public profile
Father of King David. The Talmud (Shabbat 55b), tells us that the "Abigal daughter of Nahash" referred to in 2 Samuel 17:25 is in fact King David's sister and that Nahash is Jesse's other name, and that he was thus named, because never having sinned in his life, he only died "due to the Serpent [Nahash]".
Jesse. Father of David, and therefore ancesor of all the kings of Judah and also of Christ. (Ruth 4:17,22; 1 Chr. 2:5-12; Matt. 1: 5-6). He is repeatedlymentioned in connection with the early history of David (1 Sam. 16:17; see also Isa. 11: 1, 10). We are not told the name of Jesse's wife.
Jesse. The grandson of Ruth and Boaz, Jesse is best remembered as the father of the great King David. He was a prominent man, perhaps the leader, at Bethlehem, and the father of eight sons. During David's outlaw days, Jesse and his wife were sent to relatives at Moab for safety. He was undoubtedly elderly by that time, and probably did not live to see his yougest son crowned ad king of the united monarchy. Although in David's day the term "son of Jesse" was spoken with a sneer, to call attention to David's humble origins, in time it came to be used as a synonym for the expected Messiah. Ruth 4:17, 22; I Samuel 16, 17, 20, 22, 25; II Samuel 20:1; 23:1; I Kings 12:16; I Chronicles 2:12; 2: 13; 10:14; 12:18; 29:26; II Chronicles 10:16; 11:18; Isaiah 11:1, 10. --Everyone in the Bible by William P. Barker--
1 2 3 Death: y
Father: Obed Mother: Abalit, dau of Sonas
Marriage 1 Habliar
Has No Children Elihu Eliab
Has No Children Abinadab
Has No Children Shimma
Has No Children Nethaneel
Has No Children Raddai
Has No Children Ozem
Has Children David, King of Judah & Israel b: 1041 BC in Bethlehem
Has No Children Zeruiah
Has No Children Abigail
Abbrev: Bible
Title: Bible
Page: Ruth 4:17,22; 1 Chr. 2:5-12; Matt. 1:5-6; 1 Xam. 16:17; Isa. 11:1, 10.
Quality: 2
Abbrev: Everyone in the Bible
Title: Everyone in the Bible by William P. Barker.
Abbrev: Every Person in the Old Testament
Title: Every Person in the Old Testament, An Alphabetical Reference and Synopsis. by Lynn F. Price. Horizon Publishers.
18 Ja need on Peretsi järeltulijad: Peretsile sündis Hesron; 19 Hesronile sündis Raam ja Raamile sündis Amminadab; 20 Amminadabile sündis Nahson ja Nahsonile sündis Salma; 21 Salmale sündis Boas ja Boasele sündis Oobed; 22 Oobedile sündis Iisai ja Iisaile sündis Taavet. (Rt 4:18-22)
Father of King David. The Talmud (Shabbat 55b), tells us that the "Abigal daughter of Nahash" referred to in 2 Samuel 17:25 is in fact King David's sister and that Nahash is Jesse's other name, and that he was thus named, because never having sinned in his life, he only died "due to the Serpent [Nahash]".
Jesse. Father of David, and therefore ancesor of all the kings of Judah and also of Christ. (Ruth 4:17,22; 1 Chr. 2:5-12; Matt. 1: 5-6). He is repeatedlymentioned in connection with the early history of David (1 Sam. 16:17; see also Isa. 11: 1, 10). We are not told the name of Jesse's wife.
Jesse. The grandson of Ruth and Boaz, Jesse is best remembered as the father of the great King David. He was a prominent man, perhaps the leader, at Bethlehem, and the father of eight sons. During David's outlaw days, Jesse and his wife were sent to relatives at Moab for safety. He was undoubtedly elderly by that time, and probably did not live to see his yougest son crowned ad king of the united monarchy. Although in David's day the term "son of Jesse" was spoken with a sneer, to call attention to David's humble origins, in time it came to be used as a synonym for the expected Messiah. Ruth 4:17, 22; I Samuel 16, 17, 20, 22, 25; II Samuel 20:1; 23:1; I Kings 12:16; I Chronicles 2:12; 2: 13; 10:14; 12:18; 29:26; II Chronicles 10:16; 11:18; Isaiah 11:1, 10. --Everyone in the Bible by William P. Barker--
1 2 3 Death: y
Father: Obed Mother: Abalit, dau of Sonas
Marriage 1 Habliar
Has No Children Elihu Eliab
Has No Children Abinadab
Has No Children Shimma
Has No Children Nethaneel
Has No Children Raddai
Has No Children Ozem
Has Children David, King of Judah & Israel b: 1041 BC in Bethlehem
Has No Children Zeruiah
Has No Children Abigail
Abbrev: Bible
Title: Bible
Page: Ruth 4:17,22; 1 Chr. 2:5-12; Matt. 1:5-6; 1 Xam. 16:17; Isa. 11:1, 10.
Quality: 2
Abbrev: Everyone in the Bible
Title: Everyone in the Bible by William P. Barker.
Abbrev: Every Person in the Old Testament
Title: Every Person in the Old Testament, An Alphabetical Reference and Synopsis. by Lynn F. Price. Horizon Publishers.
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Bethlehem, Israel
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