Immediate Family
half sister
half sister
half sister
About Isabell Meynell
1220 On 10 February, "Westminster. Derbyshire. To the sheriff of Derbyshire. Ralph Musard has satisfied the king by a fine of 100 m. for his trespass against him when he married Isabella who was the wife of John de Neville, who was of the king’s gift, without the king’s licence. Order to cause Ralph to have full seisin without delay of all his own lands and those of Isabella with all appurtenances in his bailiwick, which the king had ordered him to take into his hand for this trespass. The chattels and all that has been removed from these lands by the sheriff or his bailiffs after he took them into the king’s hand are to be restored to Ralph without delay. Witness H. etc. By the justiciar and the king’s council." "[No date]. Because above. Ralph Musard owes the king 100 m., of which he is to render a moiety at Easter in the fourth year and the other moiety at the following Michaelmas for a trespass." [3] Henry III Fine Rolls Project, Fine Rolls of Henry III, item 4/84, [Fine_Rolls_Project].
1226 "Nottinghamshire. To the sheriff of Nottinghamshire. The king has taken the homage of Ralph Musard for the land that Walter de Goderville and Joan, his wife, sister of Isabella, wife of the aforesaid Ralph, held, which fall to Isabella by inheritance, and, by a fine of 15 m. that Ralph made with the king, the king has granted that he may have seisin of the aforesaid lands. Order that, having accepted security from Ralph for rendering the aforesaid 15 m. to the king, he is to cause him to have full seisin of all the lands that Walter and Isabella held in his bailiwick of the inheritance of Joan, saving to Walter and the executors of Joan’s testament all chattels, both in corn and in all other things found in those lands, to the use of Walter, and in order to make good the testament of the same Joan." [4] Henry III Fine Rolls Project, Fine Rolls of Henry III, item 10/209, [Fine_Rolls_Project].
Isabell Meynell's Timeline
1198 |
Old Dalby, Leicestershire, England
1230 |
Shirley, Derbyshire, England, (Present UK)
1244 |
Shirley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
1246 |
Age 48
Shirley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England