Immediate Family
half brother
About Geoffroi de Boulogne, bâtard, seignuer de Carshalton, Cambridgeshire, Coton-Manor
GEOFFROY [de Boulogne], illegitimate son of EUSTACHE [II] Comte de Boulogne & his mistress --- (-after 1100). His parentage is confirmed by an undated charter under which his grandson “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donations to Okeburn Priory, Wiltshire by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”[524]. Murray[525] suggests that Geoffrey may have been born legitimate because (1) his descendants were known as "de Boulogne", (2) he married well, and (3) he was given the first name of his father's older brother. Murray further suggests that, if this is correct, he would have been Comte Eustache's son by Godgifu of England, whose marriage may have been annulled for consanguinity, which would have resulted in the bastardisation of their children. Geoffroy was mentioned in a writ of William I King of England dated [1066/71]. Lord of Carshalton. Domesday Book records land held from “Geoffrey son of Count Eustace” in Carshalton, Surrey, adding that "Geoffrey de Mandeville gave him this land with his daughter"[526]. William I King of England confirmed the donations in Balham and Walton by "Godfrey son of Count Eustace on behalf of his wife Beatrice, with the consent of Geoffrey de Mandeville", by charter dated to [1076/84][527]. He held the manor of Coton, Cambridgeshire from his father in 1086[528]. He was in Palestine in 1100.
m ([1076/1084]%29 BEATRIX de Mandeville, daughter of GEOFFREY [I] de Mandeville & his first wife Adelais ---. William I King of England confirmed the donations in Balham and Walton by "Godfrey son of Count Eustace on behalf of his wife Beatrice, with the consent of Geoffrey de Mandeville", by charter dated to [1076/84][529]. Domesday Book records land held from “Geoffrey son of Count Eustace” in Carshalton, Surrey, adding that "Geoffrey de Mandeville gave him this land with his daughter"[530]. Geoffroy & his wife had [three] children:
1. WILLIAM de Boulogne (-before 1130). His parentage is confirmed by an undated charter under which his son “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donations to Okeburn Priory, Wiltshire by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”[531]. He died before the 1129/30 Pipe Roll in which his son is named. m firstly ---. William's first marriage is deduced from the reference to his presumed second wife as stepmother of his son. m secondly --- (-after 1130). The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Faram fil Will de Bolonia" in Surrey for “terre sue et ut habeat terram suam quam noverca sua tenet"[532], which suggests that his stepmother was living at the time. William & his first wife had [four] children:
a) FARAMUS de Boulogne (-[1183/84]). The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Faram fil Will de Bolonia" in Surrey for “terre sue et ut habeat terram suam quam noverca sua tenet"[533]. “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donation of land “in Belgehem [Balham], quæ pertinebat ad manerium de Clopham [Clapham]” to Okeburne Priory, Wiltshire [belonging to Bec] made by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”, by undated charter consented to and witnessed by “fratres mei Eustacius et Simon. Hugo de Bosevilla et uxor eius, et filii ipsius Willielmi, et Robertus de Bosevilla, Baldvinus Richetala”[534]. Presumably this confirmation was given soon after Faramus succeeded his father as head of the family. Simeon of Durham records that "Willelmus d’Ipre homo Flandrensis, et Pharamus nepos reginæ Matildis, et iste Bononiensis" administered “familiam regis Stephani”, dated to [1141][535]. "...Pharam[o]..." witnessed the charter of King Stephen dated Christmas 1141 at Canterbury[536]. Seigneur de Tingry[537]. Emilie Amt notes that no other sources record Faramus fighting for Stephen during the civil war and suggests that he mainly supported Matilda because of their family relationship[538]. “Faramus de Bolonia” granted land held by “Wluard filius Brictrig...in Sud et in Nort...” to “Thome Pinget servienti meo” for his service by undated charter, witnessed by “...Thomas filius Farami...”