Attention: shifted numbering.
Wikipedia: Geoffrey II, Count of Gâtinais
Please NOTE: Geoffroy II was NOT the son of Geoffroy I Comte de Gâtinais. Rather, his mother, Beatrix, was first married to Geoffroy I before marrying his father, Hugues du Perche, who thus gained the title of Comte de Gâtinais and which was inherited by Geoffroy II after the death in 1030 of Aubry, who was his half-brother, son of Beatrix and Geoffroy I.
Geoffroy II married into the House of Anjou by his marriage to Ermengarde (daughter of Foulques III Comte d'Anjou) and therefore his SONS became Counts of Anjou.
- Father: Hugues du Perche (probably d. after 1000)
- Mother: Beatrix de Macon, widow of Geoffroy I, Comte de Gatanais (again, Geoffroy was not the father, see note above)
- 2. Letaud (d. 1050 or later), grandparent of Foulques, Vicomte de Château-Landon
- Ermengarde d'Anjou (c1018 - 18 March 1076). As Geoffroy's widow, married Robert I "le Vieux" Duke of Burgundy, and was murdered alongside him.
- 1. Hildegarde de Château-Landon, m. in 1060 with Joscelin I, Seigneur de Courtenay (1034 - after 1065)
- 2. Geoffroy "le Barbu" de Château-Landon (b. c1040 - 1096/1097), Comte d'Anjou (1043/1045 - 1067), m. before 1060 with Julienne de Langeais (d. after 1067), imprisoned by brother in order to take title of Anjou. English Wikipedia states that he was freed with the intervention of Pope Urban II in 1096, but died shortly after.
- 3. Foulques IV "le Rechin" de Château-Landon (1043 - 1109), Comte d'Anjou (1067-1109), married 5 times: m1. in 1068 with Hildegarde de Baugency, died shortly after (childbirth?), 1 daughter; m2. in 1070 with Ermengarde de Bourbon, divorced circa 1075, 1 son born 1073; m3. in 1076 with Orengarde de Chatelaillon, divorced 1080 and became a nun; m4. after 1080 with daughter of Gauthier I, Comte de Brienne, divorced in 1089; m5. in 1089 with Bertrade de Montfort, divorced 15 May 1092, 1 son born in 1092.
Basic information:
Birth: c1000 according to English Wikipedia (no citation). FMG doesn't assign a birth date. Probably born in Château-Landon, comté du Gâtinais, France (or department Seine-et-Marne, region Île-de-France)
Baptism: Unknown.
Marriage: c1035. Probably in Château-Landon, comté du Gâtinais, France.
Death: 30 April 1043/1045 according to FMG, 1 April 1046 according to English Wikipedia. Probably in Château-Landon, comté du Gâtinais, France.
Burial: Unknown. One user proposed the Abbaye Saint-Serge d'Angers, but did not list any sources. FMG and Wikipedia do not assign this as a burial place.
Occupation: Comte du Gâtinais, 1028/1030 - 1043/1045 according to French Wikipedia and FMG. English Wikipedia sets the dates as 1026-1046.
Alternate Names: Geoffroy II "Ferréol" or "Aubri", Comte du Gâtinais
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Central France (covering his birth family):
HUGUES du Perche, son of FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne & his wife Melisende Vicomtesse de Châteaudun .
- His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[942].
- Same person as…? HUGUES du Perche (-after [1000]). No proof of this co-identity has so far been found, but it would be chronologically plausible.
m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon, widow of GEOFFROY Comte de Gâtinais, daughter of AUBRY II Comte de Mâcon & his wife Ermentrude de Roucy.
- A manuscript genealogy, dated to the early 12th century, records "Letaldus comes Vesoncius et Umbertus comes Marisconensis fratres…ex Letaldo, Albericus…ex Alberico Beatrix, ex Beatrice Gosfrido de Castello Landonensi"[943].
- Her second marriage is confirmed by the charter of her son "Albericum illius supradicti Gosfredi filium et heredum" dated 26 May 1028 (see below) approved by "fratribus ipsius Alberici, filiis Hugonis Pertice…Gosfredo et Letoldo"[944].
Hugues & his wife had two children:
1. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/45]).
