Historical records matching Inge the Elder, king of Sweden
Immediate Family
About Inge the Elder, king of Sweden
Inge The Elder
- Son of Kong Stenkil Ragnvaldsson av Sverige and Queen Ingamoder
- Married (1) HELENA, Her marriage is confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95 which names “Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ”[95]. Presumably Helena originated in Russia where her husband allegedly lived before 1080. She is first named in Abbot William's genealogy of the Danish kings written in [1193][96]. Her possible Russian or Byzantine origin, and whether the series of Greek names were introduced into the Swedish royal family through her influence, is discussed by M. Sjöström
- Married (2) MAER, She is the wife attributed to King Inge in the Sagas, but as "Maer" means "the maiden" she may be identical with his first wife shown above[120]. However, Sjöström suggests that Queen Helena´s religious donations indicate that this is unlikely to be correct because Blot-Sven is recorded in primary sources as a heathen[121]. m as his second wife, INGE I Stenkilson King of Sweden, son of STENKIL Ragnvaldsson King of Sweden & his wife --- Emundsdottir (-[1111])
Project MedLands- Sweden
INGE Stenkilsson (-[1111]). Snorre names Inge as son of Stenkel when recording that he succeeded Hakon as king[93]. He lived in Russia before being recalled to Sweden to become king, although the primary source on which this statement is based has not yet been identified. He succeeded in 1080 as INGE I King of Sweden. Orkneyinga Saga records that “King Ingi Steinkelsson” was deposed because of his Christianity and replaced by “another king who still adhered to the pagan rites, the queen´s brother Svein, nicknamed the Sacrificer”, adding that Inge “was forced into exile and went to West Gotaland, but eventually managed to trap Svein inside a house and burnt him there” before resuming control[94]. married firstly HELENA, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95 which names “Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ”[95]. Presumably Helena originated in Russia where her husband allegedly lived before 1080. She is first named in Abbot William's genealogy of the Danish kings written in [1193][96]. Her possible Russian or Byzantine origin, and whether the series of Greek names were introduced into the Swedish royal family through her influence, is discussed by M. Sjöström[97]. married secondly MAER, sister of BLOT-SVEN [later King of Sweden]. She is the wife attributed to King Inge in the Sagas, but as "Maer" means "the maiden" she may be identical with his first wife shown above[98]. However, Sjöström suggests that Queen Helena´s religious donations indicate that this is unlikely to be correct because Blot-Sven is recorded in primary sources as a heathen[99].
King Inge & his first wife Helena had four children:
- a) CHRISTINA (-18 Jan 1122). Fagrskinna records that “Harald konungr”, son of “Valdimars ok Gydu”, married “Kristinar, dóttur Inga konungs Steinkelssunar”[100]. Morkinskinna records that “Haraldr Valdimarsson” married “Kristin, the daughter of King Ingi Steinkelsson king of the Swedes”[101]. A genealogy written by Vilhelm Abbot of Æbelholt records that “Christina avia Waldemari regis filia fuit Ingonis Svevorum regis et Helene regine”[102]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95 which names “Ingiburgh filia Rizlavi…Ruthenorum Regis et Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ”[103]. m (1095) as his first wife, MSTISLAV I Vladimirovich Grand Prince of Kiev, son of VLADIMIR Vsevolodich "Monomakh" Grand Prince of Kiev & his first wife Gytha of England (1076-15 Apr 1132).
- b) MARGRETA "Fredkulla/peace-bringing woman (-4 Nov [1130], bur Roskilde). Snorre records that the marriage of "King Inge's daughter Margaret" and King Magnus was agreed at "Konghelle on the Gaut river" under the agreement which settled disputes between the kings of Norway, Denmark and Sweden[104]. Saxo records that her first marriage took place after the peace meeting between the three Scandinavian kings at Gotaalv in 1101, hence her nickname[105]. Snorre names "Queen Margaret, a daughter of King Inge, who had before been married to King Magnus Barefoot" as the wife of "the Danish king Nikolas, a son of Svein Ulfson"[106]. m firstly ([1101]%29 MAGNUS III "Berrføtt/Barfod/Barfot/Barefoot" King of Norway, illegitimate son of OLAV III "Kyrre/the Gentle" King of Norway & his mistress --- (-killed in battle in Ireland 24 May 1103). m secondly ([1105]) as his first wife, NIELS King of Denmark, illegitimate son of SVEND II King of Denmark & his mistress --- (-murdered Schleswig 25 Jun 1134).
