John Puttenham, of Eddlesborough

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John Puttenham (1450 - 1523)

Also Known As: "John Puttenham III"
Birthplace: Buckinghamshire, England
Death: before 1523
Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England
Immediate Family:

Son of John Puttenham
Husband of wife of John Puttenham
Father of John Puttenham; Richard Putnam and Nicholas Puttenham

Managed by: Theodore Allan Reece
Last Updated:

About John Puttenham, of Eddlesborough


  • Birth say 1450-1455, England
  • Death 20 Apr 1521, Hawridge churchyard , England
  • Parents: John Puttenham (before 1422-aft 1475) and unknown
  • Spouses: unknown (not Agnes)


  1. John, M
  2. Nicholas
  3. Richard, the ancestor of the Salem family.

55. John PUTTENHAM (John-15, Richard-14, Roger-13, Roger de-12, John de-11, John Fitz Wale de-10, William de-, Thomas-o, Richard Fitz-7, Henry Fitz-6, Matilda (Maud) de PUTTENHAM-5, William de-4, Geoffrey de-3, Roger-2, Anschitil-1) was born between 1450 and 1460 in Buckinghamshire, England 24i Norman Graham has John as the son of Henry Puttenham and Elizabeth Wylands. John Puttenham Sr. is a first cousin to Henry Puttenham.

He appears as a Juryman in 1472 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England. 242,243 He seized 60 acres of land in Dagnell and Eddlesboro held by fealty and a rent of 17/6 in 1476.1 244,245He was holding lands of his cousin John Brecknoke in 1476/77 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England.242 He was listed as a tenant in 1477 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England 42 He is described as custodian of the valuable M.S.S. and Ornaments of the Parish Church in 1477 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England.242 Charter of land in 1482 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshiva, England: 462 He sued Weis He sued William More and John Haweley, parish clerk of Eddlesboro, for trespass in 1504 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England. 242,244,248 He was a Juryman (as gentleman) at Aylesbury Court with Nicholas Puttenham and others in 1513.42 He died before 1522 in Buckinghamshire, England.242 He is named as the "late John Puttenham" in 1522 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England.

He probably died intestate (without a valid will), having issue, by his wife, name unknown.

John PUTTENHAM had the following children:

  • +68 i. Nicholas PUTTENHAM (born about 1488).
  • +69 i. John PUTTENHAM (born about 1489).
  • +70 Ili. Richard PUTTENHAM (born about 1490).

Source: Putnam, Matthew H. & Putnam, Rand M. The Referenced History of the Putnam family in England and America, Volume 1. (2004) < page 34 >

Ancestral Note

We now turn to the records recently discovered by Mr. Woodman.

Puttenham of Eddlesboro

In 1476 John Puttenham was seised of sixty acres of land in Dagnell and Eddlesboro held by fealty and a rent of 17/6 (Inq. P. M. of John Brecknok 16 Edw. IV). This is evidently the father of Nicholas (see below), John and Richard Putnam, the last the ancestor of the Salem family.

John Puttenham was still alive in 1504, when he sued William More and John Haweley, parish clerk of Eddlesboro, for trespass (Coram Rege Roll Mich. 20 Henry VII).

In 1511 Nicholas Puttenham, gentleman, sued Thomas a Dene of Dagnall for trespass, in that on 16 April 1510 the said Thomas broke into his close at Dagnall and took away four horses worth five marks. Thomas denies the injury, because the trespass was supposed to take place in a pasture containing 30 acres called Bloxes Croft in Dagnall, whereof the said Nicholas was seised and which he held of Thomas Lucy, Thomas Cavendish and John Smith by rent of 17/6 per annum. And because the rent was 52/6 in arrears the said Thomas a Dene, as their servant, entered the said close and took the said horses by way of distraint. Nicholas says that long before the trespass he was seised of the said 30 acres of pasture called Bloxes Croft and other 30 acres of land in Dagnall by rent of a head of a gillyflower and not by a rent of 17/6. (De Banco Roll 997, Mich. 3 Hen. VIII, m. 53.) (Lucy, Cavendish and Smith were the heirs of Brecknok.) This is an important record as it proves that Nicholas was the eldest son and heir of John Puttenham of Eddlesboro, who held this land of John Brecknok in 1476 and so we get the name, hitherto unknown, of the father of Richard of Toternhoo, the testator of 1530, and the brother of John and Richard Puttenham, the latter the ancestor of the American family. In the subsidy THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST 95

