Immediate Family
half brother
About John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey
Medlands: England, Earls Created 1067-1122
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JOHN de Warenne (1231 or after-Kennington [Nov] 1304, bur Lewes Priory). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Johannes de Garren comes de Garren et Isabella de Aubeni soror eius et comitissa de Arundel” as the children of “Johanni de Garrene comiti de Surrey” and his wife Matilda Marshal of the Earls of Pembroke[1444]. He succeeded his father in 1240 as Earl of Surrey. Henry III King of England agreed that “unam filiarum filiæ...comitis [Sabaudi%C3%A6]” would marry “vel Johanni de Warenna qui si vixerit comes erit Warennæ, vel Edmundo de Lacy qui si vixerit comes erit Lincolniæ” by charter dated 1246[1445]. He was one of the guardians of the realm on the death of King Henry III, until the return of Edward I from crusade. He was appointed keeper of the realm of Scotland 3 Sep 1296, but never assumed the post as he was defeated by the Scots at the battle of Stirling[1446]. The Annales Londonienses record the death "circiter festum Exaltationis Sanctæ Crucis…apud Newentone" in 1304 of "comes Warenniæ" and his burial "in ecclesia Sancti Pancratii Lewensi"[1447].
m [firstly] (Aug 1247) ALIX de Lusignan, daughter of HUGUES [XI] "le Brun" Sire de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche & his wife Isabelle Ctss d’Angoulême ([1224]-1256, after 9 Feb). She is named "Aelesia" by Matthew Paris when he records her visit to England in 1247 with her brothers to her uterine half-brother King Henry III and her subsequent marriage with "Johanni comiti Warenniæ adolescenti"[1448]. Matthew Paris records her death in early 1256[1449].
[m secondly ---. No direct evidence has been found of this second marriage. However, the Chronicle of Thomas Wykes describes John de Warenne’s daughter Isabel as “adolescentulam” at the time of her marriage in 1279. If that is correct, it appears improbable that Isabel was born from John’s known wife Alix de Lusignan who died in 1256. In that case, she would have been born from an otherwise unrecorded second marriage of her father. A second marriage also appears probable as John survived his known wife by nearly fifty years.]
John Earl of Surrey & his wife had two children:
a) WILLIAM de Warenne (1256-murdered Croydon 15 Dec 1286). He was ambushed and slain after attending a tournament at Croydon[1450]. Inquisitions following a writ dated 15 Dec "15 Edw I" following the death of "William de Warenna...he died on Sunday before St Lucy in the said year...Sunday after St Lucy” name “Joan his wife...Robert de Veer earl of Oxford father of theJoand joan...John his son born at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 14 Edw I is his next heir...aged 38 weeks on Tuesday before St Gregory in the said year”[1451].
m ([Jun 1285]) JOAN de Vere, daughter of ROBERT de Vere Earl of Oxford & his wife Alice de Sanford (-23 Nov 1293 or before, bur Lewes Priory). Inquisitions following a writ dated 15 Dec "15 Edw I" following the death of "William de Warenna...he died on Sunday before St Lucy in the said year...Sunday after St Lucy” name “Joan his wife...Robert de Veer earl of Oxford father of the said joan...John his son born at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 14 Edw I is his next heir...aged 38 weeks on Tuesday before St Gregory in the said year”[1452]. ...
b) ELEANOR de Warenne (1251-before 30 Nov 1282, bur Sallay). A writ dated 30 Nov "10 Edw I", after the death of "Ellen de Percy late the wife of William de Percy", names "John son of Henry de Percy aged 11 is next heir” of the manor of “Donegheton” in Sussex which she held “in dower of the inheritance of the heir of Henry de Percy...which dower king Henry assigned to her after her husband’s death”[1467].
m (York 8 Sep 1268) as his second wife, HENRY de Percy, son of WILLIAM de Percy & his second wife Ellen de Balliol ([1235]-29 Aug 1272, bur Sallay).
