Hendrik Venter, SV/Prog 1

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Hendrik Venter, SV/Prog 1

Also Known As: "Heinrich"
Birthplace: Hameln, NDS, Germany
Death: before April 18, 1713
Vleeschbank, Date of Inventory 18 April 1713, Riebeeck Kasteel, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika (Smallpox)
Immediate Family:

Son of Heinrich Von Dempter, III and Anna Sophia Kuhlemann
Husband of Johanna Venter and Anna Venter, SM
Father of NN Venter, b1; Bonifacius Venter; Francois Venter; Anna Sabina Venter; Cornelia Venter, SM and 5 others

Occupation: Soldaat VOC, Farmer, Kleremaker / Boer
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Hendrik Venter, SV/Prog 1

Currently parents unknown << need sources

No second name Conrad on any source.

Inventory 18 April 1713 so died before that date.

Family Links Spouses/Children: 1. Johanna Mostert 2. Anna Villion Unknown - Unnamed Venter Bonifacius Venter Francoijs Venter Anna Venter Pieter Venter+ Cornelia Venter Maria Venter Jan Hendrik Venter Jan Hendrik Venter Frederik Venter Hendrik Venter Born: Bef 1659, Hamel, France Christened: Unknown Marriage (1): Johanna Mostert on 17 Jul 1690 in Cape Town, South Africa Marriage (2): Anna Villion on 9 Dec 1691 in Cape Town, South Africa Died: Bef 18 Apr 1713, Vleeschbank, Riebeeck Kasteel, Cape Colony Buried: 2 May 1713

Many people assume that another name for Hendrik was Heinrich Conradt von Dempter, from Hameln, Germany. However, he has never used the name "Conrad" (or Heinrich) and none of his children ever used the name and surname, or named their children accordingly. There is also no record in the Cape Archives and the Archives in Den Haag that he came from Hameln, or that he was originally known as von Dempter. There are, however, several records that he came from Hamel. Nobody can even prove that Hendrik and Heinrich was the same person.

Therefore, we don't know when Hendrik was born (probably the mid 1600's) or who his parents were. (Not yet, anyway) From Hendrik's behaviour in the Cape we can derive that he was from Hamel, France, and this is supported by the Cape Archive entries, his marriage to a French woman, the fact that he settled amongst the French, his doctor was French, his son, Pieter, married a French woman etc. etc. - See later for references.

The progenitor of South African Venters and the person we know as Hendrik Venter, probably arrived in the Cape on 12 October 1679. This date can be calculated since the ships arriving at the Cape have been recorded, including the number of people (slaves, soldiers, passengers etc.) and the ship logbooks, general ledger, journals etc. We know for sure that Hendrik was in the Cape by 1682 already (and a free citizen). We have at least two records proving this. (ARA VOC 4018 Cassaboek of 1682 and tax returns J183 of 1692) We know that VOC staff (soldiers) had to work for three years to become "free" and therefore Hendrik would have had to join the VOC late 1678, early 1679. Therefore, if the entries and dates in the archives are correct, then Hendrik could only have arrived in the Cape on the "Vrije Zee". - Vrije Zee: General Ledger and journal, 1679 (1679 Part I/I.2.b.4) Scheepssoldijboeken (5219) and journal maintained on the ship Vrije Zee 1677 – 1678 Part I/I.1.o Scheepsjournalen (5057).

Notably, the surname "Venter" was sometimes referred to as "Venters" (See Anna's estate distribution) or "Fenter" (KAB MOOC8/52.46b dated 11 September 1797, referring to Jan Adriaan Fenter. Recorded in the Inventories of the Orphan Chamber, Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa).


Hendrik was from Hamel in France..... (and his name was NOT originally Hendrik!):

Hendrik Venter v. Hamel, burger en kleremaker op Stellenbosch, 1704 eienaar v.d. plaas "Vleeschbank", a.d. Bergrivier, † 2.5.1713. x 17.7.1690 Johanna Mostert; xx 9.12.1691 Anna Viljoen, † 11.5.1713.

