Immediate Family
About King Thorri Snærsson, of Kvenland
Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfor kalles det siden Thorremåned. Kong Thorri hadde tre barn; sønnene hans het Nor og Gor, og datteren Goi. Goi ble borte og Thorri blotet da en måned senere enn han pleide å blote, og siden kalte de denne måneden de da hadde framfor seg for Goi. Nor og Gor lette etter søsteren sin.
Legendary king in part of Sveden.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B3r he is described in two quite similiar stories of the "Flateyarbok" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatey_Book) as the king of Götaland, Finland and Kvenland, and the father of Nor the founder of Norway and Gorr, the founder of Dennmark, as well as a daughter, Goi.
The two accounts (Fundinn Noregr and Hversu Noregr Bygddist) differ on some points.
Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away.
Thorri was also 12th great grandfather to legendary Viking, Ragnar Sigurdson Lodbrok. Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson King of Denmark and Norway
Link to LDS Pedigree
He and the Kings of Kvenland lived in the Castle of Kanjaani.
Kvenland, Wikipedia
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
About English (default) edit | history Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfor kalles det siden Thorremåned. Kong Thorri hadde tre barn; sønnene hans het Nor og Gor, og datteren Goi. Goi ble borte og Thorri blotet da en måned senere enn han pleide å blote, og siden kalte de denne måneden de da hadde framfor seg for Goi. Nor og Gor lette etter søsteren sin.
Legendary king in part of Sveden.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B3r he is described in two quite similiar stories of the "Flateyarbok" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatey_Book) as the king of Götaland, Finland and Kvenland, and the father of Nor the founder of Norway and Gorr, the founder of Dennmark, as well as a daughter, Goi.
The two accounts (Fundinn Noregr and Hversu Noregr Bygddist) differ on some points.
Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away.
Link to LDS Pedigree
He and the Kings of Kvenland lived in the Castle of Kanjaani.
Kvenland, Wikipedia
Sources Title: "Héraldique européenne" Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
About King Thorri Snærsson, of Kvenland (suomi)
This Thorri is the same as Myth King Thorri Snaersson, of Kvenland.
content to clean up
Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfor kalles det siden Thorremåned. Kong Thorri hadde tre barn; sønnene hans het Nor og Gor, og datteren Goi. Goi ble borte og Thorri blotet da en måned senere enn han pleide å blote, og siden kalte de denne måneden de da hadde framfor seg for Goi. Nor og Gor lette etter søsteren sin.
Legendary king in part of Sveden.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B3r he is described in two quite similiar stories of the "Flateyarbok" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatey_Book) as the king of Götaland, Finland and Kvenland, and the father of Nor the founder of Norway and Gorr, the founder of Dennmark, as well as a daughter, Goi.
The two accounts (Fundinn Noregr and Hversu Noregr Bygddist) differ on some points.
Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away.
Thorri was also 12th great grandfather to legendary Viking, Ragnar Sigurdson Lodbrok. Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson King of Denmark and Norway
Link to LDS Pedigree
He and the Kings of Kvenland lived in the Castle of Kanjaani.
Kvenland, Wikipedia
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
About English (default) edit | history Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfor kalles det siden Thorremåned. Kong Thorri hadde tre barn; sønnene hans het Nor og Gor, og datteren Goi. Goi ble borte og Thorri blotet da en måned senere enn han pleide å blote, og siden kalte de denne måneden de da hadde framfor seg for Goi. Nor og Gor lette etter søsteren sin.
Legendary king in part of Sveden.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B3r he is described in two quite similiar stories of the "Flateyarbok" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatey_Book) as the king of Götaland, Finland and Kvenland, and the father of Nor the founder of Norway and Gorr, the founder of Dennmark, as well as a daughter, Goi.
The two accounts (Fundinn Noregr and Hversu Noregr Bygddist) differ on some points.
Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away.
Link to LDS Pedigree
He and the Kings of Kvenland lived in the Castle of Kanjaani.
Kvenland, Wikipedia
Sources Title: "Héraldique européenne" Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Om Kong Torre "Barfrost" Snøson Snærsson, av Kvenland (Norsk)
Torre Snøsson . Konge av Kvenland, Sagnkonge
Hentet fra norsk Wikipedia:
Torre (norrønt Þorri, «barfrost») er en jotne, og representerer en form for eldre naturguddom som er vagt definert i norrøn mytologi. Han er sønn av Snø, som synes å være en personifisering av snø, bror av gygrene Fonn («snøfonn»), Mjoll («fint snøfokk»), og Driva («snødrev»), som alle synes å være aspekter av Snøs personifisering
I motsetning til sine søstre har Torre en mer framtredende rolle ved at han er sønn av Snø som direkte nedstammer fra Fornjot. Han er således en egen personifisering av rim, frost eller vinter i de eldre lagene av norrøn mytologi. Selv er han far til Nor og Gor, og en datter som het Goe («tynn snø»), og i senere framstilling ble han gjort til en av de mytiske norske kongene.
