1. Hannah KNOWLES was born ABT 1645. She was the daughter of 2. John (Rev.) KNOWLES and 3. Elizabeth WILLIS.
divorced from Benjamin Eyre 11/17/1685
Not a known child of Capt. John Knowles. Disconnected April 2014
Ref: the will of John Knowles: http://oursoutherncousins.com/knowler-knowles4.html
Savage's _Genealogical Dictionary_ says the following about Rev. Knowles:
[KNOWLES,] JOHN, Watertown, the sec. min. of that town, was b. in Lincolnsh. bred at Magdalen Coll. Cambridge, where he was matric. a pensioner July 1620, sign. without final s. had his B. A. Jan. 1623, O. S. and M. A. 1627, with last letter, and was chos. a fellow of Catharine Hall, 9 July 1627, tho. Mather says, of Emanuel in his common heedless way. He was not prob. a sett. min. bef. com. over to us in Aug. 1638; he join. with the ch. at Boston 15 Aug. of next yr. hav. m. prob. in Eng. the wid. of Ephraim Davis; in Mar. foll. was dism. to go to aid Phillips at W. and there was ord. 9 Dec. 1640 as pastor, went on a mission, 1642, to Virginia, back next yr. was freem. 1650, and next yr. went home, and for some time preach. at Bristol, was silenc. by the act of 1662, and dur. the plague of London, 1665, was there with w. Elizabeth. On the d. of Presid. Chauncey, 1672, he was propos. to succeed him as head of Harv. Coll. tho. in Mather's Hist. we should not look to discov. any thing like it, for that writer is very sparing of his facts in the chap. devot. to this life, III. 216, and in the first classis insert. him without bapt. name. He had at W. by w. Elizabeth Mary, b. 9 Apr. 1641; Elizabeth 16 May 1643; and Hannah, wh. are found to be his ch. the first two by a gift in will of Edward How to ea. and Hannah, by her petit. aft. com. back hither in 1681. calls hers. his ch. represent. injury by desert. of her and her ch. by h. Benjamin Eyre, and pray. for divorce, 17 Nov. 1685. He d. 10 Nov. 1685, at gr. age.
1645 |
of, Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Colonial America
1685 |
Age 40