Kristina Alvsdatter.
The sources say nothing directly about whether Alv Erlingsson was married or had children. An Eystein Aslaksson who was appointed bishop in Oslo, is said to be related to Alv Erlingsson.
In 1390, Queen Magrete gave Mrs. Kristina Nikolasdotter all the estates that in her time had been seized from Alv Erlingsson and Rane Jonsson Lange. According to folklore, Rane was married to a Kristina nicknamed Spendelsko, and her father was to be Markgreven or Algreven. The latter has been interpreted to be Alv Erlingsson, although it is not said directly. Since Kristina Nikolasdotter got back the estate that had belonged to Alv and Rane, and this estate is called her fathers estate, the genealogist Jo Rune Ugulen believes that Kristina Nikolasdotter must have been a descendant of both Alv and Rane. It may therefore be appropriate that Rane Jonsson was Elv's son-in-law, and as a candidate to fill the generation between Kristina Nikolasdotter and Rane Jonsson, Ugulen has mentioned a gunman Nikolas Ranesson in 1326.
In family history literature, Rane Jonsson and Kristina Alvsdotter Spendelsko have been given many other children, living in Sandsvær and on Eiker. From these alleged children, lines with descendants have been set up up to our time, so that i.a. Queen Sonja has been considered a descendant. But since it was Kristina Nikolasdotter who got all the estates after Alv and Rane, there is every reason to believe that she was the closest, if not the only, heir alive in 1390, which excludes the imaginative lineages through Sandsvær and Eiker.
Kristina Alvsdatter.
Kildene sier ingenting direkte om hvorvidt Alv Erlingsson var gift eller hadde barn. En Eystein Aslaksson som fikk bispeembete i Oslo, sies å være i slekt med Alv Erlingsson.
I 1390 ga dronning Magrete fru Kristina Nikolasdotter alt det jordegodset som i sin tid var blitt beslaglagt fra Alv Erlingsson og Rane Jonsson Lange. Ifølge folkevisene var Rane gift med ei Kristina med tilnavnet Spendelsko, og hennes far skulle være Markgreven eller Algreven. Sistnevnte har vært tolket til å være Alv Erlingsson, selv om det ikke sies direkte. Siden Kristina Nikolasdotter fikk tilbake jordegodset som hadde tilhørt Alv og Rane, og dette jordegodset kalles hennes fedrene jordegods, mener genealogen Jo Rune Ugulen at Kristina Nikolasdotter må ha vært etterkommer etter både Alv og Rane. Det kan derfor passe at Rane Jonsson var Alvs svigersønn, og som kandidat til å fylle generasjonen mellom Kristina Nikolasdotter og Rane Jonsson, har Ugulen funnet nevnt en væpner Nikolas Ranesson i 1326.
I slektshistorisk litteratur har Rane Jonsson og Kristina Alvsdotter Spendelsko blitt tillagt mange andre barn, bosatt i Sandsvær og på Eiker. Fra disse angivelige barna har det blitt satt opp linjer med etterslekt fram til vår tid, slik at bl.a. dronning Sonja har blitt regnet som etterkommer. Men siden det var Kristina Nikolasdotter som fikk alt jordegodset etter Alv og Rane, er det all grunn til å tro at hun var den nærmeste, om ikke den eneste, arvingen i live i 1390, noe som utelukker de fantasirike slektslinjene gjennom Sandsvær og Eiker.
* Helle, Knut: Konge og gode menn i norsk riksstyring ca. 1150-1319, Universitetsforlaget 1972.
* Munch, Peder Andreas: Det norske folks historie, Christiania 1859.
* Skeie, Tore: Alv Erlingsson. En undersøkelse av en aktørs rolle i nordiske konflikter på 1280-tallet, masteroppgave i historie, UiO 2006.
* Ugulen, Jo Rune: «Kring ætta på Ornes og Mel i mellomalderen, samt noko om Rane Jonssons etterkomarar og slekta Hjerne (Hjärne)», Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift, bind XXXIX, hefte 3, Oslo 2004, s. 235-316.
* Yrwing, Hugo: Alf Erlingssons olycköde. En studie kring et dokumentfynd, Samlinger och studier utgivna av svensk arkivsamfund. Stockholm 1956.
Kristina Alvsdatter.
The sources said nothing directly about whether Elf Erlingsson was married or had children. A Eystein Aslaksson who received episcopal office in Oslo, is said to be related to Elf Erlingsson.
In 1390 the Queen gave Magrete Mrs. Kristina Nikola daughter all the lands that once had been seized from Elf Erlingsson and Rane Jonsson Lange. According to folk songs was married to a Rane Kristina nicknamed Spendelsko, and her father would be Mark or Count Algreven. The latter has been interpreted to be Elf Erlingsson, although it is not said directly. Since Kristina Nikola daughter got back lands that had belonged to Alf and Rane, and this mortal estate called her fathers lands, according to genealogists The Rune Ugulen that Kristina Nikola's daughter must have been a descendant of both Elf and Rane. It can therefore be sure that Rane Jonsson was Alvs-in-law, and as a candidate to fill the generation between Nikola's daughter Kristina and Rane Jonsson has found Ugulen mentioned squire Nicholas Hranason in 1326.
In the family history literature Rane Jonsson and Kristina Alvsdotter Spendelsko been attributed to many other children, living in Sandsvær and Spokes. From these alleged children have been set up lines of descendants to the present time, so that such Queen Sonja has been seen as a descendant. But since it was Kristina Nikola's daughter who got all the land the goods after the Elf and Rane, there is every reason to believe that she was the closest, if not the only heir alive in 1390, which excludes the imaginative family lines through Sandsvær and Spokes.
1264 |
Tandberg i Nordrehov, Ringerike
1280 |
Søndre Reine, Sandsvær, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway
1284 |
Gjørslev, Præstø, Denmark
1290 |
Gjørslev, Prestø, Sjælland, Danmark (Denmark)
1336 |
Age 72
Søum i Sandsvær, Buskerud.
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