- His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 26 May 1028 under which Francon Bishop of Paris agreed with "Albericum illius supradicti Gosfredi filium et heredum", concerning a prior grant by the bishop's predecessor to "Gosfrido comiti Landonensi castri", with the approval of "fratribus ipsius Alberici, filiis Hugonis Pertice…Gosfredo et Letoldo"[945]. A manuscript genealogy, dated to the early 12th century, which records "Letaldus comes Vesoncius et Umbertus comes Marisconensis fratres…ex Letaldo, Albericus…ex Alberico Beatrix, ex Beatrice Gosfrido de Castello Landonensi, ex Gaufrido Gaufridus et Fulco presens"[946].
- Comte de Gâtinais,
- Seigneur de Château-Landon.
- The fact that Aubry Comte de Gâtinais and Geoffroy [II] Comte de Gâtinais were two different individuals, the inevitable conclusion from the two sources cited, is somewhat clouded by the Historia Comitum Andegavorum which records that "Gaufridus Martellus…nepotibus suis" were "filiis Adhelæ sororis suæ et Alberici comitis de Gastinais"[947], and by the Chronicle of Saint-Maxence which names "Alberici Contracti comitis de Gastina" as father of "Goffredus et Fulco Rechin"[948].
2. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after).
- His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 26 May 1028 under which Francon Bishop of Paris agreed with "Albericum illius supradicti Gosfredi filium et heredum", concerning a prior grant by the bishop's predecessor to "Gosfrido comiti Landonensi castri", with the approval of "fratribus ipsius Alberici, filiis Hugonis Pertice…Gosfredo et Letoldo"[949].
- [942] Le Mans Saint-Vincent, Liber primus, 609, p. 350.
- [943] Halphen & Poupardin (1913), Genealogiæ comitum Andegavensium, V, p. 249.
- [944] Devaux 'Etude chronologique des comtes de Gâtinais' (1885), pp. 81-2, and Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 326.
- [945] Devaux 'Etude chronologique des comtes de Gâtinais' (1885), pp. 81-2, and Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 326.
- [946] Halphen & Poupardin (1913), Genealogiæ comitum Andegavensium, V, p. 249.
- [947] Historia Comitum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 333.
- [948] Chronicon sancti Maxentii Pictavensis, Chroniques des Eglises d'Anjou, p. 402.
- [949] Devaux 'Etude chronologique des comtes de Gâtinais' (1885), pp. 81-2, and Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 326.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Anjou and Maine (covering his marriage family):,%20MAINE.htm#GeoffroyIIGatina...
GEOFFROY [II] de Gâtinais, son of HUGUES du Perche Comte de Gâtinais & his wife Beatrix de Mâcon (-30 Apr [1043/45]).
- His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 26 May 1028 under which Francon Bishop of Paris agreed with "Albericum illius supradicti Gosfredi filium et heredum", concerning a prior grant by the bishop's predecessor to "Gosfrido comiti Landonensi castri", with the approval of "fratribus ipsius Alberici, filiis Hugonis Pertice…Gosfredo et Letoldo"[204]. A genealogy presented by Foulques IV "le Réchin" Comte d'Anjou to the bishop of Angers in [1085], justifying the annulment of his fourth marriage with the daughter of Gauthier Comte de Brienne, lists "ex Letaldo, Albericus natus est, ex Alberico, Beatrix, ex Beatrice, Gosfredus de Castello Landonensi, ex Gaufrido, Gaufridus et Fulco presens"[205].
- He succeeded his half-brother as Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon.
- The fact that Aubry Comte de Gâtinais and Geoffroy [II] Comte de Gâtinais were two different individuals, the inevitable conclusion from the two sources cited, is somewhat clouded by the Historia Comitum Andegavorum which records that "Gaufridus Martellus…nepotibus suis" were "filiis Adhelæ sororis suæ et Alberici comitis de Gastinais"[206], and by the Chronicle of Saint-Maxence which names "Alberici Contracti comitis de Gastina" as father of "Goffredus et Fulco Rechin"[207].
m ([1035]%29 as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou, daughter of FOULQUES III "Nerra" Comte d'Anjou & his second wife Hildegard [de Metz] ([1018]-murdered church of Fleury-sur-Ouche, Côte d’Or 18 Mar 1076, bur Abbaye de Saint-Seine, Côte d'Or).
- The Historiæ Andegavensis names "Goffridi de Castro Landono et Ermengardis filia Fulconis Comitis Andegavensis" as parents of "Fulco comes Andegavensis"[208]. Her second marriage is deduced from a genealogy of the Comtes d'Anjou which names "Fulco (pater) Gosfridus et Ermengardis (mater) Gosfridus (et) Fulco (et) Hildegardis, de altero patre, filia Roberti ducis fratris Henrici regis"[209].
- She married secondly ([1048]) Robert I "le Vieux" Duke of Burgundy.
- The necrology of Molesme records the death "XV Kal Apr" of "Robertus dux Burgundie et Ermengardis uxor eius"[210]. She was murdered with her second husband.
Comte Geoffroy & his wife had three children:
1. HILDEGARDE de Château-Landon (-after 1060).
- The Historia of Monk Aimon records the marriage of "Joscelinum de Cortinaco" and "filiam comitis Gaufridi Foerole" by whom he had one daughter[211]. She is named in Burke´s Peerage but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified[212].
- m ([1060]%29 as his first wife, JOSCELIN [I] Seigneur de Courtenay, son of ATHON Châtelain de Châteaurenard & his wife --- ([1034]-after 1065).
2. GEOFFROY de Château-Landon ([1040]-[1096/97]).
- The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records that "Gosfridus Martellus filius Fulconis", being childless, appointed "nepotibus suis Gosfrido Barbato et Fulconi Rechin" as his heirs[213]. The Historia Comitum Andegavorum records that "Gaufridus Martellus…nepotibus suis" were "filiis Adhelæ sororis suæ et Alberici comitis de Gastinais"[214]. "Gaufredus comitatus Andecavensis naturalis heres" made donations to Marmoutier dated 1055 in which he names "nepotibus meis…Fulcone vincocinensium comite naturali, Gaufredo et altero Fulcone"[215].
- He succeeded in 1060 as GEOFFROY III "le Barbu" Comte d'Anjou. "Goffridi comitis et Agnetis comitissæ…" witnessed the charter dated 26 Feb 1062, recorded in the dating clause as "anno principatus Gaufredi comitis tertii IIo", which records an agreement of confraternity between Saint-Maurice d´Angers and La Trinité de Vendôme[216]. "Goffridus comes" restored property donated by "avia mea bone memorie Hildegardis comitissa…filie sue matri mee…Ermengardi…Adelait Teotisca que fuerat postrema avunculi mei uxor…avunculi mei Goffredi comitis" to the monastery of La Charité Sainte-Marie d´Anjou by undated charter[217].
- The Chronicon Turonensi records that "Gaufridus Barbatus…Comes" destroyed "Turoniæ, Abbatiam Majoris-Monasterii", after which he was captured by his brother Foulques and held captive for thirty years "apud Chainonem"[218]. William of Malmesbury and Orderic Vitalis both record that he was deposed in 1068 and imprisoned by his brother at the castle of Chinon for more than thirty years[219]. The Chronicon Vindocinense records that "Fulconi fratri Gaufridi comitis Andegavorum" captured "Salmuri castri…Kal Mar" in 1067 and "II Kal Apr" captured and imprisoned "fratrem suum…comes Gaufredus junior…Barbatum" until his death, although another paragraph of the Chronicon dates the capture to 1068[220]. The Chronica Rainaldi records that "Goffridus junior…Barbatum" was betrayed by "Fulconi fratri suo…Non Apr" in 1067 and captured in 1068[221].
- m (before 1060) JULIENNE de Langeais, daughter of HAMELIN [II] Seigneur de Langeais & [his wife Helvise de Mondoubleau] (-after 7 Aug 1067). "Geoffroi le Barbu…[et] Julienne son épouse" confirmed the donation by "Bouchard le Breton" to Saint-Nicolas d´Angers, by charter dated to after 14 Nov 1060[222]. Her parentage is confirmed by a charter dated to [1068/82] under which "Hugues de Langeais", with the consent of "ses frères Hamelin et Geoffroi le doyen…son suzerain Geoffroi de Mayenne", donated property to Bourgeuil, subscribed by "comtesse Hameline", as well as a line of commentary in the cartulary of Bourgeuil which states that the subscriber was "filia Hamelini de Langiaco, uxor Goffridi Barbati comitis Andegav"[223]. "Geoffroi le Barbu…Juliette femme de Geoffroi et Foulque frère de Geoffroi" subscribed the charter dated 7 Aug 1067 which records the donation by "Robert de Sablé et sa femme Avoie" to Marmoutier[224].
