public profile
Japhet was the eldest son of Noah. He had seven sons, amongst whom he divided Europe and the part of Asia which his father had allotted to him.
There are MANY different sources that give the name and lineage of Japhet's wife. All sources agree that he only had a ONE wife. The question is who this was. As such, this tree tries to accommodate all sources entered. See Wives aboard Noah's Ark.
Genesis 5:32
After Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.
In Islamic tradition
Japheth is not mentioned by name in the Qur'an but is referred to indirectly in the narrative of Noah (VII: 64, X: 73, XI: 40, XXIII: 27, XXVI: 119). Muslim exegesis, however, names all of Noah's sons, and these include Japheth. In identifying Japheth's descendants, Muslim exegesis more-or-less agrees with the Biblical traditions. He is usually regarded as the ancestor of the Gog and Magog tribes, and, at times, of the Turks, Khazars, and Slavs. Some traditions narrated that 36 languages of the world could be traced back to Japheth.
(1) Japheth Literally the progenitor of many nations — all the IndoEuropean peoples, in fact — it would be surprising indeed if his name had gone unremembered among them. As it is, we find that the early Greeks worshipped him as IAPETOS, or IAPETUS, whom they regarded as the son of heaven and earth, and the father of many nations. Likewise, in the ancient Sanskrit vedas of India, he is remembered as PRA-JAPATI, the sun and ostensible Lord of Creation. His name was further corrupted and assimilated into the Roman pantheon as IUPATER, which eventually became that of Jupiter. None of these names are recognised as being of Greek, Indian or Latin origin; but are rather mere corruptions of the Hebrew name of Japheth. Similarly, the early Saxon races perpetuated his name as Sceaf, (pr. ‘sheef’ or ‘shaif’), and recorded his name in their early genealogies as the son of Noah, the forebear of their various peoples.
According to a widespread legend among the Turks and Arabs, after the flood, Japheth went to Noah requesting the means by which he could obtain rain in the parched lands of the east. Noah received an inspired prayer, which he wrote on a special stone which he had used aboard the ark. Japheth hung it around his neck to remember it. After his death, the stone was said to have been passed on to Turk, a descendant of Japheth.
This stone is said to be the origin of the Yada taşı.
In 1001 Arabian Nights, a collection of Arabic legends, mention is made of a sword of Japheth, which was kept at the city of Jabarsá, called the city of Japheth. It was said to have been forged by a sage named Jardúm, and was later called al-Máhik, the Annihilator. It was gifted to Gharib, the king of Iraq and Yemen.
In Abarkuh, Iran, is an ancient tree known as Sarv-e Abarkuh. While many believe it to have planted by Zarathustra/Zoroaster, some say it was planted by Japheth. In the Arabic work, "Qiṣaṣ al-Anbiyā", it is mentioned by the name "Shāt Dirakht":
"...they were a people who worshipped a pine tree called Shāt Dirakht, that had been planted by Japheth, son of Noah, beside a spring called Dawsān that welled up for Noah after the Flood."
Los descendientes de Jafet poblaron las regiones del norte de Asia occidental y oriental, lo que es hoy Rusia y Siberia. También poblaron las regiones de lo que es actualmente el oriente de Europa extendiéndose hasta los límites con el Mar Negro y el Mar Caspio. Incluyendo porciones de Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Belarús, Ucrania, Georgia, Kirguistán, Uzbekistán y Turkmenistán. Quizás, ocupando todo el territorio de lo que es actualmente Kazajstán. Éstos pueblos se convirtieron en los progenitores de las razas Caucásicas de Europa y de Asia.
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Abarkooh, Yazd Province, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
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Abarkooh, Yazd Province, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
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Shulon, East Eden