Historical records matching Kmdt.-Genl. Petrus Jacobus Joubert
Immediate Family
About Kmdt.-Genl. Petrus Jacobus Joubert
===Burger Deaths ABO=== Added by AR Swanepoel
Database ID: 1607
Surname: JOUBERT
First Name: Petrus Jacobus, Cmdt-Gen
Age: 69
Address: Pretoria
Commando: N/A
Battle: Pretoria
Date: 27/03/1900
Buried: Rustfontein Tomb
Junie 2015. New interesting book on Piet Joubert and the ABO(W). Oorlog Beeld by Jackie Grobler- Dosent/Lecturer in 'Historiese en Erfenisstudies. It is in Afrikaans- Kommandant-Generaal Petrus Jacobus Joubert is op 20 Jan 1831 in die Karoo, suid oos van Beaufort Wes gebore. Seun van Jozua Francois Joubert en Ester Maria Gouws. Trek saam met hulle tydens die groot Trek. Just a few extracts
- 1843 - Pa oorlede in Natal
- 1851- Trou Wakkerstroom met Hendrina Johanna Susanna Botha
- 1853 Vestig hulle te Wakkerstroom waar hy boer.
- 1855 Veldkornet
- 1865 Volksraadslid
- 1873 Voorsitter van die Volksraad 1875-76 Waarnemende President. ______________________________________________
Petrus Jacobus Joubert (20 January 1834 – 28 March 1900), better known as Piet Joubert was Commandant-General of the South African Republic from 1880 to 1900.
During the first British annexation of the Transvaal, Joubert earned for himself the reputation of a consistent irreconcilable by refusing to hold office under the government, as Paul Kruger and other prominent Boers were doing. Instead of accepting the lucrative post offered him, he took a leading part in creating and directing the agitation which led to the war of 1880-1881, eventually becoming, as commandant-general of the Boer forces, a member of the triumvirate that administered the provisional Boer government set up in December 1880 at Heidelberg.
During the First Boer War, he was in command of the Boer forces at Laings Nek, Ingogo, and Majuba Hill, subsequently conducting the earlier peace negotiations that led to the conclusion of the Pretoria Convention.
He took little part in the negotiations that culminated in the ultimatum sent to Great Britain by Kruger in 1899, and though he immediately assumed nominal command of the operations on the outbreak of hostilities, he gave up to others the chief share in the direction of the war, through his inability or neglect to impose upon them his own will. His cautious nature, which had in early life gained him the sobriquet of Slim Piet (Clever Piet), joined to a lack of determination and assertiveness that characterized his whole career, led him to act mainly on the defensive; and the strategically offensive movements of the Boer forces, such as Elandslaagte and Willow Grange, appear to have been neither planned nor executed by him.
As the war went on, physical weakness led to Jouberts virtual retirement, and, though two days earlier he was still reported as being in supreme command, he died at Pretoria from peritonitis. Sir George White, the defender of Ladysmith, summed up Jouberts character when he called him "a soldier and a gentleman, and a brave and honourable opponent".
Joubert, Petrus Jacobus, kommandant-generaal van die Z.A.R. - 1831: Gebore naby Swartberg, Kaapkolonie, op 20 Januarie. - 1836: Trek sa am met sy ouers onder leiding van Piet Retief. - 1852: Neem deel aan die slag teen Sechele. - 1865: Neem in die Vrystaat deel aan 'n veldtog teen die Basoeto's. - 1866: Hy word gekies as volksraadslid vir Wakker-stroom. - 1875 en 1876: Hy tree as waarnemende president van die Z.A. Republiek op tydens die afwesigheid van president T. F. Burgers. - 1878: Hy vertrek as lid van die tweede deputasie na Engeland om die Britse regering te ooneed om die vryheid van Transvaal terug te gee. - 1880: Gekies as lid van die Driemanskap en benoem tot kommandant-generaal van die Boeremagte, wat hy tot sy dood gebly het. - 1883: Hy word vise-president van die Z.A.R. - 1899: Hy is opperbevelhebber van die Boeremagte wat die suidoosgrens moet verdedig. - 1900: Oorlede op 27 Maart en begrawe op sy plaas, Rustfontein, Wakkerstroom.
Afrikaanse Kinder Ensiklopedie Deel XI 1962
f1 Petrus Jacobus * Swartberg 20.1.1831 = Swellendam † Pretoria 27.3.1900, kommandantgeneraal,
ZAR x Potchefstroom 2.4.1851 Hendrina Johanna Susanna BOTHA * 27.9.1830 † 8.9.1916 (sien SABW I en B. Cilliers: Genealogieë van die Afrikaner families in Natal)
g1 Hendrina Susanna * Marico 12.2.1852 † 5.9.1859
g2 Josua Francois * 20.9.1854 = Bloemfontein 10.1.1856
g3 Johannes Petrus * 20.9.1857 = Wakkerstroom (deur ds. Van der Hof) † 29.9.1863
g4 Esther Maria Susanna * 14.12.1860
g5 Petrus Jacobus * 5.9.1862
g6 Hendrina Susanna Johanna * 11.8.1864
g7 Maria Elizabeth * 5.7.1868 † 5.1.1870
g8 Jan Abraham * 12.2.1872 † 5.3.1924 x Margaretha Magdalena MALAN * 4.2.1878 † 3.3.1946 d.v. David Johannes Malan en Maria Magdalena Cillie
Gen Piet Joubert
Genl. Piet Joubert (Petrus Jacobus Joubert) was kommandant-generaal van die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek.
Joubert is op 20 Januarie 1831 naby Prins Albert in die Kaapprovinsie gebore. In 1836 trek hy saam met sy gesin onder leiding van Piet Retief. In 1852 neem hy deel aan die slag teen Sechele en 13 jaar later in die Vrystaat aan 'n veldtog teen die Basoeto's.
In 1865 word hy verkies tot lid van die Z.A.R. se Volksraad vir Wakkerstroom en in 1875 en 1876 tree hy op as waarnemende president van die Republiek op tydens president T.F. Burgers se afwesigheid. Hy vertrek in 1878 as lid van die twee deputasie na Engeland om die Britse regering te probeer oorreed om die vryheid van die Transvaal terug te gee.
Generaal Piet Joubert was Kommandant-generaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek (Transvaal) en die tweede lid van die Driemanskap. Tydens President T F Burgers se besoek aan Europa in 1876 neem hy as staatspresident waar. Saam met Paul Kruger is hy een van die onderhandelaars met die Britse regering oor hulle verbreking van die Sandrivier-Konvensie en om te protesteer teen die Britse anneksasie. As vredeliewende mens word hy teen sy sin as opperbevelvoerder van die Boeremagte gekies. Tog aanvaar hy die pos en verrig sy taak met besondere militêre vernuf. . Joubert is in 1880 gekies as lid van die Driemanskap en benoem tot kommandant-generaal van die Boeremagte, wat hy dan ook tot sy dood bly. In 1883 word hy vise-president van die Z.A.R. en in 1899 opperbevelvoerder van die Boeremagte wat die suidoosgrens moet verdedig. Hy sterf die volgende jaar op 27 Maart en word begrawe op sy plaas, Rustfontein, distrik Wakkerstroom.
Gen Joubert het aan verskeie veldslae deelgeneem, maar die vernaamste was seker die slag van Majuba.
Mev Hendrina Joubert wat haar man in die Boerekamp besoek het, was een van die eerste persone wat met sonop op Sondagmôre, 27 Februarie, die Britte op die kruin van Majuba opgemerk het. (Lees geerus daaroor op die veldslae blad.) Wat egter interrisant is, iss dat na die geveg het Gen Joubert sy vyand, Colley, se lyk na sy eie huis laat neem en dit daar geehou totdat die Britte dit kom afhaal het. Hy het ook die volgende telegraaf gestuur:
Telegram van Gen Piet Joubert aan Lady Colley.
“Regret extremely sad the fate of Colonel Colley, who fell in action at one ‘o clock, February 27, in attempting to hold mountain fortress forming right of Boer position. Regret he should have fallen in a war, the outcome of a policy which he had not caused; also that he should fall in such an unprovoked and unholy war against the Boer people struggling for freedom. Can only aid you in your sorrow by giving every facility for the removal of the corpse of your gallant husband.
DIT in my oë is menslikheid.
Die Stad Pietersburg asook Joubertpark in Johannesburg is na hom vernoem.
Na Pres Paaul Kruger was Gen Joubert die mees populêre persoon in Suid Afrika.
The Evening Democrat - Warren, Pennsylvania - Mar 28 1900 The Evening Democrat - Warren, Pennsylvania - Mar 28 1900 Newspaper Archive WOW Text: "...At this critical juncture it the report is true his death will be an ble loss to the Boer interests Petrus 1 Joubert was born in 1833 and from his childhood conceived a and distrust tor the British that 20 officers ... able to give you the old prices on most lines of goods Our Dispatch Says Gallant manner Passed Away IS A GREAT LOSS SECRETARY DAIVIS Returns From the Denies Visit Was Important Special to the Democrat ... to the Democrat London March dispatch from Lorenzo General chiol of the Boer is dead No details aro given There have been numerous reports from time to time stating that Joubert was wounded to the death ... been buried Otherwise theie is no confirmation ot the re- port Special Inducement To Buyers This Present Stock To Reduce Our You the work ot a dollar at our store..." Date: Mar 28 1900 Publication: Warren, Pennsylvania, United States Of America
- PART 1
- STARTING 19000000
- ENDING 19000000
- REMARKS SURVIVING SPOUSE HENDRINA SUSANNA JOHANNA (BORN BOTHA). https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS3F-89TX-F?i=233&...
