Historical records matching Lambert I, count of Louvain
Immediate Family
half sister
About Lambert I, count of Louvain
from Medlands (7 Sep 2022) Brabant & Louvain
LAMBERT [I], son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] ([950-killed in battle Florennes 12 Sep 1015). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Lambertus…comes Lovaniensis" as son of "Rignerii comitis Montensis"[26]. The Gesta Episcorum Cameracensium records that "Rainerus atque Lantbertus, filii…Raineri", who had been banished by "archiepiscopus Bruno", returned to their father's lands after the death of Emperor Otto I and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castrum Bussud", but that Emperor Otto II ordered their exile again[27]. The Annales Leodienses, Floressienses et Marchianenses record that "Raginerus et Lantbertus" (sons of Reginar [III] Comte de Hainaut) returned from exile in 973 and killed "Guarnero et Rainaldo", who occupied their father's county, "apud Perronam" and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castello Buxude"[28]. Thietmar records that "Lantbertus, Reinherii filius…cum fratre…Reingerio" killed "Wirinharium et eius germanum Reinzonem"[29]. Sigebert's Chronica records that in 977 "filii Ragineri" were "in terra partum suorum relocati"[30], which presumably marked the beginning of their rehabilitation. He established himself as LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain. He is named "comite Lovaniæ Lantberto" in a charter dated 1003[31]. The Annales Colonienses specify that "Lambertus comes" returned to favour with Heinrich II King of Germany in 1007[32]. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records the death in battle of "Lantbertus comes" at Florennes[33]. "Lantbertum comitem, filium Ragineri Longicolli" is named in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey when recording his death in battle at Florennes against "Godefridum ducem"[34], although the reference to "Ragineri Longicolli" is anachronistic.
m (991 or after) GERBERGA, daughter of CHARLES Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] & his wife Adelais de Troyes ([975]-27 Jan after 1018, bur Nivelles). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam", and that "Gerberga soror Ermengardis" was mother of "Henricum seniorem de Bursella"[35]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Gerbergam, filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus filius Reyneri comitis Montensis", specifying that Brabant (including Louvain and Brussels) was her dowry[36]. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Gebergam filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus…comes Lovaniensis"[37]. "Gerberga" is named as wife of "Lantbertum comitem, filium Ragineri Longicolli" in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey when recording her husband's death, but her origin is not stated[38]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Lantbertus" married "Gerbergam filiam Karoli ducis"[39], but this date must be incorrect. Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned[40]. This suggests that Gerberga was not yet married at that date. The birth date of Gerberga is estimated on the basis of the likely birth date ranges of two of her presumed children by Comte Lambert.
Medlands tells us:
"The identity of 'comitissa Hawidis/Hadegundis', and therefore the existence of Lambert, supposed brother of Reginar [V] Comte de Hainaut, is not certain."
It is possible that Gerberga (*c.955? - ?), wife of Lambert I van Leuven, was another person than Gerberga (*c.980, the daughter of Charles de France, None of the children of Lambert I have known or even estimated birth years, but they all could have been born around 980.
Lambert's wife Gerberga could have been another daughter of king Louis IV, who followed her brother Charles to Lorraine, but for now this is just speculation.
In the 10th c., there are 8 women named Gerberga in northern France and Lorraine as appearing on Geni:
1. Gerberga of Saxony, (c.913-984) wife of king Louis IV: [Gerberga of Saxony].
2. Gerberga of Lorraine (c.930-978) daughter of the first husband of Gerberga of Saxony , Gilbert of Lorraine (c.880-989)
3. Gerberga of Burgundy (c.965-1018), granddaughter of Louis IV via his daughter Mathilde;
4. Gerberga of Bidgau-Jülich-Metz (c.923-995), granddaughter of King Charles III (father of Louis IV) [Gerberga von Lothringen].
5. Gerberga of Burgundy-Gleiberg (c.970-1036?), granddaugher of Gerberga of Bidgau; [Gerberge von Henneberg von Zutpen].
6. Gerberga der Franken, daughter of Charles of France and granddaughter of Louis IV: [Gerberge]. She might not have been the wife of Lambert I.
