52 haRabbanit Gitel bt hagaon hagadol Juda Loeb zlh”h e’ Simon haLevi zlh”h Brandeis 1634 (Footnote: 2nd daughter of the Maharal and wife of the primos Simon Brandeis)
Eldest daughter (child #2) of The Maharal of Prague.
Born ca. 1550
Married Rabbi Simon (HaLevi) Brandeis in Prague.
She died September 19, 1635. ז' בתשרי ה'שצ"ו
Their son was Rabbi Samuel (HaLevi) BRANDEIS (d. 1628 Prague)
Gitele LOEW and Rabbi Simon BRANDEIS had a great-grandson called Israel BRANDEIS.
Gitele LOEW (d. 7 Tishre 1635) married Rabbi Simon BRANDEIS (d. 1635 Prague) in Prague of Levitic Origin.
Their son was called Rabbi Samuel BRANDEIS (d. 1628 Prague).
1550 |
1580 |
Posen, Germany
1635 |
September 19, 1635
Age 85
Prague, נפטרה ז' תשרי ה'שצ"ו, Czechoslovakia
September 1635
Age 85
Prague, Czechoslovakia
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