Immediate Family
About Isabel Bardoul de Broyes
HUGUES [I] "Bardoul" de Broyes (-[killed in battle Arques] [25 Oct 1053] or 1058 or after). A charter dated 1028 of Robert II King of France, confirming donations to Notre-Dame de Colombes, names "Aurelianensium præsul Odolricus" and "iamdicti Odolrici præsulis avunculus Rogerius Belvacensis episcopus", and is signed by "Isambardi fratris ipsius episcopi, Hugonis filii ipsius Isamberti"[39]. Seigneur de Broyes, de Beaufort, de Pithiviers et de Nogent. [Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Willelmum Archacensem” rebelled against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy, helped by Henri I King of France, and that “Ingelrannus Abbatisvillæ Hugo cognomento Bardulfus” were killed by the duke’s forces during the attack on his castle of Arques[40]. This rebellion is dated to [1053]. In view of the mention of Hugues “Bardoul” in the charter dated to [1061/62 or before] quoted below, there is either some inaccuracy in the report of Guillaume of Jumièges or that charter must be dated to much earlier.] "Vir nobilis Hugo Bardul" donated property to Montiérender by charter dated [1061/62 or before], subscribed by "Teobaldi comitis, Hilduini comitis, Burdini de Belfort, Manasse filii eius"[41]. [m firstly ---. No direct indication of this supposed first marriage has been found. However, the fact that property donated by Hugues [I] and his known wife Elisabeth reverted to Elisabeth’s “nepos eius...Hugo cognomine Blavons” after her death suggests that that she died without direct heirs. If that is correct, the children of Hugues [I] would have born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded first marriage. Was she heiress of Nogent-le-Roi which passed to her supposed daughter Isabelle (see below)?] m [secondly] ELISABETH, daughter of ---. An undated charter records that “Hugonem cognomine Bardulfum cum uxore sua Elisabeth” donated “terram in pago Carnotense...Soors” to Coulombs, and that after the death of Elisabeth “nepos eius...Hugo cognomine Blavons” retook the land[42]. This document suggests that Elisabeth was the sister of Humbeline, wife of Erard [I] Comte de Breteuil (see CENTRAL FRANCE NOBILITY), who were the parents of Hugues “Blavons” Vicomte de Chartres. Hugues [I] & his [first] wife had [three] children:
a) BARTHELEMY de Broyes (-after 1072). His parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 1081 under which "comes Stephanus Henricus…consulis Theobaldi filius" confirmed donations to Troyes, including the donation made by "Bartholomeus…dominus Brecarum miles…ipsius Bartholomei filius…orphanus et parvulus" for the souls of "patris sui atque avi cognomine eius qui et…Bardulphus cognominatur"[43]. Seigneur de Broyes et de Beaufort.
b) ISABELLE de Broyes . Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 1160 under which Louis VII King of France confirmed donations to the abbey of Colombs near Nogent, including donations made by "Hugo…Bardulfus…et Simon de Monteforti gener eius et successor"[44]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. Dame de Nogent-le-Roi. m as his first wife, SIMON Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury, son of AMAURY de Montfort & his wife Bertrade --- (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon).
c) [HAVISE de Broyes . A fragmentary chronicle of the dukes of Aquitaine records that "Rainaldus…de Podio-fagi, Trulli frater germanus…cum Helvisa conjuge filiisque suis Hugone atque Willelmo" donated property “de Henssionensi” to the abbey of Saint-Maixence[45]. A fragmentary chronicle of the dukes of Aquitaine records that "Helvisa" was the daughter of “Hugone nuncupato Bardulfo qui tenuit Puirium castrumque de Bellofonte et etiam de Novigento” and that she married “Valeranno Franciæ Camerario” after the death of her first husband[46]. However, it should be noted that this particular source appears not to be completely reliable. Until another source emerges which corroborates Havise’s origin and marriage, it is best to treat this information with some caution. m firstly RENAUD du Puy-du-Fou, son of --- (-before 1060). Camerarius of France. m secondly GALERAN, son of GAUTHIER & his wife ---. Camerarius of France.]
