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Johann Jacob Baker (1738 - 1786)

Also Known As: "Becker"
Birthplace: Germany
Death: February 10, 1786 (43-52)
Lincoln County, NC
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Heinrich Becker and Anna Maria Eva Becker
Husband of Susannah Tomlinson Kelly Baker and Susanna Baker
Father of Michael Baker; George Baker; Conrad Baker; Catherine Baker; Henry Baker and 4 others

Managed by: Marsha Gail Kamish
Last Updated:

About Jacob baker

Jacob was born in 1738. He passed away in 1786.[1]

Last Will and Testament of Jacob Baker, dated 1786. (Transcribed)

In the Name of God Amen, I Jacob BAKER of Lincoln County and State of North Carolina, Blacksmith, being weak and infirm in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God, for the same. And calling to mind the uncertainty of this life, and that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, in the manner and form following. That is, I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body I commit to the Earth from which it was taken, to be buried with decent Christian Burial at the descretion of my Executors hearafter named. And touching what worldly goods it has pleased God to bless me with in this Life.
I do give and bequeath in manner and Form following. First, I do give and Bequeath unto MY DEARLY BELOVED SUSANNA. The third of all my estate Real and Personal (the plantation I now live on excepted) during her life or until she marries, if it happens. The third of my personal estate, only, as shall be below mentioned. And it is likewise my will that she lives on the Plantation she now does, as usual with the children, till they all come of Age and likewise during her Life (marriage excepted).
Secondly, I do give and bequeath unto MY ELDEST SON PHILLIP BAKER for ever, the Plantation I now live on and the Smith tools to inherit it, then after his Brothers and Sisters are come to age of maturity. And in case he should not chose to live with his mother, Brothers and Sisters, til that time, but should marry, he may then if he choses Build a house on the lower End of Plantation as above. Including the new field opposite to Bariets and in no wise concurs with the rest of the clear ground or anything else there to Belonging without leave.
Thirdly, I do give and bequeath unto my sons JACOB BAKER, MICHAEL BAKER, HENRY BAKER, GEORGE BAKER, CONRAD BAKER AND JOHN BAKER, and to my two daughters SUSANNA BAKER & KATHERINE BAKER, all my estate that I have at my decease (The plantation I now live on & their mothers third Excepted) both real and personal, to be equally divided amongst them.
And it is my will that my Executors hereafter named, shall after my Decease take a full and Exact Inventory of all my personal estate whatsoever that there may at my youngest childs coming of age, be an equal dividend made then of amongst my children above named. My debts and funeral expenses (& their mothers third in case of marriage) first deducted. And what lands I possess at my Decease the plantation I now live on excepted, to be likewise sold and equally divided amongst my children as above. And it is likewise my will that the still and what thereunto belongs, waggons, clock & whatever else that can be spared from plantation Horses, cattle, etc may be also sold with the land as above, and a dividend made as above mentioned.
And I do hereby Nominate, Constitute, Appoint, and Ordain my Loving and affecionate Brother-in-Law Michael KELLER, and my faithful and trust friend Henry HOLLMAN both of the County & State aforesaid to be the Executors of this my last will and testament. Hereby revoking & making void all other wills or testaments by me made or done. Ratifing and confirming this to be my only last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 18th day of February Anna Domini 1786.
Signed, Sealed, Published Announced ... Jacob Baker
Declared by the said Jacob Baker to be his last will & testament in the presence of us.....
Nathan Armitage
Michael Keller (signed in German)
Katherine X (her mark) Keller

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Jacob baker's Timeline

Salisbury, Rowan County, NC, United States