http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY.h... GERHARD ([870/75][796]-killed in battle 22 Jun 910). The De Rebus Treverensibus sæculi VIII-X Libellus names two brothers "Gerardus et Meffridus" specifying that Gerhard married Oda, widow of King Zwentibold[797]. Regino records that in 897 "Stephanus, Odacar, Gerardus et Matfridus comites" had their honours confiscated, and the reconciliation of "Stephanus, Gerhardus et Matfridus" with King Zwentibold soon after[798]. The reconciliation was short-lived, as Regino specifies that "Zuantibold" was killed in battle "900 Id Aug" by "comitibus Stephano, Gerardo et Matfriedo circa Mosam"[799]. Regino records that "Chuonradus comes" sent "filium suum Chuonradum" against "Gerardum et fratrem eius Matfridum" in 906[800]. The Annales Laubecenses record that "Gebehardum ducem et Liutfredum" were killed in battle against the Bavarians in 910[801]. m (after 13 Aug 900) as her second husband, ODA, widow of ZWENTIBOLD King of Lotharingia [Carolingian], daughter of OTTO "des Erlauchten" Duke of Saxony & his wife Hedwig ([884][802]-[2 Jul] after 952). Regino records that "Gerhard comes" married "Odam uxorem Zuendiboldi regis" after killing her first husband in battle in 900[803]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation of property "in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita…Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952[804]. Jackman speculates[805] that she married thirdly Eberhard Graf im Oberlahngau, Pfalzgraf]. Gerhard & his wife had four children:
a) WICFRID (-9 Jul 953). His parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 2 Aug 945, relating to roperty "in pago Juliacense in comitatu Godefridi comitis", subscribed by "Wichfridi archiepiscopi…fratris eius Godefridi comitis"[806]. Abbot of St Ursula at Köln. Deacon 922. Archbishop of Köln 925. Regino records in 923 the death of “Herimannus...Coloniensis episcopus” and the appointment of “Wigfridus”[807]. Flodoard records in 953 the death of “Wicfredus Coloniensis antistes” and the ordination of “Bruno frater regis Ottonis” to whom “rex Otto” also granted “regnum Lothariense”[808]. The Continuator of Regino records the death in 953 of “Wigfridus Coloniensis ecclesiæ archiepiscopus” and the appointment of “Brun frater regis”[809]. Archchancellor 950. The Annales Colonienses record the death in 953 of "Wicfridus archiepiscopus" and the succession of "Bruno"[810]. The Kalendarium of Köln Cathedral records the death “VII Id Jul” of “Wifridus archiepiscopus”[811].
b) UDA (-after 18 May 963). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. A charter dated 943 refers to "Gozlines…miles…ex nobilissimis regni Chlotarii ducens prosapia" (the wording implying that he was then deceased) and the donation by "uxor eius Uda et filius eius…Regingerus" to St Maximin at Trier of property "Hunzelinesdorph", subscribed by "Ogonis abbatis, Friderici, Gisilberti, Sigeberti fratrum predicti Gozlini"[812]. "Otto…rex" confirmed a donation of property "Dauantri in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Wichmanni comitis…" inherited by "Uda nostra nepta" by charter dated 28 Aug 960[813]. "Uda…comitissa" donated property "in pago Rizzigowi cui Egylolfus comes" to St Maximin at Trier "pro remedio…seniorique mei Gozlini necnon filiorum meorum Henrici…et Reginheri, Godefridi quoque et Adalberonis" by charter dated 18 May 963 witnessed by "Sigefrido comite, Richwino comite"[814]. m GOZLIN [Gozelon] Comte, son of WIGERICH [III] Graf im Bidgau & his wife Cunegundis --- ([before 915]-[12 Oct 942/16 Feb 943][815] [19 Oct 942]).
c) daughter. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m ---, a Bavarian.
