Immediate Family
About Hubert de Munchensy, II
Keats-Rohan, K.S.B. Domesday People: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166. I.Domesday Book. The Boydell Press, 1997. p. 256.
Hubert de Montecanisio
A Norman, from Mont-Canisy, Calvados, cant. Douvres-la-Delivrande, comm. Benouville. Important Domesday tenant of Robert Malet and also a minor tenant-in-chief in Suffolk. He gave the manor of Yaxley to Robert's priory of Eye at the time of foundation and was also a benefactor of Thetford Priory. In 1115, when his son and successor Hubert began to attest his charters, Hubert was enriched by the grant to him of many of the fees of Godric Dapifer. He died as a monk of Abingdon in the time of Abbot Faritius. He and his descendants were benefactors of Abingdon's cell of Colne in Essex, founded in the time of Faritius by Alberic I de Vere.
Hubert was twice married. His first wife, according to an item in the cartulary of St. Benet's, Holme, was an Englishwoman, granddaughter of a certain Aslac, by whom he had Hubert, Gilbert and Warin. His second wife was Muriel, daughter of Peter de Valognes, by whom he had three further sons: Roger, Geoffrey and Hugh, whom his mother made a monk at Thetford.
Warin de Munchensy, Wikipedia
Warin de Munchensy was a Anglo-Norman nobleman in 12th century England.
Warin was the younger son of Hubert de Munchensy, lord of Edwardstone in Suffolk.[1] It is not clear who his mother was as his father married twice – first to a woman who was possibly an heiress to Godric, the dapifer of Henry I of England and second to Muriel, daughter of Piers de Valoignes.[2]
Around 1151 Warin witnessed the foundation charter of Old Buckenham Priory with his brother Hubert.[1]
Warin married Agnes, daughter of Pain fitzJohn and his wife Sybil. Through his wife, Warin inherited lands previously held by the de Lacy and Talbot families, and these lands were considered by George Cokayne as the Barony of Munchensy.[1] I. J. Sanders, in his work on English feudal baronies argues that it was a probable barony, and names it as the Barony of Swanscombe, centered on Swanscombe in Kent.[3]
Warin died either in 1162 or before that, as his widow was married to Haldenald de Bidun in that year. She was once more a widow in 1185, when her sons were given as Ralph de Munchensy, William de Munchensy, and Hubert de Munchensy. Ralph and William were laymen but Hubert was a member of the clergy. Agnes died around 1190 or 1191.[1] William was the heir to the probable barony of Swanscombe.[3]
1. Cokayne Complete Peerage IX pp. 418–421
2. Cokayne Complete Peerage IX pp. 411–415
3. Sanders English Baronies pp. 144–145
A. Cokayne, George E. (1982) [1936]. The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant. IX (Microprint ed.). Gloucester, UK: A. Sutton. ISBN 0-904387-82-8.
B. Sanders, I. J. (1960). English Baronies: A Study of Their Origin and Descent 1086–1327. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press. OCLC 931660.
C. Wikipedia added by Janet Milburn 1/2/2022
Medilands, Untitled English Nobility L – O
HUBERT [I] de Munchensy (-before 1120). Domesday Book records “Hubert de Mont-Canisy” holding Wyverstone in Suffolk[1353]. m firstly ---. This first marriage is confirmed by Domesday Descendants which states that Hubert de Munchensy was the son of Hubert by his first wife (no corresponding primary source cited)[1354]. m secondly as her second husband, MURIEL de Valoignes, widow of --- de Backton, daughter of ---. Muriel wife of Hubert de Munchensy donated land at Rushworth to Thetford abbey on making her son Hugh a monk there, confirmed by her sons "William de Bachetone and Roger de Munchensy, her brother Roger de Valoignes and his son Piers", by undated charter[1355].
Hubert [I] & his [first] wife had two children:
a) GILBERT de Munchensy (-after [Feb 1120/Feb 1121]). The Chronicle of Abingdon records that "Gillbertus filius Huberti de Munte Kanesi" confirmed the donation of "ecclesia Eaduuardestune" to the monastery of Abingdon made by "patre suo", dated to "anno IV post obitum abbatis Faritii" [dated to [Feb 1120/Feb 1121][1356]][1357].