The Rain Queen Cycles told by E. JENSEN KRIGE
The Eighth Pageant (1894).
The sceptre, secretly entrusted to Mujaji II on her accession forty years and more before this pageant passes, is the symbol of forces that swayed a bygone world. People are uncertain of their bearings in the new world, their sense of security has been shaken. The black ants from Swaziland have left a scar, though they were chastened when the legions of Ludongo were defeated. Now the red ants are brought upon the scene as the aftermath of the exploits of Albasini, self appointed chief of the Magwamba (Shangana-Tonga) and Native Commissioner of the Boer Republic. The sceptre only weakly shows the force of spiritual power. The tribute Mujaji sends to Albasini, it is true, smites him with drought; upon General Joubert, curious to behold the royal majesty, a far-off sister of the queen, who was also her ‘wife', is palmed off as the mysterious ‘She-who-must-be-obeyed* ; the Transformer of the Clouds still is the ‘huckster in her hut'.
But to the workers and warriors of the ‘red ants’, the sceptre is like a broken reed rather than a magic wand. Some of them with impunity appropriate the country, enlisting in their service the denizens of the soil; others are collecting taxes, exacting tribute and redrawing age-old boundary lines; still others invade the sacred places, even desecrating the drums at Maulwi. The princes still come, but they supplicate surreptitiously.
The temporary triumphs cannot offset the disastrous defeats, and Mujaji, bewildered by the turn of events, does not know how to adjust her weapons and her diplomacy to the needs of the new situation. She circumvents the curiosity of Joubert, but she fails to save her subjects from serfdom. When the grave of Khashani, the Christian kinsman whom she martyred, becomes the rallying point of a disloyal creed, when the conspiracy to expel the European intruder ends in the disaster of the deportation of her neighbours, she loses her faith in the gods of her ancestors and adjures her followers to trust the apostle of a creed that was uprooting these gods. Pathetically she presses the poison cup to her lips, conforming to the letter, not to the spirit, of the ritual end ordained by her ancestors. In a world indifferent to the eternal verities, that cup is like an empty sham and that end like a vain sacrifice.
The pageant passes on. A cheerless panorama unfolds before us as Mujaji III ascends the throne. To submission is added humiliation. When the white man, coming to arrange for the recognition of the new queen, sees old Mathogani, who had impersonated Mujaji II, the proceedings are stopped. The Lovedu are made to pay for their presumption by being denied a ruler until the old woman dies. They retaliate by dubbing her the ‘Chief of the white men’ and by accelerating her end.
But it is a fruitless revenge. They are faced with the problem of reconciling the claims of two incongruous worlds : is the authority of the queen to be derived from the alien conqueror and his ceremonies or from the spirit of the deceased and the rite of the door? The reality of the old rite is the sham of the new order ; it is a mere coincidence upon which no title can be based. But also in all spheres of culture and of life these dualistic forces clash with one another; they are in a death grapple which lasts throughout the reign of Mujaji III.
The conflict is epitomized in the conflict between Shalala and the royal house. The commoner, using the weapons of the European lawyer. ranges himself against royalty, who invoke the powers of their ancestors When Magoma, daughter of the queen, illicitly allies herself to the commoner and anarchy threatens disruption of the tribe, the royal house reluctantly invites intervention of the white man, submitting, however, only the superficial issues. Ostensibly Shalala suffers defeat, but in reality the struggle continues ; and in this conflict, as in the wider conflict of the warring worlds, we are left in doubt where the victory lies.
Kmdt.-Genl. Petrus Jacobus Joubert's Timeline
1831 |
January 20, 1831
Farm Cango, Oudshoorn, Cape Colony, South Africa
1852 |
February 12, 1852
1854 |
September 20, 1854
Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
1857 |
September 20, 1857
1860 |
December 14, 1860
1862 |
September 5, 1862
Volksrust, Transvaal, South Africa
1864 |
August 11, 1864
Wakkerstroom, Eastvaal District Council, Mpumalanga, South Africa
1868 |
July 5, 1868
1872 |
February 12, 1872
Wakkerstroom, Transvaal, South Africa