Matching family tree profiles for Jonathan Royce
Immediate Family
About Jonathan Royce
Jonathan Royce
- Birth: Mar. 18, 1637 Gloucester Essex County Massachusetts, USA
- Death: Sep. 22, 1690 Norwich New London County Connecticut, USA
- Father: Robert Royce (1581 - 1676) (disputed)
- Mother: Mary Simms (1609 - 1697) (disputed)
- Spouse: Deborah Calkins (1643 - 1723)*
From The Joseph Smith Family Association web pages.
Jonathan Royce. Born ca 1637. Jonathan died in Jul 1690 in Norwich, CT.
In Jun 1656 Jonathan first married Mary Spinning, daughter of Humphrey Spinning (-29 Sep 1656) & Elizabeth [Spinning], in Norwich, CT. Mary died ca 1658.
- Mary Royce (ca 1658-)
On 4 Jun 1660 Jonathan second married Deborah Calkins (938) , daughter of Dea. Hugh Calkins (374) (ca 1600-Jun 1690) & Ann [Calkins] (ca 1605-Jun 1688), in Norwich, CT. Born on 18 Mar 1645 in Gloucester, MA.30 Deborah died in New London, CT, on 25 Nov 1717; she was 72.
Their children include:
- Elizabeth Royce (Jan 1662-28 Mar 1687/8)
- John Royce (9 Nov 1663-29 Mar 1724)
- Sarah Royce (Oct 1665-)
- Abigail Royce (Died soon) (Sep 1667-Aug 1668)
- Ruth Royce (Apr 1669-Dec 1768)
- Hannah Royce (Apr 1671-)
- Abigail Royce (Apr 1673-11 Mar 1691/2)
- Jonathan Royce (Aug 1678-28 Apr 1725)
- Deborah Royce (10 Aug 1680-)
- David Royce (19 Aug 1682-bef 13 Nov 1711)
Disputed Origins
From Douglas Allen Ross
Regarding this line from Winston Churchill, Jonathan Royce is disputed as the brother of "Ensign" Samuel Royce, husband of Hannah (Churchill), and, instead of being attributed to being the son of "Robert and Mary (Sims) Royce", which has been disproven (Mary being the daughter of John and Sarah (Baker) Sims of Somersetshire), in more recent genealogical work, the formerly attributed wife of the Rev Robert Royce of Norwich and Wallingford as Mary Sims has been validated as Mary Jackson instead, is attributed to the other Robert Royce in New England at this time, who was in Boston, whose widow, Elizabeth, sold property in 1652 after his death and her remarriage to Michael/Miles Tarne (or Terne). There is a possibility that there was an ancestral link between the two Robert Royces, but that has not been found. It is likely that this line of Jonathan truly goes to Robert and Elizabeth Rice/Royce of Boston; recent genealogical work has attributed Elizabeth's maiden name to have been Elizabeth Mary Simons, but this is as yet unproven.
Alternate parents suggested are Elizabeth Tarne & Robert Roice of Boston
Jonathan Royce is the ancestor of Emma Hale, the wife of the Prophit Joseph Smith of the Mormon Church.
“Jonathan Royce, born 1637, Connecticut” (American Genealogical-Biographical Index, , Vol 150, p 313, Ancestry.com)
“John Caulkin, Jonath: Rice. . . are accepted to be made free, according to order of Court.” (The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1636-1776, The University of Connecticut, Vol I, p 412, Oct 1663, Internet)
“Johnathan was made freeman Oct 1663.” (Pane-Joyce Genealogy, David Payne-Joyce, Internet)
“Jonathan Rice (d. 1689) of Norwich, Conn., m 1660 Deborah Calkins (1644-89)” (The Compendium of American Genealogy, Lineage Records, Vol 5, p 154, compiled by Frederick A. Virkas, On-Line Genealogy Library database)
“In the printed ‘New Haven Town Records,’ vol. 1, p. 287, is the following entry: ‘An Inventory of the estate of Humphrey Spinage, Senior, late of Newhauen deceased, was presented to ye Court, prised the 29th of ye 7th mo., 1656. . . A will also of the said Humphery Spinage was presented. . . but yet the C ourt looked upon the will as defective, and not fully declaring the minds of the testator, but yet by it and by what light they have from others. . .they did, with free consent of all parties present concerned therein (viz: Mary Spinage, his owne daugher, Lettice, his former wives daughter, and Humphery Spinage, his kinsman, Edward his sonn in law being in England), dispose of the estate thus: that the whole be devided in to five equall parts, whereof Mary his owne daugher to have two, and the other three, viz: Lettie, Edwa, & Humphery, to have each an equall share. . .Richard Myles, Senior, saith that he hath heard Mr Spinage that ye he would deale with his kinsman Humphery as with a child and old Goodman Rice of Stratford (whose sonn is now to marrie Mary Spinage) said that he had heard Mr. Spinage say so also.’ The above statement was made in Court on 7 Oct. 1656, and the marriage of Mary Spinage (or Spinning, to adopt the modern spelling) to a son of Robert Royce of Stratford probably took place not long thereafter. There are reasons for believeing that Jonathan Royce was the bridegroom. With the exception of Nehemiah, whose age at death would place his birth about 1635, it is unlikely that the brothers of Jonathan were old enough to contract marriage in 1656. Furthermore, the marriages of his brothers are known, and no evidence has been found to indicate that any one of them had an unlocated former wife. In the case of Jonathan, as will be proved below, there is positive evidence that prior to his recorded marriage in 1660 he had a former wife of unestablished identity, and that by his first wife he had a daughter Mary, who in 1678 married John Beach of Wallingford. This daughter Mary gave her eldest child the unusual name of Lettice, and it will be noted that Mary Spinning had a stepsister or half sister of this name. We are therefore justified in concluding that it was Jonathan Royce who married Mary Spinning. The marriage probably took place late in 1656, while he was still resident in Stratford, and the birth of the child and death of his wife probably occurred shortly after the removal of the family to New London. Neither the Stratford nor the New London records contain entries of these events. Jonathan Royce’s second marriage and the births of the children were recorded, apparently all at the same time, in Norwich, Conn., whither he removed from New London.” (Genealogies of Connecticut Families, Vol I, Parentage of Mary, Wife of John Beach of Wallingford, Conn., p 109-111, article written by Donald Liones Jacobus, Gary Boyd Roberts, On-Line Library database)
“September 22, 1690. . .The Inventory of the Estate of Johnathan Royse was Exhitied in Court, appoved and ordered to be recorded: This Court Deffers for some Weigh[ty] Reasons Distribution & a Settlement of the Estate untill nexts C[ourt] in November & grans power of administration to the ellictt & order [all] persons concerned or some for them appeare at the Sd Courte Mr. Thomas Adgate & Serjeant John Tracy are Desired to Assist. . .in Manadgement of ad Estate. . .And this Courte Doth Advise that John Royce be accomadated with one Acre & halfe of Land out of the homesteed for to builde upon: and that he Receave his proportion of his fathers Estate in Lands as Conveniently as may bee.” (New London County Court Records, 1689-1703, pp. 31, 41, Internet)
2018. Jonathan Royce. Born ca 1637. Jonathan died in Jul 1690 in Norwich, CT.
Johnathan was made freeman Oct 1663.
In Jun 1656 Jonathan first married Mary Spinning, daughter of Humphrey Spinning (-29 Sep 1656) & Elizabeth [Spinning], in Norwich, CT. Mary died ca 1658.30
7246 i. Mary Royce (ca 1658-)
On 4 Jun 1660 Jonathan second married Deborah Calkins (938) , daughter of Dea. Hugh Calkins (374) (ca 1600-Jun 1690) & Ann [Calkins] (ca 1605-Jun 1688), in Norwich, CT. Born on 18 Mar 1645 in Gloucester, MA.30 Deborah died in New London, CT, on 25 Nov 1717; she was 72.
Deborah, or Decorah.
Their children include:
3355 i. Elizabeth Royce (Jan 1662-28 Mar 1687/8)
3356 ii. John Royce (9 Nov 1663-29 Mar 1724)
3357 iii. Sarah Royce (Oct 1665-)
3358 iv. Abigail Royce (Died soon) (Sep 1667-Aug 1668)
3359 v. Ruth Royce (Apr 1669-Dec 1768)
3360 vi. Hannah Royce (Apr 1671-)
3361 vii. Abigail Royce (Apr 1673-11 Mar 1691/2)
3362 viii. Jonathan Royce (Aug 1678-28 Apr 1725)
3363 ix. Deborah Royce (10 Aug 1680-)
3364 x. David Royce (19 Aug 1682-bef 13 Nov 1711)
32. Jonathan Royce45, born 18 Mar 1644 in Wallingford, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; died 22 Sep
1690 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. He was the son of 64. Robert Royce and 65. ?????. He married
33. Deborah Caulkins Calkins Nov 1656 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.
33. Deborah Caulkins Calkins45, born 18 Mar 1643 in Cloucester, Essex, Massachusetts; died 11 Feb 1724
in Lebanon, Connecticut.
Child of Jonathan Royce and Deborah Calkins is:
16 i. John Royce, born 09 Nov 1663 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut; died 29 Nov 1724 in Mansfield,
Tolland County, Connecticut; married Sarah Perigoe 29 Nov 1683 in Norwich, New London,
Connecticut. https://famouskin.com/family-group.php?name=55718+david+hyde+pierce...
