Immediate Family
About Hlér "Ægir" Fornjotsson
Hversu Noregr Byggðist How Norway was Settled Translated by © 2011 George L. Hardman 1. Frá niðjum Fornjóts - Of Fornjót's Ancestors Now we shall speak of how Norway was founded in the beginning, how the line of kings began there or in other lands, and why they are called Skjöldungs, Buđlungs, Bragnings, Öđlings, Völsungs or Niflungs, from which the lines of kings come. There was a man named Fornjót. He had three sons; one was named Hlér(Ægir – a szerk.), the second Logi, and the third Kári. He ruled the winds, but Logi ruled fire, and Hlér ruled the sea. Kári was the father of Jökul, the Glacier, father of King Snae, Snow. The sons of King Snae were Þorri, Fönn, Drífa and Mjöll. Þorri was a wonderful king. He ruled Gotland, Kaenland, and Finland. He celebrated Kaens so that snow was made and travel on skis was good. That is their beginning. The celebration is held in the middle of winter, and from that time on was called the month of Þorri. King Þorri had three children. His sons were called Nórr and Górr, and his daughter Gói. Gói vanished, and Þorri made a sacrifice a month later than he was accustomed to celebrate, and since then the month that begins then was called Gói. Nórr and Górr searched for their sister. Nórr had a great battle west of Kjölu, and the kings fell before him, who were named: Véi and Vei, Hunding, and Heming, and Nórr took control of that land all the way to the sea. The brothers met in that fjord, which is called Nórafjörđ. Nórr then went up to Kjölu and came to a place called Úlfamóar, then went past the Estri-Dal and then to Vermaland, and along the Vænir River, and thus to the sea. Nórr took control of all of that land, all to the west of this boundary. This land is now called Norway.In the middle of winter they came to Heiđmörk. There was a king who was called Hrólf in Bergi. He was the son of the giant Svađa north of Dofra and Áshilda, daughter of King Eystein, who had ruled for a long time over Heiđmörk. Hrólf in Bergi had taken Gói and married her. When she learned of Nórr, her brother, she went to meet him and Hrólf, and he gave himself up in the power of Nórr and was made his man. After that Nórr went to a feast with his in-laws, and Nórr married Hödda, the daughter of Svađa and sister of Hrólf. After that, King Nórr went west to the sea, and met his brother Górr. He had come north from Dumbshaf, and had taken all the islands on the way, both inhabited and uninhabited. The brothers divided the realm, so that Nórr would have all the land in between, north from Jötunheim and south to Álfheim, which is now called Norway. Górr would have all the islands that lay on the port side of his ship, where he traveled north from land to land. The sons of the sea-king Górr were: Beiti and Heiti, Meitir and Geitir. The sea-king Beiti traveled by ship in to Þrándheim and in to the Beit-sea. He had a ship sled under the ship, where the snow was deep and there was good travel by sled. There Beiti sat on the raised deck and set course and had the sails hoisted up and had his men take the ship north around Elliđae to Naumadal and took possession of all the land that lay on the port side. The sea-king Beiti was father of the sea-king Heiti, father of Svađa, and Geitir was father of Glamma and Gylfa. The sea-king Meitir was father of Mæfil and Myndil. Myndil was the father of Ekkil and Skekkil. Norr was the father of these men, and Hödd, daughter of Svađa, mother of Þrand and Garđ, who are called Agđi.When they divided the inheritance, Þrand got Þrandheim by lot, and called it so. Garđ Agđi was the father of those who are called thus: Hörð, Rúgálf, Þrym, Végarð, Freygarð, Þorgarð and Grjótgarð. Hörđ got Hörđaland from the division. His son was Jöfurr or Jösurr, father of King Hjörr, father of Hjörleif the Amorous. Rúgálf claimed Rogaland. His son was Rögnvald, father of King Ögvald. Þrym claimed