7. Gerberge of Verdun (c.965-1030): [Gerberge de Verdun].
8. Gerberga, (*c.955?-c.1018), the real wife of count Lambert I van Leuven, parents unknown for now (09/2020) We find many unmerged duplicates on Geni.
from Witkamp, P. H. (1873) Geschiedenis der Zeventien Nederlanden tot op de Vereeniging der Zeventien Nederlanden onder één hoofd in 1543 [trans., History of the Seventeen Netherlands up to the Association of the Seventeen Netherlands under one head in 1543]. Amsterdam: L. Van Bakkenes. Available at: Google Books.
Translated Passages
p. 11 – The bitterness of the Count of Leuven against Godfrey of Eeham was fed by Lambert's opinion that, as the husband of the second sister of the overburdened Duke (Otto, son of Prince Charles of France), he was crowned the crown of Lower Lorraine. He claimed that Emperor Henry II had acted unlawfully when he bequeathed Godfrey of Eenham, nit the magisterial House of Ardenne, with this Duchy. (Vergelijk Deel I bladz. 462.)
When Count Reinier V took the reins of his uncle Lambert with little difficulty in persuading him to take part in the fight against Hertzo Godfried. But the first weaponry in which the young Reinier V appeared, did not go well for the united arms of Leuven, Hainaut and Namur. The battle of Florennes, on September 12, 1015, gave Duke Godfrey a complete victory, Count Lambert was killed, notwithstanding the talisman which he wore about his neck, and which, it was generally assured, had the power to render the owner invisible. (Zie de plaat op bladz. 13.) But the clergy said: the power of that relic was broken because of the sacrilege committed by the Count the night before the battle; he then shared his bed with a nun from Nivelles.p. 294 – Two years later, on 12 September 1015, Count Lambert I was killed in a battle at Florennes in a ruined battle with the Duke of Lower Lorraine. (Evenzoo Deel I bladz. 463. Deel II bladz. 11.)
Henry I, the son of Lambert I, began his reign by continuing the war against Duke Godfrey of Lower Lorraine. But when his mother Gerberga stayed with him to make peace, he agreed to her request. Between the Bishops of Cambrai (Cambrai), Utrecht and Verdun, he reconciled himself with the Emperor's favor. You now showed so much willingness that he looked at all claims to ducal dignity.
nl.Wikipedia, Lambert I van Leuven
Lambert Ier dit le Barbu, né vers 950, mort à Florennes le 12 septembre 1015, fut comte de Louvain de 988 à 1015 et de Bruxelles de 994 à 1015. Il était fils de Régnier III, comte de Hainaut.
Lambert I of Leuven (The Bearded) (born in Leuven, Belgium c950, died in Florennes, Belgium Sept 12, 1015) was the first Count of Leuven. He was killed by Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine in battle for Godfrey's claim of Count of Verdun.
He was the son of Regnier III, Count of Hainaut and Adela, brother of Reginar IV, Count of Mons, husband of Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, and father of two other counts of Leuven, Henry I of Leuven and Lambert II of Leuven along with Matilda of Leuven (Maud).
Lambert I. (Löwen)
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Lambert I. mit dem Barte/der Bärtige († 12. September 1015 in Florennes) aus dem Haus der Reginare war Graf von Löwen seit 994. Er war ein jüngerer Sohn des Grafen Reginar III. von Hennegau.
Lambert heiratete um 985–990 die Karolingerin Gerberga (* wohl 975, † 27. Januar nach 1018), die älteste Tochter des Herzog Karl von Niederlothringen, der seit 987 französischer Thronprätendent war und 991 von Hugo Capet gefangengesetzt und bis zu seinem Tod in Orléans eingekerkert wurde.
Aus dieser Ehe leiteten die Grafen von Löwen ihren Anspruch auf das Herzogtum Niederlothringen ab, den Lamberts Nachkommen ab 1106 mit Gottfried I. von Löwen auch realisieren konnten.