Category: Descendants of Robert Royce of Connecticut
Category: Wallingford, Connecticut Category: Norwich, Connecticut
1638 Birth and Parentage
Jonathan, son of Robert and Mary Royce, was born about 1638 in New England, <ref name="park"/> possibly in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. <ref> Beach Family Magazine p. 74.</ref><ref>LDS Ancestral File</ref><ref>Connecticut, Find A Grave Index, 1636-2013</ref>
Sources agree that Jonathan Royce was the son of Robert Royce of Connecticut -- not Robert Royce of Boston who lived at about the same time. The origins of Robert Royce of Connecticut themselves are not settled, with some writers reporting Robert Royce to have been born March 1603 in Long Sutton, Somerset, England, and married to MarySims. <ref name="park"/> Other writers report Robert Royce of Connecticut to have been the same as Robert Royce of Lincolnshire, and the son of William Royce of Lincolnshire. Since authorities agree that Jonathan Royce, son of Robert of Connecticut, was born between 1631 and 1635 in England<ref name="dobson2"> Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of NewLondon, Connecticut No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref> it remains uncertain where in England Jonathan was born. Dobson notes that there is some question as to whether Jonathon or Sarah was the first child of Robert and Mary. However, he is always called the eldest son.In addition he was old enough in 1656 to contract formarriage to Mary Spinning daughter of Humphrey Spinning (Spinage) Sr.and so was born no later than 1635 as his next younger brother, Nehemiah, was born in 1636. <ref name="dobson2"/>
1656 First Marriage to Mary Spinning
Jonathan Royce married Mary Spinning June 1656 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut<ref name="note5"> Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700,(Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997), p 641. Cited by Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of New London, Connecticut Generatgion No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref> Mary Spinning was the daughter of Humphrey Spinning and his wife Elizabeth. She was born Abt. 1638 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut, and died before 1660 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut.<ref name="dobson2"/> Mary died about 1658. <ref name="park"/> In the printed "New Haven Town Records," vol. 1. page 287, is the following entry:An Inventory of the estate of Humphery Spinage, Senior, late of Newhauen deceased, was presented ye Court, prised the 29th of ye 7th mo, 1656...*A will also of the said Humphery Spinnage was presented...but yet theCourt looked upon the will as defective and not fully declaring the minde of the testator, but yet by it and by what light they haue from others...they did, with free consent of all parties present concerned therein (viz:
- *Mary Spinage, his owne daughter,
- Lettice, his former wives daughter, and
- Humphery Spinage his kinsman,
- Edward his sonn in law being in England), *dispose of the estate thus: that the whole be devided in to five equall parts, whereof
- Mary his owne daughter to have two, and **the other three, viz: Lettie, Edwa, & Humphery, to have each an equall shae...*Richard Myles, Senior, hath that he hath heard Mr Spinnage say yt he would deale with his kinsman Humphery as with a child and old Goodman Rice of Stratford (whose sonn is now to marrie Mary Spinage) said thathe had heard Mr Spinage say so also.<ref name="park"/> "The above statement was made in Court on 7 October 1656, and the marriage of Mary Spinage (or Spinning, to adopt the modern spelling) to a son of Robert Royce of Stratford probably took place not long thereafter. There are reasons for believing that Jonathan Royce was the bridegroom. With the exception of Nehemiah, whose age at death would place his birth about 1635, it is unlikely that the brothers of Jonathan wereold enough to contract marriage in 1656. Furthermore, the marriages of his brothers are known, and no evidence has been found to indicate that any one of them had an unlocated former wife. In the case of Jonathan, as will be proved below, there is positive evidence that prior tohis recorded marriage in 1660 he had a former wife of unestablished identity, and that by his first wife he had a daughter Mary, who in 1678 married John Beach of Wallingford. This daughter Mary gave her eldest child the unusual name of Lettice, and it will be noted that Mary Spinning had a stepsister or half sister of this name. We are therefore justified in concluding that it was Jonathan Royce who married Mary Spinning. The marriage probably took place late in 1656, while he was still resident in Stratford, and the birth of the child and death of thewife probably occurred shortly after the removal of the family to NewLondon. Neither the Stratford nor the New London records contain entries of these events."<ref name="park"/>
Jonathan and Mary had a child Mary (Royce) Beach
1659 Purchased Lot
