James Trail Sr. of "Rock Head" (c.1715-1799)

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James Trail

Birthplace: Prince George's County, Maryland, Colonial America
Death: May 01, 1799 (79-88)
Montgomery County, Maryland, United States
Place of Burial: Seneca Creek, Montgomery County, Maryland, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of David Trail, of 'David's Industry' and Elizabeth Veatch Trail
Husband of Rachel Ray Trail (1717-1799)
Father of Eleanor Lee; William Trail; Jean Eugenia West; Sarah Trail McCoy Buxton; James Trail II (c.1748-1823) and 6 others
Brother of Charles Trail Sr. of "Trail's Choice" (c.1710-1763); David Trail Jr. of "Good Will"; Jane Trail West; Thomas Trail; Elizabeth Trail Brown and 3 others
Half brother of David Beall

Occupation: Planter
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About James Trail Sr. of "Rock Head" (c.1715-1799)

  • (Prince George's County Circuit Court,Certificates,Patented,PG)..... " ROCK HEAD "....60 acres...Surveyed for James Trail 19th April 1744...Patented to James Trail 19th April 1744...By virtue of a warrant granted out of his Lordships Land Office of this Province to Mr. James Trayle of the afsd. county for 60 acres of land bearing date Dec. 12, 1743..I herefore certifie as Deputy Surveyor of Prince George's County under his excellency Thomas Bladen Esq. Governor of Maryland I have carefully laid out for and in the name of him the said James Trayle all that tract of land lying in the aforesaid County called Rock Head beginning at a bounded white oak standing on the east side of Seneca Creek about three quarters of a mile below Charles Trayle's house and running thence....( record provided by George Arthur Trail IV)


  • Daughters of American Revolution Ancestor #: A116019 * Service: MARYLAND Rank: PATRIOTIC SERVICE * Birth: CIRCA 1730 PRINCE GEORGES CO MARYLAND * Death: ANTE 5-2-1799 MONTGOMERY CO-BUR MARYLAND * Service Source: DAR, UNPUBLISHED REV RECS OF MD, GRC 1939, S1, VOL 61, P 56 * Service Description: 1) TOOK OATH OF ALLEGIANCE, 1778

In the Name of God Amen, I. James Trail of Montgomery County and State of Maryland being sick and weak in body but of sound a perfect memory and calling to mind the uncertain state of the transitory life and will knowing that all flesh must yeald (sic) unto death when it shall please God to call do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I give and devise to my beloved son James Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever, one hundred and twenty six acres and three quarters of an acre of land whereon he now dwells being part of a tract or parcel of Land called the Reserving on the Younger Brother. I give and devise to my beloved son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever a tract of land whereon I now dwell called Rach Head patented for sixty acres. I also give to my said son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever sixteen acres and three quarters of an acre of land which I purchased of William Benson called Pleasant Fields. I also give to my said son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever twenty seven acres and one quarter of an acre of land thereunto adjoining being part of a tract or parcel of land called the Resurvey on the younger Brother. I likewise give to my said son Archibald Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever twenty three acres of land contiguous to the other tracts mentioned above being part of a tract of land called Trails Addition. I give and devise to my beloved son Osborn Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever one hundred acres of land being part of a tract or parcel of land called Fathers Good Will. I likewise give to my said son Osborn Trail and his heirs and afsigns forever twenty seven acres of land being part of a tract of land called Trails Addition. I give to my daughter in Law Frances Trail for and during the time she shall remain a Widow and no longer one hundred acres of land whereon she now dwells being part of a tract or parcel of land called Fathers Good Will and after her decease on on (sic) the day of a second marriage I give to my four grandchildren Vis: James Trail, William Trail, Edward Trail, Nathan Trail and their heirs and afsigns forever twenty five acres each of the aforesaid piece or parcel of land to be equally devided between them by some indifferent person to be named for that purpose if they cannot agree on the devision between themselves. I give and bequeath to my dear and beloved wife, Rachel Trail one negro girl called Tobey, one Feather Bed and furniture, one Lining wheel, one clear? wheel, one iron pot, one pewter dish, two pewter basons, and six pewter plates, the remaining part of my Estate after my lawful debts are paid. I give to my said wife Rachel Trail and nine children hereafter named Vis - James Trail, Archibald Trail, Osborn Trail, Eleanor Lee, Jean West, Sarah Buxton, Cafsander Ford, Rachel Cybert?, Margary Fryer share and share alike. Lastly I consider order and appoint my dear and beloved wife Rachel Trail and my son James Trail hole and sole Executors of this my last will and testament revoking all other Will or Wills by me hereto made either by word or writing and this shall be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other. In witnefs I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of March in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eighty three. James Trail Sen