Han er også nevnt som en konge i Finland og Kvænland (områder som lå langt borte). Han skal også ha bli blotet til for godt skiføre. Navnet hans var også det gamle navnet for vintermåneden, fra rundt midten av januar og til rundt midten av februar. Måneden etter var gjømåneden, navnet her er fra Goe, fra midten av februar til midten av mars. Det peker på at Torre, som Snø og Goe, var evhemerisme, religionsforklaringer hvor naturfenomener fikk mytologisk forklaring i personer.
Senere kilder
I Orknøyingenes saga fra 1200-tallet er Torre forsøkt forklart som en av de tidligste norske kongene, sønn av Snø den gamle, en etterkommerne av Fornjot. I teksten Hvordan Norge ble bygd (norrønt Hversu Noregr byggðist) fra 1200-tallet hevdes det at kvenene ofret årlig til Torre ved midtvinter. Både månedsnavnet og navnet på ofringen, Torreblot (Þorrablót) er avledet fra hans navn. Orknøyingenes saga hevder i kontrast at Torreblot ble etablert av Torre.
Navnet Torre har forsøksvis blitt knyttet til Tor (Þórr), den norrøne tordenguden, eller personifiseringen av torden, og sønn av Odin. [2] Bortsett fra en viss navnlikhet representerer disse to ulike myter, men det er sannsynlig at Torreblot var enten opprinnelig et blot for Tor, og at Torre er en sekundær etiologi (årsak) avledet form av navnet for ofringen. Forskeren Martin Nilsson mener at personifiseringen av Torre («frost») og Goe («fint snø») var særskilt for Island.
Den hedenske ofringen ved Torreblot forsvant med kristningen av Island på begynnelsen av 1000-tallet, men ble gjenoppvekket på 1800-tallet med en midtvinterfestival som ble kalt for torreblot (Þorrablót) og ble fremmet av nasjonalromantikken. Denne er fortsatt populær i dagens Island. Siden 1960-tallet har den blitt assosiert med tradisjonell islandsk mat, såkalt torremat (Þorramatur). Uansett den egentlige etymologien er den populære islandske forklaringen på navnet Þorri som et diminutiv (forkortningsord) for Þórr[ og det har forblitt en vanlig praksis å skåle Þórr som en del av den moderne feiringen
Hentet fra http://www.norsesaga.no/oppdagelsen-av-norge.html[]
.. far til Snæ den gamle. Sønnen hans het Torre. Han hadde to sønner, den ene het Nor og den andre Gor. Datteren hans het Goi. Torre var en stor blotmann. Hvert år blotet han midtvinters; det ble kalt torreblot. Fra dette fikk måneden Torre navn.
Det fortelles at en vinter under torreblotet forsvant Goi, og selv om det ble lett etter henne så ble hun ikke funnet. Og da den måneden var gått begynte Torri å blote, for å blote til de fikk visshet om hvor Goi var havnet; de kalte dette Goiblot. Ingensteds fant de at hun var.
Om King Thorri Snærsson, of Kvenland (svenska)
content to clean up
Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfor kalles det siden Thorremåned. Kong Thorri hadde tre barn; sønnene hans het Nor og Gor, og datteren Goi. Goi ble borte og Thorri blotet da en måned senere enn han pleide å blote, og siden kalte de denne måneden de da hadde framfor seg for Goi. Nor og Gor lette etter søsteren sin.
Legendary king in part of Sveden.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B3r he is described in two quite similiar stories of the "Flateyarbok" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatey_Book) as the king of Götaland, Finland and Kvenland, and the father of Nor the founder of Norway and Gorr, the founder of Dennmark, as well as a daughter, Goi.
The two accounts (Fundinn Noregr and Hversu Noregr Bygddist) differ on some points.
Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away.
Thorri was also 12th great grandfather to legendary Viking, Ragnar Sigurdson Lodbrok. Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson King of Denmark and Norway
Link to LDS Pedigree
He and the Kings of Kvenland lived in the Castle of Kanjaani.
Kvenland, Wikipedia
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
About English (default) edit | history Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfor kalles det siden Thorremåned. Kong Thorri hadde tre barn; sønnene hans het Nor og Gor, og datteren Goi. Goi ble borte og Thorri blotet da en måned senere enn han pleide å blote, og siden kalte de denne måneden de da hadde framfor seg for Goi. Nor og Gor lette etter søsteren sin.
Legendary king in part of Sveden.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B3r he is described in two quite similiar stories of the "Flateyarbok" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatey_Book) as the king of Götaland, Finland and Kvenland, and the father of Nor the founder of Norway and Gorr, the founder of Dennmark, as well as a daughter, Goi.
The two accounts (Fundinn Noregr and Hversu Noregr Bygddist) differ on some points.
Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away.
Link to LDS Pedigree
He and the Kings of Kvenland lived in the Castle of Kanjaani.
Kvenland, Wikipedia
Sources Title: "Héraldique européenne" Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
King Thorri Snærsson, of Kvenland's Timeline
320 |
Raumsdal, Telmark, Norway
345 |
Kvenland, Finland
365 |
Kvenland, Finland
???? |
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Kvenland, Finland
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Romsdal, Norway