- c) KATARINA, The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not so far been identified. m BJØRN "Jernside/Ironside" of Denmark, son of HARALD "Kesja" Regent of Denmark & his wife Ragnhild of Norway (-drowned 1134).
- d) RAGVALD Ingesson His parentage is given in the Fagrskinna genealogy[107]. Snorre names "Ragnvald, who was the son of the Swedish King Inge Steinkelson" when recording his daughter's marriage[108]. Claimant to the throne. Under-King in Västergötland. He was killed when he arrived uninvited at the ting at Karlaby[109]. m ---. The name of Ragvald's wife is not known. Ragvald & his wife had one child:
- i) INGRID Ragvaldsdotter
Source Project MedLands- Sweden - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWEDEN.htm
- He was burried a secund time in 1212 Varnhem, Varnhems klosterkyrka, Västergötland
- Inge the Elder (Swedish: Inge Stenkilsson; Old Norse: Ingi Steinkelsson) (died c. 1105) was a King of Sweden.[1]
Inge was the son of the former King Stenkil and a Swedish princess. Inge shared the rule of the kingdom with his probably elder brother Halsten Stenkilsson,but little is known with certainty of Inge's reign. According to the contemporary chronicler Adam of Bremen and the writer of his scholion, the former king Stenkil had died and two kings named Eric had ruled and been killed. Then an Anund Gårdske was summoned from Kievan Rus', but rejected due to his refusal to administer the blóts at the Temple at Uppsala. A hypothesis suggests that Anund and Inge were the same person, as several sources mention Inge as a fervent Christian.
In a letter to Inge from Pope Gregory VII, from 1080, he is called "king of the Swedes", but in a later letter probably dated to 1081, to Inge and another king "A" (either his brother Halsten or Håkan the Red, they are called kings of the West Geats. Whether this difference reflects a change in territory is not certain since the two letters concern the spreading of Christianity in Sweden and the paying of tithe to the Pope.
The rise of Blot-Sweyn and Inges abdication
About the year 1084 Inge was forced to abdicate by the Swedes over his disrespect for old traditions and his refusal to administer the pagan custom of the blót. King Blot-Sweyn (Svein the Sacrifier) was thus elected king. The Hervarar saga describes the rise of Sweyn, the abdication and how Inge was exiled in Västergötland:
Steinkel had a son called Ingi, who became King of Sweden after Haakon. Ingi was King of Sweden for a long time, and was popular and a good Christian. He tried to put an end to heathen sacrifices in Sweden and commanded all the people to accept Christianity; yet the Swedes held to their ancient faith. King Ingi married a woman called Mær who had a brother called Svein. King Ingi liked Svein better than any other man, and Svein became thereby the greatest man in Sweden. The Swedes considered that King Ingi was violating the ancient law of the land when he took exception to many things which Steinkel his father had permitted, and at an assembly held between the Swedes and King Ingi, they offered him two alternatives, either to follow the old order, or else to abdicate. Then King Ingi spoke up and said that he would not abandon the true faith; whereupon the Swedes raised a shout and pelted him with stones, and drove him from the assembly. They drove King Ingi away; and he went into Vestergötland. Svein the Sacrificer was King of Sweden for three years.
However, Inge returned after three winters to kill Blot-Sweyn and reclaim the throne:
King Ingi set off with his retinue and some of his followers, thought it was but as small force. He then rode eastwards by Småland and into Östergötland and then into Sweden. He rode both day and night, and came upon Svein suddenly in the early morning. They caught him in his house and set it on fire and burned the band of men who were within. There was a baron called Thjof who was burnt inside. He had been previously in the retinue of Svein the Sacrificer. Svein himself left the house, but was slain immediately. Thus Ingi once more received the Kingdom of Sweden; and he reestablished Christianity and ruled the Kingdom till the end of his life, when he died in his bed.