Signed, sealed, published and declared in the presence of us - Edwd Burgefs, Lodwich Yost, Basil Trail Montgomery County

- On the 18th day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight came Edward Burgefs and Basil Trail two of the subscribing witnefses to the last will and testament of James Trail late of said County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the testator therein named sign and seal this will and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that they respectfully subscribed their names to this will as witnefses in the presence and at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other Certified by Saml Turner, Regr

Source: http://hillfamilymd.org/Family/ps12/ps12_454.htm

A Patriot of the American Revolution for MARYLAND. DAR Ancestor # A116019

  • The story of James Trail Sr. is best read in the book "David's Industry" available on line by George Arthur Trail IV.

(Following records discovered by George Arthur Trail IV prove James Trail Sr. married Rachel Ray)

  • (Prince George's Parish Births).... 1717... Rachel born to Luke Ray and Susannah
  • (Prince Georges County Probate Records).....1718.... LUKE RAY (deceased) - - Appraiser : William Nichols. Payments to estate of deceased: Simon Nicholls ...(only debtor to estate was Simon Nicholls)
  • (Prince George's County Land Patents).. ..1744.... James Trail Sr. patents "Rockhead"... 1744 ... Luke Ray patents "Ray's Venture"...... (This Luke Ray was the nephew of the aforementioned Luke Ray who died in 1718.)
  • 1750 Western Shore Debt Rolls were recorded at the Land Office as landowners came in to pay their tax and lay claim to their lands. The names of James Trayle for "Rockhead" and Luke Ray for "Ray's Venture" appear side by side in the Debt Rolls and indicate they travelled together to the Land Office that day.
  • (Frederick County Court Record).... June 1753 .... "We the grand jurors present Richard Watts and James Trale for philanesly stealing and carrying away by force of arms one twenty shilling bill and 3 fifteen shilling bills the property of Ninian Beall of Prince George's County and by the info of said Beall."
  • If convicted the sentence would be hanging for James Trail but the following records show how the family of his wife, Rachel Ray, saved his neck before the November 1753 trial date.
  • (Frederick County Land Records,Book E pg. 286).....Oct. 5, 1753.... From Luke Ray to William Norris Jr...150 acres called "Ray's Venture"....witness: Alexander Beall and John Clagett....also came Elizabeth the wife of Luke Ray...
  • ( Frederick County Court Judgement Record 1753-1759).....November Court 1753... Listed as one of the grand jurors for the November session was William Norris Jr. (pg. 143) ALSO testifying in the case 3 days for James Traile was William Norris Jr. (pg. 152)
  • Thanks to William Norris Jr., James Trail Sr. was acquitted by a Frederick County Court but Ninian Beall was not content and appealed to the Provincial Court of Maryland where the case of "James Traile vs. Ninian Beall "appeared on the Provincial docket in 1757 before being struck off. (Liber B.T. No. 2. pg. 16)
  • William Norris Jr. sold "Ray's Venture" five years later at a tidy profit never residing there. Although "Ray's Venture" was twenty miles from "Rockhead", in 1818 William Trail (grandson of James Trail Sr.) purchased part of "Ray's Venture" from Benjamin Talbott. ( Montgomery County Land records BS 4 folio 121.)
  • (John Glassford and Co. Records,Library of Congress, Wash. DC.)....1766 and 1767 Accounts of John Ray Jr. and William Trail,son of James, appear side by side in the ledgers...... 1775 (Rock Creek Day Book) - William Trail enters the Glassford Warehouse at Rock Creek with Benjamin Ray, brother of John Ray Jr, their names appear side by side in the Daybook.