[539]. Castellan of Dover castle and holder of the honour of Dover: the treaty between King Stephen and Henri Duke of Normandy, dated [Nov/Dec] 1153, includes a commitment to "servitium Faramusi, preter castra et villas de Dovre et quod ad honorem Dovre pertinet"[540]. “Pharamus” donated “terram de Piterleia” to Missenden, for the souls of “domini mei regis Henrici ert regine et puerorum suorum et...mea et uxoris mee et puerorum nostrorum”, by undated charter witnessed by “domina Matilda uxore mea...Baldwino Richetale...”[541]. Faramus donated the tithes of Sombres to the abbey of St Josse “cum uxore Matilda et Sibilla filia mea”, with the consent of “Matheo Boloniense comite et heredibus meis Ingeranno de Fienles et uxore eius Sibilla filia mea”, by charter dated 1171[542]. "Pharamo de Tingri, Balduino de Caio…" subscribed the charter dated 1172 under which Matthieu Comte de Boulogne granted revenue from fisheries to the monks of Saint-Josse-sur-mer[543]. The Pipe Rolls record that Faramus’s Buckinghamshire lands passed to his heir in [1183/84][544]. m MATHILDE, daughter of --- (-after 1171). “Pharamus” donated “terram de Piterleia” to Missenden, for the souls of “domini mei regis Henrici ert regine et puerorum suorum et...mea et uxoris mee et puerorum nostrorum”, by undated charter witnessed by “domina Matilda uxore mea...Baldwino Richetale...”[545]. Faramus donated the tithes of Sombres to the abbey of St Josse “cum uxore Matilda et Sibilla filia mea”, with the consent of “Matheo Boloniense comite et heredibus meis Ingeranno de Fienles et uxore eius Sibilla filia mea”, by charter dated 1171[546]. Faramus & his wife had two children (their father’s undated charter to Missenden, quoted above, which names his wife Mathilde and their (unnamed) “puerorum nostrorum” suggests that the children shown below were probably born to Faramus’s known wife):
i) WILLIAM (-before 1171). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium records that "Engelramnum", son of "Eustacius…senex de Fielnis", married "nobilem de Tingreio Sibillam, Willelmi Faramus sororem"[547]. "Will[elmus]s Feram[us]" witnessed a spurious charter for Battle abbey under which Stephen King of England confirmed its rights and privileges, undated[548]. He died before 1171 when his sister and her husband are named as his father’s heirs (see above). m as her first husband, BEATRIX de Guines, daughter of ARNAUD Comte de Guines & his wife Mathilde de Saint-Omer. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names (in order) "Margaretam…Beatricem…Adelidem …Eufemiam et Luthgaudam…Mathildem…Ghislam…Agnetem" as the eight daughters of "Gandavense Arnoldo" & his wife, specifying that Beatrix married firstly "Willelmo Faramus de Tingreio" and secondly "castellano de Bellomanso Hugoni"[549]. She married secondly Hugues de Beaumetz Châtelain de Bapaume.
ii) SIBYLLE de Tingry (-after 29 Sep 1223). Faramus donated the tithes of Sombres to the abbey of St Josse “cum uxore Matilda et Sibilla filia mea”, with the consent of “Matheo Boloniense comite et heredibus meis Ingeranno de Fienles et uxore eius Sibilla filia mea”, by charter dated 1171[550]. “Sibilla de Tyngria filia Farami de Bolonia, domina de Clopham” confirmed the donation of land “in Balgehem, quæ pertinebat ad manerium de Clopham” [see her father’s confirmation, above] to Bec Abbey by undated charter[551]. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium records that "Engelramnum", son of "Eustacius…senex de Fielnis", married "nobilem de Tingreio Sibillam, Willelmi Faramus sororem"[552]. Her dowry was the manor of Mortok in Somerset, as shown by the Testa de Nevill which includes a writ of King John dated 1212 which records that "Willelmus de Fienes" held "manerium de Mortok que fuit de dominico regis de dono comitis Willelmi filii Reginaldi filii Stephani qui manerium predictum dedit [Faramo] de Bolonia pro servicio i militis" in Somerset[553]. The Testa de Nevill includes a list of landholdings in the honour of Boulogne, dated to [1217/18], which includes "Sibilla de Fenes" holding "vi milites…in Lamburne, ii milites in Fifide et Blakehall et Lacfare…"[554]. The Pipe Roll 1223 records “Sibilla de Fiednes” owing “de de Honore Bolon” in Essex/Hertfordshire[555]. m (before 1171) ENGUERRAND [I] de Fiennes, son of EUSTACHE [II] Seigneur de Fiennes & his wife --- (-1218).