On 17 January 1659, Jonathan bought a lot at New London, Connecticut, from Will Kony. He sold that lot on 24 September 1660.<ref name="park"/>
1660 Second Marriage to Deborah Calkins
Marriage 2 Deborah CAULKINS b: 18 Mar 1643/1644 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, USAMarried: 4 JUN 1660 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> Jonathan married secondly Deborah Calkins on 04 June 1660 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. <ref name="note5"/> She was the daughter of Hugh Calkins and Anne Eason. She was born 18 March 1644/45 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, and died 02 October 1723 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. <ref name="dobson2"/> Jonathan married, 4 June 1660 at Norwich, Deborah Calkins, daughter ofHugh and Ann (Eaton) Calkins. Deborah was born 18 March Norwich, Deborah Calkins, daughter of Hugh and Ann (Eaton) Calkins. Deborah was born 18 March 1643/1644 at Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA and died 2 October 1723 at Lebanon, Connecticut. After the death of Jonathan, Deborah married, before 14 December 1709, John Woodward of Lebanon.<ref name="park"/> Alternatively, Deborah Calkins died 11 February 1723/24 in Lebanon, New London, Connecticitu.<ref name="dobson2"/>
They had a child John Royce Jonathan Royce's second marriage and the births of the children were recorded, apparently all at the same time, in Norwich, Connecticut, whither he removed from New London. In order that the significance of unpublished documents which will be quoted below may be understood, it isnecessary to give the recod of Jonathan's family from the printed "Norwich Vital Records," volume 1 page 33.<ref name="park"/> "the marriage of Jonathan Royce with Deborah Calkins was in June Anno do 1660 Elisabeth Royce was born in January Ano 1661 John Royce was borne in November Anno 1663 Sarah Royce was born in October an: 1665Abigael Royce was borne in September Ano: 1667 & died in August Ano 1668 Ruth Royce was born in April An: 1669 Hannah Royce was borne in April Ano 1671 Abyjah Royce was borne in Aprill Ano 1673 Jonathan Royce was borne August Ano 1678 Deborah Royce was borne the 10th of August Ano 1680 David Royce was born the 19th of August Ano Dom 1682: On other pages the marriages of three of the daughters are entered: Calib Chappell and Ruth Roice were married June the 4th Anno 1694" Robert Wade married with Abijah Royce 11th of March Anno 1691"Thomas Stodder & Deborah Roise were Married December: 1699"<ref name="park"/> That Jonathan Royce's widow was Deborah and that she married again is proved by a conveyance given on 14 December 1709 by Deborah Woodward of Lebanon, Connecticut, to her son David Roise of Norwich, of "land atBeaver Brook which was formerly my beloved husbands Jonathan Roises."(Norwich Deeds, vol. 1, page 422.)<ref name="park"/> The marriage of Jonathan Royce with Deborah Calkins was in June Anno Do 1660 <ref name="nvr"/> The Vital Records of Norwich record the marriage and children of Jonathan Royce and Deborah Calkins. <ref name="nvr"> Norwich Vital Records vol 1. p. 33 </ref>
1663 Freeman of Connecticut
Jonathan was made a freeman of Connecticut in October 1663. The birthsof all of his children, except the first one, were recorded at Norwich.<ref name="park"> Joyce Otterstrom. Park Howard Park Howard site Updated June 17, 2017. Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref>
1689 Death and Probate
Sources have some disagreements regarding Jonathan's death. Park states that "Jonathan Royce died 1689 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut."<ref name="park"/> Dobson gives the date of death as July 1690 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. <ref name="dobson2"/> The Beach Family Magazine gives the date of death as 22 Sep 1690 in Norwich, New London,Connecticut<ref>Beach Family Magazine p. 74.</ref><ref>LDS Ancestral File</ref><ref>#S100 </ref><ref>Note on Death: Ref. Norwich Conn. Inventory, Sep 22 1690</ref><ref>Connecticut, Find A Grave Index, 1636-2013</ref> However, 22 Sept 1690 is the date that an inventory of Jonathan Royse's estate was exhibited in court, and "The Relict was granted administration and everyone concerned was asked to come to the nextCourt in November.<ref name=NEHGR80>"Parentage of Mary, Wife of John<sup>2</sup>Beach of Wallingford." New England Historical and Genealogical Record 80:108/9</ref>
The Court's distribution in pounds<ref name=NEHGR80 /> :To the Widow Royce £90-00-00 :To William Bachouse £15-00-00 :To Samuell Lincolne £05-00-00:To John Royce £10-00-00 - he having recd part formerly £9 and if any of the children die before they come of age the portion to be divided among the survivors. John is also given some land to build a house on. :To John Beach £31-15-00 :To Jonathan Royce £31-15-00 :To David Royce £31-15-00 :To Ruth Royce £ 31-15-00 :To Hanah Royce £31-15-00 :To Abiah Royce £31-15-00 :To Deborah Royce £31-15-00 Jonathan died in 1689, inventory presented to the Court on 22 September 1690, at Norwich, New London County, Connecticut where he was a longtime resident. <ref name="park"/>