1. Lambert und Gerberga hatten mindestens vier Kinder:
2. Heinrich I. der Alte († 1038 nach dem 5. August), Graf von Löwen und Brüssel 1015 bis vor 1038.
3. Lambert II. († Doornik, 19. Juni 1054), Graf von Löwen und Brüssel um 1041; ∞ Oda von Verdun († 23. Oktober eines unbekannten Jahres nach 1047), Tochter des Herzogs Gotzelo I.
4. Mathilde; ∞ Eustach I. Graf von Boulogne († um 1049)
5. Reginar ∞ wahrscheinlich eine Tochter des Grafen Balduin IV. von Flandern
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. Juli 2010 um 15:14 Uhr geändert.
Begraven - Nijvel, klooster St. Geertruid Graaf van Leuven, vanaf 973 vermeld Lotharingen, ontving de vaderlijke goederen vanaf 973 vermeld Lotharingen 977 ontving de vaderlijke goederen Hertog van Leuven, Brabant, Voogd van Nijvel, Graaf van Brussel
Cte Lambert I DE LOUVAIN Born: Abt 950, Louvain, Brabant, Belgium Married: Between 985 and 990 Died: 12 Nov 1015
Ancestral File Number: 9HMJ-0H.
General Notes: Count of Brabrant and Louvain. He was killed in battle.
Marriage Information: Lambert married Gerberga CAROLING of Lothringia (Lorraine), daughter of Charles CAROLING Duc de Lorraine and Adélaïde (Adelheid) DE VERDUN, between 985 and 990. (Gerberga CAROLING of Lothringia (Lorraine) was born about 975 in Lower Lorraine, France and died after 27 Jan 1017-1018.)
Note: There is some confusion between Lovain, Brabant, Belgium and Louvain, Brabant, France. Also, in France it is Louvain in Belgium it is Leuven. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_I_of_Leuven
De hypothese dat Lambrecht I, graaf van Leuven, geboren zou zijn rond 950 en niet rond 970 wordt bijna volledig onderuit gehaald door de vaststellingen van P.H. Witkamp (1843): (zie lager)
Als Lambrecht I rond 950 geboren zou zijn, dan zou hij in zijn sneuveljaar 1015 als usurpator tegen Godfried van Ename te paard ten strijde zijn getrokken omgord door een amulet ‘dat hem onzichtbaar maakte’ maar dat volgens de Nijvelse clerus niet werkte ‘omdat hij de nacht voor de strijd op heiligschennende wijze had doorgebracht met een Nijvelse non’. Het lijkt twijfelachtig of dit aan een 65-jarige, bovendien nog met een schoonvader die 3 à 5 jaar jonger zou geweest zijn dan hemzelf, kan toegeschreven worden.
from Witkamp, P. H. (1873) Geschiedenis der Zeventien Nederlanden tot op de Vereeniging der Zeventien Nederlanden onder één hoofd in 1543 [trans., History of the Seventeen Netherlands up to the Association of the Seventeen Netherlands under one head in 1543]. Amsterdam: L. Van Bakkenes. Available at: Google Books.
Translated Passages
p. 11 – The bitterness of the Count of Leuven against Godfrey of Eeham was fed by Lambert's opinion that, as the husband of the second sister of the overburdened Duke (Otto, son of Prince Charles of France), he was crowned the crown of Lower Lorraine. He claimed that Emperor Henry II had acted unlawfully when he bequeathed Godfrey of Eenham, nit the magisterial House of Ardenne, with this Duchy. (Vergelijk Deel I bladz. 462.)
When Count Reinier V took the reins of his uncle Lambert with little difficulty in persuading him to take part in the fight against Hertzo Godfried. But the first weaponry in which the young Reinier V appeared, did not go well for the united arms of Leuven, Hainaut and Namur. The battle of Florennes, on September 12, 1015, gave Duke Godfrey a complete victory, Count Lambert was killed, notwithstanding the talisman which he wore about his neck, and which, it was generally assured, had the power to render the owner invisible. (Zie de plaat op bladz. 13.) But the clergy said: the power of that relic was broken because of the sacrilege committed by the Count the night before the battle; he then shared his bed with a nun from Nivelles.