Ágdir. His sons were Agđi and Agnarr, father of Ketil Þrym who lived in Þrum. Vegard laid claim to Sygnafylki. He was the father of Veđrorm, father of Vémund the Old, who is called Sygnatrausti. Freygarđ claimed Fjörđ and Fjal. His sons were Freysteinn the Old, who lived at Gaula, and Freybjörn, father of Auđbjörn, father of Árinbjarn Friđajarl. Þorgarđ claimed Sunnmæri. His sons were Þorviđ, father of Arnviđ Tréserkjabana, father of Slæviđ and Bráviđ. Grjótgarđ claimed Norđmæri. His son was Salgarđ, father of Grjótgarđ, father of Sölva, father of Högna in Njarđey, father of Sölva the Viking and Hilda Mjóvu, who was married to Hjörleif the Amorous. Their son was Hálf the Berserkr. The other son of Grjótgarđ was Sigarr, father of Signý, who was married to Harald, Earl of Naumdal, the father of Herlaug, father of Grjótgarđ, father of Earl Hákon, father of Earl Sigurđ, father of Hákon Hlađajarl. Raum, son of King Nórr, took over his father's realm. He had Álfheim and a realm so wide as from where rivers fall, and where they spring up. From there Lögri falls east along the valley in Mjör, and from there to Vermá in Raumelfi, and on to the sea. From Vermá the River Raum flows along the Raum Valley. From the River Vermá, the Estri-Elfi falls along the Estri-Valley and into Væni, from there, the Gautelfr to the sea.King Raum had a drinking party at yuletime with Bergfinn, son of the giant Þrym from Vermá, and they went to the bed of Bergdísa, his sister. And after that she had three sons, Björn, Brand and Álf. He fostered Bergfinn, and was called Finnálf. Björn was with his mother and was called Jötunbjörn. She sent Brand to Raum, his father, and he gave him the gods, and he was called Guđbrand. King Raum gave him the valleys, which are called Guđbrandsdal. He gave Raumsdal to Jotunbjörn and to Álf, EstriDali and all to the north, and from Gautelf north to Raumelf. All of this was called Álfheim. Guđbrand, the valley king, was the father of Ađdleif, father of King Guđmund. His son was Guđbrand, who did not want to allow himself to be called king, and took on the title of earl because he wanted to be the richest earl in the northern lands. His son was Earl Geirmund, father of Earl Hróđgeir, father of Guđbrand, who did not want to be either king or earl, and took on the name of chieftain, and ruled the lands as if he was a king, and there was no one less powerful. All of his descendants were afterward chieftains. Jötunbjörn the Old was the father of King Raum, father of Hrossbjarn, father of Orm Skeljamola, father of Knatt, father of Þórólf Straw, and Ketil the Ugly. The sons of Þórólf were Helgi, father of Bersa, father of Þormóđ, father of Þórlaug, mother of Tungu-Odd. Finnálf the Old married Svanhild, who was called Golden Spear-blade. She was the daughter of Dag Dellingson, and Sola, daughter of Mundilfara. Their son was Svan the Red, father of Saefara, father of Ulf, father of Alf, father of Ingimund and Eystein. Raum the Old then married Hilda, daughter of Guđröđ the Old, son of King Sölva, who first ruled there which is now called Sóleyjar. His sons were Guđröđ, Hauk, Hadding, and Hring.Guđröđ was king after his father, and all of his relatives were kings. Eysteinn the Wicked was his son. He set Inn-Þrændu, his dog, against the king, who was called Saurr, because they had killed Önund, his son, who had kept watch over the land. 2. Ættartala frá Höð - The Lineage of Höđ Hod had a realm that was called Hadaland. His son was Hoddbroddr, father of Hrolf, father of Hromund the Berserkr, father of Hamund, Haki, and Gunnlada, mother of Utstein and Insteinn. Hamund was earl of Horda. He was the father of Hrok the Black and Hrok the White. Haki was the father of Hrodgeir, father of Hrodmar, father of Haki the Berserk. Gunnlod was the daughter of Hrok the Black, and mother of Hromund Gripsson. Hadding, the son of Raumr, owned Haddingjadal and Telemark. His son was Hadding, father