Jerusalem, Israel
Parents, marriage and other relations:
More resources at the bottom. For speculative genealogies of Jesus, please see the projects: Jesus of Nazareth- Speculative Genealogies & Jesus' Ancestors
Jesus of Nazareth (c. 5 BC/BCE – c. 30 AD/CE),[3] also known as Jesus Christ or simply Jesus, is the central figure of Christianity, which views him as the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament, with most Christian denominations believing him to be the Son of God and God incarnate who was raised from the dead.[6] Islam considers Jesus a prophet and also the Messiah.[7] Several other religions revere him in some way. He is one of the most influential figures in human history.
The principal sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical gospels, especially the Synoptic Gospels,[8][9] though some scholars argue such texts as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of the Hebrews [10][11] are also relevant.[12]
Most critical scholars in biblical studies believe that some parts of the New Testament are useful for reconstructing Jesus' life,[13][14][15][16] agreeing that Jesus was a Jew who was regarded as a teacher and healer, that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire.[17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] Aside from these few conclusions, academic debate continues regarding the chronology, the central message of Jesus' preaching, his social class, cultural environment, and religious orientation.[12] Critical scholars have offered competing descriptions of Jesus as a self-described Messiah, as the leader of an apocalyptic movement, as an itinerant sage, as a charismatic healer, and as the founder of an independent religious movement. Most contemporary scholars of the historical Jesus consider him to have been an independent, charismatic founder of a Jewish restoration movement, anticipating an imminent apocalypse.[29] Other prominent scholars, however, contend that Jesus' "Kingdom of God" meant radical personal and social transformation instead of a future apocalypse.[29]
Christians predominantly believe that Jesus is the "Son of God" (generally meaning that he is God the Son, the second person in the Trinity) who came to provide salvation and reconciliation with God by his death for their sins.[30]:568-603 Christians traditionally believe that Jesus was born of a virgin,[30]:529-532 performed miracles,[30]:358-359 founded the Church, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven,[30]:616-620 from which he will return.[30]:1091-1109 While the doctrine of the Trinity is accepted by most Christians, a few groups reject the doctrine of the Trinity, wholly or partly, as non-scriptural.[31] Most Christian scholars today present Jesus as the awaited Messiah[32] and as God.
In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عيسى, commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's important prophets,[33][34] a bringer of scripture, and a worker of miracles. Jesus is also called "Messiah", but Islam does not teach that he was divine. Islam teaches that Jesus ascended bodily to heaven without experiencing the crucifixion and resurrection,[35] rather than the traditional Christian belief of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
On Geni we have followed the genealogies of Jesus as given in the Christian gospels, which nominate Joseph as his father in records. The scholarship underlying the Rabbinical sources for Pandera as his father are represented by this profile: Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera. [Sharon Doubell 2013]
Jesus' birth can be dated only generally. Luke 1.5 and Matthew date his birth to the reign of Herod, so before Herod's death in 4 BCE. However, Luke also links it to the census of Quirinius in 6/7 CE. Jesus was about 30 when he began his public career, shortly before the execution of John the Baptist, which would place his birth about 1 CE/BCE. Finally, his birth was attended by the appearance of a new star, which might have been a supernova (5 BCE), Halley's Comet (12 BCE), or, less probably, a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (7 BCE).
Jesus' dates of birth and death have been calculated in various ways. He is said to have been born during the reign of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:1-12), 39/40 BCE-4 BCE. However, he is also said to have been born when Quirinius was Legate of Syria (Luke 2:2-7), 6 CE-12 CE, and specifically during a census conducted by Quirinius in 6/7 CE. The two dates cannot be reconciled, and many modern scholars believe Luke was mistaken. A star that appeared at Jesus' birth is variously identified as Halley's Comet (12 BCE), a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (7 BCE), or a supernova (5 BCE). Eusebius, an early church historian, estimated Jesus' birth at 2 BCE. Modern scholars commonly use the date 4 BCE.
Jesus' execution is conventionally dated at 30 or 33 CE, but there are good reasons to think it must have been later. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, who began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius (Luke 3:1-2), 28/29 CE. Jesus' own ministry began after John's arrest, when Jesus was about 30 years old (Mark 1:14, Luke 3:23). John was arrested for criticizing the marriage of Antipas to his sister-in-law Herodias (Luke 3:18-20), dated by Josephus to late 33/34 CE. Therefore, Jesus must have begun his ministry in 34 CE, no earlier.
Jesus' ministry lasted one year (Synoptic Gospels) or three years (John). He was executed while Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea, 29 CE-36 CE. He was executed on a Friday, on or near the Passover feast. The possible dates, therefore, are 7 April 30 CE, 3 April 33 CE and 30 March 36 CE. If Jesus began his career after the arrest of John the Baptist, only the last date is possible.
PBS.org - A document that suggests Jesus may have been married is, in fact, a fake: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/closing-case-gospel-jesu...
Parents, marriage and other relations:
For speculative genealogies of Jesus, please see the project: Jesus of Nazareth- Speculative Genealogies
Adán, el primer hombre, rechazó el árbol de la vida y tomó para sí el conocimiento del bien y del mal limitando, de esta manera, su habilidad y su poder para hacer el bien a nivel espiritual de su naturaleza humana. Si hubiese tomado del árbol de la vida, el Espíritu Santo de Dios habría entrado en él uniéndose a su espíritu natural y humano, lo cual lo hubiera unido a Dios y a su camino de vida, como un hijo de Dios. Habiéndo escogido Adán su propio camino en lugar del que Dios le ofrecía, Adán labró un futuro para sí y sus descendientes lleno de amargura, dolor, pesar y muerte. Milenios más tarde, Cristo aparece como el segundo Adán, pero este Adán llegó a la tierra para rescatarnos de la muerte y ofrecernos el fruto de ese mismo árbol que rechazaron nuestros primeros padres; sólo que esta vez, ese árbol venía en la forma de Jesús --de sus hechos, sus palabras y sus obras. Como lo divino se convirtió en humano, tuvo que derramar su sangre --habiendo sido juzgado y condenado injustamente-- y resucitar de entre los muertos, venciendo de esta manera el yugo que la muerte había impuesto sobre los seres humanos! Esa sangre que derrama el Ser creador sobre el madero se convierte en la Gracia que ahora cobija el pleno de la raza humana, con la opción, obvio es, de rechazarla como lo hizo el primer Adán; pero esta vez corriendo el riesgo de que ya no habrá nadie que pueda rescatarnos de ésta segunda muerte! . . . Leer capítulos 5, 6 y 7 del evangelio según San Mateo (Nuevo Testamento). Así también está escrito: Fue hecho el primer hombre Adán alma viviente; el postrer Adán, espíritu vivificante. 1 Cor. 15:45.
-4 |
Bethlehem, Judea, Roman Empire
- 29
8 |
- 26
Age 11
Nazareth, Galilee, Israel
- 29
Age 11
Synagogue, Israel
26 |
- 30
Age 29
29 |
Age 32
Jordan River, Judea, Roman Empire
30 |
- 2020
Age 33
The Heavenly Temple, Heaven
33 |
March 33
Age 37
Jerusalem, Israel
Age 36
Jerusalem, Judea, Roman Empire