- [m AGNES, daughter of --- (-after 26 Feb 1062). "Goffridi comitis et Agnetis comitissæ…" witnessed the charter dated 26 Feb 1062, recorded in the dating clause as "anno principatus Gaufredi comitis tertii IIo", which records an agreement of confraternity between Saint-Maurice d´Angers and La Trinité de Vendôme[225]. The dating clause indicates that this document is correctly dated to 1062, and suggests that the witness was Geoffroy III Comte d´Anjou and therefore that "Agnetis comitissæ" was his wife. This conclusion causes a considerable difficulty as Geoffroy's wife Julienne is named in charters dated 1060 and 1067. Another possibility is that "Agnetis comitissæ" was the first wife of Geoffroy´s predecessor, Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d´Anjou, although if this is correct it is suprising that she signed in place of Geoffroy III´s wife.]
3. FOULQUES de Château-Landon (1043-14 Apr 1109, bur Anjou Sainte-Trinité).
- The Historiæ Andegavensis names "Goffridi de Castro Landono et Ermengardis filia Fulconis Comitis Andegavensis" as parents of "Fulco comes Andegavensis"[226]. "Gaufredus comitatus Andecavensis naturalis heres" made donations to Marmoutier dated 1055 in which he names "nepotibus meis…Fulcone vincocinensium comite naturali, Gaufredo et altero Fulcone"[227].
- He succeeded, after deposing his brother, as FOULQUES IV "le Rechin" Comte d'Anjou. The Chronicon Vindocinense records that "Fulconi fratri Gaufridi comitis Andegavorum" captured "Salmuri castri…Kal Mar" in 1067 and "II Kal Apr" captured and imprisoned "fratrem suum…comes Gaufredus junior…Barbatum" until his death, although another paragraph of the Chronicon dates the capture to 1068[228].
- He ceded Château-Landon and Gâtinais to Philippe I King of France in 1069 in return for the king's recognition of his accession as count[229].
- He expelled the Normans from Maine but peace was imposed by William I King of England[230].
- The necrology of Angers Cathedral records the death "XVIII Kal Mai" of "Fulco…comes Andagavensis nepos Gaufridi prioris Martelli"[231]. The necrology of Vendôme La Trinité records the death "XVIII Kal Mai" of "Fulco comes Andegavorum"[232]. A list of anniversaries of Vendôme La Trinité records the death "XVIII Kal Mai" of "Fulconis comitis qui iacet in Aquaria"[233]. The Chronicon Vindocinense records the death "XVIII Kal Mai" in 1109 of "Fulco comes Andegavorum…frater comitis Gosfridi…Barbatus" and his burial "in monasterio nostro Andegavense S. Trinitatis"[234].
- m firstly ([1068]%29 HILDEGARDE de Baugency, daughter of LANCELIN [II] de Baugency & his wife --- (-before 1070). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum refers to the first wife of "Fulco Rechin" as "filiam Lancelini de Baugenciaco"[235]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
- m secondly (1070, divorced) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE de Bourbon, daughter of ARCHAMBAUD [IV] "le Fort" Sire de Bourbon & his wife Béliarde ---. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Ermengardim filiam Archenbaldi Fortis de Borbone" as second wife of "Fulco Rechin", recording that he divorced her[236]. She married secondly Guillaume Seigneur de Jaligny. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names her second husband "Guillelmo Jalinniaci ortam" when recording the marriage of her daughter by this second marriage[237].
- m thirdly (21 Jan 1076, divorced 1080) ORENGARDE de Châtelaillon, daughter of ISEMBART Seigneur de Châtelaillon & his wife ---. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the dating clause of a charter dated 21 Jan "1070" (redated to 1076) which records this as the date of the marriage of "comes Fulco" and "Aurengarde, filia Isemberti de Castello Allione"[238]. Comte Foulque "Rechin" donated property to Saint-Nicolas d´Angers, for the salvation of "sa femme Orengarde", by charter dated 17 May 1076[239]. She became a nun after her divorce.
