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Immediate Family
About Hugues XII de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche
Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême
- * HUGUES [XIII] de Lusignan (-after 25 Aug 1270)
- Son of Hugh XI of Lusignan, count of La Marche and Yolande de Dreux
- He succeeded his father in 1250 as Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême.
- Hugh XII de Lusignan, Hugh VII of La Marche or Hugh III of Angoulême or Hugues XII & VII & III de Lusignan (c. 1235/1240 – after August 25, 1270). He succeeded his father Hugh XI as seigneur of Lusignan, Couhe, and Peyrat, Count of La Marche and Count of Angoulême in 1250.
- Hugh XII's father, Hugh XI of Lusignan had also died on crusade.
- Hugh XII de Lusignan died in 1270 while on Crusade with King Louis IX of France in an early battle of the Eighth Crusade. His eldest son Hugh XIII de Lusignan succeeded him. [b]
- * Place of Burial: La Couronne, Poitou-Charentes, France
- The ancestors of Hugh XI held no Breton titles. The breton entitlements of his mother, Yolande of Brittany as Countess of Penthievre and Countess of Porhoet returned to the House of Dreux, in the name of John I, Duke of Brittany, Yolande's brother and Hugh XII's maternal uncle, upon Yolande's death.
- Seigneur de Fougères, by right of his wife. m (Fougères 29 Jan 1254) JEANNE de Fougères dame de Fougères, daughter and heiress of RAOUL [III] Seigneur de Fougères & his wife Isabelle de Craon (-after 1273, bur Sauvigny). The Chronicon Savigniacense records the marriage "IV Kal Feb" in 1253 of "Hugues Comes Marchiæ" and "Iohannam unicam filiam Radulfi Domini Filgeriarum in dicto castro"[827].
Comte Hugues [XIII] & his wife JEANNE de Fougères dame de Fougères had Six Children
- a) YOLANDE de la Marche (24 Mar 1257-[Sep 1314]). The Chronicon Savigniacense records the birth "in vigilia dominicæ annuntiationis" in 1257 of "Yolent filia primogenita Hugonis Comitis Marchiæ et Engolismæ de uxore sua Iohanna filia unica Radulphi Domini Filgeriarum"[828]. Heiress of Fougères. The testament of “Yolendis de Marchia domina de Ponte et de Montiniaco”, dated 1 Dec 1289, chose burial “in monasterio de Valencia”, appointed “Reginaldum, Garmasiam et Yolendim liberos meos” as her heirs, and appointed “Guydonem de Marchia dominum de Coyes...avunculum meum...” as one of the executors[829]. A vidimus dated 5 Jan 1291 records the testament of “bone memorie...Helie Rudelli condam domini de Ponte et Brageriaco”, dated [20] Aug 1290, which bequeathed property to “Guarmasie filie nostre...Yolendi filie nostre...Yolendis uxor nostra”[830]. The Chronicon Britannicum records the donation in 1312 made by “Yolendis de Leziniaco comitissa Marchiæ, Engolismæ, dominaque Filgeriarum” for the anniversary of “Johannæ matris suæ”[831]. A codicil of “Hyolendis de Lezinghiaco comitissa Marchie et Engolisme, dominaque Fulgeriarum et de Pontesio”, dated 29 Aug 1314, bequeathed property to “Helye Rudelli...nepoti nostro”, and named “condam...fratrum nostrorum domini Hugonis Bruni et Guidonis de Marcha, condam comitum Marchie et Engolisme”[832]. Sénemaud notes her testament, dated 1314[833]. m firstly (Papal dispensation 8 Jun 1267) HELIE RUDEL [I] Seigneur de Pons et de Bergerac, son of RENAUD [III] Seigneur de Pons & his wife Marguerite de Bergerac (-[20 Aug 1290/5 Jan 1291], bur Bergerac Franciscan Church). m secondly (after [1291]%29 ROBERT [II] Seigneur de Matha, son of FOULQUES [I] Seigneur de Matha & his wife --- de Tonnay-Charente (-after May 1297).
- b) HUGUES [XIV] "le Brun" de Lusignan (25 Jun 1259-Angoulême 1 Nov 1303, bur Angoulême, église des Cordeliers). The Chronicon Savigniacense records the birth "in crastino nativitatis sancti Iohannis Baptistæ" in 1259 of "Hugues filius primogenitus…Hugues Comitis Marchiæ et Iohannæ uxoris suæ"[834]. He succeeded his father in 1270 as Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême. The Continuatio of the Chronicle of Guillaume de Nangis records the death in 1303 of "Hugone de Marchia comite civitatis Angolismæ", adding that his county then reverted "ad regem Franciæ Philippum"[835]. m (Paris 1 Apr 1276) BEATRIX de Bourgogne, daughter of HUGUES IV Duke of Burgundy [Capet] & his second wife Beatrix de Champagne (-Cognac [Jul 1328/31 May 1329], bur Angoulême, église des Cordeliers). An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records the marriage in 1276 of "Hugo Bruni comes Marchie" and "filiam ducis Burgundie, sororem vicecomitisse Lemovicensis" at Paris[836]. The testament of “Hugo de Burgundia, dominus Montis Regalis” dated 1 Apr 1285 names “filiam meam Beatricem…uxor mea Margarita…Ysabellam Romanorum reginam, B. comitissam Marchie, et Marguaritam dominam Allaii uxorem Johannis de Cabilone militis, sorores meas”[837]. “Jehans de Chalon, sires d’Arlay, et Marguerite sa fame, et Biatrix de Bourgoingne comtesse de La Marche et d’Angoulesme, suer de ladite Marguerite” issued a charter dated to [1305] relating to the purchase of “la chestellenie de Lylle souz Monreaul”[838]. Dame de Grignon in Feb 1302. She was called "la Comtesse de la Marche".
