Immediate Family
About Judith of Brittany
Judith of Brittany (982–1017) was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde of Anjou, and the mother of Robert the Magnificent.
She was the first wife of Richard the Good, Duke of Normandy, whom she married in 996. They had six children:
- Richard (c. 1002/4), duke of Normandy
- Alice of Normandy (c. 1003/5), married Renaud I, Count of Burgundy
- Robert (c. 1005/7), duke of Normandy
- William (c. 1007/9), monk at Fécamp, d. 1025
- Eleanor (c. 1011/3), married to Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders
- Matilda (c. 1013/5), nun at Fecamp, d. 1033
The duchess Judith died in 1017 and was buried in the abbey of Bernay, which she had founded.
See http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/25067072/person/12798619207
Judith of Brittany also called Judith of Rennes (982–1017) Duchess of Normandy from c. 1000 until her death.
Judith, born in 982, was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde-Gerberga of Anjou.[1] She was the mother of Robert I, Duke of Normandy and paternal grandmother of William the Conqueror.[2]
She was a part of an important double marriage alliance between Normandy and Brittany first recorded by William of Jumièges.[3] In 996 her brother Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany married Hawise of Normandy, daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy while in c. 1000 Judith married Richard II, Duke of Normandy, Hawise's brother.[4] The duchess Judith died on 28 August 1017[1] and was buried in the abbey of Bernay, which she had founded in 1013.[5]
Judith married Richard II, Duke of Normandy[6] c. 1000.[2] They had six children: Richard (c. 1002/4), duke of Normandy.[2] Alice of Normandy (c. 1003/5), married Renaud I, Count of Burgundy.[2] Robert (c. 1005/7), duke of Normandy.[2] William (c. 1007/9), monk at Fécamp, d. 1025.[2] Eleanor (c. 1011/3), married to Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders.[2] Matilda (c. 1013/5), nun at Fecamp, d. 1033. She died young and unmarried.[7]
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1.^ Jump up to: a b Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, Marburg, Germany, 1984). Tafel 75 2.^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, Marburg, Germany, 1984). Tafel 79 3.Jump up ^ K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, 'Poppa of Bayeux And Her Family', The American Genealogist, Vol. 72 No.4 (July/October 1997), p. 192 n. 12 4.Jump up ^ David C. Douglas, William the Conqueror (University of California Press,1964), p. 29 5.Jump up ^ Edward Bell, 'The Abbey Church of Bernay', The Archaeological Review, Vol. IV (August, 1899–January, 1890), p. 57 6.Jump up ^ K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, 'Poppa of Bayeux And Her Family', The American Genealogist, Vol. 72 No.4 (July/October 1997), p.. 192 (here calling her Judith of Rennes) 7.Jump up ^ David C. Douglas, William the Conqueror (University of California Press, 1964), p. 31
GEOFFROY d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES II "le Bon" Comte d'Anjou & his first wife Gerberge --- ([938/40]-Marçon 21 Jul 987, bur Châteauneuf, église Saint-Martin). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "primogenitus Gofridus…Guido…episcopus Podii…tertius minor Drogo" as the three sons of "Fulco Pius"[82]. He succeeded his father in 958 as GEOFFROY I "Grisegonelle" Comte d'Anjou. "Teutbaldi comitis, Teutbaldi junioris, Gausfredi comitis, Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum…" subscribed the charter dated Sep 960 under which "Aremburgis" donated property to Saint-Florent de Saumur[83]. "Gaufridus…Andecavorum comes", with the consent of "fratre meo Widone abate", established the right of the comtes d'Anjou to appoint abbots of Saint-Aubin d'Angers, by charter dated 19 Jun 966[84]. He succeeded as Comte de Chalon from his second marriage until his death in 987. The Chronico Sancti Michaelis records the death in 987 of "Gaufredus comes Andegavensis pater Fulconis"[85]. The Chronica Rainaldi records that "Gaufridus Andecavorum comes, pater Fulconis comitis" was killed "XII Kal Aug in obsidione Marsonis super Odonem Rufinum facta"[86]. The necrology of Angers Cathedral records the death "XIV Kal Aug 987" of "Gaufridus Andegavensis comes, pater Fulconis in obsidione Marsonis"[87]. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records the burial of Geoffroy "in ecclesia Beati Martini Castri Novi"[88]. The Annales Sancti Albini Andegavensis record the death "XII Kal Aug…in obsidione Narsonis super Odonem Rufinum facta" of "Gaufridus comes, pater Fulchonis"[89].
