Historical records matching Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz
Immediate Family
About Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz
- Father: Adalbert von Metz (d. 1037, bur. at the Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville), Graf von Metz (1020s - 1037)
- Mother: Judith, granddaughter of Wigerich III, Comte d'Ardenne, and sister of Sigfried, Comte de Luxembourg (note: not from Swabia)
Siblings: None known.
- Gisela (bur. at the Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville)
- 1. Adalbert / Albert (d. 1045, bur. at the Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville, father of Ermensende, Comtesse de Longwy and wife of Conrad I, Comte de Luxembourg), Herzog von Oberlotharingen, Comte de Longwy, killed in battle near Thuin.
- 2. Gerhard (d. 1070 at Remiremont), Herzog von Oberlotharingen (1048-1070), Graf von Metz.
- 3. Konrad
- 4. Adalbero
- 5. Beatrix, nun at Remiremont
- 6. Odelrich (d. 1065 or later, bur. at the Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville)
- 7. Cuono
- 8. Oda, Abbess of Remiremont (1048-1070)
- 9. Azelinus
- 10. Ida
- 11. Adelheid
Basic information:
Birth: c960 (estimated, based on unsourced marriage date), Probably Metz, Metzgau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Ostenfrankenreich (within present eastern France)
Baptism: Unknown
Marriage: 977 (unsourced Dukes of Lorraine family tree on English Wikipedia)
Death: 1045 (according to FMG)
Burial: Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville, Nitagau (Present département de la Moselle), Herzogtum Oberlotharingen (Present Région Lorraine), Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present eastern France)
Occupation: Unspecified Graf (from before 1033 - 1045)
Alternate Names: Gerhard IV von Metz, Gerard
ADALBERT, son of [RICHARD Graf von Metz or GERARD Graf von Metz] & his wife --- (-[1 Feb/30 Jun] 1037 or after, bur Bourzonville Monastery).
m JUDITH, daughter of --- & his wife [Kunigunde ---] (-27 Jul [1037/38], bur Bourzonville/Busendorf).
Graf Adalbert & his wife had one child:
1. GERHARD (-1045, bur Bourzonville Monastery). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names "Gerhardus comes marchio filius [Adalbertus comes marchio et uxor sua Iuditha] cum uxore sua Gisela", noting that they were both buried in the monastery[507]. Graf. "Gerardus" donated property to Saint-Bénigne de Dijon for the souls of "patris mei Adalberti et avunculi mei Gerardi" by charter dated 30 Jun 1033[508]. Gérard Comte d'Alsace settled a dispute with the abbess of Remiremont for the souls of "Adelbert et Juditte ses père et mère" by charter, now lost, dated May 1038[509].
m GISELA, daughter of --- (-bur Bourzonville Monastery). "Gerardus…Lothariensium dux" donated property to Echternach abbey by charter dated 11 Apr 1067 which names "uxoris mea Hadvidis filiique nostre Theoderici…patris mei Gerhardi matrisque meæ Gislæ"[510]. Graf Gerhard & his wife had eleven children:
a) ADALBERT [Albert] (-killed in battle near Thuin 11 Nov 1048). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[511]. The Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium names "Albertum de Longui castro", but does not give his origin[512]. Comte de Longwy. Emperor Heinrich III appointed him as ADALBERT Duke of Upper Lotharingia in early 1047, after confiscating the duchy from Godefroi II "le Barbu" Duke of Upper Lotharingia. Duke Adalbert was killed fighting the forces of ex-Duke Godefroi. No indication has been found of the name of Duke Adalbert's wife, assuming that he was married at all. Szabolcs de Vajay[513] has confirmed the incorrectness of his earlier proposition that Duke Adalbert's wife was Clémence de Foix, and that the Duke was the father of Etiennette (wife of Guillaume Comte de Bourgogne) and Clémence (wife of Conrad Comte de Luxembourg). The Kalendarium Sanctæ Mariæ Virdunensis records the death "III Id Nov" of "fuit prœlium ducis Alberti"[514]. m ---. The name of Adalbert's wife is not known. Adalbert & his wife had [one possible child]:
i) [ERMENSENDE . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa de Longui et de Castris Ermensendis" as wife of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburch"[515]. If Alberic correctly identifies the wife of Konrad as Ctss de Longwy et de Castres, it is likely that she was the daughter of Adalbert Duke of Lower Lotharingia who was also Comte de Longwy, but no primary source which confirms that this is correct has yet been found. If this is correct, it is likely that Ermensende was Konrad's first wife and the mother of his daughter Ermensende, who is recorded as heiress of Longwy. m [as his first wife,] KONRAD Comte de Luxembourg, son of GISELBERT Graf von Salm, Comte de Luxembourg & his wife --- (-in Palestine 8 Aug 1086, bur Luxembourg Münster Abbey).