of Hadding, father of Hogni the Red. After him, three Haddings took the realm, one after the other. Helgi Haddingjaskati was with one of them.King Hring, son of Raum, had Hringriki and Valdres. He married the daughter of Vifil the Sea-king. Their son was Halfdan the Old. And when he took the kingdom, he set up a celebration in the middle of winter, and sacrificed, so that he should live to be three hundred winters in his kingdom, as Snae the Old was said to have lived. But a prophesy said that he would live no longer than a man's age. But that would be three hundred years, and no man or woman would be dishonored in his lineage. He was a great warrior and plundered widely in the East. There he killed the king, who was named Sigtrygg, in one-to-one combat. He married Alfny, daughter of King Eymund from Holmgard. They had nine sons. One was named Thengill, who was called Mannathengill, Raesi, Gram, Gylfi, Hilmir, Jofurr, Tiggi, Skyli, and Harri. These nine, it is said, were all of equal age, and were so exceptional, that in all accounts their names are held as honorable names, and king's names. It is said that none of them had children, and later they all fell in battle. But they had another nine sons. They were named Hildr, Naefill, Audi, Skelfi, Dag, Bragi, Budli, Lofdi, and Sigarr. Hildr, Sigarr and Lofdi were all warrior kings. Audi, Budli, and Naefill were sea-kings, and Dagr, Skelfi, and Bragi stayed on land. Dag married Thor, the mother of valiant men, and they had nine sons. One was named Oli, another Amr, a third Jofurr, and a fourth Arngrim. Oli was the father of Dag, father of Oleif, father of Hring, father of Olaf, father of Helga, father of Sigurd Hjarta, father of Ragnhild, mother of Harald the Fairhaired. The descendants of Harald were called Daglingar. Arngrim married Eyfuru. Their son was Angantyr the Berserk.Bragi the Old was king in Valdres. He was the father of Agnar, father of Alf, father of Eirek, father of Hilda, mother of Halfdan the Mild, father of Gudrod, father of Halfdan the Black, father of Harald Fiar-haired. These descendants of Harald are called the Bragnings. Skelfi was the king at Vors. His son was Skjoldr, father of Eirek, father of Alrek, father of Eirek the Wise-spoken, father of Alrek the Valiant, father of Vikar, father of Vatnar, father of Imald and Eirek, father of Gyda, who married Harald Fair-haired. That is the family of the Skilfings or Skjoldings.Hildi was the fourth son of Halfdan. (Leidr - the fifth son of Dag) He was father of Hildebrand, father of Vigbrand, father of Hildi and Herbrand, father of Harald the Thin, father of Asa the Ambitious, mother of Halfdan the Black, father of Harald Fair-haired. Sigarr was the father of Siggeir, who married Signy, the daughter of the king of the Volsungs. Sigarr was also the father of Sigmund, who married Hilda, daughter of Grjotgard, King of Maeri. His son was named Sigarr, father of Signy. He had Hagbard hanged. That is the dynasty of the Siklings.Lofdi was a great king. The troops, which he commanded, are called Lofdar. He plundered in Reidgotaland and became king there. His sons were Skekkill the Sea-king, and Skyli, father of Egdis, father of Hjalmthes, father of Eylima, father of Hjordi, mother of Sigurdar Fafnisbana, father of Aslaug, mother of Sigurd Serpent-Eye, father of Aslaug, mother of Sigurd Hjarta, father of Ragnhild, mother of Harald Fair-haired. These relatives of Harald are called Lofdungs. Audi and Budi were sea-kings and each traveled with his army. They came with their troops to Saxland and plundered widely there, conquering Valland and Saxland, and settled there on the land. Audi had Valland and was the father of Froda, father of Kjar, father of Olrun. They are called Odlings. Budli had Saxland. He was the father of Attil, father of Vifil, father of Laefa, father of Budla, father of Sorla or Serla, and Atla and Brynhilda, mother of Aslaug, and her lineage of Harald Fair-haired is called Budlingar. King Nefill was the father of Heimar, father of Eynef, father of Rakna, father of Gjuka, father of Gunnar and Hogna, Gudrun, Gudny, and Gullrand, and that is the Niflung lineage. Now it is spoken of the women, who first came to the family of Halfdan the Old. And when the first woman came into the dynasty, three hundred years had passed from the celebration, which Halfdan celebrated for his age and realm. 