Faramus had [one possible illegitimate child by an unknown mistress]:
iii) ['''THOMAS''' . “Faramus de Bolonia” granted land held by “Wluard filius Brictrig...in Sud et in Nort...” to “Thome Pinget servienti meo” for his service by undated charter, witnessed by “...Thomas filius Farami...”[556]. The unusual name of the witness’s father suggests that the witness may have been the grantor’s son. If that is correct, the absence of a description such as “Thomas filius mei” suggests that Thomas would have been illegitimate.].
b) EUSTACHE de Boulogne (-after [1147]). “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donations to Okeburn Priory, Wiltshire by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”, by undated charter consented to and witnessed by “fratres mei Eustacius et Simon…”[557]. "…Bald[uino] de Bolonia et Eustac[io] fratre eius…" witnessed a charter dated to [1145/47] under which Matilda Queen of England notified her donation to the church of Witham[558].
c) SIMON de Boulogne . “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donations to Okeburn Priory, Wiltshire by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”, by undated charter consented to and witnessed by “fratres mei Eustacius et Simon…”[559].
d) [daughter . “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donation of land “in Belgehem [Balham], quæ pertinebat ad manerium de Clopham [Clapham]” to Okeburne Priory, Wiltshire [belonging to Bec] made by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”, by undated charter consented to and witnessed by “fratres mei Eustacius et Simon. Hugo de Bosevilla et uxor eius, et filii ipsius Willielmi, et Robertus de Bosevilla, Baldvinus Richetala”[560]. Their consent to this confirmation suggests that all these named witnesses held an interest in the property, presumably by inheritance. If that is correct, they were all descended from Geoffroy de Boulogne. The inclusion of the wife of Hugh de Boseville among the witnesses suggests that her husband derived his interest in the property in question from her. If that is correct, she was either the sister of Faramus or his first cousin. It should be noted that the witness list of this charter is corrected in a more recent edition of this document, showing the names of her two sons: “...uxor eius et filii ipsius Willelmus et Robertus de Bosevilla, Balduinus Richetala”[561], which explains the unexplained “filii ipsius Willelmi” in Dugdale’s transcription. The descendants of Hugh de Beseville and his wife have been studied by Richard Joscelyne who has linked properties later held by the Beseville family to ones previously held by Faramus[562]. m HUGH de Beseville, son of ---.] William & his [first/second] wife had one child:
e) BAUDOUIN de Boulogne (-after [1167/68]). Archdeacon of Sudbury [1143]-[1167/68]. "…Bald[uino] de Bolonia et Eustac[io] fratre eius…" witnessed a charter dated to [1145/47] under which Matilda Queen of England notified her donation to the church of Witham[563]. Archdeacon of Norwich 1164. [same person as...? BAUDOUIN “Richetala” (-after [1160]). “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donation of land “in Belgehem [Balham], quæ pertinebat ad manerium de Clopham [Clapham]” to Okeburne Priory, Wiltshire [belonging to Bec] made by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”, by undated charter consented to and witnessed by “fratres mei Eustacius et Simon. Hugo de Bosevilla et uxor eius, et filii ipsius Willielmi, et Robertus de Bosevilla, Baldvinus Richetala”[564]. Their consent to this confirmation suggests that all these named witnesses held an interest in the property, presumably by inheritance. If that is correct, they were all descended from Geoffroy de Boulogne. Baudouin Archdeacon of Sudbury is the only known descendant of Geoffroy called Baudouin. However, the name “Baldvinus Richetala” placed at the end of the list, far from Faramus’s other “fratres mei” and after the wife of Hugh de Bosvile (assuming that she was Faramus’s sister as suggested above), suggests a different relationship. The normal interpretation of the witness list name order, as transcribed by Dugdale, would be that Baudouin “Richetala” was the most junior of the surviving family members, maybe a different person from Faramus’s brother Baudouin (who would, in accordance with normal practice at the time, presumably have preceded his sister, whatever their relative ages). One possibility is that some distinction was introduced into the witness list because Baudouin was born from his father’s second marriage[565]. Another possibility is that he was an otherwise unrecorded first cousin of Faramus. The following document shows that Baudouin “Richetala” was still a member of Faramus’s retinue several years after the accession of King Henry II: “Pharamus” donated “terram de Piterleia” to Missenden, for the souls of “domini mei regis Henrici ert regine et puerorum suorum et...mea et uxoris mee et puerorum nostrorum”, by undated charter witnessed by “domina Matilda uxore mea...Baldwino Richetale...”[566].]
2. [HAROLD . Europäische Stammtafeln shows Harold as a possible son of Geoffroy[567]. The primary source on which this speculation is based has not been identified.]
3. [MABILIA de Cotes . Daughter of "Geoffrey de Cotes", and "puella" [lady-in-waiting] to Adelisa de Clermont, wife of Gilbert FitzRichard de Clare: Domesday Descendants speculates that she may have been the daughter of Geoffroy de Boulogne who held the manor of Coton, Cambridgeshire[568].]
Geoffroi de Boulogne, bâtard, seignuer de Carshalton, Cambridgeshire, Coton-Manor's Timeline
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