suggest that in the middle of the sixth century Gabran's Irish armies overran the southern Picts and planted lasting colonies on their territory." The Picts pulled themselves together, importing a leader, Bridei, brother of the most powerful British ruler - and he defeated and killed Gabran. {-"The Age of Arthur," John Morris (NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973), pp.180-01.} "Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 170-4: "Gabran: He and his son are both called, in Welsh sources, 'the Treacherous'. Welsh pedigrees make him a son of Dyfnwal Hen, allegedly of the line of Ceretic Guletic, regarded by later Welsh writers as an important ruler in northern Britain. According to Welsh sources, his wife was Lleian, dau. of Brychan, the ruler who gave his name to Brecknock."
King of Dál Riata, ca. 537-ca. 559.
The king lists show Gabrán as the successor of his brother Comgall (d. ca. 537), and as the predecessor of Comgall's son Conall. The Duan Albanach gives him only a two year reign [Duan Albanach, 131], while the Latin Lists give 22 years [Poppleton MS, KKES, 253; Lists "D", "F", pp. 264, 270; probably correct] or 34 years [List "I", ibid., 281, probably an error for the 34 assigned to his son Áedán; Gabrán is accidently omitted by List "K", ibid., 286].
Gabran "the Treacherous", King of Dalriada, d. 559, He became King of Dalriada, ca. 538 in Dungad, Scotland
Father: Dongard, King of Dalriada, d. 506
Mother: Fedelm Foltchain
Spouse: Ingenach
Father: Brychan, King of Brecheiniog
Aedon, King of Dalriada, d. 608
ID: I2780
Name: Gabhran King of Dal Riata
_AKA: Govhran /Gabran/
Sex: M
Death: 559 in killed
!BIRTH: Weis, F. Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists. 6th ed. 1990. Line 170-4.
DEATH: Weis, op cit.
Change Date: 6 JAN 2003 at 07:01:38
Father: Domongart Reti King of Dal Riata
Marriage 1 Lleian of Manau Gododdin b: in of,Brecknock
Aedan mac Gabran King of Dal Riata b: Bef 550
1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page 228; G929.72;
C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Gabhran (Goranus), King of Scots 538-60
2) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72;
C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
3) [S9180] "Email, no hard copy" , Alan B. Wilson<e-mail address .
4) Download, http://www.ed.ac.uk/~gar/FamilyHistory/links/I851.html.
5) Download, http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/cgi-bin/gedlkup/n=royal?royal.
6) [S10178] "History of Dal Riada by Helen McSkimming copywrite 1992.".
7) Download, http://www.islandregister.com/macdonaldskye.html Partially extracted from "The Lords of The Isles" by Ronald Williams and "Skye Pioneers and the Island" by Malcolm A. MacQueen, public records and info from various sources too numerous to mention. Grateful thanks to all who contributed..
8) [S9890] Your Family Tree.
Gabhran (Goranus) . Died 560. !GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of
Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public
Library; Genealogy
Children of Gabhran (Goranus) and _____:
4 i Edhan (Aidan)
5. KING GAVRAN (GORANUS)5 (Domangart (Dongardus)4, Fergus the Great3, Ercc of DALRIADA2, Eochy (Eugenius) MUNREVAR1) of Scots, son of (4) Domangart (Dongardus)4, (King) and (ZP-2) Fedelmia, was born before 538, and died in 560. [15]
"538. Gavran, the brother of Congal, reigned 22 years."
560. The death of gavran, the son of Domangart."
Child: + 6 i. AIDAN (AIDANUS)6, b. before 574, d. in 606/8.
Domngart (Dumngalhen), King of Scottish Dalriada married Feldelm Foltchain (Fedelmia), daughter of Brian of Ireland. Domngart (Dumngalhen), King of Scottish Dalriada died in 505.
King of Scottish Dal Riada *Domongart (b. Abt. 472)
King of Scottish Dal Riada *Domongart (son of *Fergus Mor macErcc, King of Scottish Dal Riada) was born Abt. 472. He married *Feldelm Foltchain, Queen of Scottish Dal Riada.
More About King of Scottish Dal Riada *Domongart: Family History: Jerald L Chittenden (JerryC490@aol.com) at Ancestry.com.
Children of King of Scottish Dal Riada *Domongart and *Feldelm Foltchain, Queen of Scottish Dal Riada are: +*Gabran macDomongart, King of Dal Riada, b. Abt. 502, d. 560.
Gabran's forces were defeated by the Picts in 558, He died later in the same year, and was succeeded by Comgall's son Conall. Gabran gave his name to the Cenel nGabrain, one of the four divisions of the Dalarida. Most of the kings of Dalriada, and later of Scotland, were drawn from the Cenel nGabrain.
Children of Gabran Mac Domgart are: i.+Aidan MacGabhran, b. 532, Argyll, Diaraita, d. 17 Apr 608, Scotland.
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bridei and Domlech, "Children" of Maelgwn Gwynedd; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id281.html. (Steven Ferry, July 24, 2021.)
507 |
Dunadd, Argyllshire, Dal Riada, Scotland
535 |
Age 28
King of, , , Scotland
Age 28
King of, , , Scotland
Age 28
King of, , , Scotland
540 |
555 |
Caledonii, Scotland
559 |
Age 52
Dunolly Castle, Argyllshire, Dalriada/Scotland
Age 52
Icolmkill, Scotland
563 |
Age 56