b) GERHARD (-Remiremont [14 Apr] or 11 Aug [1070]). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[516]. In an earlier passage, the same source names "Odelrico comite et Gerhardo duce" as sons and successors of "Gerhardus comes marchio [et] cum uxore sua Gisela"[517]. Graf von Metz. Emperor Heinrich III appointed him as GERARD Duke of Upper Lotharingia after his brother was killed in battle in Nov 1048.
c) KONRAD . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[518].
d) ADALBERO . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[519].
e) BEATRIX . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[520]. Nun at Remiremont.
f) ODELRICH (-1065 or after, bur Bourzonville Monastery). A letter of Rodulfi Abbatis quotes a charter of "Adelbero…Metensis episcopus" dated 1065 which is signed by "domnus Theodericus nepos eius, domnus Gervoldus archidiaconus, domnus Odelricus frater ducis Gerardi…"[521]. The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names "Odelrico comite et Gerhardo duce" as sons and successors of "Gerhardus comes marchio [et] cum uxore sua Gisela"[522]. Odelrich is not included in the list of the ten other children of Gerhard and Gisela included in another passage of the same source[523]. The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names "filiis [Gisila%E2%80%A6et Gerhardo duce] Odelrico", recording that he was buried with his parents[524].
g) CUONO . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[525]. Hlawitschka suggests that those named after Beatrix were more distant relations[526].
h) ODA . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[527]. Hlawitschka suggests that those named after Beatrix were more distant relations[528]. Abbess of Remiremont 1048-1070.
i) AZELINUS . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[529]. Hlawitschka suggests that those named after Beatrix were more distant relations[530].
j) IDA . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[531]. Hlawitschka suggests that those named after Beatrix were more distant relations[532].
k) ADELHEID . The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertus, Gerhardus, Cuonradus, Adalbero, Beatrix, Cuono, Huoda abbatissa, Azelinus, Ida, Adeleth" as children of "Gerhardus comes [et] Gisela"[533]. Hlawitschka suggests that those named after Beatrix were more distant relations[534].
Apparently this profile was mismerged with the earlier Gerhard I von Metz, and is now not to be confused with:
Gebhard (died in 879) was a mid-9th-century count in the Lahngau and the first documented ancestor of the dynasty later known as the Conradines. He was a "leading man of the [East] Franks" and a brother-in-law of Ernest, margrave of the Bavarian Nordgau. Gebhard may be a son of Odo I, Count of Orléans, if identical with Udo the Elder, count in the Lahngau from 821 to 826.
In 838, he allied with Poppo of Grapfeld and Otgar, Archbishop of Mainz, against the rebellious Louis the German and in favour of the emperor Louis the Pious.
He was the father of
* Udo, count in the Lahngau
* Waldo, abbot of St. Maximin's at Trier
* Bertulf, Bishop of Trier
* Berengar, count in the Hessengau
who all rose to prominent positions in West Francia.
* The Annals of Fulda. (Manchester Medieval series, Ninth-Century Histories, Volume II.) Reuter, Timothy (trans.) Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992.
Gebhard im Lahngau
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Gebhard (* zwischen 795 und 810; † 879), aus dem Geschlecht der Konradiner, war Graf in der Wetterau und Graf im Lahngau und Gründer des Stifts St. Severus in Kettenbach/Gemünden im Westerwald. Er war ein Sohn des Grafen Udo (des Älteren) im Lahngau, besser als Odo von Orléans bekannt.
Gebhard hatte vier Söhne:
* Udo im Lahngau, Graf im Lahngau
* Waldo, Abt der Reichsabtei St. Maximin in Trier
* Berthold von Trier, 869-883 Erzbischof von Trier
* Berengar, Graf im Hessengau
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. Juli 2010 um 19:42 Uhr geändert.
Possibly born in Metz and died in Bouzonville
Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz's Timeline
985 |
Probably Metz, Metzgau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Ostenfrankenreich
1000 |
Haute-Lorraine (Upper Lotharingia), France
1020 |
Lorraine, Grand Est, France
1021 |
Metz, France
1045 |
Age 60
Bouzonville, Nitagau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
???? | |||
???? |