DNA Support
Jonathan Royce's descendants match Nehemiah's descendants' DNA at 37 markers. Although they each have their own unique mutation, they are clearly descendants of the same Robert Royce of Connecticut. <ref name="quall"> Reseach of Jeannie Quall Because I manage my uncle's kit since he donated his Y-DNA, I have access to the trees and knowwho some of the men descend from and also know where some of the mutations took place for others of Nehemiah's descendants since I spoke with a project administrator.Other men descending from another branch of Nehemiah's descendants also match them both. Each group and my uncle have their own specific mutation within 37 markers each. They are all in the Rice family project.Robert Royce's descendants are group 3. Results open to the public..... https://www.familytreedna.com/public/rice/default.aspx?section=yres... You will have to select 37 markers at the top as it defaults to 12. Then it will cut down the possible unrelated people, although some 12 marker relatives may have chosen not to spend the money on further testing...</ref> Unless Robert of Boston is also a direct male line descendant of the ancestor's of Robert of Connecticut, it is not possible for Jonathan's male descendants not to be related to Robert of Connecticut directly. Both Robert's would have to share the same Y-DNA to start with. <ref name="quall"/> Some of Jonathan's descendants have been Y tested at 37 markers or greater and match my uncle Marvin Royce who is a descendant of Nehemiah'sY line.<ref name="quall"/>
Child of Jonathan Royce and Mary Spinning ===Mary Royce, daughter of Jonathan Royce and Mary Spinning, was born about 1658. <ref name="park"/> Mary married first in December 1678 John Beach and second on 27 November 1718 John Atwater. <ref name="park"/> John Beach John Beach was husband of Mary Royce.<ref name="park"/> Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /> John Beach, son of Thomas and Sarah (Platt) Beach, was born at Milford, Connecticut, 19 October 1655, and being left an orphan at an early age, appears to have been brought up by the first John Moss of Wallingford, who conveyed considerable property to him, calling him cousin. His marriage is recorded at Wallingford as occurring in December 1678, but the name of his bride is not stated. He died in 1709, leaving a widow Mary: and she is believed to be the Mary Beach who married secondly, 27 Novvember 1718, John Atwater, Sr. Her eldest son, thomas Beach had married, 9 May 1711, John Atwater's daughter Hannah. Since John Beach was named with the other sons-in-law in thedistribution of Jonathan Royce's estate, since Mary Beach was called half sister of David Royce, and since Thomas Beach was attorney for Mary Beach in conveying Royce realty, it is certain that John Beach of Wallingford married Mary, daughter of Jonathan Royce by his first wife,who was probably Mary Spinning.<ref name="park"/> In concluding, it will be well to refer to another complication which had added to the prevalent confusion regarding the alliances of the Beach and Royce families. John Beach, second son of John and Mary (Royce) Beach, who was anoriginal settler of Goshen, Connecticut and first deacon of the church there, married in 1717, as his second wife, Mary Royce, daughter of Robert Royce's youngest son, Samuel Royce, by his second wife, Sarah Baldwin. This later Mary Royce was therefore first cousin of her husband's mother, though more than therty-five years younger than the earlier Mary. The second Mary settled in Goshen with her husband, died therein 1767, and had many descendants. Donald Lines Jacobus. New Haven, Connecticut.<ref name="park"/>
Children of Jonathan Royce and Deborah Calkins ===The Vital Records of Norwich record the marriage and children of Jonathan Royce and Deborah Calkins. <ref name="nvr"/>
- Elisabeth Royce was borne in January Ano 1661 <ref name="nvr"/> Elizabeth born January 1661/1662 married 3 November 1681 William Backus died 28 March 1688<ref name="park"/> Elisabeth ROYCE b: Jan 1661/1662 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/>Elizabeth Royce, b. January 1661/62, Norwich, New London, Connecticut<ref name="note6"> Frances Manwaring Caulkins, History of Norwich, Connecticut,(John Trumbell Press, Norwich, 1989, (published originally bythe author, 1866)), p 73. Cited by Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of New London, Connecticut Generation No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref><ref name="note7"> Society of Colonial Wars, Vital Records of Norwich, Connecticut,1659-1848,(reprinted 1913 Hartford, CT). Cited by Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of New London, Connecticut Generation No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref><ref name="note8"> Donald Lines Jacobus, Comp., Families of Ancient New Haven,(Genealogical Publising Company, Baltimore, 1974 & 1981, Broderbund Software Family ArchivesCD #179), Vol VII, p 1549-1550. Cited by Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of New London, Connecticut Generation No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017.jhd </ref>d. 28 March 1687, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; m. William Bacchus, 03 November 1681, Norwich, New London, Connecticut9,10; b. Abt. 1660, Saybrook, Guilford, Connecticut; d. 1706, Norwich, New London, Connecticut. William Bachouse. William Bachouse washusband of daughter Elizabeth Royce, <ref name="park"/> Receives distribution of £15-00-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /> Joseph Bennett of Stonington is stated to have married, 4 November 1702, Sarah Bequess, whose name in the printed Stoningtonchurch records is given as Rogers, probably a misreading of the name.She was doubtless a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Royce) Bacchus.