Immediate Family
About Geoffrey I, count of Angoulême
Angoulême (L'Angoumois) in western France was part of the Carolingian Empire as the kingdom of Aquitaine. Under Charlemagne's successors, the local Count of Angoulême was independent and was not united with the French crown until 1308. By the terms of the Treaty of Brétigny (1360) the Angoumois, then ruled by the Counts of Angoulême, was ceded as English territory to Edward III. In 1371 it became a fief of the Duke of Berry, before passing to Louis I, Duke of Orleans, both of whom were cadets of the French royal family. From then on it was held by cadets of the Valois House of Orleans, until Francis, Count of Angoulême, became King of France in 1515. Angoumois was definitively incorporated into the French crown lands, as a duchy.
-House of Taillefer-
Wulgrin I (866–886),[4] first hereditary count, appointed by Charles the Bald
Alduin I (886–916),[5] son of Wulgrin I
William II ("Taillefer" I) (926–c.945),[6] son of Alduin I
Aymer II (after 945–before 952),[7] son of William II (Taillefer I)
Bernard (after 945–before 952),[8] son of William I (William I is the son of Wulgrin I and brother to Alduin I)
Arnald I "Voratio" (after 950–before 952),[9] son of Alduin I
William III "Talleyrand" (952/964–before 973/975),[10] son of Bernard
Rannulf "Bompar" (973/975–975),[11] son of Bernard
Richard the Simple (975?),[12] son of Bernard
Arnald II "Manzer" (975–988),[13] son of William II (Taillefer I)
William IV (Taillefer II) (988–1028),[14] son of Arnald II
Alduin (II) (1028–1031),[15] son of William IV (Taillefer II)
Geoffrey (1031–1047),[16] son of William IV (Taillefer II)
Geoffrey (died 1048) was the Count of Angoulême from 1032. His brother Alduin II succeeded their father, William II, as Count in 1028, but the brothers quarrelled over their inheritance in the Bordelais. In a settlement that year, Alduin granted three quarters of the newer castle (the old one still stood) at Blavia (Blaye) to Geoffrey in beneficio, keeping the remaining quarter for himself as an allod. Their quarrel had given opportunity to the Saintonge to rebel, and the counts lost control of it, being reduced to "minor nobles dependent upon the dukes of Aquitaine".
In 1047, Count Geoffrey I of Anjou imported moneyers from Angoulême to staff his new mint at Saintes, which his father had taken over during the previous rebellion.
He had a son by Petronilla of Archiac, who succeeded him in title and territory:
Fulk of Angoulême
Geoffroi Taillefer, qui, apres la mort d'Alduin, son frere alne, s'empara du compte d'Anquelême, qui l'a possede paisblement jusqu'au commencement du 13 siecle.
Geoffroi Taillefer, who, after the death of his brother Alduin, took possession of Anquelême, who possessed it peacefully until the beginning of the 13th century-Ingestuur Ds.MG Muller
GEOFFROY d'Angoulême, son of GUILLAUME [IV] Comte d'Angoulême & his wife Gerberge d'Anjou (-Dec 1048). The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes names "Hilduinum et Gosfridum" as sons of "comes…Engolismæ Willelmus" and his wife "Girberga sorore comitis Fulconis"[557]. "Willelmus Engolismensium comes" founded the priory of Vindelle with the consent of "coniuge mea Girberge atque filiis…meis vivis Helduini seu Gauzfredi" for the souls of "progenitoris mei seu genetrice mea Hernaldi atque Raingardi" by undated charter which also names "[filii sui] defuncti Harnaldi atque Willelmi"[558]. He succeeded in 1032 as Comte d'Angoulême. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis records that "Gaufredus seu Josfredus frater eius" succeeded "in consulatum" after the death of “Auduino”[559]. A charter dated to [1032/1037] records that “Ademarus et frater eius Iterius qui filii fuimus Ramnulfi de Barret, post mortem patris nostri” donated “totum honorem suum...alodium...circa silvam...Chaus” to Baigne Saint-Etienne, and later confirmed the donation with the consent of “...Gaufrido comite Engolimensi atque Fulcaudo de Archiaco”[560]. "Gaufredus Engolismensis comes…Fulco filius meus et Guillelmus nepos meus" donated property to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe by charter dated 19 Jul 1040[561]. “...Gaufridi comitis Engolismensis, Fulconis, Gaufridi, Arnaudi, Mainardi filiorum eius...” subscribed the charter dated 1047 which records the foundation of Notre-Dame de Saintes[562]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium records that "Gaufredus comes" died in 1048[563].