3. Ættartala frá Álfi inum gamla - The Lineage of Álfi the Old Alfi the Old ruled over Alfheim. He was the father of Alfgeir, father of Gandalf, father of Alfhilda; Alfhilda was the mother of Ragnar Lodbrokar, father of Sigurd Serpent-eye, father of Aslaug, mother of Sigurd Hjarta, father of Ragnhild, mother of Harald Fair-haired. Harald the Old, son of Valdar the Mild Hroarsson, married the daughter of King Hervor Heidreksdottir. Their son was Halfdan Snjalli, father of Ivar the Far-reaching, father of Audar the Wealthy. She married Hraerek Slongvanbauga. Their son was Harald Battletooth. Later Audi married King Radbard. Their son was Randver, father of Sigurd Hring, father of Ragnar Lodbrokar, father of Sigurd, father of Aslaug, mother of Sigurd, father of Ragnhild, mother of Harald Fair-haired, who was the first sovereign over Norway. 4. Ættartala Haralds frá Óðni - The Lineage of Harald from Óđinn The king was called Burri, who ruled over Turkey. His son was Burr, who was the father of Odin, King of the Gods, father of Frey, father of Njard, father of Frey, father of Fjolni, father of Sveigdi, , father of Vanland, father of Visbur, father of Domalda, father of Domar, father of Dyggva, who we call Tryggva, father of Dag, father of Agna Skjalfarbond, father of Alrek, father of Yngva, father of Jorumfrod, who we call Jorund, father of An the Old, who we call Aun, who for nine years drank the horn for the sake of old age, before he died. Aun was the father of Egil Tunnadolg, father of Ottar Vendilskraku, father of Adil from Uppsala, father of Eystein, father of Yngvar the Tall, father of Braut-Onundur, father of Ingjald the Wicked, father of Olaf Tree-carver, father of Halfdan Whitebone, father of Eystein, father of Halfdan the Mild and Ill-mannered, father of Gudrod the Huntingking, father of Halfdan the Black, father of Harald Fair-haired. 5. Ættartala – Lineage The son of Odin King of the Gods was called Skjold. He was the father of Fridleif, father of FridFroda, father of Fridleif, father of Havard the Strong-fisted, father of Frodi, father of Vermund the Wise, father of Olaf the Humble, father of Dan the Proud, father of Frodi the Peaceful, father of Fridleif, father of Frodi the Valiant, father of Ingjald Starkadarfostra, father of Hraerek Hnoggvanbauga, father of Halfdan, father of Hraerek Slongvanbauga, father of Harald Battle-tooth. The brother of Harald was Randver, father of Sigurd Hring. They are thus the pedigree of King Harald Fair-haired, as was told before. 6. Ætt Haralds frá Adam - The Lineage of Harald from Adam Adam was the first man that God made. Seth was his son, and his son Enos, and his son Kaynan, and his son Malaleel, his son Phareth, his son Enoch, his son Mathusela the Old, his son Lamech -- they perished in the first age of the world -- his son was Noi, who made the ark, and his son Japet, his son Japhan, his son Zechim, his son Ciprus, his son Cretus or Celius, his son Saturnus in Crete, his son Jupiter, his son Darius, his son Erichonius, his son Troeg, his son Ilus, his son Lamidon, his son Priam the main king. The king in Troy was called Munnon or Mennon . He married Troana, daughter of King Priam; His son was called Tror, who we call Thor, his son was Lorich, who we call Hlorrid, and his son Eredei, who we call Eindrida, his son Vingithorr, his son Vinginer, his son Modi, his son Magi, who we call Magna, his son Seseph, his son Bediugg, his son Atra, his son Trinan, his son