In 1517 Nicholas Puttenham of Eddlesboro and Richard Puttenham of Slapton were associated together in a riot. Reference to be sent later. This Richard may be Richard of Woughton, brother of Nicholas, or Richard (d. s. p. 1530), the son of Nicholas.

This Nicholas Puttenham of Eddlesboro is not identical with the Nicholas Puttenham of Penn, from whom Major Eben Putnam derived the American family, because in 1606 Margaret, widow of Nicholas, held lands in Penne (Common Pleas. Deeds enrolled 976, m. 3d).

These interesting items add to and confirm the pedigree already printed in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST.

Richard Puttenham of Eddlesboro for whom "Robert Puttenham of com. Bucks." was surety in 1390 must have been a very near relative of the latter, probably a brother, and Mr. Woodman points out that Robert was called of Co. Bucks instead of Co. Herts, where Puttenham is, because the Puttenhams of Puttenham in the 14th century appear to have resided largely in their Bucks manor of Penn. Mr. Woodman is, at present. engaged in researches regarding the history of the Puttenhams of Puttenham in the 14th century and of their origin in the 13th, which will be published when completed. The Putnam pedigree is a very interesting one, in that we have here a middle class family of Tudor times, which can be traced with considerable certainty back to the knightly stock from which it sprang, which is a very rare and difficult thing to do.[13]


Incorrect Lineage alert

This lineage ours (correct):
John Puttenham of Eddlesborough (John, Richard, Roger)[14] Chart Attached.

Lineage by Puttenham of Puttenham Co. Herts, Incorrect lineage:
John Puttenham of Eddlesborough (Henry, Robert, Roger)[15] According to Puttenham of Puttenham Co. Herts, his parents were Henry Puttenham of Puttenham, Penn and Long Marston. Born about 1410. Age 60 and over when he died 1473, and Elizabeth (Widow of Geoffrey Goodluk) Died 1486.


  1. (shows parents as Thomas Puttenham & unknown)
  2. WikiTree contributors, "John Puttenham (aft.1450-bef.1523)," WikiTree: The Free Family Tree, ( : accessed 13 March 2025).
    1. Inq. P.M.- John Brecknok, 16 Edw. IV, quoted in TAG- Vol. 23, p.94.
    2. The English Ancestry of John Putnam of Salem, MA- G. Andrews Moriarty Jr., The American Genealogist, Vol.15, pp.12, 15.
    3. Puttenham of Puttenham Co. Herts, Chart Attached.
    4. The Puttenham Family, By Norman H. Graham, "Notes & Queries" by Norman H. Graham, attached.
    5. The English Ancestry of John Putnam of Salem, Massachusetts, Moriarty, G. A., The American Genealogist, Vol. 15, pp. 8-15 (1938).Attached Documents. [1]
    6. Putnam Genealogy, by Matthew H. Putnam of Whitman, MA and Rand M. Putnam of El Segundo, CA.[2]
    7. A history of the Putnam family in England and America. Recording ..., Volume 1, By Eben Putnam. < GoogleBooks >
  3. Putnam, Matthew H. & Putnam, Rand M. The Referenced History of the Putnam family in England and America, Volume 1. (2004) < Book link >; < page 9 >; < page 13 >; < page 34 >; pages also attached as documents.
  4.,_Buckinghamshire,... EDDLESBOROUGH, or Edlesborough, a village and parish in the district of Leighton-Buzzard and county of Buckingham; and a sub-district partly also in the county of Bedford.[1]
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John Puttenham, of Eddlesborough's Timeline

Buckinghamshire, England
Eddlesborough, England
Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, , England
Age 73
Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England