m firstly ([965] or before) ADELA de Meaux, daughter of ROBERT Comte de Meaux et de Troyes & his wife Adelais [de Bourgogne] ([950]-974 after 6 Mar). Her parentage and marriage are indicated by a manuscript genealogy, dated to the early 12th century, which lists "Herbertus de Tricis, Robertus, Adela, Fulco, Gaufridus Martellus", presumably indicating a line of succession[90]. Her marriage date is estimated based on the estimated birth date of her oldest daughter. "Adela" donated property to Saint-Aubin d'Angers by charter dated 6 Mar 974 which names "seniore meo Gauzfredo comite" and is subscribed by "Gauzfredi comitis, Fulconis filii eius, Gauzfredi filii eius"[91]. The Chronicæ Sancti Albini names "Adela comitissa…et marito suo Gaufrido" as present at the ordination of "Rainaldus episcopus" in 1074[92]. "Fulco Andecavorum comes" relinquished rights to the bishop of Angers "pro anima patris mei Gauffredi et matris Adelæ" by charter dated 17 Jan 1020[93].
m secondly (Mar 979) as her second husband, ADELAIS, widow of LAMBERT Comte de Chalon, daughter of --- (-after 18 Oct 984). "Lanbertus comes [et]…Adeleydis uxor mea" made a joint donation of "capellam beati Martini in villa Vigoseto" to Cluny by charter dated 978[94]. "Gausfredus comes [et]…Adeleidis uxor mea" jointly donated land in "pago Cabilonensi" by charter dated Mar 979, her first marriage being deduced from "Hugo filius Lanberti comitis" acting jointly with them and signing "Hugonis filii eius" directly after "Adeleidis" in the subscriptions[95]. "Gauzfredi comitis, Adaleidis comitissa" subscribed a charter dated 18 Oct 984[96]. The origin of Adelais has been the subject of much speculation. Settipani has suggested that she was the daughter of Hugues Comte en Bourgogne & his wife Willa von Thurgau[97]. Chaume suggested that she was the daughter or granddaughter of Charles Constantin Comte de Vienne[98]. Bouchard sets out several different theories concerning Adelais's origin, with the aim mainly of explaining Lambert's succession to the county of Chalon by inheritance through his wife. However, none appears to be based on any primary source and the author concludes that she prefers "to leave Adelaide's origins unknown"[99]. An earlier theory was that Adelais was the sister of "Wera" Ctss de Meaux[100], which would mean that she was Adelais, daughter of Giselbert Duke of Burgundy, Comte de Chalon-sur-Saône et de Troyes & his wife Ermengarde [of Burgundy]. Duchesne suggested that Adelais Ctss de Chalon was the daughter of Robert Comte de Meaux et de Troyes[101], although this would mean that the two wives of Geoffroy I Comte d'Anjou were sisters, no mention of which has been found in contemporary sources. Yet another suggestion is that Adelais Ctss de Chalon was the same person as Wera-Adelais Ctss de Meaux. However, this is even more unlikely chronologically considering the estimated birth date of Wera-Adelais and the fact that Adelais de Chalon gave birth to at least one child by her second husband after their marriage in 979. It would also mean that Comte Geoffroy married, as his second wife, his first wife's mother which is unlikely to have been accepted by the church. Finally, in 1619, Duchesne suggested that Adelais was the sister of Guillaume I Comte d'Arles[102].
Geoffroy I & his first wife had four children:
1. ERMENGARDE d'Anjou (before 965-after 982). Rodulfus Glaber records that Conan married the sister of Foulques of Anjou but does not name her[103]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. She was presumably born before 965 if it is correct that her first child was born in 980. m (973) CONAN Comte de Rennes, son of JUDICAËL BERENGAR Comte de Rennes & his wife Gerberge --- (-killed in battle Conquereil 27 Jun 992). He succeeded in 990 as CONAN I "le Tort" Duke of Brittany. Duke Conan I & his wife had five children:
1.1 GEOFFROY de Bretagne ([980]-20 Nov 1008). His parentage is confirmed by the Chronico Sancti Michaelis which records that "Gaufridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Juhelli Berengarii" died in 1008 "dum pergeret Romam causa orationis"[123]. He succeeded his father in 992 as GEOFFROY I Duke of Brittany.
- see below.
1.2. JUDITH de Bretagne ([982]-16 Jun 1017). Guillaume of Jumièges records the marriage of “dux Richardus” and “Goiffredum Britannorum comitem...sororem...Iudith” at “limina Archangeli Michaelis”[124]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Ricardus Gunnorides...et Judith uxor eius soror Gaufredi Britonum comitis” founded “cœnobium apud Bernaïcum in honore sanctæ Dei genitricis Mariæ”[125]. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Judith…"[126]. The Chronicle of Caen Saint-Etienne records the death in 1017 of "Judita comitissa"[127]. m (Mont Saint-Michel [1000]%29 as his first wife, RICHARD II "le Bon/l'Irascible" Comte de Normandie, son of RICHARD I "Sans-Peur" Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora (-28 Aug 1027).
1.3. JUDICAËL (-1037). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1026 which recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", witnessed by "Judicael et Hurwodius duo fratres ipsius"[128]. Comte de Porhoët.
1.4. CATUALLON (-15 Jan, 1050 or after). Tresvaux records that Catuallon, brother of Geoffroy I Duke of Brittany, was abbot of Redon, but does not cite the primary source on which this information is based[129].
1.5. HURNOD [Urvod] de Bretagne (-after 1026). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1026 which recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", witnessed by "Judicael et Hurwodius duo fratres ipsius"[130].
2. FOULQUES d'Anjou ([970]-Metz 21 Jun 1040, bur Beaulieu-lez-Loche, Abbaye de Saint-Pierre). The Historiæ Andegavensis, allegedly written by Foulques IV "Rechin" Comte d'Anjou, names "Goffridus Grisagonella pater avi mei Fulconis"[104]. He succeeded his father in 987 as FOULQUES III "Nerra/the Black" Comte d'Anjou.
- see below.
3. GEOFFROY (-after 6 Mar 974). "Adela" donated property to Saint-Aubin d'Angers by charter dated 6 Mar 974 which names "seniore meo Gauzfredo comite" and is subscribed by "Gauzfredi comitis, Fulconis filii eius, Gauzfredi filii eius"[105].
4. GERBERGE d'Anjou (974 or before-after 1 Apr 1040). The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records the marriage of "comes…Engolismæ Willelmus" and "Girberga sorore comitis Fulconis"[106]. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis names "Giberta sorore comitis Guillermi Andegavensis" as wife of "Guillermus Comes Engolismensis"[107]. "Gaufredus et uxor mea Petronilla" donated property "ecclesiam Sancti Pauli…in Sanctonensi territorio subter castrum…Botavilla" to Sauvigny on the advice of "Vuillelmi comitis Engolismensis et uxoris eius dominæ Girbergiæ patris…mei et matris et domini Elduini fratris mei" by charter dated before 1028[108]. m (before 1000) GUILLAUME IV Comte d'Angoulême, son of ARNAULD "Mancer" Comte d'Angoulême & his first wife Raingarde --- ([978]-murdered 6 Apr 1028, bur Angoulême Saint-Cybard). He was poisoned by his daughter-in-law Alaisia.