<ref name="park"/># John Royce was borne in Novemb Anno 1663 <ref name="nvr"/> John born November 1663 married 29 November 1683 Sarah Perigo died 29 March 1724 <ref name="park"/> John ROYCE b: NOV 1663 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> John Royce, b. 09 November 1663, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; d. 29 March 1724, Mansfield, Tolland, Connecticut. John Royce Receives distribution of £10-00-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 he having recd part formerly £9 and if any of the children die before they come of age the portion to be divided among the survivors. John is also given some land tobuild a house on. <ref name=NEHGR80 /># Sarah Royce was borne in Octob An: 1665 <ref name="nvr"/> Sarah born October 1665 married ca. 1684 Samuel Lincoln died before2 June 1692<ref name="park"/> Sarah ROYCE b: OCT 1665 in Norwich, NewLondon, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> Sarah Royce, b. October 1665, Norwich, New London, Connecticut<ref name="note11">11.Society of Colonial Wars, Vital Records of Norwich, Connecticut, 1659-1848,(reprinted 1913 Hartford, CT). Cited by Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of New London, Connecticut Generation No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref><ref name="note8"/> m. Samuel Lincoln, Abt. 1684 <ref name="note13">Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700,(Genealogical Publishing Co.,Baltimore, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997), p 465. Cited by Michael E. Dobson. Genealogy Report: Descendants of Robert Royce of New London,Connecticut Generation No. 2 Accessed Sept 16, 2017. jhd </ref>; b. 16 March 1657/58, Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts; d. 03 November 1688. Samuel Lincolne Samuel Lincolne was husband of Sarah Royce, <ref name="park"/> Receives distribution of £5-00-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /># Abigael Royce was borne in Sepf Ano: 1667 & died in Aguft Ano 1668 <ref name="nvr"/> Abigail born September 1667, died august 1668<ref name="park"/> Abigael ROYCE b: SEP 1667 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> Abigail RoyceE, b. September 1667, Norwich, New London, Connecticut<ref name="note7"/><ref name="note8"/> d. August 1668, Norwich, New London, Connecticut<ref name="note7"/><ref name="note8"/># Ruth Royce was born in Aprill An : 1669 <ref name="nvr"/> Ruth born April 1669 married 4 Jun 1694 Caleb Chappel died after 1711<ref name="park"/> Ruth ROYCE b: APR 1669 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> Ruth Royce, b. April 1669, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; d. December 1768, Lebanon, New London, Connecticut. Ruth Royce Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /># Hannah Royce was borne in Aprill Ano 1671 <ref name="nvr"/> Hannah born April 1671 died before 1713<ref name="park"/> Hannah ROYCE b: APR 1671 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> HannahRoyce, b. April 1671, Norwich, New London, Connecticut <ref name="note7"/><ref name="note8"/>d. 1671. Hanah Royce Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80/># Abyjah Royce was borne in Aprill Ano 1673 <ref name="nvr"/> Abijah (Abigail) born April 1673 married 11 march 1690/1691 Robert Wade died before 1712<ref name="park"/> Abyjah (Abigail) ROYCE b: APR 1673 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> Abiah Royce, b. April 1673, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; d. Norwich,New London, Connecticut. Abiah Royce Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /># Jonathan Royce was borne Agust Ano 1678 <ref name="nvr"/> Jonathan born August 1678 married March 1700 Ruth Beckwith died 28 April 1725<ref name="park"/> Jonathan ROYCE b: AUG 1678 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> Jonathan Royce, b. August1678, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; d. 28 April 1725, Norwich, New London, Connecticut. Jonathan Royce Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /># Deborah Royce was borne the 10th of Agst: Ano 1680 <ref name="nvr"/> Deborah born 10 August 1680 married December 1699 Thomas Stoddard died after 1716<ref name="park"/> Deborah ROYCE b: 10 AUG 1680 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> DeborahRoyce, b. 10 August 1680, Norwich, New London, Connecticut; d. Aft. 1713. Deborah Royce Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /># Dauid was born the 19th of Agust Ano Dom 1682. <ref name="nvr"/> David born 19 August 1682 never married died before 13 November 1711<ref name="park"/> David ROYCE b: 19 AUG 1682 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA<ref name="park"/> David died unmarried. 13 Jan 1712/13 Hisestate was distributed to his siblings John and Jonathan Rice, Ruth Chappell and Deborah Stoddard, and to children of deceased sister Eliza: Backus and the children of deceased sister Habijah Wade and to half sister Mary Beach. From the Norwich Deeds vol. 3b p 443. "... John Roise of Mansfield and William Chapman of Colchester both of ye county ofHartford and Jonathan Roise and Thomas Stodder of Norwich in ye county of New london and Joseph Bennatt of Stonington in ye county of New london we being heirs to ye estate of our Brother and uncle David Roise" .... dated 5 Mar 1712/13. Signed (X) by Joseph Benit (wife of Sarah Bequess, doubtless d/o William and Elizabeth (Royce) Bacchus); WilliamChapman; John roise, Jonathan Roise, Thomas Stodder, Deborah Stodder;and Mary Beeches attorney.<ref name=NEHGR80 /> David Royce, b. 19 August 1682, Norwich, New London, Connecticut<ref name="note7"/><ref name="note8"/> d. Bef. 13 November 1711, Norwich, New London, Connecticut <ref name="note8"/> David Royce Receives distribution of £31-15-00 from Jonathan Royce's estate 22 Sept 1690 <ref name=NEHGR80 /> The youngest son David died unmarried, and the settlement of his estate throws much light on the family of his father, Jonathan Royce. At a Court of Probate held in New London 13 January 1712 (i.e., 1712/1713) "John Rice of Windham Administrator on the Estate of David Rice late of NorwichDeceased presenting to this Court an Acct of debts by him pd as appears by Receipts and also his Charge and expenses all amounting to the sum of 15£ 9s 3 which being taken out of the whole Inventory leaves for distribution the summ of 74£ 15s 7 which this Court distributes as followeth viz: to the two brothers and two sisters of the Deceased 9£19, 4, a piece, which are John & Jonathan Rice, Ruth Chappell and Deborah Stoddard, and to the Children of his deceased sister Eliza: Bakus9£ 19, 4, to the children of his Deceased sister Habijah Wade 9£ 19, 4 and to Mary Beach half sister of the Deceased, ye sum of £4 19, 8and this Court appoint Cap: Samuel Griswell Mr. William Hide and Mr. Thomas Waterman of Norwich to divide the said Estate according to thisDistribution..." (New London Probate Journal, volume 1, page 131.)<ref name="park"/> The final piece of evidence is the following, from "Norwich Deeds," vol. 3b, page 443: To all people to whome these presents shall come, Greeting -- John Roise of Mansfield and William Chapmanof Colchester both of ye county of Hartford and Jonathan Roise and Thomas Stodder of Norwich in ye county of New london and Joseph Benatt of Stonington in ye county of New london we being heirs to ye estate ofour Brother & uncle David Roise late of Norwich Deceased all of ye colony of Connecticut in New england now know ye that we are the above named...for and in consideration of one hundred pounds currant money paid or secured to be paid before ye signing and sealing of these presents by Samuel Gager of sd Norwich..." this deed is dated 5 March 1712/1713, and is signed by Joseph X benit, William X Chapman, John roise, Jonathan Roise, Thomas X Stodder, Deborah X Stodder. "Thomas Beech attorney for Marey Doth give & grant on above sd Consideration with those above mentioned all ye sd Mary Beeches Right to ye above mentioned lands." Acknowledgment was made by Thomas and Deborah Stodder on 21 April1716, the date on which the deed was received for record. The acknowledgments of the others do not appear.<ref name="park"/>
<references />* Connecticut, Find A Grave Index, 1636-2013: Name: Jonathan Royce; Birth Date: 18 Mar 1638; Age at Death: 52; Death Date: 22 Sep 1690; Burial Place: Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA; Household Members: Name: Jonathan Royce* S100 Title: Norwich Conn. Inventory Sep 22, 1690* American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI): Name Jonathan Royce; Birth Date: 1645; Birthplace: Connecticut; Volume: 150; Page number:313; Reference: Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. areaand for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 21 Apr 1915, 4581* Ancestral Family Trees: View Individual Member Trees Web Address: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/PersonMatch.aspx?tid=65712609&pid=4814... Source Information: Title: Ancestry Family Trees; Publisher: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository Information: Ancestry.com* Connecticut, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890: Name: Jonathan Royce; State: CT; County: New London County; Township: Norwich; Year: 1672; Record Type: Resident's List; Page: NPN; Database: CT 1635-1807 Misc. Records* Connecticut, Deaths and Burials Index, 1650-1934: Name: Jonathan