O Lambertovi I. zovi Lovaněovi (čeština)
from Medlands (7 Sep 2022) Brabant & Louvain
LAMBERT [I], son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] ([950-killed in battle Florennes 12 Sep 1015). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Lambertus…comes Lovaniensis" as son of "Rignerii comitis Montensis"[26]. The Gesta Episcorum Cameracensium records that "Rainerus atque Lantbertus, filii…Raineri", who had been banished by "archiepiscopus Bruno", returned to their father's lands after the death of Emperor Otto I and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castrum Bussud", but that Emperor Otto II ordered their exile again[27]. The Annales Leodienses, Floressienses et Marchianenses record that "Raginerus et Lantbertus" (sons of Reginar [III] Comte de Hainaut) returned from exile in 973 and killed "Guarnero et Rainaldo", who occupied their father's county, "apud Perronam" and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castello Buxude"[28]. Thietmar records that "Lantbertus, Reinherii filius…cum fratre…Reingerio" killed "Wirinharium et eius germanum Reinzonem"[29]. Sigebert's Chronica records that in 977 "filii Ragineri" were "in terra partum suorum relocati"[30], which presumably marked the beginning of their rehabilitation. He established himself as LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain. He is named "comite Lovaniæ Lantberto" in a charter dated 1003[31]. The Annales Colonienses specify that "Lambertus comes" returned to favour with Heinrich II King of Germany in 1007[32]. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records the death in battle of "Lantbertus comes" at Florennes[33]. "Lantbertum comitem, filium Ragineri Longicolli" is named in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey when recording his death in battle at Florennes against "Godefridum ducem"[34], although the reference to "Ragineri Longicolli" is anachronistic.
m (991 or after) GERBERGA, daughter of CHARLES Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] & his wife Adelais de Troyes ([975]-27 Jan after 1018, bur Nivelles). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam", and that "Gerberga soror Ermengardis" was mother of "Henricum seniorem de Bursella"[35]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Gerbergam, filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus filius Reyneri comitis Montensis", specifying that Brabant (including Louvain and Brussels) was her dowry[36]. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Gebergam filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus…comes Lovaniensis"[37]. "Gerberga" is named as wife of "Lantbertum comitem, filium Ragineri Longicolli" in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey when recording her husband's death, but her origin is not stated[38]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Lantbertus" married "Gerbergam filiam Karoli ducis"[39], but this date must be incorrect. Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned[40]. This suggests that Gerberga was not yet married at that date. The birth date of Gerberga is estimated on the basis of the likely birth date ranges of two of her presumed children by Comte Lambert.
Medlands tells us:
"The identity of 'comitissa Hawidis/Hadegundis', and therefore the existence of Lambert, supposed brother of Reginar [V] Comte de Hainaut, is not certain."
It is possible that Gerberga (*c.955? - ?), wife of Lambert I van Leuven, was another person than Gerberga (*c.980, the daughter of Charles de France, None of the children of Lambert I have known or even estimated birth years, but they all could have been born around 980.
Lambert's wife Gerberga could have been another daughter of king Louis IV, who followed her brother Charles to Lorraine, but for now this is just speculation.
In the 10th c., there are 8 women named Gerberga in northern France and Lorraine as appearing on Geni:
1. Gerberga of Saxony, (c.913-984) wife of king Louis IV: [Gerberga of Saxony].
2. Gerberga of Lorraine (c.930-978) daughter of the first husband of Gerberga of Saxony , Gilbert of Lorraine (c.880-989)
3. Gerberga of Burgundy (c.965-1018), granddaughter of Louis IV via his daughter Mathilde;
4. Gerberga of Bidgau-Jülich-Metz (c.923-995), granddaughter of King Charles III (father of Louis IV) [Gerberga von Lothringen].
5. Gerberga of Burgundy-Gleiberg (c.970-1036?), granddaugher of Gerberga of Bidgau; [Gerberge von Henneberg von Zutpen].
6. Gerberga der Franken, daughter of Charles of France and granddaughter of Louis IV: [Gerberge]. She might not have been the wife of Lambert I.
