Gunnar von Arnold notes:
Sohn des Burggrafen Babo I. von Regensburg aus seiner 3. Ehe mit der Mathilde (Prinz Isenburg) (Son of Babo and Mathilde in his third marriage) [http://www.genealogie-mittelalter.de/babonen_burggrafen_von_regensb...]
3. Liudolf
F. und einmaliges Vorkommen (996): Liutolf Sohn Babos, tritt als Mönch in St. Emmeram ein nQ 8, 214 n 256.
Liudolf trat um 996 ins Kloster St. Emmeran in Regensburg ein. Er fungierte 972/76 zusammen mit seinem Vater Babo als Vogt für einen Priester Ellinpreht, welcher Besitz im Raume Erding, Vilsbiburg, Ebersberg vertauschte. 977/94 begegnete Liudolf allein als Vogt für einen Kleriker Reginfrid im gleichen geographischen Raum.
GvA: This, however, does not explain the years written above "He worked , with his father; as ... In antoher source Liudolf was born 996, five years after Babo and Mathildes marriage. Tricky...working on it. But I moved Liudolf to Mathildes branch as a starter /Gunnar
Ben M. Angel notes:
I don't think any of this "ancestors" children have a source about being fathered by Liudolf (they aren't in the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy passage about Liudolf). So I have to presume that the mother is a GEDCOM file.
Looking forward to reviewing documentation on the children, meanwhile.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liudolf married Ida, daughter of Duke Herman I.
His son by Ida, Otto, was later duke of Bavaria and Swabia, his daughter Mathilde abess of a canoness monastery in Essen.
The marriage of Babo and Ita is a theory, better described in the profile of Babo
930 |
Wittenberg,Sachsen Wittenberg,Ringia,
954 |
955 |
986 |
May 17, 986
Age 56
Saxony, Germany
???? | |||
???? |