Comte Geoffroy I & his second wife had one child:
5. MAURICE d'Anjou ([980]-1012, bur Châteauneuf, église Saint-Martin). The cartulary of Paray-le-Monial includes a charter (undated) of "filius eius Hugo" which is subscribed by "Hugonis comitis et episcopi, Adelaidis com, Mauricii…"[109]. "Hugo comes" donated property to Cluny "pro absolutione patris Lantberti" by charter dated to [988] which also names "mater mea Adelaydis et frater meus Mauricius"[110]. "Cabilonensium comes domnus Hugo et mater eius Adeleidis et domnus Mauricius frater eius" donated property "in villa Paion" to Paray-le-Monial by undated charter[111]. The fact that he was his mother's son by her second marriage is confirmed by "Fulco comes Mauriciusque frater eius" accusing "Rainaldus Andecavorum episcopus" of corruption, recorded in a charter dated [24 Oct 996/12 Jun 1005] which names "patri eorum Goffrido"[112]. "Domnus Hugo comes atque mater sua Adeleidis" donated property "in pago Cabilonensi" to the abbey of Paray-le-Moniale by an undated charter signed by "Hugo comes, Adeleidis matris suæ, Mauritii filii eius, Enrici ducis, Garlindis uxoris eius"[113]. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records that "Mauricius Gosfridi Grisæ Tunicæ filius" succeeded his father as Comte d'Anjou, and that Foulques "Nerra" was the son of Maurice and succeeded his father[114]. The Historia Comitum Andegavorum repeats these statements, which are chronologically impossible, concerning the alleged succession of Maurice to the county of Anjou and his succession by his supposed son Foulques "Nerra"[115]. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records the burial of "Mauricius…in ecclesia Beati Martini Castri Novi iuxta patrem suum"[116]. m --- de Saintes, daughter of AIMERY Comte de Saintes & his wife ---. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "de Alverniensi pago filiam Hamerici consulis Santonici, neptem Raimundi Pictavensis comitis" as wife of "Mauricius Gofridi Grisæ Tunicæ filius", stating (incorrectly) that "Fulconem Neram" was their son[117]. "Raimundis Pictavensis comitis" may refer to Raymond-Pons Comte de Toulouse, who was also for a time duke of Aquitaine, the Aquitainian title being closely associated with the county of Poitou. This would also be chronologically acceptable, assuming that "neptem" in the Gesta can be translated as granddaughter. Maurice & his wife had [two] children:
a) GEOFFROY (-killed Château de Langeais 1039). A charter dated 1039 records that "miles…Walterius…filius Hamelini de Lingaiis" was sentenced to relinquish property held from Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d’Anjou for having killed "cognatum predicti comitis…Mauricium", Comte Geoffroy donating the property to La Trinité de Vendôme, witnessed by "Radulfo vicecomite, Guillelmo vicecomite, Erfredo vicecomite, Herveo vicecomite de Bleso, Haimerico de Rancono, Goffrido de Prulliaco, Roberto Burgundione, Adelardo de Castro-Gunterii…"[118]. "Gauterius quidam miles, filius Hamelini Lingiacum" granted two mills to Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d’Anjou after killing "cognatum comitis Gosfridi…Guasfridum filium Moricii comitis" by charter dated 1039, Comte Geoffroy donating the property to La Trinité de Vendôme[119].
b) [ OTGER (-after 1055). "…Otgerii filii Mauricii Comitis…" witnessed the charter dated 1055 under which Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d’Anjou donated land in the forest of Gastine to Marmoutier[120]. It is not certain that Otger was the son of Maurice d’Anjou. However, no other Comte Maurice has been identified who lived during the right time period.]