7. Gerberge of Verdun (c.965-1030): [Gerberge de Verdun].
8. Gerberga, (*c.955?-c.1018), the real wife of count Lambert I van Leuven, parents unknown for now (09/2020) We find many unmerged duplicates on Geni.
from Witkamp, P. H. (1873) Geschiedenis der Zeventien Nederlanden tot op de Vereeniging der Zeventien Nederlanden onder één hoofd in 1543 [trans., History of the Seventeen Netherlands up to the Association of the Seventeen Netherlands under one head in 1543]. Amsterdam: L. Van Bakkenes. Available at: Google Books.
Translated Passages
p. 11 – The bitterness of the Count of Leuven against Godfrey of Eeham was fed by Lambert's opinion that, as the husband of the second sister of the overburdened Duke (Otto, son of Prince Charles of France), he was crowned the crown of Lower Lorraine. He claimed that Emperor Henry II had acted unlawfully when he bequeathed Godfrey of Eenham, nit the magisterial House of Ardenne, with this Duchy. (Vergelijk Deel I bladz. 462.)
When Count Reinier V took the reins of his uncle Lambert with little difficulty in persuading him to take part in the fight against Hertzo Godfried. But the first weaponry in which the young Reinier V appeared, did not go well for the united arms of Leuven, Hainaut and Namur. The battle of Florennes, on September 12, 1015, gave Duke Godfrey a complete victory, Count Lambert was killed, notwithstanding the talisman which he wore about his neck, and which, it was generally assured, had the power to render the owner invisible. (Zie de plaat op bladz. 13.) But the clergy said: the power of that relic was broken because of the sacrilege committed by the Count the night before the battle; he then shared his bed with a nun from Nivelles.p. 294 – Two years later, on 12 September 1015, Count Lambert I was killed in a battle at Florennes in a ruined battle with the Duke of Lower Lorraine. (Evenzoo Deel I bladz. 463. Deel II bladz. 11.)
Henry I, the son of Lambert I, began his reign by continuing the war against Duke Godfrey of Lower Lorraine. But when his mother Gerberga stayed with him to make peace, he agreed to her request. Between the Bishops of Cambrai (Cambrai), Utrecht and Verdun, he reconciled himself with the Emperor's favor. You now showed so much willingness that he looked at all claims to ducal dignity.
nl.Wikipedia, Lambert I van Leuven
Lambert Ier dit le Barbu, né vers 950, mort à Florennes le 12 septembre 1015, fut comte de Louvain de 988 à 1015 et de Bruxelles de 994 à 1015. Il était fils de Régnier III, comte de Hainaut.
Lambert I of Leuven (The Bearded) (born in Leuven, Belgium c950, died in Florennes, Belgium Sept 12, 1015) was the first Count of Leuven. He was killed by Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine in battle for Godfrey's claim of Count of Verdun.
He was the son of Regnier III, Count of Hainaut and Adela, brother of Reginar IV, Count of Mons, husband of Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, and father of two other counts of Leuven, Henry I of Leuven and Lambert II of Leuven along with Matilda of Leuven (Maud).
Lambert I. (Löwen)
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Lambert I. mit dem Barte/der Bärtige († 12. September 1015 in Florennes) aus dem Haus der Reginare war Graf von Löwen seit 994. Er war ein jüngerer Sohn des Grafen Reginar III. von Hennegau.
Lambert heiratete um 985–990 die Karolingerin Gerberga (* wohl 975, † 27. Januar nach 1018), die älteste Tochter des Herzog Karl von Niederlothringen, der seit 987 französischer Thronprätendent war und 991 von Hugo Capet gefangengesetzt und bis zu seinem Tod in Orléans eingekerkert wurde.
Aus dieser Ehe leiteten die Grafen von Löwen ihren Anspruch auf das Herzogtum Niederlothringen ab, den Lamberts Nachkommen ab 1106 mit Gottfried I. von Löwen auch realisieren konnten.
1. Lambert und Gerberga hatten mindestens vier Kinder:
2. Heinrich I. der Alte († 1038 nach dem 5. August), Graf von Löwen und Brüssel 1015 bis vor 1038.
3. Lambert II. († Doornik, 19. Juni 1054), Graf von Löwen und Brüssel um 1041; ∞ Oda von Verdun († 23. Oktober eines unbekannten Jahres nach 1047), Tochter des Herzogs Gotzelo I.