John Earl of Surrey & his [second] wife had one child:
c) ISABEL de Warenne ([1265/69]-). The Chronicle of Thomas Wykes records the marriage “infra octavus Purificationis” in 1279 of “Johannes de Balhol” and “adolescentulam Isabellam filiam comitis Warennæ”[1468]. The word “adolescentulam” suggests her birth in [1265/69]. If that is correct, it appears that Isabel must have been born from an otherwise unrecorded second marriage of her father. This would also be more consistent with the date of death of her son Edward, who would have been extremely old if born soon after his parents’ marriage. A charter dated 27 Mar 1281 records a grant of property by "Dervergulla de Balliol" to "her son John de Balliol and the king’s cousin Isabella daughter of Earl Warrenne his wife"[1469].
m (before 7 Feb 1279) JOHN Balliol, son of JOHN de Balliol of Barnard Castle, co Durham & his wife Devorguilla of Galloway ([1250]-in France [either Château Gaillard, Normandy or Bailleut-en-Gouffern, Normandy] [4 Mar 1314/4 Jan 1315], bur [Church of St Waast, Normandy]). He succeeded in 1292 as JOHN King of Scotland.
[1444] Dugdale Monasticon V, Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire IV, In Chronicis Abbatiæ Tynterne in Wallia, p. 270.
[1445] Rymer (1745), Tome I, p. 155.
[1446] CP XII/1 503-7.
[1447] Annales Londonienses, p. 133.
[1448] Matthew Paris, Vol. IV, 1247, pp. 627 and 629.
[1449] Matthew Paris, Vol. V, 1256, p. 551.
[1450] CP XII/1 507.
[1451] Inquisitions Post Mortem, Vol. II, Edward I, 633, p. 382.
[1452] Inquisitions Post Mortem, Vol. II, Edward I, 633, p. 382.
[1467] Inquisitions Post Mortem, Vol. II, Edward I, 434, p. 248.
[1468] Luard, H. R. (ed.) (1869) Annales Monastici Vol. IV, Annales de Oseneia, Chronicon Thomæ Wykes, Annales de Wigornia (London)Thomas Wykes, p. 284.
[1469] Bain, J. (1884) Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland preserved in the Public Record Office (Scottish Record Office) ("Calendar of Documents Scotland (Bain)"), Vol. II, 189, p. 60.
"John de Warenne, 7th Earl of Surrey (1231 â c. 29 September 1304) was a prominent English nobleman and military commander during the reigns of Henry III of England and Edward I of England. During the Second Barons' War he switched sides twice, ending up in support of the king, for whose capture he was present at Lewes in 1264. Warenne was later appointed a Guardian of Scotland and featured prominently in Edward I's wars in Scotland."
However, he fought for Scotland in the Battle of Stirling Bridge in September, 1297, along with Sir John "The Red" Comyn (III), Lord of Badenoch
Warenne died on 29 September 1304 in Kennington, Kent. He was interred in Lewes Priory at a service conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He was succeeded by his grandson, also called John.
Warenne and Alice de Lusignan had three children:
- Eleanor, who married Henry Percy and was the mother of Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick; (See Percy Family)
- Isabella, who married John Balliol (also called John II Baiol) and was the mother of Edward Balliol;
- William, who married Joan, daughter of Robert de Vere, 5th Earl of Oxford, and was accidentally killed at a tournament on 15 December 1286. Their son John succeeded his grandfather as earl of Surrey; their daughter Alice de Warenne married Edmund Fitzalan, 9th Earl of Arundel.
New: Confusingly, there are a few references at the beginning of the 1300s to John and William, sons of John, earl of Warenne, both of whom had been, according to letters of the pope, ordained priest while still under age. [8] As our Earl John (the 7th) was only born in 1286, these two must have been the illegitimate sons of his grandfather John de Warenne (1231-1304), the previous earl of Surrey and Warenne, and thus John's uncles. His sons John and Thomas had both joined the order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by November 1345, and their mother Maud Nerford was dead by then. [9] Neither of them appeared in their father's will.
Source: Kathryn Warner, holds a BA and an MA with Distinction in Medieval History and Literature.
Link to her long list of resources: http://edwardthesecond.blogspot.com/2009/09/illegitimate-children-o...
Citations / Sources:
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume I, pages 242, 385; volume X, page 456. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S7] #44 Histoire de la maison royale de France anciens barons du royaume: et des grands officiers de la couronne (1726, reprint 1967-1968), Saint-Marie, Anselme de, (3rd edition. 9 volumes. 1726. Reprint Paris: Editions du Palais Royal, 1967-1968), FHL book 944 D5a; FHL microfilms 532,231-532,239., vol. 6 p. 27-28.