Heremoth, who we call Hermod, his son Skjaldin, who we call Skjoldr, his son Beaf, who w e call Bjar, his son Godolf, his son Burri, who we call Finn, his son Frjalaf, who we call Bors, his son Voden, who we call Odin. He was the king of the Turks. His son Skjold, his son Fridleif, his son Frid-Frodi, his son Herleif, his son Havarr the Strong-fisted, his son Frodi, his son Vemund the Wise, his daughter Olof. She was the mother of Froda the Peaceful. His son Fridleif, his son Frodi the Valiant, his son Halfdan, his son Hroarr, his son Valdarr the Mild, his son Harald the Old, his son Halfdan Snjalli, his son Ivarr the Far-reaching, his daughter Audr the Wealthy, her son Randver, his son Sigurd Hring, his son Ragnar Lodbrok, his son Sigurdr Serpent-eye, his daughter Aslaug, her son Sigurd Hjart, his daughter Ragnhild, her son Harald Fair-haired. This count was one less than seventeen on both tallies. 7. Hverir konungar stýrt hafa Noregi - How the Kings Founded Norway The son of Harald Fair-haired was named Sigurd the Bastard, his son Halfdan, his son Sigurd the Sow, his son Harald Hardrade, brother of Saint Olaf, his son Olaf the Quiet, his son Magnus Berbeinn, his son Harald Gille, his son Sigurd Axe-edge, his son Sverri Magnus, his son Hakon the Lamented, his son Hakon the Old, his son Magnus, who sent the law-book to Iceland, which is called Jons-book, his son Hakon Halegg, his daughter Ingibjorg, her son Magnus the Good Eiriksson the Long-leader, his son Hakon, his son Olaf, who was ten years old when his father died. He was king over Norway, Denmark, and all the tributaries which lie there, and rightful heir of all Sweden, which was held by Albrikt, son of Maekinborgargreifa; he was the nephew of King Magnus the Good, grandfather of Olaf. This Olaf was named after the holy King Olaf Haraldsson, after his own guidance. He was king when the book was written. They proceeded from the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, mccclxxx and vij years (AD 1387). 8. Noregshöfðingja tal - List of the Chieftains of Norway These are the people who ruled Norway: King Olaf, who is spoken of now, then King Hakon, then King Magnus the Good,, then Hakon Halegg, then Eirik and Magnus, then Magnus, who wrote the book, then Hakon the Young at the same time as Hakon the Old, his father, then Ingi Bardarson and Erling Steinvegg, and Philippus Baglakonungur, then Hakon the Lamented, then Sverri the Magnus and many false kings of his day, then Magnus Erlingsson and Eysteinn Birkibein, then Hakon the Broad Shouldered, then Ingi the Cripple, and Eysteinn and Sigurd Axe-edge then Harald Gillechrist, and Magnus the Blind and Sigurd Slembidjakan, then Sigurd Jorsalafari, Eysteinn and Olafr, then Magnus Berbeinn, and Hakon Thorisfostri, then Olaf the Quiet and Magnus, father of Hakon Thorisfostri, then Harald Hardrade, and Magnus the Rich, son of Saint Olaf, then the unforeseen king, Svenn Alfifuson and Knut the Powerful, then Saint Olaf Haraldsson, then Earl Eirek, Earl Sveinn, and Earl Hakon, then Olaf Tryggvason, then Hakon Blotearl the Powerful, then Harald Grafeld, then Harald Adalsteinsfostri, then Eirek Blood-axe, then Harald Fair-haired, who was the first sovereign king over all of Norway, as is found in the sagas. 9. Hvarf Óláfs konungs Hákonarsonar - King Olaf Hakonarson Disappeared A few years later, it is said that King Olaf Hakonarson disappeared. The Danes said that he died, but the Northmen did not want to believe this. Then Queen Margreta, mother of King Olaf , and daughter of Valdamar King of the Danes, was made sovereign overNorway and Denmark, after she had Albrikt seized.
Legendary figure in Finland.
His legend comes out of the "Orkneyinga Saga":
"There was a king named Fornjot, he ruled over those lands which are called Finland and Kvenland; that is to the east of that bight of the sea which goes northward to meet Gandvik; that we call the Helsingbight.
Fornjot had three sons; one was named Hler, whom we call Ægir, the second Logi, the third Kari; he was the father of Frost, the father of Snow the old" (quoted from http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/ice/is3/is302.htm)
The name "Hlessey" is not accounted for in the Orkney saga.
It is possible that it is a misreading of a later part of the Orkney saga, about Gorr's search for Goi:
"[he travelled] after that to the Gothland scars, and thence to Denmark, and views there all the isles; he found there his kinsmen, they who were come from Hler the old out of Hler’s isle" (from http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/ice/is3/is302.htm)
In Icelandic, "Hler's isle" is written "Hlessey".
The name "Gymer" needs sourcing.
Ægir (Old Norse "sea") is a jötunn and a king of the sea in Norse mythology. He seems to be a personification of the power of the ocean. He was also known for hosting elaborate parties for the gods. In Snorri Sturluson's Skáldskaparmál, Ægir is identified with Gymir and Hlér who lived on the isle of Hlésey. The prose header of Lokasenna states that his hall is a place of sanctuary lit with bright gold and where the beer pours itself.
While many versions of myths portray him as a jötunn, it is curious that many do not. In some texts, he is referred to as something older than the jotun, and his origins are not really explained. Gymir, it may be noticed, is also the name of the giant father of the beautiful maiden Gerðr (the wife of Freyr) as well as the husband of Aurboða. Another link between the Ægir and the sea giants is found in Hymir, who is said in Hymiskviða to be the father of Týr.
Ægir is said to have had nine daughters with his wife, Rán. His daughters were called the billow maidens. They were named Bára (or Dröfn), Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, and Unnr, each name reflecting a different characteristic of ocean waves. Snorri lists them twice in Skáldskaparmál but in one instance he replaces Bára with Dröfn.
Ægir is a son of Fornjótr, a giant and a king of Finland, and brother of Logi (fire, flame) and Kári (wind). In Lokasenna, he hosts a party for the gods where he provides the ale brewed in an enormous pot or cauldron provided by Thor. The story of Thor getting the pot for the brewing is told in Hymiskviða. Ægir had two servants, Fimafeng (killed by Loki) and Eldir.
Gymer De Scandinavia
Birth: About 214 in <, , , Scandinavia> 1 2
Sex: M
Orboda Scandinavia (Wife) b. About 218 in (Düsseldorf, Berg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Preussen)
1 2
Marriage: Abt 238 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Gerd Gymersdotter Queen Of The Swedes b. About 239 in (, Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ancestral File Number: G6SX-8L
(Research):DEADEND:CHAN20 Mar 2001
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Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
In Norse mythology, Gymir was a giant whose daughter, Gerðr, married the god Freyr.
According to the Eddic poems Skírnismál and Hyndluljóð, Gymir and his wife Aurboða are Gerð's parents. In the Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson gave this information in Gylfaginning but in a list of kennings in Skáldskaparmál equates Gymir with the god and giant Ægir,[1] citing a verse by Hofgarða-Refr Gestsson where the kenning in question probably simply substitutes one giant-name for another.[2] Gymir is also equated with Ægir in the prose introduction to Lokasenna; however, the Nafnaþulur added later to the Prose Edda list him among the giants.
Gymir has usually been interpreted as a sea-giant, but Magnus Olsen regarded him as an earth giant in connection with his interpretation of Skírnismál in light of the hieros gamos[3] and he has also been seen as a chthonic deity.[4] Suggestions as to the etymology and meaning of his name include 'earthman', 'the wintry one', 'the protector' and 'the bellower'.[5]
According to John Lindow, one source calls Gerð's father Geysir.[6]
Another Record: http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Orbodasson-1
Gymer Orbodasson
Born about 0214 in Sweden
Son of Orboda UNKNOWN and [mother unknown]
[sibling%28s%29 unknown]
Husband of Orsoda Berg — married [date unknown] in Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
Father of Gerd Gymersdottir
Died 0238 in Sweden
Hlér "Ægir" Fornjotsson's Timeline
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