- m fourthly (after 1080, divorced before 1089) --- de Brienne, daughter of GAUTHIER I Comte de Brienne & his wife Eustachie Ctss de Bar-sur-Saône . A genealogy presented by Foulques IV "le Réchin" Comte d'Anjou to the bishop of Angers in [1085], justifying the annulment of his fourth marriage with the daughter of Gauthier Comte de Brienne, lists "ex Letaldo, Albericus natus est, ex Alberico, Beatrix, ex Beatrice, Gosfredus de Castello Landonensi, ex Gaufrido, Gaufridus et Fulco presens"[240].
- m fifthly (1089, divorced [15 May 1092]) as her first husband, BERTRADE de Montfort, daughter of SIMON I Comte de Montfort-l'Amaury & his third wife Agnès d'Evreux (-Fontevrault end-1115/1116, bur church of the priory of Hautes-Bruyères, Saint-Remy-l’Honoré, Yvelines). Her parentage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis[241]. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum refers to the "third wife" of "Fulco Rechin" as "sororem Amalrici de Monte Forti"[242]. She married secondly (15 May 1092, repudiated 1104) as his second wife, Philippe I King of France (-29 Aug 1108), who abducted Bertrade from her first husband and married her bigamously[243]. The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Fulconi Richin Andegavensi comiti uxorem suam nomine Bertradam" as second wife of King Philippe whom he abducted from her first husband after repudiating his first wife[244]. William of Tyre records this marriage[245]. Pope Urban II at the Council of Autun excommunicated the king 16 Oct 1094, confirmed at the Council of Clermont 18/28 Nov 1095[246]. The church finally admitted the validity of the marriage after the Council of Paris 2 Dec 1104[247]. Orderic Vitalis alleges that Bertrade tried to poison her stepson Louis so her own sons could succeed to the throne[248]. "Fulco iunior Andegavensium comes Fulconis comitis filius" donated property to the abbey of Fontevraud with the consent of "Bertrade regina matre meo, Philipo fratre meo" by charter dated to [1109/1112/13][249].
- Comte Foulques IV & his first wife had one child: Ermengarde d'Anjou (1068-1146)
- Comte Foulques IV & his second wife had one child: Geoffroy d'Anjou (1073-1106)
- Comte Foulques IV & his fifth wife had one child: Foulques d'Anjou (1092-1144)
- [204] Devaux, J. 'Etude chronologique des comtes de Gâtinais', Annales de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Gâtinais 3 (1885), pp. 81-2, and Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 326.
- [205] Saint-Phalle 'Les comtes de Gâtinais', p. 231, citing Poupardin, R. 'Généalogies angevines', Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome 20 (1900), p. 208, no. 6.
- [206] Historia Comitum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 333.
- [207] Chronicon sancti Maxentii Pictavensis, Chroniques des Eglises d'Anjou, p. 402.
- [208] Historiæ Andegavensis, RHGF X, p. 203.
- [209] Halphen, L. (ed.), p. 247, cited thus without the full reference in Settipani, C. 'Les vicomtes de Châteaudun et leurs alliés', Keats-Rohan, K. S. B. and Settipani, C. (eds.) (2000) Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Prosopographica et Genealogica, Vol. 3), p. 254 footnote 28.
- [210] Petit, Vol. V, p. 386.
- [211] Ex continuatione Historiæ Aimoni Monachi Floriacensis, RHGF XI, p. 276.
- [212] Burke´s Peerage I, p. 833.
- [213] Chronica de Gesta Consulum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 117.
- [214] Historia Comitum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 333.
- [215] Marmoutier CXVII, p. 183.
- [216] Vendôme La Trinité, Tome I, CLIX, p. 276.
- [217] Anjou Charité, VIII, p. 10.
- [218] Ex Chronico Turonensi, RHGF XII, p. 462.
- [219] Sharpe, Rev. J. (trans.), revised Stephenson, Rev. J. (1854) William of Malmesbury, The Kings before the Norman Conquest (Seeleys, London, reprint Llanerch, 1989) III, 235, p. 224, and Chibnall, M. (ed. and trans.) The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, (Oxford Medieval Texts, 1969-80), Vol. II, Book IV, p. 307.