[S8] Les Capétiens, 987-1328 (2000), Van Kerrebrouck, Patrick, (Villeneuve-d'Ascq [France]: P. Van Kerrebrouck, 2000), FHL book 929.244 C171v., p. 288.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), pages 67, 204. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S17] Plantagenet Ancestry, 2011 ed., Richardson, Douglas, (Kimball G. Everingham, editor, 2nd edition, 2011.), vol. 1 p. 25.
[S19] #746 Northumberland Families (1968), Hedley, W. Percy (William Percy), (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Society of Antiquaries, 1968), FHL book Q 942.82 D2h., p. 201.
[S20] Magna Carta Ancestry: A study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Richardson, Douglas, (Kimball G. Everingham, editor. 2nd edition, 2011), vol. 4 p. 286.
[S23] #849 Burke's Guide to the Royal Family (1973), (London: Burke's Peerage, c1973), FHl book 942 D22bgr., p. 316.
[S25] #798 The Wallop Family and Their Ancestry, Watney, Vernon James, (4 volumes. Oxford: John Johnson, 1928), FHL book Q 929.242 W159w; FHL microfilm 1696491 it., vol. 2 p. 511, vol. 3 p. 615, 816.
[S33] #242 [1883 edition] A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire (New edition, 1883, reprint 1962), Burke, Sir John Bernard, (New edition. 1883. Reprint, London: Harrison and Sons, 1962), FHL book 942 D22bug 1883., p. 423.
[S39] Medieval, royalty, nobility family group sheets (filmed 1996), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family History Department. Medieval Family History Unit, (Manuscript. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1996), FHL film 1553977-1553985..
[S53] #3945 The Visitations of Yorkshire in the Years 1563 and 1564, Made by William Flower, Esquire, Norroy King of Arms (1881), Flower, William, (Publications of the Harleian Society: Visitations, volume 16. London: [Harleian Society], 1881), FHL book 942 B4h volume 16; FHL microfilm 162,050 ., vol. 16 p. 337.
[S59] #765 The Hundred of Launditch and Deanery of Brisley in the County of Norfolk: Evidences and Topographical Notes from Public Records, Heralds Visitations, Wills, Court Rolls (1877-1879), Carthew, George Alfred, (3 volumes. Norwich: [s.n.], 1877-79 (Norwich: Miller and Leavins)), FHL book 942.61 H2c; FHL microfilm 990,425 item 1., vol. 1 p. 36.
[S67] #205 Baronagium Genealogicum, Or, the Pedigrees of the English Peers, Deduced from the Earliest Times, of Which There Are Any Attested Accountes Including, as Well Collateral as Lineal Descents (1764-1784), Segar, Sir William, (6 volumes. [London]: Engraved and printed for the author, [1764-1784].), Volumes 1-4 FHL microfilm 164,680; volume 5 FHL mi., vol. 3 p. 267.
[S75] Gen-Medieval/soc.genealogy.medieval, Baldwin, Stewart, File 213 part 1, 25 Feb 2002.
[S79] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, page 748.
[S107] #150 [1827-1878] A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, Together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights (1827-1878), Burke, Sir John Bernard, (London: Henry Colburn, 1827-1878), FHL book 942 D22bup., vol. 2 p. 834.
[S266] #379 [7th edition, 1992] Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, Who Came to America Before 1700 (7th edition, 1992), Weis, Frederick Lewis, (7th edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, c1992), FHL book 974 D2w 1992., p. 82 line 83:28, p. 134 line 153:29
[S737] #700 The Ancient Sepulchral Monuments of Essex: a Record of Interesting Tombs in Essex Churches, and Some Account of the Persons and Families Connected with Them (1890), Chancellor, Frederic, (2 volumes. London: Chancellor, 1890), FHL book Q 942.67 D2ch; FHL microfilm 990,319 item., pt. 1 p. 12.
[S843] #11728 The Lusignans in England, 1247-1258 (1950), Snellgrove, Harold S., (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1950), JWML book DA227 .S6..