SIMON [I] de Montfort, son of AMAURY [I] Seigneur de Montfort & his wife Bertrade --- (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon[456]). "Ivo de Curba villa" dedicated "ecclesiæ Sanctorum Martyrum Gervasii et Protasii Cheonis" by charter dated to [1048/61], witnessed by “...Amalricus de Sparnoto, Simon et Mainerius filii eius...”[457]. "Amalricus miles" founded the priory of Saint-Thomas d’Epernon, with the consent of "conjugis mee…Bertredis…et filiorum meorum…Simonis…atque Mainerii", by charter dated [11 Apr 1052/Jul 1053][458]. He succeeded his father as Seigneur de Montfort and completed the construction of the castle known as Montfort-l'Amaury which was started by his father[459]. "…Simon de Monte forti…" witnessed the charter dated 29 May 1067 under which Philippe I King of France confirmed the possessions of Saint-Martin-des-Champs[460]. Orderic Vitalis records the death of “Simon de Monteforti, gener Ricardi comitis Ebroicensium”, dated to 1087 from the context[461]. "Mainerium, fratrem Symonis de Monte Forti" donated property, with the consent of "Simone fratre eius comiteque Belli Montis Ivonis", by charter dated to before 1091, which also names "domnus Simon, filio suo Amalrico"[462].
m firstly ISABELLE de Broyes dame de Nogent-le-Roi, daughter of HUGUES [I] "Bardoul" de Broyes & his [first wife ---]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 1160 under which Louis VII King of France confirmed donations to the abbey of Colombs near Nogent, including donations made by "Hugo…Bardulfus…et Simon de Monteforti gener eius et successor"[463]. The primary source which confirms her name has not been identified. The Historia of Monk Aimon records that "dominam de Novigento" married the lord of "Montifortem et Sparnomum", although the passage is confused as it appears to refer to the paternal grandparents of Simon, husband of Isabelle[464].
m secondly ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified.
m thirdly ([before 1070]) AGNES d'Evreux, daughter of RICHARD Comte d'Evreux [Normandie] & his wife Godechildis ---. Orderic Vitalis records that “ Conchis filius Rogerii de Toenia” kidnapped “Agnetem uterinam sororem suam, Ricardi Ebroicensium comitis filiam” by night and married her to “Simoni de Monteforti”, who in exchange granted “filiam eiusdem Simonis...Isabel” to Raoul[465]. In other passages he names her and specifies that she was the daughter of Richard and sister of Guillaume[466]. The date of her marriage is estimated from the marriage of her daughter which is dated to 1089.
Simon [I] & his first wife had three children:
1. AMAURY [II] de Montfort (1056-killed in battle [1089]). "Mainerium, fratrem Symonis de Monte Forti" donated property, with the consent of "Simone fratre eius comiteque Belli Montis Ivonis", by charter dated to before 1091, which also names "domnus Simon, filio suo Amalrico"[467]. He succeeded his father in [1087] as Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury. Orderic Vitalis records that, two years after the death of King William I [1089], “Ascelinus cognomento Goellus” captured “arcem Ibreii” from “Guillelmo Bretoliensi domino suo” and surrendered it to Duke Robert who resold it to Guillaume de Breteuil for “MD libras”, triggering a lengthy war, during which “Almaricus de Monteforti qui Fortis” attacked the lands of Guillaume but was killed[468].
