Historical records matching Guy II "le rouge" de Montlhéry, comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines

Immediate Family
About Guy II "le rouge" de Montlhéry, comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines
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Miles "le Grand" de Montlhéry
Medieval Lands Database http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/PARIS%20REGION%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc2...:
The primary sources which confirm the parentage and marriages of the members of the following family have not yet been identified, unless otherwise stated below.
1. MILON de Montlhéry . 1034/1057. m ---. The name of Milon's wife is not known. Milon & his wife had two children:
a) HUGUES (-after 1074). "…Hugone filio Milonis de Monte Lehirico…" witnessed a charter dated to [1042/44] under which "Guanilo thesaurarius Sancti Martini" donated property[1805].
b) GUY [I] (-1095, bur abbaye de Longpont). The Historia of Monk Aimon names "Guidonem" as the son of "Theobaldus cognomina Filans-stupas, Forestarius [Roberti Regis]" stating that he held "Montem-Lethericum"[1806]. He founded the priory of Longpont [1061/85]. "…Guido de Monte Letheri…" witnessed the charter dated 29 May 1067 under which Philippe I King of France confirmed the possessions of Saint-Martin-des-Champs[1807]. Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines 1068/74. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][1808]. He became a monk at Longpont. m HODIERNE de Gometz-la-Ferté, daughter of GUILLAUME de Gometz-la-Ferté Seigneur de Bures & his wife ---. The Historia of Monk Aimon records that "Guidonem", son of "Theobaldus cognomina Filans-stupas, Forestarius [Roberti Regis]", married "dominam de Feritate et de Gommet"[1809]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][1810]. The primary source which confirms her precise parentage has not yet been identified. 1062/1074. Guy [I] & his wife had seven children
Miles I "le Grand", seigneur de Montlhéry & de Bray1
b. circa 1035, d. 1118
Miles I "le Grand", seigneur de Montlhéry & de Bray|b. c 1035\nd. 1118|p360.htm#i8943|Guy I, seigneur de Montlhéry|b. c 1009\nd. 1095|p354.htm#i5676|Hodierne de Gommets|b. 1014|p48.htm#i5677|Thibaud "Fille-Etoupe", seigneur de Bray & de Montlhéry|b. c 970\nd. 1031|p338.htm#i10113|N. N. (?)|b. c 989|p78.htm#i10111|Guillaume de Gommets, senechal de France|b. c 965|p60.htm#i9080||||
Father Guy I, seigneur de Montlhéry b. circa 1009, d. 1095
Mother Hodierne de Gommets b. 1014
Vicomte de Troyes.2 Seigneur de Montlhery & de Bray.2 Miles I "le Grand", seigneur de Montlhéry & de Bray was born circa 1035. He was the son of Guy I, seigneur de Montlhéry and Hodierne de Gommets. Miles I "le Grand", seigneur de Montlhéry & de Bray married Lithuise, vicomtesse de Troyes, daughter of Guillaume "Busac", comte d'Eu and Adélaide, comtesse de Soissons, in 1070.2 Miles I "le Grand", seigneur de Montlhéry & de Bray was on the First Crusade between August 1096 and July 1099.3 He was on Crusade in 1101.3 He died in 1118.
Lithuise, vicomtesse de Troyes b. after 1058
* Emmeline de Montlhéry+ b. c 1072?, d. 11214
* Isabeau de Montlhéry+ b. c 10755
* seigneur de Montlhéry Guy II "Troußel" de Montlhéry+ b. 1075?2
Captured At Rome In First Crusade
1. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., III:154, 665.
2. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., III:665.
3. [S1295] Jonathan Riley-Smith, Crusades Atlas, pg. 34.
4. [S1265] Genealogy.eu, online genealogy.euweb.cz, Monthléry.
5. [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., III:154.
The following information was supplied by Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann@yaoo.com. I added Guy's 2nd wife, who appeared to be his mother-in-law. Guy 'le Rouge' de Montlhery, Comte de Rochefort-en-Yveline, Seigneur de Gournay et Gomez Count of Rochefort, Seigneur of Gournay & Gomez [Ref: Moriarty p63] Seigneur de Rochefort-en-Yveline & Montmorency [Ref: ES II:11] called "the Red," Sire de Montlhery, Count of Rochefort-en-Yvelines, Lord of Chateaufort, Seneschal of France, Seigneur of Fornay (sic) & Gomez [Ref: Royalty for Commoners 5:31] b: 1037 (Of Montlhery) [Ref: McBride] parents: [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p63 & 265] m1: Elise de Corbeil m2: Adelaide de Crecy as 2nd wife [Ref: ES III:624] 2nd husband [Ref: ES II:79] d: 1108 [Ref:ES III:624] Regards, Curt
Guy was also called Guy de Rochefort (Guy of Rochefort).
Guy "le Rouge" de Montlhéry, senechal de France, married Elizabeth, dame de Crécy, before 1075.
Guy was the 8th senechal of France in 1093.
He was on Crusade in 1101.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p357.htm#i8786 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Guy married Elise De /Corbeil/, daughter of Bouchard De /Corbeil/ and Adelaide De /Crecy/. (Elise De /Corbeil/ was born about 1048 in Corbeil, Marne, France.)
Guy II "le rouge" de Montlhéry, comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines's Timeline
1037 |
Montlhéry, Seine-Et-Oise, France
1073 |
Montlhéry, Essonne, Île-de-France, France
1088 |
Rochefort-en-Yevlines, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France
1090 |
Crécy-en-Ponthieu, Somme, Picardy, France
1107 |
Age 70
Montlhéry, Seine-Et-Oise, France
1108 |
Age 71
Seneschal Of First Crusade, France
1992 |
December 8, 1992
Age 70
1993 |
July 16, 1993
Age 70
1994 |
March 9, 1994
Age 70