m firstly PETRONILLE d'Archiac dame d'Archiac et de Bouteville, daughter of MAINARD "le Riche" Seigneur d'Archiac & his wife Udulgardis (-8 Apr
, before 24 Sep 1029, bur Saint-Paul de Bouteville). "Gaufredus et uxor mea Petronilla" donated property "ecclesiam Sancti Pauli…in Sanctonensi territorio subter castrum…Botavilla" to Savigny on the advice of "Vuillelmi comitis Engolismensis et uxoris eius dominæ Girbergiæ patris…mei et matris et domini Elduini fratris mei" by charter dated before 1028[564]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis records that "Gaufredus seu Josfredus" married "Petronilla filia Marnardi dicti Divitis, domini Archiaci et Botavillæ...sola eius heres" during the lifetime of his father[565]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium records that "coniux Gaufridi Petronilla" founded the monastery of Saint-Paul de Bouteville and was buried there[566]. The necrology of Savigny records the death "VI Id Apr" of "Petronilla comitissa Engolismensis…qui fundavit…prioratum Botaville in proprio alodio"[567].
m secondly ASCELINE, daughter of ---. "Comitissa Ascelina" donated property to Angoulême "viventibus Gaufredo comite et Geraldo episcopo, Guidoni" by charter dated to [1038/41][568]. 1048.
Comte Geoffroy & his first wife had [nine] children:
1. FOULQUES TALAFER d’Angoulême (-1087). The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium names "Fulconem, Gaufredum Rudelli, Arnaldum de Montosario, Willermum et Ademarum postea Engolismenses Episcopos" as children of "Gaufredus seu Josfredus" and his first wife, stating that Foulques inherited the county as well as his mother's lands[569]. "Falconis et Vuillelmi filiorum eorum" subscribed the charter dated before 1028 under which "Gaufredus et uxor mea Petronilla" donated property to Savigny[570]. "Gaufredus Engolismensis comes…Fulco filius meus et Guillelmus nepos meus" donated property to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe by charter dated 19 Jul 1040[571]. “...Gaufridi comitis Engolismensis, Fulconis, Gaufridi, Arnaudi, Mainardi filiorum eius...” subscribed the charter dated 1047 which records the foundation of Notre-Dame de Saintes[572]. He succeeded his father in 1048 as Comte d'Angoulême. "Ademarus de oppido…Roca Fulcadi et germanus meus Vuido filii eius Vuido et Arnaldus" founded the priory of Saint Florent near his castle by charter dated 1040 (redated to 1060?), subscribed by "Widonis ducis Aquitaniæ, Willelmi episcopi Angolismensis, suorum fratrum Fulconis comitis et Gaufredi Rudelli…"[573]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium records the death of Foulques in 1087[574]. There is some doubt about this date as, under a charter dated 1089, "Iordanus cum filio meo eodem nomine dicto" noted that "Engolismorum consule avunculo meo Fulcone" agreed to reconstruct "Barbastam"[575]. However, the editor of the Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis consulted states that this 1089 is defective as reproduced by Besly as it names a bishop Foulques who lived nearly 140 years earlier and the indiction year does not correspond with the calendar year[576]. m CONDOHA d'Eu, daughter of [ROBERT] Comte d'Eu [Normandie] & his first wife Beatrix (-after 1087). "Fulco Engolismensium comes" donated property to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe with the consent of "Condoha comitissa uxore mea, filiisque meis Guillelmo…ac Gaufrido atque Fulcone" by charter dated to [1076/87][577]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis names "filia de --- Ounormani Vagena, quæ vocabatur Condo" as wife of "Fulconi…Engolismensi Comiti" and mother of Comte Guillaume [V][578]. "Ounormani" is interpreted as meaning "Eu des Normands". Assuming that this is correct, it appears chronologically consistent for Condoha's father to be identified as Robert Comte d'Eu, but this is not beyond doubt. The interpretation of "Vagena" as applied to Condoha's father has not yet been found. Comte Foulques & his wife had three children:
a) GUILLAUME [V] TALAFER d’Angoulême (-near Deutz 1120, bur Deutz St Heribert). The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis names "Guillermus filius eius primogenitus, dictus Sector-ferri" when recording that he succeeded "Fulconi…Engolismensi Comiti"[579]. He succeeded his father in 1087 as Comte d'Angoulême.
- see below.
b) GEOFFROY . "Fulco Engolismensium comes" donated property to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe with the consent of "Condoha comitissa uxore mea, filiisque meis Guillelmo…ac Gaufrido atque Fulcone" by charter dated to [1076/87][580].
c) FOULQUES . "Fulco Engolismensium comes" donated property to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe with the consent of "Condoha comitissa uxore mea, filiisque meis Guillelmo…ac Gaufrido atque Fulcone" by charter dated to [1076/87][581].
2. HUMBERGE d’Angoulême (-[1068/before 1071]). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Humberga" as the wife of "Ademarum" and mother of "Ademarum"[582]. "Ademarus vicecomes et Umberga uxor eius" settled claims by "Sancto Petro Bernardum de Lacheza" to "manso de Romalhac" by charter dated to [1030][583]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis [et] Umberga uxor eius" are named in a charter dated 1062 before Sep[584]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis" donated "ecclesiam de Celom" to Uzerche by charter dated 1068, witnessed by "Umberga uxor Ademari, filii eorum Elias, Petrus et Ademarus"[585]. m (1030) as his first wife, ADEMAR [II] de Limoges, son of ADEMAR [I] Vicomte de Limoges & his wife Sénégundis d'Aulnay (-15 Oct after 1090). He succeeded in 1030 as Vicomte de Limoges.
3. GEOFFROY RUDEL (-after 12 Jul 1089). The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium names "Fulconem, Gaufredum Rudelli, Arnaldum de Montosario, Willermum et Ademarum postea Engolismenses Episcopos" as children of "Gaufredus seu Josfredus" and his first wife, stating that his father granted “castrum Montosarii” to “Gaufredo Rudelli”[586]. “...Gaufridi comitis Engolismensis, Fulconis, Gaufridi, Arnaudi, Mainardi filiorum eius...” subscribed the charter dated 1047 which records the foundation of Notre-Dame de Saintes[587]. "Ademarus de oppido…Roca Fulcadi et germanus meus Vuido filii eius Vuido et Arnaldus" founded the priory of Saint Florent near his castle by charter dated 1040 (redated to 1060?), subscribed by "Widonis ducis Aquitaniæ, Willelmi episcopi Angolismensis, suorum fratrum Fulconis comitis et Gaufredi Rudelli…"[588]. Seigneur de Blaye. m ---. The name of Geoffroy's wife is not known. Geoffroy & his wife had two children:
a) GUILLAUME "Frédéland" (-after 1095). "Guilelmus Fredelandi nepos comitis Engolismensis" donated property to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe by charter dated to [before 1080/1099][589]. A charter dated to [1089/98] records that “Willelmus nuncupatus Freslandus Gauffridi filius” donated rights in “fevum Auitraces in parrochia sancti Cyrici in vicaria Blaviacensis...Aausaz” to Baigne Saint-Etienne in the presence of “domni Ademari Engolismensis episcopi...”, and that “Willelmus de Monte Leudone et nepos eius Guillelmus de Monte Androne” held “de hac terra...medietatem” which they also donated[590]. Princeps de Blaye 1095. m ---. The name of Guillaume's wife is not known. Guillaume & his wife had [children]:
i) children . The primary source which confirms their parentage has not yet been identified. The number of children is not known.
b) ARNAUD "Ferrioli". The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1099.
4. GERBERGE (-[1060/12 Feb 1068]). “Alduinus Berbezelli castri...possessor ac dominus...cum uxore sua Girberga” founded Notre-Dame de Barbezieux and donated it to Cluny by undated charter[591]. Her parentage is indicated by the charter dated 12 Feb 1068 under which [her son] “Iterius de Berbezillo Alduini filius et Guitberge...nepos Fulconis comitis qui eo tempore consul Engolismensis preerat et Arnaldus de Montauserio” donated “terram...ad Gardam Rotardi” to Baigne Saint-Etienne[592]. An undated charter records that “Audoinus de Berbezillo et Girberga uxor eius” donated “borderiam de Vieles Chieses” to Notre-Dame de Barbezieux[593]. An undated charter records that “Girberga mater Iterii” donated “alodium suum, masum de Dairac” to Notre-Dame de Barbezieux[594]. An undated charter records that “Ulricus monachus” and “domina Girberga” reached agreement over ovens at Notre-Dame de Barbezieux, with the consent of “filii sui domini Iterii Berbezilensis”[595]. m AUDOUIN [II] Seigneur de Barbezieux, son of AUDOUIN [I] Seigneur de Barbezieux & his wife --- (-before 1060).
5. daughter . Her parentage and marriage are indicated by a charter dated 1089 under which her son "Iordanus cum filio meo eodem nomine dicto" noted that "Engolismorum consule avunculo meo Fulcone" agreed to reconstruct "Barbastam"[596]. The primary source which confirms the name of her husband has not yet been identified. m --- Seigneur de Chabanais, son of ---.
