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Jonas Weed

Also Known As: "Jonas Weed", "Jonas Weede"
Birthplace: Stanwick, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
Death: November 07, 1676 (93-102)
Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
Place of Burial: England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Weed and Hannah Weed
Husband of Mary Jane Davidson
Father of Jonas Weed; Deborah Martin; Elizabeth Weed and John Weed

Managed by: David Lee Kaleita
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Immediate Family

About Jonas Weed

Not the same as John Weed

Jonas Daniel Weed Birth • 0 Sources 1575 Wethersfield, Essex, England

Death • 0 Sources Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, British Colonial America


Jonas Daniel Weed 1575-


Mary Jane Davidson 1580-1607

Children (2)

Jonas Daniel Weed 1607-1676

Mary Weed 1618-1704


Thomas Weede 1547-1626

Marriage: 1565 Poole, Yorkshire, England

Hannah White 1548-1580

Children (1)

Jonas Daniel Weed 1575-

This Jonas Weed (Jonas Weed, I) is the first known Weed ancestor to make his way to the New World. I don't know exactly how he managed this, but he was able to gain passage on the HM Arbella which departed England in March of 1630, being the flagship of what is today known as the "Bradford Fleet". There were at least seven ships in this fleet, and aboard the flagship Arbella was the first Royal Governor of the newly chartered Massachusetts Bay Colony. The ship arrived in late May 1630, landing first at Salem, Mass. where most passengers disembarked, including Gov. Bradford and his party. Jonas Weed and a few other hearty soles sailed on up the coast to what is now Boston harbor. Jonas is listed as having made "freedman" in 1631, then relocated west of Boston and co-founded the new settlement of Watertown, Mass. In 1635 Jonas and a company of other men were allowed to leave the Church, remove down into the Connecticut River Valley "and there formeth a newe Church of the Covenant." This resulted in the founding of a new settlement called Wethersfield, today a suburb of Hartford, CT. In 1640 Jonas and another company of men were given leave of the Church to go to the southwestern lands of the Woonsocket Indians, "and there to formeth a newe Church of the Covenant". Upon arriving at a suitable location they built another new settlement which they named Stamford. Later in the 1640's Jonas was on of the petitioners to King Charles to be chartered as a separate colony from Mass. to be called "Connecticut" after the river that roughly runs through the middle of it. Upon approval of the Charter by the King, counties were forged. The land around Stamford was given the name Fairfield County, which remains to this day. Jonas was married and had the first few of his brood of children in Wethersfield. The rest of his children were born in Stamford, where he spent the rest of his life. Jonas and his wife were among the very first to sign as members of the first Christ Church, which still exists and operates, and still maintains a book/ledger for new members to sign.

Daniel WEED was born in 1600 in England.

Spouse: Mrs Daniel WEED. Daniel WEED and Mrs Daniel WEED were married about 1625. Children were: Lieut. John WEED.

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Jonas Weed's Timeline

Stanwick, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
February 20, 1597
Age 19
Chelveston, Northamptonshire, England
Stanwick, Northamptonshire, England
Age 19
England, United Kingdom
Stanwick, Northampshire, England, United Kingdom
November 7, 1676
Age 98
Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States