2. ISABELLE de Montfort . Orderic Vitalis records that “ Conchis filius Rogerii de Toenia” kidnapped “Agnetem uterinam sororem suam, Ricardi Ebroicensium comitis filiam” by night and married her to “Simoni de Monteforti”, who in exchange granted “filiam eiusdem Simonis...Isabel” to Raoul[469]. Her parentage is suggested by a charter dated 1160 under which Louis VII King of France confirmed donations to the abbey of Colombs near Nogent, including donations made by "Hugo Bardulfus castri Nouigenti…aliique eorum successores…Simon de Montisforti, et Radulfus iunior de Toneio et Rogerius filius eius…et Simon de Monteforti gener eius et successor"[470]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Elizabeth...uxor et Rogerius atque Radulfus filii eius” consented to the donations to Ouche made by “ Conchis filius Rogerii de Toenia...Normannorum...signifer”[471]. Dame de Nogent-le-Roi. Orderic Vitalis calls her "Isabel de Conches", says she was "generous, daring and gay" but "in war she rode armed as a knight among the knights", and recounts that Helvise Ctss d'Evreux was offended by her "slighting remarks" which led to a bitter war between their husbands[472]. After her husband died, she repented "the mortal sin of luxury in which she had indulged in her youth" and became a nun at Haute-Bruyère[473]. m RAOUL [III] de Tosny Seigneur de Conches, son of ROGER [II] de Tosny & his wife Godechildis --- (-24 Mar [1102], bur Conches Saint-Pierre).
3. GUILLAUME de Montfort (-27 Aug 1101). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. He was elected Bishop of Paris in 1095, consecrated in 1096[474].
Simon I de Montfort
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simon I de Montfort born about 1025 in Montfort l'Amaury, Ile de France, France and died 1087. He is buried in Epernon, Normandy, France. He was the son of Amaury de Montfort (c 1000-1031) and Bertrade de Gometz.
Simon I first married Isabel de Broyles (b. 1034, Broyes, Marne, France), daughter of Hugh Bardoul. Their children were:
Amauri de Montfort (c. 1056-1089)
Isabel (Elizabeth) de Montfort (b. 1057), who married Raoul II de Tosny.[1]
Simon I's second marriage was to Agnes d'Evreux (b. 1030), daughter of Richard d'Evreux of Rouen, Normandy. Their children were:
Bertrade de Montfort (c. 1059-1117), became Queen of France.
Richard de Montfort (c. 1066-1092), slain in attack on abbey at Conches.
Simon II de Montfort (c. 1068-1101)
Amaury III of Montfort(c. 1070-1137), married Richude (Richilde) de Hainault and Agnes de Garland.
Guillaume de Montfort (c. 1073-1101)
Adeliza de Montfort (b. 1075)[2]
Isabeau de Broyes, dame de Nogent1
b. circa 1033?
Father Hugh Bardoul, seigneur de Brozes2 b. circa 1003?
Also called dame de Nogent Isabel Bardoul.2 Isabeau de Broyes, dame de Nogent was born circa 1033?. She was the daughter of Hugh Bardoul, seigneur de Brozes.2 Isabeau de Broyes, dame de Nogent married Simon I, seigneur de Montfort, son of Amauri I, 1st seigneur de Montfort and Bertrade (?), circa 1055; His 1st.2,1
Simon I, seigneur de Montfort b. 1025, d. 1087
Isabel de Montfort-l'Amaury, dame de Nogent+ b. c 1055?3,4
Amauri II "the Strong", 3rd seigneur de Montfort b. 1056?, d. c 10892
Eve de Montfort+ b. 1057?1
[S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:632.
[S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VII:App.D:710.
[S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VII:App.D:710-711.
[S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, XII/1:Tony:760.
Isabeau as also called dame de Nogent Isabel Bardoul.
See "My Lines"
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from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
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The name of Turstin´s wife is not known. Turstin & his wife had one child: Richard Basset
Isabel Bardoul de Broyes's Timeline
1034 |
Broyes, Marne, Champagne, France
1056 |
1058 |
Montfort-l'Amaury,, Montfort L'Amaury, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
1060 |
Montfort, Amaury, Ile-de-France, France
Age 26
Nogent-le-Roi, Eure-et-Loir, Centre-Val de Loire, France
1933 |
April 19, 1933
Age 26
April 19, 1933
Age 26
April 27, 1933
Age 26
April 27, 1933
Age 26