William des Marets, 6 th Lord of Marets, Lord of Loges and Cheneaux, is mentioned , according to Le Carpentier, in Charters of the years 1293, 1331, and 1335, respectively to be found in the archives of the Abbey of Saint Aubert, at Cambray, at Walincourt, and at Verger Abbey.
His wife was Guiote de Hames, daughter of Walter de Hames, who in 1272 was bailiff of Courtenay, (Of this family came the well-known Nicolas de Hames, herald of the Golden Fleece, a Protestant in the eventful days of the beginning of the rebellion of the Netherlands against the tyrant Phillip II).
In 1293 William des Marets sold much of his land located near the Abbey of Saint Aubert. Of his marriage two children are known:
Baldwin, who follows below , and a daughter, ___, who became the wife of Wigbold of Esquencourt.[2]
VI. GUATIER DE HAMES, créé grand bailli de Courtrai en 1272 après Jean de Flandres. Sa fille GUIOTTE DE HAMES parait en 1293 dans les archives de S. Aubert avec son mari Guillaume des Marez.
VI. GUATIER DE HAMEs, created Grand Bailiff of Courtrai in 1272 after Jean de yFlanders. His daughter GUIoTTE DE HAMEs appeared in 1293 in the archives of S '. Aubert with her husband Guillaume des Marez.
It was about around this time or a little more late that JEAN de HAMES lived, husband of MARGUERITE DE NEUFVILLE (see page 1o2); because he is mentioned with her in 1318. He was probably related to the preceds, but he called himself Lord of BoNNIÈREs & it is said to come from father to son of counts of GUINES, of which he carried the arms which are yairé of gold & azure. It was from him that came down the house of BoNNIÈREs-SoUAsTRE, which still has representatives nowadays & which has taken the name of GUINEES, by virtue of a sentence decreed in his favor by the election of Arras.
(Histoire généalogique de la maison de Neufville, d'après d'anciennes chartes et des documents inédits / A.C. de Neufville, 1869)
"VII. William des Marets, 6th Lord of Marets, Lord of Loges and Cheneaux, (Lord of Hurtebise, of half-Fichan, and of Eth, in Renault) is mentioned, according to Le Carpentier, in Chaters of the years 1293, 1331, and 1335, respectively to be found in the archives of the Abbey of Saint Aubert, at Cambray, at Walincourt, and at Verger Abbey.
His wife was Guiote de Hames, daughter of Walter de Hames, who in 1272 was bailiff of Courtenay. (Of this family came the well-known Nicolas de Hames, herald of the Golden Fleece, a Protestant in the eventful days of the beginning of the rebellion of the Netherlands against the tyrant Phillip II.) Early Genealogical Record, pg xviii, para.'s 8 &9.
"In 1293, William des Marets sold much of his land located near the Abbey of Saint Aubert.
Of his marriage two children are known:
Le nom de la noble famille de Patin a subi, comme la plupart des noms anciens, une foule de variations : on le rencontre orthographié Patin, Paltin, Pattyn, Pattins et Patlyns. Il est cependant certain que l'orthographe véritable est telle que l'admet de nos jour le représentant de cette famille , M. le vicomte de Patin.
L'origine de cette famille noiis semble ne devoir permettre aucun doute. Le nom est essentiellement français; et, du reste, les premiers membies de cette maison se rencontrent en France vers le milieu du XIIIe siècle, c'est-à-dire, dès avant qu'on rencontre ce nom dans les Annales de l'histoire de Flandre; et, s'il est vrai que les armes parlantes fournissent aussi des indications pour en induire quel est le berceau d'une famille, nous pourrons ajouter que les trois patins portés dans les armes par une fraction de cette famille, viennent corroborer notre assertion. Toutefois, il est constant que la famille de Patin habite les Pays-Bas depuis cinq siècles. Le Carpentier dans son Histoire générale des Pays-Bas ou Histoire de Cambrai ou du Cambrésis, II, 861 , la rattache à Raoul Patin, gouverneur du château de Cambrai et du Cambrésis, sous l'évêque Guillaume de Hainaut; ce Raoul avait épousé Guyote, fille de Wautier de Hames , gouverneur de Courtrai en 1272. Il dit aussi qu'à cette maison appartenait Wautier Patin, chevalier, vivant en 1370, dont était née Jossine Patin, femme de Heylaert, seigneur de Moorslede, fils de Jean, seigneur de Moorslede, et de Marguerite de Poucques, fille de Heylaert, Beer (Baron) de Poucques; leur fils Jean de Moorslede, capitaine de Ravenstein, se maria à Philippine de Baenst. Il paraît que c'est de ce Raoul de Patin susdit que serait issu Pierre de Patin, par lequel nous commencerons notre descendance. (ANNALES DE L'ACADÉMIE D'ARCHÉOLOGIE DE BELGIQUE 1833- page 27 : appendice/ famille de Patin)
The name of Patin's noble family has undergone, like most ancient names, a host of variations: it is found spelled Patin, Paltin, Pattyn, Pattins and Patlyns. It is however certain that the true spelling is such as admits it nowadays the representative of this family, M. le Vicomte de Patin. The origin of this noiis family seems to leave no room for doubt. The name is mainly French; and, moreover, the first members of this house were to be found in France around the middle of the thirteenth century, that is to say, before we encountered this name in the Annals of the history of Flanders; and, if it is true that the talking weapons also provide indications to induce the cradle of a family, we can add that the three pads carried in the arms by a fraction of this family, come to corroborate our assertion. However, it is common ground that the Patin family has lived in the Netherlands for five centuries. Le Carpentier in his Histoire générale des Pays-Bas or Histoire de Cambrai ou du Cambrésis, II, 861, links it to Raoul Patin, governor of the Château de Cambrai and Cambrésis, under Bishop Guillaume de Hainaut; this Raoul had married Guyote, daughter of Wautier de Hames, governor of Courtrai in 1272. He also says that this house belonged to Wautier Patin, knight, living in 1370, from whom was born Jossine Patin, wife of Heylaert, lord of Moorslede, son of Jean, lord of Moorslede, and Marguerite de Poucques, daughter of Heylaert, Beer (Baron) de Poucques; their son Jean de Moorslede, captain of Ravenstein, married Philippine de Baenst. It seems that it is from this Raoul de Patin aforesaid that Pierre de Patin would come, with which we will begin our descent.
1275 |
Of, Walincourt, Cambray,, Walincourt Selvigny, Nord, Hauts-de-France, France
1278 |
Herault, Cambray, France
1290 |
Herault, , Cambray,, Hérault, Occitanie, France
1320 |
Sint-Jan, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
???? |
Cambray,, Cambrai, Nord, Hauts-de-France, France