6. ARNAUD (-after 1076). The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium names "Fulconem, Gaufredum Rudelli, Arnaldum de Montosario, Willermum et Ademarum postea Engolismenses Episcopos" as children of "Gaufredus seu Josfredus" and his first wife[597]. “...Gaufridi comitis Engolismensis, Fulconis, Gaufridi, Arnaudi, Mainardi filiorum eius...” subscribed the charter dated 1047 which records the foundation of Notre-Dame de Saintes[598]. "Arnaldus Gauffridi consulis Engolismensis filius, frater etiam Fulconis atque Willelmi pontificis" donated property to Saint-Etienne de Baigne by charter dated 15 May [1060/66][599]. Seigneur de Montausier. "Iterius nepos Fulconis comitis [consul Engolismensis]…et Arnaldus de Montauserio" donated property to Baigne Saint-Etienne by charter dated 12 Feb 1068[600]. "Arnaldi de Montoser" subscribed a charter of Guillaume Duke of Aquitaine dated 1076[601]. "Arnaudus filius Gaufridi Engolisme comitis, princepsque castri Monteauserii" donated property to Baigne Saint-Etienne, on the advice of "procerum meorum et filiorum", by charter dated to [1075/80][602]. A charter dated to [1098/1109] records that “Arnaudus de Monte Auserio” donated “in totis suis silvis quantum opus haberent” to Baigne Saint-Etienne, confirmed by “Helias Acardi”, and that later “Willelmi comitis Engolismensis” confirmed the donation made by “sui avunculi”[603]. m ---. The name of Arnaud's wife is not known. Arnaud & his wife had --- children:
a) [children] . "Arnaudus filius Gaufridi Engolisme comitis, princepsque castri Monteauserii" donated property to Baigne Saint-Etienne, on the advice of "procerum meorum et filiorum", by charter dated to [1075/80][604]. The number of children is not known.
7. MAINARD (-after 1047). “...Gaufridi comitis Engolismensis, Fulconis, Gaufridi, Arnaudi, Mainardi filiorum eius...” subscribed the charter dated 1047 which records the foundation of Notre-Dame de Saintes[605].
8. GUILLAUME d’Angoulême (-20 Sep 1076, bur Angoulême Cathedral). The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium names "Fulconem, Gaufredum Rudelli, Arnaldum de Montosario, Willermum et Ademarum postea Engolismenses Episcopos" as children of "Gaufredus seu Josfredus" and his first wife[606]. "Falconis et Vuillelmi filiorum eorum" subscribed the charter dated before 1028 under which "Gaufredus et uxor mea Petronilla" donated property to Savigny[607]. Bishop of Angoulême 1040. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium records that "Guillermus, Engolismensis natione, patre Gaufrido consule, Petronilla matre, Engolismæ natus" succeeded “Gerardum Arte-mala” as bishop of Angoulême[608]. "Ademarus de oppido…Roca Fulcadi et germanus meus Vuido filii eius Vuido et Arnaldus" founded the priory of Saint Florent near his castle by charter dated 1040 (redated to 1060?), subscribed by "Widonis ducis Aquitaniæ, Willelmi episcopi Angolismensis, suorum fratrum Fulconis comitis et Gaufredi Rudelli…"[609]. "…Gaufridi Engolismensi comitis, patris Guillelmi eiusdem civitatis episcopi" subscribed the charter dated [1047] under which "Guilelmus…princeps Arvernorum" donated property to the abbey of Charroux[610]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium records that Bishop Guillaume died "XII Kal Oct" 1076 after holding the bishopric for 33 years and was buried in the cathedral[611].
9. ADEMAR d’Angoulême (-1 Sep 1101, bur Angoulême Cathedral). The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium names "Fulconem, Gaufredum Rudelli, Arnaldum de Montosario, Willermum et Ademarum postea Engolismenses Episcopos" as children of "Gaufredus seu Josfredus" and his first wife[612]. Bishop of Angoulême 1076. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensium records that "Ademarus frater Willermi episcopi" succeeded his brother as bishop of Angoulême[613]. A charter dated to [1101/09] records that “Domnus Ademarus Engolismensis episcopus” had donated “alodium...in terra de Fradorvilla”, which “Fulco comes Engolismensis frater sui” had granted him, to Baigne Saint-Etienne and that after the death of both of them “Willelmus Taliafer Fulconis comitis filius A. episcopi nepos, Engolismensem regens comitatum” confirmed the donation[614]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis records the death “pridie...septembris” 1101 of "Ademarus Engolismæ episcopus" and his burial “intra ecclesiam cathedralem”[615].
Geoffrey I, count of Angoulême's Timeline
990 |
Angoulême, Aquitaine, Charente, France
1015 |
Angoulême, Charente, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
1019 |
1020 |
1025 |
Angouleme, Charente, France
1029 |
September 24, 1029
Angoulême, Aquitaine, France
1038 |
1048 |
December 1048
Age 58
Angoulême, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
Age 58
Montmoreau Saint Cybard, Charente, France