Royce; Death Place: Connecticut; Burial Place: Norwich, Connecticut; FHL Film Number: 3194* Family Data Collection - Births: Name: Jonathan Sims Royce; Father: Robert Royce; Mother: Mary Sims; Birth Date: 18 March 1643; City: Norwich; County: New London; State: CT; Country: USA* Family Data Collection - Deaths: Name: Jonathan Royce; Death Date: September 1690; City: Norwich; State: CT; Country: USA* Family Data Collection - Individual Records: Name: Jonathon Royce; Spouse: Deborah Calkins; Parents: Robert, Mary Royce, Sims; Birth Place: Stratford, Fairfield, CT; Birth Date: 1638; Marriage Date: June 1660; Death Place: Norwich, CT; Death Date: 1690* Family Data Collection - Individual Records: Name: Deborah Caulkins Calkins; Spouse: Johnathan Royce; Parents: Hugh, Ann Caulkins, Eston Calkins, Eaton; Birth Place: Gloucester, Essex, MA; Birth Date: 18 March 1643; Marriage Place: Gloucester, New London, MA; Marriage Date: 4 June 1660; Death Place: Lebanon, CT; Death Date: 11 February 1724* Family Data Collection - Individual Records: Name: Jonathan Royce; Spouse: Deborah Caulkins; Parents: Robert, Mary Royce, Sims; Birth Place: Norwich, New London, CT; Birth Date: 14 April 1637; Marriage Place:Chepstow, Monmouthshire, CT; Marriage Date: 4 June 1660; Death Place:Norwich, New London, CT; Death Date: 22 September 1690* Family Data Collection - Individual Records: Name: Jonathan Royce; Spouse: Mary Spinning; Parents: Robert, Mary Royce, Sims; Birth Place: Wallingford, Norwich, New London, CT; Birth Date: 1635; Marriage Place: Stratford, Conn, CT; Marriage Date: November 1656; Death Place: Norwich, New London, CT; Death Date: September 1690* Global, Find A Grave Index for Burials at Sea and other Select Burial Locations, 1300s-Current: Name: Jonathan Royce; Birth Date: 18 Mar 1637; Birth Place: Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA; Death Date: 22 Sep 1690; Death Place: Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA; Cemetery:; Has Bio?: Y* North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000: Name: Jonathan Royce; Gender: Male; First Marriage Date: Mar 1660* U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Name: Jonathan Royce; Gender: Male; Birth Place: So; Birth Year: 1636; Spouse Name: Deborah Calkins; Spouse Birth Place: MA; Spouse Birth Year: 1643; Marriage Year: 1660; Marriage State: CT; Number Pages: 1; Household Members:Name: Deborah Calkins; Jonathan Royce* U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Name: Deborah Caulkins; Gender: Female; Birth Place: Es; Birth Year: 1643; Spouse Name: Jonathan Royce; Spouse Birth Place: Ne; Spouse Birth Year: 1631; Marriage Year: 1660; Marriage State: En; Number Pages: 1; Household Members: Name: Deborah Caulkins; Jonathan Royce * U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Name: Deborah Caulkins; Gender: Female; Spouse Name: Jonathan Royce; Spouse Birth Place: Ne; Spouse Birth Year: 1635; Marriage Year: 1660; Marriage State: En; Number Pages: 1; Household Members: Name: Deborah Caulkins; Jonathan Royce* U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900: Name: Jonathan Royce; Gender: Male; Birth Place: CT; Birth Year: 1638; Spouse Name: Deborah Calkins; Marriage Year: 1660; Number Pages: 1; Household Members: Name: Deborah Calkins; Jonathan Royce* U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current: Name: Jonathan Royce; BirthDate: 18 Mar 1638; Birth Place: Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA; Death Date: 22 Sep 1690; Death Place: Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA; Cemetery: Founders Cemetery; Burial or Cremation Place: Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA; Has Bio?: Y* U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700: Name: Jonathan Royce; Gender: Male; Marriage Date: Jun 1660; Death Year: 1690; Marriage Place: New England, United States; Spouse's Name: Deborah Caulkins; HouseholdMembers: Name: Jonathan Royce; Deborah Caulkins* U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700: Name: Deborah Caulkins; Gender: Female; Birth Year: 1643; Marriage Date: Jun 1660; Marriage Place: New England, United States; Spouse's Name: Jonathan Royce; Household Members: Name: Jonathan Royce; Deborah Caulkins
- https://famouskin.com/family-group.php?name=55718+david+hyde+pierce...
- Born Mar 1637/38 in Gloucester to Robert & Mary (Simms) Royce. Married Deborah Calkins 4 Jun 1660 in Norwich CT. Their child: Ruth (Royce) Chappell.
- Jonathan married first to Mary Spining in November 1656 in New Haven, Connecticut.
- Bio by: Linda Mac
Jonathan Royce's Timeline
1637 |
March 18, 1637
Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts
1638 |
Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United States
1657 |
Stratford, New Haven Colony
1660 |
January 8, 1660
Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, Colonial America
1663 |
November 6, 1663
Norwich, Connecticut Colony
1665 |
October 1665
Norwich, Connecticut Colony
1669 |
April 1669
New London, New London County, Connecticut, British Colonial America
1671 |
April 1671
Norwich,New London,CT