- [220] Chronicon Vindocinense 1067 and 1068, pp. 488-9.
- [221] Chronica domni Rainaldi archidiaconi sancti Mauricii Andegavensis, Chroniques des Eglises d'Anjou, p. 12.
- [222] Halphen, L. (1906) Le comté d´Anjou au XI siècle (Angers), Catalogue, 158, p. 290, citing Cartul. de Saint-Nicolas, fol. 14 v, Arch. du Maine-et-Loire, H 397, no. 22.
- [223] Halphen (1906), p. 135, footnote 1, and Catalogue, 240, p. 313, citing Coll. Baluze, vol. 38, fol. 183, d´après le Cartulaire de Bourgeuil, fol. 97.
- [224] Halphen (1906), Catalogue, 186, p. 298, citing Prou, Recueil des actes de Philippe I, no. 34.
- [225] Vendôme La Trinité, Tome I, CLIX, p. 276.
- [226] Historiæ Andegavensis, RHGF X, p. 203.
- [227] Marmoutier CXVII, p. 183.
- [228] Chronicon Vindocinense 1067 and 1068, pp. 488-7.
- [229] Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), p. 70.
- [230] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. II, Book IV, pp. 307 and 309.
- [231] L'Obituaire de la Cathédrale d'Angers.
- [232] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de la Trinité de Vendôme, p. 201.
- [233] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de la Trinité de Vendôme, List of anniversaries extracted from a lost necrology, p. 206.
- [234] Chronicon Vindocinense 1109, p. 492.
- [235] Chronica de Gesta Consulum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 140.
- [236] Chronica de Gesta Consulum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 140.
- [237] Chronica de Gesta Consulum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 141.
- [238] Halphen (1906), p. 169, footnote 4, quoting a charter of Saint-Florent de Saumur, Arch. du Maine-et-Loire, fonds de la mense commune, domaine de Saumur, orig..
- [239] Halphen (1906), Catalogue, 231, p. 310, citing citing Cartul. de Saint-Nicolas, fol. 123.
- [240] Saint-Phalle 'Les comtes de Gâtinais', p. 231, citing Poupardin, R. 'Généalogies angevines', Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome 20 (1900), p. 208, no. 6.
- [241] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XI, p. 167.
- [242] Chronica de Gesta Consulum Andegavorum, Chroniques d'Anjou, p. 140.
- [243] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. V, Book IX, p. 11.
- [244] De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses MGH SS, p. 257.
- [245] RHC, Historiens occidentaux I, Historia Rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum ("L'estoire de Eracles Empereur et la conqueste de la terre d'Outremer"), (“WT”) XIV.I, p. 606.
- [246] Runciman, S. (1951, 1952 and 1954) A History of the Crusades, (Penguin Books, 1978), Vol. 1, p. 107.
- [247] Kerrebrouck (2000), p. 72.
- [248] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XI, pp. 51-5.
- [249] Bienvenue, J. M. (ed.) (2000) Grand Cartulaire de Fontevraud Tome I (Poitiers) (“Fontevraud”) 156, p. 142.
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File
Geoffroy II "Ferreol" GASTINOIS Compact Disc #3 Pedigree
- Birth: abt 1000 - Of,Chateau Landon,Seine-et-Marne,France
- Death: 1 Apr 1046 - ,,Anjou,France
- Father: Geoffroy I "Ferreol" GASTINOIS Disc #3
- Mother: Beatrice DE MACON Disc #3
- Spouse: Ermengarde Countess Of Anjou Disc #3
Notes and Sources
- Notes: Available on CD-ROM Disc# 3
- Sources: None
Submission Search: 300440-070199182426
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- CD-ROM: Pedigree Resource File - Compact Disc #3
- CD-ROM Features: Pedigree View, Family View, Individual View, Reports, Downloadable GEDCOM files, Notes and Sources.
- Order Pedigree Resource File CD-ROMS
Geoffroy II "Ferreol" Count Of GASTINOIS
Geoffroy II "Ferreol" Count Of was born about 1000 in Of, Chateau Landon, Seine-Et-Marne, France. He died on April 1st, 1046 in , , Anjou, France.