4. Mathilde; ∞ Eustach I. Graf von Boulogne († um 1049)
5. Reginar ∞ wahrscheinlich eine Tochter des Grafen Balduin IV. von Flandern
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. Juli 2010 um 15:14 Uhr geändert.
Begraven - Nijvel, klooster St. Geertruid Graaf van Leuven, vanaf 973 vermeld Lotharingen, ontving de vaderlijke goederen vanaf 973 vermeld Lotharingen 977 ontving de vaderlijke goederen Hertog van Leuven, Brabant, Voogd van Nijvel, Graaf van Brussel
Cte Lambert I DE LOUVAIN Born: Abt 950, Louvain, Brabant, Belgium Married: Between 985 and 990 Died: 12 Nov 1015
Ancestral File Number: 9HMJ-0H.
General Notes: Count of Brabrant and Louvain. He was killed in battle.
Marriage Information: Lambert married Gerberga CAROLING of Lothringia (Lorraine), daughter of Charles CAROLING Duc de Lorraine and Adélaïde (Adelheid) DE VERDUN, between 985 and 990. (Gerberga CAROLING of Lothringia (Lorraine) was born about 975 in Lower Lorraine, France and died after 27 Jan 1017-1018.)
Note: There is some confusion between Lovain, Brabant, Belgium and Louvain, Brabant, France. Also, in France it is Louvain in Belgium it is Leuven. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_I_of_Leuven
De hypothese dat Lambrecht I, graaf van Leuven, geboren zou zijn rond 950 en niet rond 970 wordt bijna volledig onderuit gehaald door de vaststellingen van P.H. Witkamp (1843): (zie lager)
Als Lambrecht I rond 950 geboren zou zijn, dan zou hij in zijn sneuveljaar 1015 als usurpator tegen Godfried van Ename te paard ten strijde zijn getrokken omgord door een amulet ‘dat hem onzichtbaar maakte’ maar dat volgens de Nijvelse clerus niet werkte ‘omdat hij de nacht voor de strijd op heiligschennende wijze had doorgebracht met een Nijvelse non’. Het lijkt twijfelachtig of dit aan een 65-jarige, bovendien nog met een schoonvader die 3 à 5 jaar jonger zou geweest zijn dan hemzelf, kan toegeschreven worden.
from Witkamp, P. H. (1873) Geschiedenis der Zeventien Nederlanden tot op de Vereeniging der Zeventien Nederlanden onder één hoofd in 1543 [trans., History of the Seventeen Netherlands up to the Association of the Seventeen Netherlands under one head in 1543]. Amsterdam: L. Van Bakkenes. Available at: Google Books.
Translated Passages
p. 11 – The bitterness of the Count of Leuven against Godfrey of Eeham was fed by Lambert's opinion that, as the husband of the second sister of the overburdened Duke (Otto, son of Prince Charles of France), he was crowned the crown of Lower Lorraine. He claimed that Emperor Henry II had acted unlawfully when he bequeathed Godfrey of Eenham, nit the magisterial House of Ardenne, with this Duchy. (Vergelijk Deel I bladz. 462.)
When Count Reinier V took the reins of his uncle Lambert with little difficulty in persuading him to take part in the fight against Hertzo Godfried. But the first weaponry in which the young Reinier V appeared, did not go well for the united arms of Leuven, Hainaut and Namur. The battle of Florennes, on September 12, 1015, gave Duke Godfrey a complete victory, Count Lambert was killed, notwithstanding the talisman which he wore about his neck, and which, it was generally assured, had the power to render the owner invisible. (Zie de plaat op bladz. 13.) But the clergy said: the power of that relic was broken because of the sacrilege committed by the Count the night before the battle; he then shared his bed with a nun from Nivelles.
Lambert I, count of Louvain's Timeline
950 |
Leuven, Graafschap Bergen, Ostfrankenreich
990 |
Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
992 |
Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium
1015 |
September 12, 1015
Age 65
Florennes, Graafschap Leuven, Ostfrankenreich
???? | |||
???? |
Nivelles, Walloon Region, Belgium