Johannes Raasmann

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Johannes Raasmann

Birthplace: Väätsa, Väätsa, Järva County, Estonia
Death: June 04, 1989 (100)
Place of Burial: Türi
Immediate Family:

Son of Jüri Raasmann and Mari Raasmann
Husband of Julie Raasmann
Father of Ülo Raasman and Hilje Teiter
Brother of August Raasmann and Rudolf Raasmann

Occupation: tisler
Managed by: Henn Sarv
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

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Johannes Raasmann's Timeline

January 6, 1889
Väätsa, Väätsa, Järva County, Estonia
June 16, 1927
May 13, 1929
Väätsa, Kaasiku, Järva, Estonia
June 4, 1989
Age 100
Türi Kõrgessaare kalmistu, Üldosa, XX kvartal, 6-4, 2-kohaline kirstuplats, Türi