Immediate Family
About Judyta Mieszkówna
BERNHARD von Ballenstedt, son of ALBRECHT "der Bär" Markgraf von Brandenburg [Ballenstedt] & his wife Sophie von Winzenburg (1140-Bernburg 9 Feb 1212, bur Ballenstedt St Nikolai). A 13th century genealogy names (in order) "Albertum, Berenhardum, Fridericum, Hermannum de Horlamund et Zeifridum Bremensem archiepiscopum" as the five sons of "Albertus de Hanhalde marchio"[568]. "Adelbertus…marchio Brandenburgensis" donated property to the convent at Magdeburg, with the consent of "filiorum meorum Heinrici canonici sancti Mauritii in Magdaburg, Ottonis marchionis, Hermanni, Adelberti, Theoderici et Bernhardi comitum", by charter dated [end May/early Jun] 1151[569]. Graf von Aschersleben und Graf von Anhalt 1170. "Alberto Brandenburgensi marchione, Ottone filio eius…Hermanno comite de Horlemunde filio eius, Theoderico comite de Werben filio eius, Alberto comite de Balstede filio eius, Bernardo comite de Anehalt filio eius…" witnessed the charter dated 1170 under which "Cazimerus…Pomeranorum princeps" donated property to the church of Havelberg, with the consent of "fratre nostro Boguzlao"[570]. "Bernhardus…comes in Aschersleve" confirmed possessions of Marienthal, by charter dated 1174[571]. In 1175, Heinrich "der Löwe" Duke of Saxony invaded Graf Bernhard's territory in support of the claim by Ludwig III Landgraf of Thuringia to the county of Weimar, sacked Gröningen near Halberstadt and captured Aschersleben, although Graf Bernhard was able to retain possession of Weimar[572]. Herzog von Westfalen und Engern 1179. He was installed as BERNHARD Duke of Saxony at Gelnhausen 13 Apr 1180 after Emperor Friedrich I "Barbarossa" deprived Heinrich "der Löwe" Duke of Bavaria and Saxony of his titles, although the territory of the duchy was split with the separated duchy of Westfalia being transferred to the archbishop of Köln[573]. "Bernhardus dux Angarie et Westfalie et comes de Aschersleve" confirmed the donation to Kloster Obernkirchen by "frater noster Theodericus comes de Werbene" by charter dated end-Sep 1181[574]. Bernhard constructed the castle of Lauenburg with material from the fortress of Ertheneburg[575]. m JUDYTA of Poland, daughter of MIESZKO III "Stary/the Old" Prince of Greater Poland, Prince of Krakow & his first wife Erszébet of Hungary (-after 12 Dec 1201). The Chronicon Polono-Silesiacum refers to, but does not name, the daughters of Mieszko III, naming (second in the list) "dux Saxonie" as his son-in-law[576]. A 13th century genealogy refers to the wife of "Berenhardum [filius Albertus de Hanhalde marchio]" as "ducis Polonie filiam"[577]. The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Iuttam filiam Mesechonis ducis Polonie" as wife of "Bernardus dux Saxonie"[578]. Duke Bernhard & his wife had five children: 1. MAGNUS (-young). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names (in order) "Albertum ducem Saxonie et Henricum comitem de Anahalt et Magonem" as sons of "Bernardus dux Saxonie" & his wife[579]. 2. HEINRICH ([1170]-[8 May 1251/17 May 1252], bur Ballenstedt). The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "Heinricum comitem Ascharie et Albertum ducem" as sons of "Bernhardi ducis"[580]. He succeeded his father in 1212 as HEINRICH I "der Fette" Graf von Anhalt. Graf von Aschersleben 1213. - GRAFEN von ANHALT. 3. ALBRECHT (-[27 Sep/7 Nov] 1260, bur Lehnin). The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "Heinricum comitem Ascharie et Albertum ducem" as sons of "Bernhardi ducis"[581]. He succeeded his father in 1212 as ALBRECHT I Duke of Saxony. - see below. 4. ADELHEID (-16 Jul 1244). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not so far been identified. Abbess of Gernrode 1221. 5. HEDWIG . The Genealogica Wettinens is refers to the wife of "Olricus comes filius Heinrici marchionis" as "filiam Bernhardi ducis Saxonie" but does not name her[582]. The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "filia Bernhardi ducis Hetwige" as wife of "Ulricus comes de Witin, filius Heinrici, filii marchionis Conradi senioris"[583]. m (before 1204) as his second wife, ULRICH Graf von Wettin, son of HEINRICH [I] Graf von Wettin & his wife Sophie --- (-Wettin 28 Sep 1206, bur Petersberg).
Judyta Mieszkówna's Timeline
1152 |
Poznan, Polska (Poland)
1170 |
1175 |
October 7, 1175
Aschersleben, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1201 |
December 12, 1201
Age 49
Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
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