See discussion: https://www.geni.com/discussions/269165?msg=1690474
... ongeveer drie jaar later raak die weduwee, Adriana, as ‘n ongehude vrou swanger. ‘n Dogtertjie, Johanna, word op 20 Junie 1700 in die kerk op Stellenbosch ten doop gebring. Die naam van die vader word nie in die doopregister ingevul nie. (Dit kan blote nalatigheid aan die kant van die persoon wat die doopregister ingevul het wees, maar moontlik was Adriana onwillig om die naam van die vader bekend te maak. Of sy toe reeds met Adriaan Kuiper – haar latere tweede man – ‘n verhouding gehad het, sal ons maar net kan raai. In 1700 she is kicked out of Church for living with a man
Baptism 22 June 1700
Johanna Tol d/o Adderjane Tol, (No father named) Baptism 20 Junny 1700 in Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Mother Adriana Tol - from Europe
Father unknown
Highly unlikely spouse of Hendrik Fortman/ Vortman.
NO valid source
.Spouse Hofman must be removed he never married her.
NO valid source
He married Catharina Mauritz
Very unlikely her mtDNA below as her mother was from the Netherlands !
This mtDNA below matches Catharina 'Caatje Hottentotin' Mauritz, SM/PROG not Johanna Tol.
Haplogroup L0d is the most divergent ("ancient") haplogroup of global mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. It is found at highest frequencies in the Khoisan groups of Southern Africa.[6][7][8][9] L0d is also commonly found in the Coloured population of South Africa and frequencies range from 60% [10] to 71%.[9] This illustrates the massive maternal contribution of Khoisan people to the Coloured population of South Africa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_L0_(mtDNA)
She was not also named:
This is Catharina 'Caatje Hottentotin' Mauritz, SM/PROG
- Caatje Hottentotin Mauritz Voortman ;
- Kaatje Hottentotin ;
From First Fifty Years : https://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g16/p16166.htm
- Catharina Hottentin;
- Caatje Hottentotin;
- Catharina Mauritz van der Kaap;
- Catharina Mauritz van Cabo de Goede Hoop
- Catharina Maurits Hottentin; and
- Catharina MaurKaap.
NEVER called - Johanna Catharina (Tol) van der Kaap.
From Camissa People, it is noted that she was of indigenous Khoena heritage, rooted in the Goringhaicona and Hessequa clans.
1700 |
June 20, 1700
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
June 20, 1700
Stellenbosch, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1759 |
Age 58
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa