Golda Isserles, [ReMa #2 wife]

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Golda Isserles (bat Shalom Shachna), [ReMa #2 wife] (1532 - 1552)

Hebrew: גולדה איסרלס (שכנא), אשתו השניה של הרמ"א
Birthplace: Lublin, Poland
Death: June 03, 1552 (19-20)
Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland
Place of Burial: Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Shalom haCohen Shachna, of Lublin and Chana Yonah Schachna
Wife of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA"
Mother of Hendele Malka? Günsburg; Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels; wife of Hirsh Leib Bienenfeld and . dau. RAMA Isserles
Sister of Chief Rabbi Israel Shachna

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Golda Isserles, [ReMa #2 wife]

Rema’s wife (Shachna) died young, at the age of 20 and he later established the "Rema Synagogue" in Kraków in her memory (originally his house, built by his father in his honor—which he gave to the community).

הרבנית רצוני ב"ר שלום שכנא המהרש"ל אב"ד לובלין היתה אשת רבנו הרמ"א כמובא ב"דרכי משה" יו"ד סימן ק"י ס"ק ד' ר"י כהן צדק שם הערה 21

מובא בספר שושלת זהב עמוד 75

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Golda Isserles, [ReMa #2 wife]'s Timeline

Lublin, Poland
Krakow, Poland
December 9, 1551
June 3, 1552
Age 20
Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland
June 1552
Age 20
Cemetery of the Rema Synagogue, Krakow, Poland, Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland