Asecelina Peverel married firstly, GEOFFREY de Walterville [Waterville], son of ASCELIN de Walterville & his wife --- (-[1160/62])
From Antiquities of Shropshire, Volume 9. By Robert William Eyton. "Coheirs of Peverel" Page 75:
Geoffrey De Walterville and his wife Ascelina, fourth sister and coheir of W'illiam Peverel (II.).— About 1141, we have Geoffrey de Waterville attesting a Charter of the Empress Maud.1 Somewhat later we have seen Ascelina (Peverel) attesting her brother's grant to Haughmond Abbey. Between 1155 and 1158, we have seen Henry II. addressing Geoffrey de Walterville as one of Hamo Peverel's Coheirs, concerned in Ercall. But better than all this we have a Deed which speaks plainly of Geoffrey de Waltervill's tenure of one-third of Ercall. It is his actual grant thereof to that same William de Hadley whom we have seen obtaining the other two-thirds of the Manor. The Deed passed between 1155 and 1162, probably about 1160.
G. de Waltervilla omnibus amicis suis Francigenis et Anglis. Dedi Willielmo de Hetlehe pro suo servicio totam meam partem de Herchalun, et consensu Acelince uxoris mece et Radulfi filii met. In feodo et hereditate sibi et heredibus suis, de me et heredibus meis, et cum hoc meam partem de feudo Hugonis de Lac i ;s et hanc terram quam hie nominavi dedi Mi pro servicio tercice partis unius militis faciendo; et ideo volo et firmiter precipio quod per hoc servicium quod hie ?iominavi eam teneat i1 bene et in pace cum omnibus libertatibus et cum omnibus pertinenciis, sicut Hamo Piperellus avunculus uxoris mece usque 2 Mam melius et quietius uno die et una nocte tenuerit. Testibus, Hugone de Luisures; H. Picart; Drugone de Watervill; Widone de Watervill; Roberto Malet; IVillielmo de Seto Georgia; G. fratre ejus; Toroldo de Sulon ; Rogero de Millinton ; Roberto filio Willielmi; Si/none de Sumeri; Willielmo Bastart; Hamelino; Uioc Capellano; Willielmo filio Petri; Petro de Scto Martino.3
Geoffrey de Waltcrville was deceased in 1162. Consequently it is his widow who, as AscehV de Waltervill, was assessed to the scutage of that year, as Tenant of five knights'-fees in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire;—obviously her share of the Barony of
The IAber Niger of 1165 contains no return by Ascclina de Waltervill ; but I suspect it to have been her who is written as Ascelinus de Waltervill, and who held half a fee in Lincolnshire under Simon Earl of Northampton.4 Probably too it was her son who in one place is called Ralph de Waltervilla,6 and in another, Ralph fitz Asceline,6 in the same Record, but who does not yet appear as a Tenant-in-capite.
Between the years 1161 and 1172, I date the Deed whereby Ascelina de Waltervill (evidently a widow) and Radulf her son, concede to Shrewsbury Abbey, a third of Crugelton and Slepe, as given previously by Hamo Peverel, &c. Witnesses, Nicholas, Canon; Bartholomew d'Andevill; Droco de Waltervill; Radulf de Lindesey; Hodo; Walter fitz Harduin; Acelina daughter of Geoffrey de Waltervill; Alan de Haleie (read Hadley); Radulf son of Teold de Tcrne; William fitz Warin of Burewardesley (Broseley); William de Bans; Richard de Linley.7
Radulf De Walterville probably survived, and succeeded his Mother. He granted to Barnwell Priory the Church of Bcrtone in Ketstevene, but was deceased without issue before 1185. At his death his sisters became his heirs. These were Matilda, wife of William de Diva, and Ascelina, wife of * * * * de Torpcl.
1124 |
1142 |
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England (United Kingdom)
1158 |
Bourn, Cambridgeshire, , England
1162 |
Age 38
Bourn, Cambridgeshire, , England
???? |