Let's get a few facts straight:

  • He was only ever known as 'Hendrik Venter' at the Cape (not a shred of evidence has yet emerged that he was 'Heinrich' and a second name was NEVER used in any documentation.
  • The ONLY evidence we have of his handwriting or 'signature' was on the contract to buy the farm Nazaret north of Stellenbosch - and he made a cross (and an administrator, or he himself, added the letters 'HF' to it). At best this may indicate that his surname may have been spelt with an 'F' at the time.
  • He is NOT a descendant of Heinrich von Dempter and Anna Kuhleman.
  • Documentation at the Cape only ever records 'Hamel' as his place of birth / origin - no country ever recorded!? It is thus not yet clear (neither has it been proven by anyone) that he was from Hameln, Germany or Hamel, France (or any other similar sounding place, for that matter.)
  • He did NOT own or bear a coat of arms (the coat of arms of 'South African families' is a very unfortunate legacy of the book by Dr Pama)

For most recent / current views on where the Venters hail from, see:



Psa also read Article by Piet Retief Venter: "Feite, Afleidings, Aannames en Bespiegelings oor 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Stamvader - Hendrik Venter", in FAMILIA 46 (3) 2009, pp. 132-146.


He is NOT a descendant of Heinrich von Dempter and Anna Kuhleman.

The information below (probably from SAGenealogies) has not yet been proven to be correct in terms of the descendancy of Hendrik Venter / neither has the assumption of the name 'Heinrich' been proven: Hendrik (Heinrich) Venter * Dempterhaus, Hamelin, Duitsland 21.4.1663, kleremaker op Stellenbosch en later landbouer op die plaas Vleesbank (Vleeschbank of Vlijsbank) aan die oewer v.d. Bergrivier naby die huidige Wellington † “Vleeschbank”, dist. Riebeeck Kasteel voor 18.4.1713 (MOOC 8/2.78) s.v. Heinrich von Dempter en Anna Sophia Kuhleman x Kaapstad 17.7.1690 Johanna MOSTERT ≈ 10.3.1675 d.v. Johannes Cornelius Mostert en Alida van Hulst xx Kaapstad 9.12.1691 Anna VILJOEN d.v. Francois Viljoen en Cornelia Campenaar ≈ Kaapstad 19.5.1678 † 11.5.1713

b1 kind * c. 1690

Tweede huwelik

b2 Bonifacius ≈ Stellenbosch 1.12.1692

b3 Francois ≈ Stellenbosch 10.10.1694

b4 Anna Sabina * c. 1695/8 † voor 14.6.1713 (MOOC 8/3.11) x 4.10.1712 Gysbert VERSSCHUUR

b5 Pieter ≈ Stellenbosch 18.10.1699 † c. 1765 x Kaapstad 30.11.1721 Hester NEL ≈ 1.8.1706 † c. 1785 d.v. Guillaume Neel en Jeanne la Batte

b6 Cornelia ≈ Stellenbosch 15.10.1701 x Drakenstein 14.2.1717 Willem VAN STADEN xx Stellenbosch 25.3.1742 Carel Titus JUST

b7 Maria ≈ Stellenbosch 3.8.1704 x 21.5.1724 Pieter Matthys DE VRIES xx Jan Frederik HARTOGH xxx Johannes RIECKE

b8 Jan Hendrik ≈ Stellenbosch 7.11.1706

b9 Jan Hendrik ≈ Stellenbosch 17.11.1709

b10 Frederik ≈ Stellenbosch 25.10.1711

Variants first name: Hendrik / Heinrich

(Note: Hendrik recorded on documents and not Heinrich)

Variants second name: Coenraad / Conrad


Die VenterWerfJoernaal kan mens ontvang deur e-pos te stuur na famventersa@gmail.com

In die eerste uitgawe gee die redakteur uitstekende uitleg oor genealogie en oor die eerste nasate van die Venter stamvader Hendrik Conrad VENTER

Enigiemand wat gegewens het oor die Venter familie is ook welkom om julle gegewens deur te stuur na die Venter-familie genealoog by bogenoemde e-pos adres. Dit is die bedoeling dat daar binnekort 'n nuwe boek uitgegee word oor die Venters en dit is belangrik om die gegewens so veel moontlik by te werk voor die tyd.


