Geoffrey de Venoix

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Geoffrey de Venoix (1054 - 1086)

Also Known As: "Goisfrid", "le Mareschal", "le Marshall"
Birthplace: Venoix near Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France
Death: after 1086
East Worldham, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Son of Ralf de Venoix, Seigneur de Hastings and Beatrix
Husband of N.N.
Father of Margaret de Venoix, Heiress of the Office of le Mareschal
Brother of Robert de Hastings, le Mareschal, Lord Venoix; Roger de Venoix and Gerald de Venoix
Half brother of Raoul d'Eu; William II, count of Eu & baron of Hastings; Armand de Mortain, d'Eu; Eremburge de Mortain; Condoha de Végennes and 1 other

Occupation: a baron in Hampshire and Wiltshire in 1086 (Domesday)
Managed by: Private User
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Geoffrey de Venoix's Timeline

Venoix near Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France
November 5, 1083
Venoix, Calvados, Normandy, France
Age 32
East Worldham, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)