Immediate Family
half sister
About Gebhard Konradiner, count of the Lahngau
EUDES ([770/80]-killed in battle [Touraine] Jun 834). m firstly --- . The charter quoted below, which records the confirmation of a donation to Tours Saint-Martin made by Comte Eudes and his son Guillaume, suggests that Guillaume must have been considerably older than his sister Ermentrudis (whose birth is estimated to [830], see below). If this is correct, it is possible that Guillaume was born from an earlier marriage of his father. The possibility of such an earlier marriage is also indicated by Eudes’s estimated birth date as shown above.] m [secondly] ENGELTRUDIS, daughter of LIUTHARD Comte de Fézensac & his wife GRIMHILD ---. The wife of Eudes is named by Nithard who records "Hirmentrude, daughter of Odo and Ingiltrud" as the wife of Charles[137]. However, the Annales Bertiniani suggest that she was the sister of Adalhard [III] (and therefore maybe the daughter of Liuthard) when they record that "Carlomannus, Hlodowici regis Germaniæ" sought refuge with "Adalardo, Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo, suo autem propinquo" after he was banished by his father following his rebellion in 861[138]. Comte Eudes & his [first] wife had one child:
a) GUILLAUME (-executed 866).
Comte Eudes & his [first/second] wife had [one possible child]:
b) GEBHARD (-after 879). Jackman suggests that Gebhard (ancestor of the Konradiner) was the brother of Ermentrude, first wife Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks, therefore the son of Eudes Comte d'Orléans[141]. However, this appears chronologically dubious if Gebhard is identified with "Gebehardus" who founded Kloster Kettenbach, as recorded in the charter of "Ludowicus…rex" dated 31 Mar [845] in which the king donated land in "in pago Logonense iuxta fluvium Arda" to the monastery[142], unless he was born from an earlier marriage of his father. Nevertheless, an interesting possible corroboration for Gebhard's relationship with this family is provided by the Annales Bertiniani which record that "Adalardo Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo" was "propinquo" of the brothers Udo (ancestor of the Franconian Konradiner family), Berengar and Waldo who were expelled from Germany in 865[143], and in a later passage that "Adalardo…et suis propinquis Hugonis et Berengario" fought the Vikings in 865[144]. "Adalardo" was Adalhard [III], maternal uncle of Gebhard assuming the relationship is as shown here, and the brothers Udo, Berengar and Waldo were Gebhard's sons. m --- im Nordgau, sister of Graf ERNST, daughter of ---. The relationship between the sons of Gebhard and Graf Ernst is clarified by the Annales Bertiniani which record that "nepotes ipsius [Ernestus]" were expelled from the kingdom in 861[145]. If the suggestion by Jackman concerning Gebhard's affiliation is correct, Gebhard would have been the brother-in-law not brother of Ernest, married to the latter's sister.] Gebhard & his wife had [five] children:
a) [WERNER (-after 4 Jan 877). Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks donated property "in loco Brunnaron, Seuira in marco ubi Radpoti et Rihharii comitatus confiniunt" to the priest Dominicus at the request of "Werinhario comiti, Baboni comitis" by charter dated 15 Sep 844[92]. "…Werinheri…" is among those listed as present in the charter dated 12 Oct 847 under which King Ludwig granted property to "Pribina"[93], although it is not known whether this was the same person as the one to whom the other references shown here relate. The Annales Colonienses Brevissimi name "Werinarius comes Coloniæ" in 849[94]. King Ludwig II "der Deutsche" granted property "in pago Lobodengouue in comitatu Werinherii in villa…Walestat" to Tuto by charter dated 7 Dec 858[95]. An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother King Ludwig II dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[96], the fact that "Warnarius" follows "Arnustus" in the list may provide a further indication that Werner was the son of Ernst. The Annales Fuldenses record that the titles of "Werinharius comes ex primoribus Francorum" were confiscated by Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks in 864 following accusations[97]. The Annales Bertiniani record that in 866 "Hludowicus, Hludowici Germaniæ regis filius, consilio Warnarii" rebelled against his father[98]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Werinharium quoque, Utonem et Berengarium comites a patre suo depositos" were promised the restoration of their dignities in 866[99]. "Hludowicus…rex" made a donation of property in "villa…Winenheim" to Kloster Lorsch in the name of "comiti…Werinhario" by charter dated 4 Jan 877, naming "coniuge nostra Liutgarda"[100].]
b) UDO (-879 or after). The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices, specifying that "Uto et Berengarius cum Waldone fratre suo" went to France to "Karolum rege"[101]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Werinharium quoque, Utonem et Berengarium comites a patre suo depositos" were promised the restoration of their dignities in 866[102].
c) BERENGAR (-879 or after). The Annales Fuldenses record that in 861 "Ernustum" was deprived of his honours and that "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratrem eius et Sigihartum et Waldonemque abbatum" were expelled from the kingdom as accomplices[103]. The relationship with Ernst is clarified by the Annales Bertiniani which record that "nepotes ipsius [Ernestus]" were expelled from the kingdom in 861[104]. The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices, specifying that "Uto et Berengarius cum Waldone fratre suo" went to France to "Karolum rege"[105]. The Annales Bertiniani record that "Adalardo…et suis propinquis Hugonis et Berengario" fought the Vikings in 865[106]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Werinharium quoque, Utonem et Berengarium comites a patre suo depositos" were promised the restoration of their dignities in 866[107]. Graf des Hessengaues 876. same person as…? BERENGAR (-before 18 Sep 882). There is no proof that this co-identity is correct. However, the charter dated 18 Sep 882 under which "Hildebertus filius quondam Berengarii comitis" donated property to Verdun Saint-Vanne is subscribed by "Stephanus comes, Matfridus comes…"[108] both of whom appear to have been closely connected with the family of "Adalardo" who is described as "propinquis" of Berengar in the Annales Bertiniani (see above)[109].
d) WALDO (-30 Oct -). Monk 839. The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices, specifying that "Uto et Berengarius cum Waldone fratre suo" went to France to "Karolum rege"[110]. Abbot of St Maximin at Trier 868/879.
e) [BERTHOLF (-10 Feb or 2 Oct 883). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Bertholf is referred to as "Bertold" in Europäische Stammtafeln with the date 879[111]. He was elected Archbishop of Trier in Sep 869. The Gesta Treverorum records that "Bertolfus abbas Mediolacensis…consanguineus Adventii, tunc temporis Mettensis episcopi" as "episcopus Treberis" in 868[112]. Jackman links him with the archbishop of Köln (referred to in Grote[113]%29 with the similar name[114].]
Comte Eudes & his [second] wife had one child:
c) ERMENTRUDIS (27 Sep [830]-Saint-Denis 6 Oct 869, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKISH%20NOBILITY.htm#EudesOrlean...
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/GERMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#sisErnestMGeb...
tilført 30.1.2011 af Benthe Rask from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konradiner:
Gebhard von Lahngau (810-879) had 4 sons:
1. Berthold erzbishof von Trier, 2. Waldo abbot von Trier, 3. Berenger von Hessengau 4. Udo (830-879) von Lahngau m.Judith (daughter of Conrad I (805-866) von Welf).
Udo (830-879) and Judith had 4 sons:
I. Konrad "der ältere" -906 (m. Glismut):
Konrad and Glismut had 4 children: 1. Konrad "der jüngere" (-918) m. Kunigunde (Ahalolfinger), 2. Eberhard von Lahngau (-939) m. perhaps Oda von Sachsen (865-952) and had a son, Udo/Eldo (880-949), 3. Otto von Ruhrgau (-918), 4. dau. m. Buchard
II.Eberhard von Niederlahngau (- 903) m. Wiltrude.
Eberhard and Wiltrude had 5 children: 1. son, 2.Konrad Kurtzbold (- 948), 3.* Gebhard (- 947) m. (Adele) de Vermandois ,4 . Eberhard (- 944) von Maifeld, 5. dau. m. Werner Speyergau (-920)
- Gebhard and Adele had 4 children: 1. Konrad, Küno I ( - 982) m. NN (Judith): had 1 son: 1**. Konrad (perhaps Küno von Öhningen) m. Reginlinde.2. Udo (-982), 3.^^ Heribert (-992) von Kinziggau m Imiza von Mezingoz:, 4.++ Judith von Wetterau (-973) m. Heinrich (Udonen) (-976).
- Konrad and Reginlinde had 7 children: 1. Liutold, 2. Konrad , 3. *** Hermann II von Schwaben - 1003 m. Geberga, 4. Ita von Öhningen m. Rudolf II von Altdorf, 5. dau. m. Vladimir I Swjatoslawitsch, 6. Judith m. NN Reinfelden, m. Adalbert von Metz, 7. Kunizza (- 1020) m Friderich I von Diessen (- 1027)
- Hermann and Geberga had 5 children: 1. Mathilde (988-1032) m. Konrad von Kärten,m. Friederich II, m. Esiko, 2. Gisela (990-1043) m. Bruno, m. Ernst I, m. Konrad II (Salier), 3. Berchtold (992-993), 4. Beatrix (-1025) m. Adalbero von Eppenstein, 5. Hermann III (-1012).
- Konrad and Reginlinde had 7 children: 1. Liutold, 2. Konrad , 3. *** Hermann II von Schwaben - 1003 m. Geberga, 4. Ita von Öhningen m. Rudolf II von Altdorf, 5. dau. m. Vladimir I Swjatoslawitsch, 6. Judith m. NN Reinfelden, m. Adalbert von Metz, 7. Kunizza (- 1020) m Friderich I von Diessen (- 1027)
^^ Heribert and Imiza had 4 children:
1. ^^^Otto von Hammerstein (Zutpen) (-1036) m. Irmgard von Verdun, 2. Gebhard (- 1016), 3.Irmtrude (- 985) m. Friederick I von Luxemburg, 4. Geberga m. Heinrich von Schweinfurt.
^^^Otto and Irmgard had 2 children: a. Udo (-1034), b. Mathilde m. Ludolf von Brauweiler (Ezzonen).
++Judith and Heinrich had 2 children: a. Eberhard von Lahngau ( - 966), b. Conrad von Lobdengau (- 965)
III. Gebhard (872- 910) (m. Ida van Ezzo)
Gebhard and Ida had 2 children: 1.*^ Udo von Wetterau (- 949) m. NN (Kunigonde) de Vermandois, 2.**** Herman I von Schwaben (- 949) m. Reginlinde von Zürichgau
- *** Herman and Regilinde had 1 child: 1. Ida (- 986) m. Liudolf von Sachsen
- ^Udo and Kunigonde had 2 children: a. Gebhard - 938, b. Udo von Strassburg, bishop ( - 965) (perhaps also c. Heribert, d. Konrad - 997, e. Judith von Stade)
IV. Rudolf (860-908), bishop von Würzburg
Gebhard Konradiner, count of the Lahngau's Timeline
830 |
Limburg, Lahngau, Austrasien, Frankenreich
832 |
- 860
Count of Logenahe
836 |
Limburg (?), Lahngau, Austrasien, Frankenreich
839 |
Limburg (?), Lahngau, Austrasien, Frankenreich
879 |
Age 47
880 |
Age 48
???? | |||
???? |