- c) GUY de la Marche (-[24 Sep/28 Nov] 1308, bur Poitiers, église des Jacobins). Comte de la Marche et d’Angoulême. “Guido de Luzigram comes Marcharum et Angolismi dominus Fulgeriorum” appointed “Helias Rudelli dominus Bragerias filius Reginaldi de Ponte nepotis mei etiam domini Bragerias” as his heir by charter dated 13 Apr 1308[839]. Guy inherited Coué and Peyrac from his paternal uncle Guy (died before 4 Jun 1309, see below) as shown by the following document. Philippe IV King of France granted "castra…de Choec et de Payrac" to "Johanne de Marchia, sorori germane Guidonis quondam comitis Marchie et Engolisme", by reason of the rights she had “in successione dicti Guidonis necnon Guidonis de Marchia patrui ipsius Johanne”, by charter dated Aug 1310[840].
- d) ISABELLE de la Marche (-after 4 Jun 1309). Nun at Fontevrault. 1269/1303. She and her sister Jeanne, as joint heiresses of the counties of la Marche and Angoulême, agreed in May 1309 their transfer to Philippe IV "le Bel" King of France, when their territories were united into the royal domain. m (Cognac before 1288) JOHN de Vescy, son of ---.
- e) JEANNE de la Marche ([1260/65]-before 18 Apr 1323, bur Abbaye de Valence). The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified, although she is named “dominam Johannam de la Marcha matrem meam” in the testament of her daughter Isabelle (see below)[841]. Her birth date is estimated in light of the birth dates of her older siblings shown above and because she was recorded in her first husband’s testament in Dec 1280 as having two children. She and her sister Isabelle, as joint heiresses of the counties of la Marche and Angoulême, agreed in May 1309 their transfer to Philippe IV "le Bel" King of France, when their territories were united into the royal domain. Philippe IV King of France granted "castra…de Choec et de Payrac" to "Johanne de Marchia, sorori germane Guidonis quondam comitis Marchie et Engolisme", by reason of the rights she had “in successione dicti Guidonis necnon Guidonis de Marchia patrui ipsius Johanne”, by charter dated Aug 1310[842]. The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "Petro de Genyvile" married "Johannam filiam --- comitis Marchiæ"[843]. m firstly BERNARD AIZ [IV] Seigneur d'Albret, son of AMANIEU [VI] Seigneur d'Albret & his second wife Mathe de Bordeaux (-24 Dec 1280). m secondly PIERRE de Joinville [Genville], of Ludlow Shropshire and Walterstone co Hereford, son of GEOFFROY de Joinville Seigneur de Vaucouleurs & his wife Matilda de Lacy (-before 8 Jun 1292).
- f) MARIE de la Marche . 1269/1312. m (1288) ETIENNE [II] Comte de Sancerre, son of JEAN [I] Comte de Sancerre [Blois-Champagne] & his wife Marie de Vierzon (-[1303/06]).
Source Projects MedLands ANGOULEME - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#HuguesXILusignandied1...
- Baluzii, Miscellaneaorum, Liber II: Collectio Veterum (1679): 320 (Chronicon Savigniacense sub A.D. 1253: “IV Kal. Februarij [29 Jan.] Hugues Comes Marchiæ desponsavit Iohannam unicam filiam Radulfi Domini Filgeriarum in dicto castro”).
- Fonteneau, Tables des Manuscrits, 1 (Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de l’Ouest 4) (1839): 240, 244–245, 249–254.
- Douet d’Arcq, Collection de Sceaux des Archives de l’Empire 1(1) (1863): 399 (seal of Hugues XII de Lusignan dated 1257 — Sceau équestre. Costume de chasse. Legend: + S. HVGONIS : DE : LEZIGNE : COMITIS MARCHIE : ET : ENGOLISME; Contre-sceau. Écu burelé. Legend: + SECRETVM MEUM).
- Delisle “Chronologie Hist. des Comtes de la Marche” (Bull. Société Archéologique et Hist. de la Charente) 4th Ser. 4 (1866): 3–16.
- La Porta, Les Gens de Qualité en Basse-Marche 1(2) (1886): 1–60 (Généalogie de Lusignan).
- Richard, Chartes et Documents pour servir a l’Histoire de l’Abbaye de Saint-Maixent (Archives Hist. du Poitou 18) (1886): 92–93.
- Genealogist n.s. 21 (1905): 78–82, 163–171, 234–243. C.P. 12(2) (1959): 280, footnote b (sub Vescy).
- Projects MedLands ANGOULEME - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#HuguesXILusignandied1...
Hugues XII de Lusignan
BIRTH unknown
Angoulême, Departement de la Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
DEATH 1270
Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
Abbaye Notre-Dame de La Couronne
La Couronne, Departement de la Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
MEMORIAL ID 150515079
Family Members
Hugh Lusignan
Yolande de Bretagne
Jehanne de Fougères
Alice "of Angoulême" de Lusignan
Yolande de Lusignan
Jeanne De Lusignan Geneville
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Hugues XII de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche's Timeline
1240 |
Angoulême, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
1257 |
March 24, 1257
1259 |
June 25, 1259
1260 |
Lusignan, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
1270 |
Age 30
Age 30
Age 30
Age 30