[S1800] #771 The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fodog and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen and Meirionydd (1881-1887), Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, (6 volumes. London: T. Richards, 1881-1887), FHL book 942.9 D2L; FHL microfilms 990,213-990,214., vol. 1 p. 360*, 362, 363.
Constable of Bamburgh, Hope, and Pevensey Castles
Warden of the Maritime Ports, cos. Surrey and Sussex 1295 Joint Warden north of Trent 1295 justice itinerant
Through his father, Warenne eventually inherited an estate that stretched across England. Centred on the barony of Lewes in Sussex, it included Stamford and Grantham in Lincolnshire; Castle Acre in Norfolk; Conisbrough, Sandal, and Wakefield in Yorkshire; and Reigate in Surrey. Through his mother, he was related to some of the most illustrious families in England and France.
7th Earl of Surrey or Warenne, was prominent during the reigns of Henry III and Edward I. During his long life he fought in the Second Barons' War and in Edward I's wars in Scotland. He was the son of William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey or Warenne, and Maud (or Matilda) Marshal. His mother was the daughter of William Marshal and widow of Hugh Bigod, 3rd Earl of Norfolk. Thus Roger Bigod, 4th Earl of Norfolk, was his elder half-brother. Warenne was a boy when his father died, and for the rest of his minority Peter of Savoy was the guardian of his estates. In 1247 he married Henry III's half-sister Alice de Lusignan. This marriage was to create resentment amongst the English nobility, who did not like seeing a wealthy English nobleman marrying a penniless outsider. During the following years Warenne was closely associated with the court faction centering on his in-laws. In 1254 he accompanied the king's son Edward (the future Edward I) on Edward's journey to Spain to marry Eleanor of Castile. During the conflicts between Henry III and his barons Warenne started as a strong supporter of the king, switched to support for Simon de Montfort, and then returned to the royalist party. He opposed the initial baronial reform plan of May 1258, but along with other opponents capitulated and took the oath of the Provisions of Oxford. By 1260 Warenne had joined the party of Simon de Montfort, but switched back to the king's side in 1263. After the Battle of Lewes, which was fought near his castle at Lewes, he fled to the Continent, where he remained for about a year. He returned to fight in the campaign which culminated in the Battle of Evesham and the siege of Kenilworth Castle. Warenne served in Edward I Welsh campaigns in 1277, 1282, and 1283. In 1282 he received the lordships of Bromfield and Yale in Wales. A good part of the following years were spent in Scotland. He was one of the negotiators for the 1289 treaty of Salisbury and for the 1290 treaty of Birgham, and accompanied the king on Edward's 1296 invasion of Scotland. On August 22, 1296 the king appointed him "warden of the kingdom and land of Scotland". However he returned to England a few months later claiming that the Scottish climate was bad for his health. The following spring saw the rebellion of William Wallace, and after much delay Warenne led an army northward, where they were defeated at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Nevertheless the king appointed Warenne captain of the next campaign against the Scots in early 1298. He raised the siege of Roxburgh and re-took the castle at Berwick. The king himself took the field later that year, and Warenne was one of the commanders at the Battle of Falkirk. Warenne and Alice de Lusignan had three children:
Alice, who married Henry Percy and was the mother of Henry Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick;
Isabella, who married John Balliol and was the mother of Edward Balliol;
William, who married Joanna, daughter of Robert de Vere, earl of Oxford, and was accidentally killed at a tournament on December 15, 1286; his son John succeeded his grandfather as earl of Surrey.
Heraldry of South African Families / Coats of Arms, crests, ancestry. A. A. Balkema en C. Pama, 1972
Plate 1
Seal of John De Warenne I. 1231 -1304.
The chequy coat has claims to be the oldest known to heraldry.
Added by Y. DROST, 4 AUG 2017
John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey's Timeline
1231 |
August 1231
Warren, Sussex, England
1251 |
Surrey, England
1253 |
September 23, 1253
Guildford Castle, Surrey, England
1255 |
January 12, 1255
Warren, Sussex, England
1304 |
September 29, 1304
Age 73
Surrey, England
1939 |
October 14, 1939
Age 73
1941 |
October 10, 1941
Age 73
1973 |
February 27, 1973
Age 73
1992 |
June 3, 1992
Age 73