A similar story also appears in the Orkneyinga saga, but in this account, Sweyn stays indoors and is burnt to death:
Christianity was then young in Sweden; there were then many men who went about with witchcraft, and thought by that to become wise and knowing of many things which had not yet come to pass. King Ingi was a thorough Christian man, and all wizards were loathsome to him. He took great pains to root out those evil ways which had long gone hand in hand with heathendom, but the rulers of the land and the great freeholders took it ill that their bad customs were found fault with. So it came about that the freemen chose them another king, Sweyn, the queen’s brother, who still held to his sacrifices to idols, and was called Sacrifice-Sweyn. Before him king Ingi was forced to fly the land into West-Gothland; but the end of their dealings was, that king Ingi took the house over Sweyn’s head and burnt him inside it. After that he took all the land under him. Then he still went on rooting out many bad ways.
In Västergötland, Inge lived at Bjurum near present-day Falköping[citation needed]. An Icelandic skald named Markús Skeggjason was one of his court poets, according to Skáldatal. Markús was later the lawspeaker of Iceland.
According to the Westrogothic law, Inge ruled Sweden with virility and he never broke the laws that had been accepted in the districts.
Later years and death
Around the year 1100 Inge and Queen Helena founded Vreta Abbey near present-day Linköping in Östergötland. The abbey housed Sweden's first nunnery and is one of the oldest in Scandinavia. The abbey belonged to the Benedictine order and was founded on the orders of Pope Paschal II.
About this time Inge and the Norwegian king Magnus Barefoot were at war. However in 1101 the war came to an end with a peace agreement signed at Kungahälla[1][2] together with king Eric Evergood of Denmark. At this meeting Inge gave his daughter Margareta as wife to king Magnus. In Snorri's Magnus Barefoot's Saga, a part of the Heimskringla, there is a description of the appearance of Inge:
King Inge was the largest and stoutest, and, from his age, of the most dignified appearance. King Magnus appeared the most gallant and brisk, and King Eirik the most handsome. But they were all handsome men; stout, gallant, and ready in speech.
The Hervarar saga, tells that Inge died of old age and that he ruled until his death. The exact date of his death is not known,[2] but he probably died around 1105. Inge was originally buried in a small church at Bjurum but the remains were later moved to another location.[citation needed] Today, Inges grave is most likely a set of remains found in Vreta Abbey in a section of the abbey church that was erected by Inges son Ragnvald. All skeletons that are likely to be that of Inge are very tall
Astrid Njålsdatter (Von Halland), Queen Of Sweden
Wife of Jarl Ragnvald "the Old" Ulvson av Vest-Gotland och Emund Olofsson "the Old" den Gamle
Mother of Stenkil Ragnvaldsson, Kung av Sverige; Maria Inga Edmundsdotter,
- The Peerage
- Geneall
- Wikipedia English Svenska
- King of Sweden: 1079–1084 with Halsten Stenkilsson
Predecessor: [H%C3%A5kan the Red] Successor: Blot-Sweyn
- King of Sweden: 1087–1105
Predecessor: Blot-Sweyn Successor: [Filip]
О Inge the Elder, king of Sweden (русский)
Инге I Старший — король Швеции
Om Inge "den äldre", kung av Sverige (svenska)
Inge den äldre, även Inge Stenkilsson
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inge_den_%C3%A4ldre
- http://www.tacitus.nu/svenskhistoria/kungar/stenkil/inge.htm
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00049972&tree=LEO
- http://wadbring.com/historia/sidor/ryssmedeltid.htm
Biografi Kung i Sverige ca 1079-1110. Född 1055 i Västergötland. Död 1100. Inge dä, död ca 1110, kung i Sverige eller möjligen endast i Västergötland. Han regerade troligen från slutet av 1070-talet och var son till Stenkil. Inge gynnade kristendomen och lät tillsammans med hustrun Helena anlägga nunneklostret i Vreta. Inge fördrevs c:a 1080 för en tid av sin hedniske svåger Blot-Sven, men dödade senare denne. Hans förbindelser med påven är omvittnade i ett brev från Gregorius VII 1080, i vilket han kallades "Ingo gloriosus Suetonum Rex - Inge, svearnas ärorike konung". Under Inges regering hölls ett fredsmöte ("trekungamötet") i Kongahälla, nära det nuvarande Kungälv, då Inges dotter Margareta Fredkulla giftes bort med kung Magnus Barfot av Norge. Uppgiften om att Blot-Sven skulle varit svåger till Inge är mycket osäker.