  • ( John Glassford and Co. Records, Library of Congress)....1768 (Rock Creek)....By Alexander Robertson..135...10 James Trail...By Richard Beall....
  • (Montgomery County Probate Records)...1781...William Trail Estate...Executrix: Frances Trail....Securities: Thomas Birdwhistle. (Thomas Birdwhistle was the documented younger stepbrother of Ann Ray, both were orphaned as young children)
  • (Prince George's County Levy Books 1734-1743).........1735 "Crow and Squirrell Count" List .....William Ray Jr. of Rock Creek, Eliphaz Riley, David Trail...
  • Records indicate Rachel Ray, whose father died before she was one years old, was raised in the home of her uncle William Ray Jr. on the "Charles and Thomas' in Rock Creek Hundred. 1735 is the same year James Trail Sr. and Rachel Ray are thought to have married by the headstone of their eldest daughter Eleanor Trail Nicholls Lee which states she was born in 1735. ( Meadows- Poole Cemetery, Spartanburg,South Carolina)
  • (P.G. County Levy Book,1734-1748).... 1739.... "Squirrell's and Crow's Head's " (tax) ....John Hamas, James Freel, John Snow.." (James Freel may be one and the same as James Trail)
  • ( P.G. Levy Book,1734-1748).... 1742...."Squirrell Heads and Crow's Heads".. "...Charles Walker, James Trail, Daniel(David) Trail Jun., Andrew Tannihill..".......
  • (Frederick County Cattle Marks)....April 22, 1749....James Trail recorded marks of cattle...
  • (Frederick County Land Patents,MSA S1197-1409)....Fathers Good Will...surveyed for James Trail Oct. 28, 1761....patented to James Trail June 28, 1763.... to James Trail...for 200 acres of land....Beginning at a bounded red oak standing on the east side of a tract of land called Friend in Need
  • ( Frederick County Land Records, Liber K,p. 2)........Oct. 4, 1765....in consideration of....thirty pounds sterling to him the said Joseph West in hand paid by the said James Trail....grant ...unto the said James Trail part of a tract of land called Resurvey on the Younger Brother....to the line of David Trails part...for one hundred fifty four acres...witness; David Lynn and Kensey Gittings
  • ( John Glassford and Co. Records, Library of Congress)....1766....Bladensburg Ledger...August 27 ...By James Trail... By Weaver Barnes... By Joseph West. * These were the only 3 customers for that day* They are all related through marriages. Weaver Barnes was the nephew of Richard Weaver who was the step father of Elizabeth Veatch who married James Trail's father David Trail Sr. James also provided for Weaver Barns on his personal account with the John Glassford Company.
  • ( John Glassford and Co. Records)...1766...Bladensburg ledger Day book....Abraham Holland, Edward Busey, James Trail, John Brice Esq.... (the customers checked out in this order) * Edward Busey's brother Joshua was married to Eleanor Ray who was the closest in age to Rachel Ray Trail growing up on the same plantation.
  • ( John Glassford and Co. Records, Library of Congress, Manuscript Room)....1766....David Trail Sen. (account)....Feb. 26...per brother James..To Luke Bernard....per Abraham Holland ...per John Mullican..
  • ( John Glasford and Co. Records,Washington DC)....Bladensburg Ledgers....1767....James Trail Sen.(account)....March 26-To cash left with Joseph West Sen.....November 7-To David Trail.
* ( Frederick County Inventories) .......1767....James Dixon (deceased)...desperate debts:...Robert Ward, James Triall, Conrad Hockersmith,....

*( Maryland Calendar of State Papers - Black Books-)....May 21,1751...."Sundry Freeholders of Frederick County. To Governor Samuel Ogle and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly...Signatures:....Griffith Davis Jr. Charles Trale, John Buckston.....John Hue, James Trale, John Wofford,...."