Geoffroy II "Ferreol" Count Of and Ermengarde, Countess Of were married in a religious ceremony in 1035 in , , , France. They had two sons and a daughter, named Geoffroy III "le Barbu" Count Of, Foulques IV "Rechin" Count Of and Hildegarde De.
Geoffroy III "le Barbu" Count Of ANJOU
Geoffroy III "le Barbu" Count Of was born about 1039 in Of, , Anjou, France.
Foulques IV "Rechin" Count Of ANJOU
Foulques IV "Rechin" Count Of was born in 1043 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died at the age of 66 on April 14th, 1109 in Of, , Anjou, France.
Hildegarde De GASTINOIS
[Geoffrey de Gatinois, son of Huges du Perche and Beatrix de Macon, married Ermengarde d'Anjou in 1035. Three known children -- Hildegard, Geoffrey and Foulques/Fulk IV. ] mez
Geoffrey de Gatinois, Comte de Gatinois de Chateau-Landon married Ermengarde d'Anjou, daughter of Fulco III d'Anjou, 5th Comte d'Anjou and Hildegarde (?), circa 1035. He died between 1043 and 1046.
Geoffrey de Gatinois, Comte de Gatinois de Chateau-Landon gained the title of Comte de Gatinois de Chateau-Landon.
Children of Geoffrey de Gatinois, Comte de Gatinois de Chateau-Landon and Ermengarde d'Anjou
- Geoffrey III d'Anjou, 6th Comte d'Anjou d. c 1096/97
- Hildegarde de Gatinois
- Fulk IV 'le Rechin', Comte d'Anjou+ b. c 1043, d. 14 Apr 1109
Geoffrey, Count of Gâtinais, was sometimes known as Aubri. In his marriage to Ermengarde of Anjou, he was the father of 3 children, including our ancestor Fulk IV, Count of Anjou.
Comte de Gâtinais et de Châteaulandon
A Monk St. Michael in Lherm.
Geoffrey II, de Château-Landon (died 1043–46) was the Count of Gâtinais.[1][2] He was the son of Hugues du Perche, Count of Gâtinais, by Beatrice of Mâcon (fr), the daughter of Aubry II of Mâcon (fr).[3][4] About 1035 he married Ermengarde of Anjou, Duchess of Burgundy, daughter of Fulk III, Count of Anjou.[2][5] After Geoffrey's death she married secondly Robert I, Duke of Burgundy.[1]
Geoffrey II, de Château-Landon (died 1043–46) was the Count of Gâtinais.[1][2] He was the son of Hugues du Perche, Count of Gâtinais, by Beatrice of Mâcon (fr), the daughter of Aubry II of Mâcon (fr).[3][4] About 1035 he married Ermengarde of Anjou, Duchess of Burgundy, daughter of Fulk III, Count of Anjou.[2][5] After Geoffrey's death she married secondly Robert I, Duke of Burgundy.[1]
Together, Geoffrey and Ermengarde had:
Hildegarde de Château-Landon, married c.1060 to Joscelin I, Lord of Courtenay;[5] his famous son was Joscelin I, Count of Edessa by a different wife. Geoffrey III (1040 - 1096)[2][5] Fulk IV (1043 - 1109)[2][5]
Geoffroy II Ferréol, also known as Geoffrey II, Count of Gâtinais, was a historical figure from the early 11th century. Here are some details about him:
Birth: Around the year 1000, probably in Château-Landon, Comté du Gâtinais (which is in the present-day Seine-et-Marne department, Île-de-France, France).
Death: He passed away on April 30, 1045, likely in Château-Landon, Comté du Gâtinais.
Parents: He was the son of Hugues du Perche, Count of Gâtinais, and Béatrice de Mâcon, the daughter of Aubry II de Mâcon[1][1].
Spouses: Geoffroy II was married to Ermengarde Blanche, Countess of Anjou de Semur, and later to Ermengarde of Anjou.
Children: His children included Foulques (Fulk) Rechin Rude, Geoffroy III d’Anjou, Hildegarde de Gâtinais, and William de Tailebois[1][1].
Geoffroy II held the title of Comte du Gâtinais (Count of Gâtinais)