Levnadsbeskrivning (Källa: Sören Lindhe, Linköping):
Inge blev i sin barndom skickad till Holmgård (Novgorod) i Ingermanland för att uppfostras och sägs där ha växt upp tillsammans med kung Jarepolk Waldemarsson. Inge var 11 år och fortfarande i Holmgård när hans far dog. Inge blev 1079 vald till kung i Sverige som en arvtagare till Stenkil, men blev fördriven från Uppsala 1084 av allmogen då han vägrade blota. Hans svåger Blotsven erbjöd sig då att blota om han fick bli kung. Det tyckte allmogen var ett bra förslag och utsåg honom till kung. Inge lär ha vistats på Axavalds slott i Västergötland under tiden. Blot-Sven var gift med en syster till Inge d.ä. Inge var samtidigt gift med Mö eller Helena, en syster till Blot-Sven. Inge återvände 1085 eller 1086 till Svealand och dödade Blot-Sven och blev därefter ensam kung i Sverige till sin död 1110. Han tillsatte flera biskopar, byggde kyrkor och utväxlade brev med påven. Inge grundade Vreta kloster som det första nunneklostret i Sverige c:a 1110, tillsammans med sin hustru Helena, som efter Inges död blev dess första abedissa. Grundplåten till klostret var andelar i ett flertal gårdar runt Vreta såsom Kungsbro, Mjölorp, Lilla Wreta, Brunnby, Håckla och Broby vid södra änden av Tåkern. Det stora gårdsinnehavet i de centrala delarna av Östergötland tyder på ett starkt engagemang i denna bygd. De kan visserligen ha kommit till Inge vid hans giftermål med Helena vilket donationsbrevet tyder på då bägge två står som donatorer. Traditionellt anses Inge vara knuten till Västergötland men varför skulle han i så fall anlägga det första klostret i Sverige i Östergötland? Snarare tyder det på att han har sina rötter i närheten av Vreta. I avskriften av donationsbrevet som gjorts av Rasmus Ludvigsson står även att Kung Inge är begravd i Vreta, så även hans drottning Helena. Då Inge d.y. aldrig var gift med någon Helena måste detta avse Inge d.ä. Det är tämligen rimligt att tänka sig att han vill bli begravd på den plats där han satsat på att bygga upp ett kloster vid denna tidpunkt då många fortfarande var hedningar. Enligt den först på 1400-talet tillkomna Prosaiska krönikan skall Inge ha segrat i fem strider i Skåne och innehaft detta landskap i 3 år men blivit mördad där i sin säng. Denna historia har i lilla rimkrönikan kompletterats med att han begravts i Varnhem. Det som är egendomligt i sammanhanget är att Inge den äldre har betraktats som verksam i Västergötland. Han är också omtalad som begravd på Hångers ödekyrkogård men flyttad före 1234 till Varnhems klosterkyrka och sägs ligga under en sten utan inskription i mittgången i klosterkyrkan.(Sverige och dess regenter) I Varnhems klosterkyrka finns också ett minnesrum över honom med en tumba och en minnestavla som Johan III lät uppföra 1574 under ledning av Rasmus Ludvigsson, med följande inskription: "Konung Inge Stenkilsson (Inge d.ä. ) minnesrum Här ligger begraven Ingo, Svea och Gjöta konung, med thet namnet den tredje. Han älskades storligen af sina undersåtare efter han styrde Sverige medh drängskap och bröt aldrig Sveriges lag, the i varje landskap vedertagne voro, han vandt Skåne med fäm strider under Sverige igen, och hade thet i try åhr, under sin hand. Ena natt varsdt han i sina säng mördad av skåningarna åhr MLXIV (1064), då gingo Wästgjöte til och boro honom hem til Axavald, och sade sig aldrig försvinna den skadan. Han jordades i Warnhem och under sin sten här fridoger hvilar." Inskription på tumban "Här ligger Kung Inge, som aldrig något företog mot landet o styrde riket med myckan trohet, förenade Skåne med fäderneslandet, sedan Danskarna blivit fem gånger besegrade. Han föll i Skåne för mördarhand år 1064. Anm. Tumban är endast ett minnesrum. Graven är belägen i mittgångens västra del." Det verkar som om Rasmus Ludvigsson enbart studerat Lilla Rimkrönikan när han skapat minnesrummet. Dessa uppgifter stämmer dåligt med övriga källtexter. Likaså dödsåret. Man får nästan en känsla av att det inte är samma person som omtalas här. Det kan vara så att det är fråga om en västgötsk kung som man senare har blandat ihop med Inge d.ä. Gamla hedniska sättet att räkna årets början från längsta natten blev nu ändrat till 1 januari enligt det romerska sättet, cirka 1080.
Källa: http://www.artursson.se/0002/1535.htm
SDHK-nr: 169
Utfärdat: 10800000, Rom Innehåll: Påven Gregorius (VII) brev till kungarna Inge och Halstan rörande deras folks omvändelse. Han har av biskop R(odulvard) blivit informerad om denna och gläder sig mycket däröver och har därför bett Gud att han må låta det gå dem väl både i detta liv och i det nästkommande. Han uppmanar dem också att förakta det timliga och ständigt rikta sin tanke mot det ”som förbliver utan slut”, att leva i endräkt och kärlek med varandra, ära kyrkorna, hysa medlidande med fattiga och nödställda, vörda och lyda präster och biskopar och låta tionde komma präster, kyrkor och fattiga till del. Vidare vill han att de, eftersom de ännu inte har befästs i den kristna tron, ofta till påvestolen skall skicka klerker och andra lämpliga personer för vidare undervisning och upplysning.
Var kung 1079-1110 talet. På Hångers öde kyrkogård finns en gravsten som tillskrivs honom. Hans kvarlevor har senare flyttats till Varnhem. Inge avsattes som kung när han vägrade förrätta offer till hednagudarna. Han efterträddes av sin svåger Sven. kallad Blot-Sven. Inge begav sig till det kristna Västergötland men återkom efter 3 år till Uppsala och dödade Blot-Sven och återtog härskarmakten. Västgötalagen prisar honom "han styrde Sverige med mandom och bröt aldrig den lag som var tald och tagen i varje landskap" Inge regerade tillsammans med sin "hovsamme och godlynte" bror Hallsten som dog 1118. Under Inges tid tillsattes flera biskopar, kyrkor byggdes och brev utväxlades med påven.Templet Gamla Uppsala brändes ner och ersattes med en kyrka. Han förde krig med den norska kungen Magnus Barfot med vilken han slöt fred år 1101 i Kunghälla (Kungälv) i närvaro av Erik Ejegod av Danmark. Härmed förmäldes Magnus med Inged dotter Margareta som fick tillnamnet Fredkulla. Inge skildras som lång och ståtlig.
Han var med största sannolikhet INTE gift med sin fars halvsyster via Astrid Nialsdotter.
Innan någon med rättigheter får lust att fixa den andre dubbelprofilen, så låt denna stå kvar som en mall.
Inge the Elder, king of Sweden's Timeline
1060 |
Götaland, Sweden
Inge D: Stenkilsson
Far: Stenkil RANGVALDSSON (- 1066)
Född: 1055 Västergötland
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
1078 |
Uppsala, Uppsala County, Uppland, Sweden
Drottning av Sverige Katarina Ingesdotter
Far: Inge D: Stenkilsson (1055 - 1110)
Född: 1100
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
1080 |
Svitjod, Värmland, Sweden
- 1110
Age 20
Sverige, Sweden
1100 |
Uppsala, Sweden
1107 |
Götaland, Sverige (Sweden)
1110 |
Age 50
Ingatorps kungsgård, Ingatorp, Västergötland, Sweden
???? | |||
???? |