( John Glassford and Co. Records, Library of Congress)....Rock Creek Warehouse....August 30, 1775.....Capt. Joshua Beall to soap and set of buckles.....James Trail Sen....By Rock Creek "IT"..2345(lbs. tobacco)

  • ( Patriots oaths of Fidelity and support, 1778)....Montgomery County, Maryland 1778....Francis Cullom, James Trail, Nathan Offutt...
  • ( Patriots oaths of fidelity and support)....Montgomery County, Maryland 1778.....Thomas Selby Jr., James Trail, Benjamin Kelly...
  • (Montgomery County Land Records ,A,p.192)....Nov 10, 1778.....I William Benson....grant...unto him the said James Trail part of a tract of land called Pleasant Valley and part of Pleasant Fields.....containing 16 acres....witness :Joseph Wilson and George Cullom
  • (Montgomery County Land Patents, MSA S1197-5255).......Feb 4,1787......" Trail's Addition ".....James Trail.....50 acres...By virtue of a warrant granted...to James Trail...bearing date 31st of October 1768.....all that ract of land called "Trail's Addition".....60 perches below the main road that goes from George Town to Frederick....witness: Francis Cullom, Aaron Lee, and William Buxton..
  • (Montgomery County Land Patents,MSA S1202-211)......Feb 4,1787...." Fertile Meadows"....James Trail Sen....15 1/4 acres.....Beginning at the end of the third line of Mill Tract now in possession of Lodowick Yost....to a beginning tree of a tract of land called "Trail's Addition'.....Improvements vizt....one old logged smiths shop about 24 feet by 18 with a shingled roof- one old logged cole house about 16 feet by 10 with a boarded roof- a well of water about 20 or 25 feet deep- about 45 feet of old palings and 400 fence rails thereon...
  • (Montgomery County Land Records,D,p.135)......October 28, 1788.....At the request of Mr. James Trail Senior the following depositions were taken.....to prove and perpetuate the beginning tree of a tract of land called " Father's Goodwill"...being...the property of the afsd. James Trail Senior......Thomas Birdwhistle aged about fifty eight years..this deponent after going to a red oak....at the roots which is now planted a stone upon which the letters IT are engraved.....Nathan Neighbors aged about fifty seven years...witness; Edward Burgess and William Smith
  • ( United States Census 1790, Montgomery County) ....James Trail ....( living with 2 females and 5 slaves)....* James Trail lived next to Archibald Trail and Ephraim Burgess
  • (Montgomery County Land Records,E,p.68)...1792....Between James Trail and Henry Brookes....James Trail for in consideration...of five shillings...James Trail hath granted part of a tract of land called Resurvey on the Younger Brother...beginning on the thirty first line of Resurvey on the Mill Tract....laid out for 17 and one quarter acre of land....Witness: Jeremiah Crabbb and Charles Magruder..at the same time came Rachel wife of the said James Traile...
  • (Montgomery County Land Records,E,p.94)....Feb 18, 1792....Henry Brookes of Montgomery County, merchant to James Trail ..planter,,, the Resurvey on Mill Tract...for 17 and one quarter acre of land...Witness: Jeremiah Crabb and Charles Magruder
  • (Maryland Records,Montgomery County Funerals)....May 2, 1799...James Traill Senr.
  • ( Maryland Records, Montgomery County Funerals)...Aug. 27,1799...Mrs. Traill of James Senr.

The 1799 Inventory of James Trail Sr.'s estate revealed he owned a slave family that resided on "Rock Head" with him. The head of this family was named Harry and he was 35 years old in 1799. His apparent wife was named Toby and she was 25 years old. Ben was 14 , Paul was 10, a girl Nance was 7 , Bill was 5 , and Jack was 3.

The appraisers of James Trail Sr.'s estate were Godshall Douglass and John Linthicum. Listed as "Next of kin" were Archibald Trail and Ozburn Trail. Creditors were Robert Peter and James Anderson.

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James Trail Sr. of "Rock Head" (c.1715-1799)'s Timeline

Prince George's County, Maryland, Colonial America
Prince George's County, Maryland, Colonial America
Frederick County, Maryland, United States
Prince George's County, Maryland
Frederick County, Maryland, United States
Frederick County, Maryland, Colonial America
Montgomery, Frederick, Maryland, USA
May 5, 1752
Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Colonial America
Montgomery County, Maryland, Colonial America