Hendrik Coenraad Venter - geb. 21-04-1663

Uit navorsing in die Rijksarchief, Den Haag, weet ons dat ons stamvader, Hendrik Venter, in ±1683 as soldaat in diens van die VOC na die Kaap gekom het. Hy is sowat twee jaar daarna bevorder na die rang van adelborst (kandidaat-offisier), en het waarskynlik in 1688/89 ‘n vryburger geword toe sy kontrak met die VOC verstryk het. In alle amptelike dokumente aan die Kaap, bv. ook in die huweliksregister van die Kaapstadse gemeente, staan daar dat sy plek van herkoms ‘Hamel’ was. Die afleiding wat hieruit gemaak word is dat dit bes moontlik verwys na Hameln in Duitsland, soos dié stad in Nedersakse blykbaar in die volksmond geheet het. Hy was oorspronklik bekend as Heinrich Conrad von Dempter, maar het sy name ver-Nederlands en ook redelik aan sy van verander om dit by Venter uit te bring. Eintlik het hy sy van basies terug verander na die familie se oorspronklike van. Heinrich se oupagrootjie was Hendrik van Deventer en het vanaf Oldenzaal in Nederland na Hildesheim in Duitsland getrek. Hy het toe sy van verander na von Dempter. Dit wil voorkom of sy voorsate dalk oorspronklik van Nederland af was, vanaf die stad Deventer. Lees gerus die artikel(30KB) van Gerrit Venter oor die SA Venters se Europese voorgeslagte. Hierdie artikel het verskyn in Familia 43 (2) 2006, pp. 36-37

Source: http://www.venter.ws/stamboom.htm


Die Von Dempters (Venters) van Hameln

Aanvullende aantekeninge op ‘n Venter-Stamboom 1560-1893,

JA Heese: Familia 10 (1) 1973

(Artikel deur Gerrit Venter in Familia 43 (2) 2006, pp. 36-37)

DIE STAMVADER van alle Suid-Afrikaanse Venters, Heinrich VAN DEVENTER word in 1550 in Oldenzee (Oldenzaal) in Nederland gebore. Teen 1570 vlug hy na Hildesheim in Duitsland, vanweë die wrede vervolgings van die hertog van Alva. In Nederland was hy as Hendrik VAN DEVENTER bekend, maar in Duitsland is die van na VON DEMPTER verander.

Hy trou voor 1580 in Hildesheim met Adelheid VAN TODELINGEN, wat in 1560 in Enschede gebore is, die dogter van Johann van Todelingen.

Hierdie Heinrich het ten minste twee seuns gehad, Tobias von Dempter, gebore op 15.6.1583, en ‘n Heinrich. Intussen het die gesin na die nabygeleë Hameln verhuis.

Die seun Heinrich van die vlugteling, Heinrich von Dempter, het twee keer getrou. Uit die tweede huwelik (met Kunigunde STEVEN in 1620) is op 28.2.1626 die derde Hendrik (Heinrich) gebore.

Hierdie Hendrik, die derde, het op 31.10.1652 met Anna Sophie KŰHLEMANN, die dogter van ‘n koopman, te Hameln in die huwelik getree. (Heinrich von Dempter was toe self ook koopman). Uit die huwelik is ses kinders gebore, maar net twee het oënskynlik groot geword.

Een van die kinders van Heinrich die derde was ook ‘n Heinrich, en hierdie Heinrich die vierde, gebore 21.4.1663 te Hameln was die Suid-Afrikaanse stamvader van al die Venters. Hy is op 17.7.1690 in Kaapstad met Johanna Mostert getroud, en het aan die Kaap as Hendrik Venter bekend gestaan. Hy hertrou op 9.12.1691 met Anna VILJOEN, waaruit die Venter-nageslag voortkom.

Die ander seun van die oorspronklike vlugteling uit Oldenzee, Tobias von Dempter trou in 1606 met Anna BOCK, gebore in 1584 te Hameln, die dogter van Johannes Bock en Mechthild Kaiser. Tobias sterf op 24.3.1657 te Hameln en Anna Bock ná 1657. Uit die huwelik is ten minste een kind gebore, Sophie von Dempter, op 9.10.1613.

Tobias was op sy dag ‘n vername man, en was reeds in 1607 die Burgemeester van Hameln. Sy amptelike huis, die sogenaamde Dempter Haus, wat in 1607/1608 gebou is, is vandag een van die besienswaardighede van die stad Hameln aan die Weserrivier.



Inligting oor die huis kan verkry word by:


Aankoms voor 1688 Burger en Kleremaker op Stellenbosch Boer op "Vleeschbank" aan Bergrivier, Drakenstein

view all 20

Hendrik Venter, SV/Prog 1's Timeline

April 21, 1663
Hameln, NDS, Germany
Age 24
Hamel, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
December 1, 1692
Plaas Nazaret by Krommerivier, Stellenbosch, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
October 10, 1694
Stellenbosch, Cape Winelands District Municipality, WC, South Africa
October 18, 1699
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa