public profile
INGIBJÖRG . Orkneyinga Saga names “Harald…Smooth-Tongue and two daughters…Ingibjorg…Margaret” as the children of Earl Hakon and his mistress Helga, adding that Ingibjörg married “Olaf Tit-Bit King of the Hebrides”[947]. "Helga Moddansdóttir var frilla Hákonar jarls ; ...en Ingibjörg dóttir þeirra, er átti Ólafr bitlíngr Suðreyja -konúngr)"p82 of https://books.googleusercontent.com/books/content?req=AKW5QaesUBUID...
m [as his second wife], OLAV Óláfr "Bitling" Guðrøðarson King of Sodor and Man 1097-1098 and 1103-1153, son of ---.
Olav & his wife had one child: (Cawley's Medlands)i GODROD His parentage is deduced from the Orkneyinga Saga which records that "Móðir Guðröðar var Ingibjörg, dóttir Hákonar jarls Pálssonar" - https://books.googleusercontent.com/books/content?req=AKW5QaesUBUID... p225)
m ---. The name of Godrod´s wife is not known.
Godrod & his wife had one child: (Cawley's Medlands)(a) RAGNVALD Godradarson . King of Man and the Isles. William "the Lion" King of Scotland sold Caithness to him after the battle of Wick in 1198. He lost Caithness to Harald [II] Maddadsson Jarl of Orkney in 1200. (Cawley's Medlands)
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Ingibjörg, daughter of Hacon, earl of Orkney, and sister of Harold, earl of Orkney, as well as Margaret, wife of Madadh, earl of Atholl. Orkney Saga explicitly states that Ingibjorg was married to King Olav, and it is certainly not assumed that a lady of such well-known births and connections should humiliate herself to become a concubine even of a king. Ingibjörg, however, who was born after the death of King Magnus and the establishment of her father in the Orkney Islands, ie about 1105-1110, may not have been married until about 1125, while the marriage of King Olav with Afreca of Galloway no doubt took place shortly after the accession by OLAF to the throne. (Chronicle of Man and Sudreys, Munch)
1106 |
Scotland (United Kingdom)
1153 |
Age 47
???? |