d) GOTTFRIED ([905/10]-26 Mar after 949). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. his birth date range is estimated from the likely marriage date of his parents and the date his father died. Property "in pago Juliacense in comitatu Godefridi comitis" is referred to in a charter dated 2 Aug 945, signed by "Wichfridi archiepiscopi…fratris eius Godefridi comitis"[816]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Süsteren abbey for Kloster Prüm by charter dated 1 Jun 949, which names "Wicfridus episcopus…Godefridus comes…"[817]. Graf im Jülichgau. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "4 Kal Apr" of "Godefridus comes"[818]. m (before [934]%29 ERMENTRUDE, daughter of ---. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont: lists (1) "Dumnus Gislibertus dux…Dumna Girberga, Ainricus, Haduidis…", which is followed by (2) "Gottefridus comes cum infantibus…suis, Ermentridis comitissa"[819], and (3) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter[820]. , and (4) "…Caroli imperatoris…Hludowici imperatoris, Hlotarii, Caroli, Ermentrudis"[821], which may represent an abbreviated attempt to set out the ancestry of Ermentrude wife of Graf Gottfried. Hlawitschka suggests[822] that Ermentrude was Ermentrude of the Franks, daughter of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks & his first wife Frederuna. He appears to base this on another name list in the Liber Memorialis naming the Carolingian kings and emperors (in order) "…Caroli imperatoris…Hludowici imperatoris, Hlotarii, Caroli, Ermentrudis"[823], suggesting that this represents an abbreviated attempt to set out the ancestry of Ermentrude wife of Graf Gottfried. However, the connection between entries (1) to (3) and entry (4) appears to be speculation. Gottfried & his wife had five children:
i) GOTTFRIED (-in Italy 964). The Vita Adelheidis refers to the four brothers of "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi", of whom "unus paterno nominee...obiit [sine] legitimæ uxoris et liberorum…alter …attavus fuit Henrici nuper defuncti imperatoris [Heinrich III]", the remaining two being ancestors of German nobles[824]. He died of fever in Italy. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property in Villers-Ghislain to the abbey of St Ghislain "pro remedio…quondam…ducis nostri Godefridi" on the request of Bruno archbishop of Köln and "Richarius comes" by charter dated 2 Jun 965[825].
ii) GERBERGA (after 934-[995]). The Vita Adelheidis names "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi" as wife of "Megengoz"[826]. The Memorial of "Megendaudus…Gerbirga marito" also names "Irmendrudis", recording that she was born with them, presumably indicating that she was their daughter, with the name "Adelheidis abbatissa" recorded at the end of the passage out of context[827]. m MEGINGOZ, son of --- (-14 Jan [998]).
iii) GEBHARD . The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter[828].
iv) GERHARD ([930/35][829]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter540. Graf von Metz 963. The Vita Adelheidis refers to the four brothers of "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi", of whom "unus paterno nominee...obiit [sine] legitimæ uxoris et liberorum…alter …attavus fuit Henrici nuper defuncti imperatoris [Heinrich III]", the remaining two being ancestors of German nobles[830].
- see below.
v) ADELARD . The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter540.
Gerhard I of Metz (c. 875 – 22 Jun 910) was count of Metz. He was the son of Adalhard (c. 850 – 2 Jan 890), count of Metz, himself son of Adalard the Seneschal and a daughter of Matfried, count of Eifel (c. 820 – bef. 18 Sep 882)
Contents 1 Biography 2 Family 3 References 4 Sources Biography He tried in vain to rule Lotharingia with his brothers Steven and Matfried I (count of Eifel).
In 897, Gerhard and his brothers were in conflict with King Zwentibold. They were first rejected, and reconciled shortly after.
He led an uprising with his brother Matfried, and in 900 defeated and killed Zwentibold on the battlefield of Susteren.
He went to war, again with Matfried, in 906 against the count Conrad.
He was killed in a battle against the Bavarian army on 22 June 910.
Family After 13 August 900, Gerhard married the widow of Zwentibold, Oda (c. 880 – bef. 952), daughter of Otto I, Duke of Saxony,[1] and had:
Wigfried (d. 9 Jul 953), abbot of St. Ursula of Cologne, then archbishop of Cologne from 924 to 953 Oda (d. bef. 18 May 963), married Gozlin, Count of Bidgau and Methingau (d. 942)[1] unknown daughter Godfrey (d. bef. 949), count of Jülichgau Oda of Saxony remarried to Eberhard, count in Oberlahngau.
875 |
900 |
910 |
June 22, 910
Age 35
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