. . .when the Maharshal quotes his grandfather, R. Yitzchok Klauber, noted are many of the places where the Maharshal cites his grandfather, throughout his many seforim (p. 3, n.6), along with a brief biographical sketch. [5] The same style note can be found when the Maharshal mentions his father-in-law R. Kalonymus (Kalman) Havarkstein-Yerushalmi; a listing of other citations, along with a thumbnail bio, including the Maharshal's wife's name (p. 38, n.28).
Moses ben Isaac ha-Levi Minz (15th century) was a German rabbi and contemporary of Israel Isserlein, whom he frequently consulted. He was successively rabbi at Mainz, Landau, Bamberg, and Posen.
In his responsa (No. 114) he mentions a certain Jacob Margolioth of לוקו (Lucca?), and refers to a case of divorce in Posen in 1444 (Steinschneider gives 1474). Fränkel (Zeitschrift, iii. 387) doubts that Moses ever was at Posen. He suggests that פוזנו (Posen) is a printer's mistake for פיזרו (Pesaro).
Moses' responsa (Cracow, 1617) mention also Joseph Colon, Israel Isserlein, and his cousin Judah Minz. Responsum No. 46 contains a dispute over a philological point with Eliezer Treves (comp. M. Wiener in Monatsschrift, xvi. 390).
Jewish Encyclopedia bibliography
Managed by: Mordche Zelig Mann
MyHeritage https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-1-69044942-3-504213/yitz...
Father: Rav Yitzchok of Posen Klauber, Rabbi of Posen Mother: wife, Yitzhak Klauber (born bat Eliezer Lipmann Shrentzel), of Posen https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40000-8366387/wife-yechi... Children: Shlomo Luria, MaHaRShaL, Avraham Luria,Jakov? Luria,Mordechai Luria,Mrs. Isaac Josinot Lipschitz (born Luria - sis. Maharshal), wife, Isaac Katzenellenbogen (born Luria), Shimon Luria, [of Padua - Medico], Amitov Luria. Israel Luria
Jacobi: p. 216, 18.1: "... was a member of the Klaus..."
תושב פוזנא, אשר על ברכיו גדל נכדו המהרש׳׳ל, שהתייתם מאביו
בהיותו רך בשנים, הגר׳׳י קלויבער (נקרא ע׳׳ש העיר קליווא במדינת
אשכנז) היה גדול בתורה, והמהרש׳׳ל כתב עליו, שאנשי פוזנא ״הכל
עשו על פיו״
1475 |
Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1500 |
Landau in der Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland (Germany)
1503 |
1530 |
Age 55
Poznan, Poznań County, Wielkopolskie, Poland
???? |
Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
???? |