b) HUBERT [II] de Munchensy (-after 1166). Domesday Descendants states that Hubert de Munchensy was the son of Hubert by his first wife (no corresponding primary source cited)[1358]. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Hub de Montecanesi" holding land in Norfolk from Hugo Bigod and "ubt de Monte Canesi" land in Suffolk[1359]. "W comes Cicestrie…et regina Adelide" granted land at Wymondham, Norfolk to the church of St Lazarus of Jerusalem by charter dated to [1150], witnessed by "…Hub de Montechan…"[1360]. “Comes Hugo Bigott, Hubertus de Monte Canisi…Warinus de Monte-Canisi…” witnessed the charter under which "Willielmus…comes Cicestriæ" founded Old Buckenham Priory, Norfolk, dated to the reign of King Stephen (dated to [1151/52] in The Complete Peerage[1361]), quoted in an Inspeximus of King Edward II[1362]. Hubert de Munchensy confirmed his (unnamed) father’s donation of tithes of Clay and Holkham to Castelacre priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Roger de Munchensy, Warin de Munchensy fratre meo"[1363]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Hubert de Montechanesi" held 11 knights’ fees from "honore de Eye" in Suffolk[1364].m ---. The name of Hubert’s [II] wife is not known. Hubert & his wife had one child:
i) --- de Munchensy (-after 1166). Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "filius Huberti de Muntchensi" held one knight’s fee from the bishop of Ely in Cambridgeshire[1365].Hubert & his [first/second] wife had [one child]:
c) [SARAH de Munchensy (-1185 or before). The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records “Hubertus Blundus filius Willelmi Blundi…xx annorum…nepos Huberti de Muntchenesy”, adding that “terra sua de Yxewurth venit in manum Episcopi [Eliensis] ad festum Sancti Michaelis post mortem Sarre de Muntchenesy”[1366]. It is unclear from this text whether the mother of Hubert Blount (presumably Sarah de Munchensy) was (i) the daughter of Hubert [I] de Munchensy, (ii) the daughter of Hubert [II] de Munchensy, or (iii) the sister of Hubert [II]. m WILLIAM Blount, son of --- (-before 1185).]
Hubert & his second wife had three children:
d) ( HUGH ). Monk at Thetford Abbey. Muriel wife of Hubert de Munchensy donated land at Rushworth to Thetford abbey on making her son Hugh a monk there, confirmed by her sons "William de Bachetone and Roger de Munchensy, her brother Roger de Valoignes and his son Piers", by undated charter[1367]. It is not known whether Hugh was born from his mother’s first or second marriage.] same person as…? HUGH de Munchensy (-before 29 Sep 1187). Assuming that Hugh, installed as a monk at Thetford, was the son of Muriel de Valoignes by her second marriage, it is possible that he was the same person as Hubert [I]’s son Hugh, maybe withdrawn from holy orders if his older half-brothers had no male heirs. “Hugo de Montecanisio…et Stephanus filius et hæres meus” donated "ecclesiam de Edwardeston", previously donated by "pater meus Hubertus" to Abingdon, to Colne Priory, Essex by undated charter, witnessed by "comes Albricus [which dates the document to after 1142], Willielmus de Veer, Rogerus de Montecanis…Rogerus de Bellocampo, Gaufridus de Veer, novissime superveniens, Johannes Brito"[1368].
e) ROGER [I] de Munchensy. Muriel wife of Hubert de Munchensy donated land at Rushworth to Thetford abbey on making her son Hugh a monk there, confirmed by her sons "William de Bachetone and Roger de Munchensy, her brother Roger de Valoignes and his son Piers", by undated charter[1369]. “Hugo de Montecanisio…et Stephanus filius et hæres meus” donated "ecclesiam de Edwardeston", previously donated by "pater meus Hubertus" to Abingdon, to Colne Priory, Essex by undated charter, witnessed by "comes Albricus [which dates the document to after 1142], Willielmus de Veer, Rogerus de Montecanis…Rogerus de Bellocampo, Gaufridus de Veer, novissime superveniens, Johannes Brito"[1370]. It is assumed that Roger was the brother of the donor, but the primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified. Hubert de Munchensy confirmed his (unnamed) father’s donation of tithes of Clay and Holkham to Castelacre priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Roger de Munchensy, Warin de Munchensy fratre meo"[1371]. m MATILDA, daughter of ---. Domesday Descendants cites charters of Colne which name Matilda as the wife of Roger de Munchensy[1372].Roger & his wife had two children:
i) ROGER [II] de Munchensy. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
ii) JOAN de Munchensy. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m WALTER de Colchester, son of ---.f) WARIN [I de Munchensy] (-before 1162). “Comes Hugo Bigott, Hubertus de Monte Canisi…Warinus de Monte-Canisi…” witnessed the charter under which "Willielmus…comes Cicestriæ" founded Old Buckenham Priory, Norfolk, dated to the reign of King Stephen (dated to [1151/52] in The Complete Peerage[1373]), quoted in an Inspeximus of King Edward II[1374]. Hubert de Munchensy confirmed his (unnamed) father’s donation of tithes of Clay and Holkham to Castelacre priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Roger de Munchensy, Warin de Munchensy fratre meo"[1375]. As Warin’s name follows Roger (who is confirmed above as the son of Hubert [I] by his second marriage) in the witness list, it is assumed that Warin [I] was a younger son of Hubert by Muriel de Valoignes.
HUBERT DE MUNCHENSY (de Monte Caniso) in 1086 held Wyverstone in Suffolk of the King in chief, and of Robert Malet Bromeswell, Staverton and Edwardstone, which he made his chief seat, in Norfolk; in Essex he held Stanstead. Hubert de Munchensy was the first witness to the charter of Robert Malet founding the priory of Eye, to which Hubert gave his land at Yaxley. Hubert de Munchensy was a benefactor to Thetford Abbey, and witnessed a charter of the founder of that house, which was confirmed by the King, probably in September 1107. [Complete Peerage IX:411, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
Hubert de Munchensy, II's Timeline
1035 |
Mont-Canisy, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
1065 |
Munchesni, Normandy, France
Normandy, France
1107 |
Age 72
Edwardstone, Suffolk, England
1991 |
August 8, 1991
Age 72
August 8, 1991
Age 72