son of Warner [Garnier], Vicomte de Sens & Comte de Troyes and Teutberga d'Arles, daughter of THIBAUT Comte d'Arles & his wife Berta of Lotharingia
HUGUES de Troyes ([900/05]-before 948). "Manases archiepiscopus Arelatensis" names his brothers "pro anima fratrum meorum Hugonis, Richard et Bosonis" in his Sep 948 donation to Cluny for their souls[1599], presumably indicating that all three were then deceased. His birth date range is estimated from the estimated birth date range of his mother, and the fact that he was the father of two sons in 927. Comte Palatin de Bourgogne 927. "Hugo comes et coniux mea Wila necnon et filius eius Boso" donated property to Montiéramey by charter dated Apr [927], signed by "Hugonis comitis, Wilæ uxoris eius, Bosonis filii eius, Warnerii ipsorum filii"[1600].
m firstly ---. The name of Hugues´s first wife is not known but her existence is confirmed by the charter of her husband dated Apr [927] (quoted above) which distinguishes the parentage of his two sons, his son Boso being born from this first marriage.
m secondly (before 927) WILLA, daughter of [LUDWIG of Burgundy [Kingdom] & his wife ---] ([905/07]-[967/86] or after) The Vita of archbishop Thibaut names "coniugem…Burgundionis regis nepotem…Wiltermam" as wife of Hugues and mother of the archbishop[1601]. Her name indicates that, assuming that this source correctly records her relationship to the kings of Burgundy, she was almost certainly a descendant of King Rudolf I & his wife of the same name. If this is correct, "neptis" could be interpreted either as granddaughter (in relation to King Rudolf I) or as niece (in relation to King Rudolf II). Chronologically this is also consistent with her estimated birth date range, based on the birth of her two children before 927 and her husband's own estimated birth date range. In either case, she must have been the daughter of Ludwig of Burgundy or of one of his sisters. Both of Ludwig's known or supposed sisters are excluded as they are each already recorded as having a daughter named Willa, neither of whom could have been the husband of Hugues de Troyes. It is of course possible that Willa, wife of Hugues, was the daughter of another sister who is unrecorded elsewhere. "Hugo comes et coniux mea Wila necnon et filius eius Boso" donated property to Montiéramey by charter dated Apr [927], signed by "Hugonis comitis, Wilæ uxoris eius, Bosonis filii eius, Warnerii ipsorum filii"[1602]. "Willa comitissa" donated "alodum situm in pago Belnense" to Montiéramey, for the soul of "senioris mei Hugonis, memor filiorum nostrorum Theutboldi archiepiscopi et Hucberti seu Warnerii defuncti", by charter dated to [970/86], subscribed by "Theutboldi archiepiscopi, Huberti comitis…Adeleidæ comitissæ…Eriberti comitis…"[1603].
Hugues & his first wife had one child:
*i) BOSO de Troyes (-after Apr [927]). "Hugo comes et coniux mea Wila necnon et filius eius Boso" donated property to Montiéramey by charter dated Apr [927], signed by "Hugonis comitis, Wilæ uxoris eius, Bosonis filii eius, Warnerii ipsorum filii"[1604].
Hugues & his second wife had three children:
*ii) GARNIER de Troyes . "Hugo comes et coniux mea Wila necnon et filius eius Boso" donated property to Montiéramey by charter dated Apr [927], signed by "Hugonis comitis, Wilæ uxoris eius, Bosonis filii eius, Warnerii ipsorum filii"[1605]. "Willa comitissa" donated "alodum situm in pago Belnense" to Montiéramey, for the soul of "senioris mei Hugonis, memor filiorum nostrorum Theutboldi archiepiscopi et Hucberti seu Warnerii defuncti", by charter dated to [970/86], subscribed by "Theutboldi archiepiscopi, Huberti comitis…Adeleidæ comitissæ…Eriberti comitis…"[1606].
from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CHAMPAGNE%20NOBILITY.htm#WarnariusT...
900 |
Vienne, Rhône Alpes, Royaume de Provence, France
926 |
Vienne, Isere, Rhone Alpes, France
945 |
Vienne, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
948 |
Age 48
Vienne, Rhône Alpes, Royaume de Provence, France
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