Landolf I-III "anthypatos" prince of Capua & Benevento

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prince Landolf I-III "anthypatos" di Capua (de Benevento)

Italian: principe Landolfo I-II "anthypatos" di Capua
Also Known As: "Antipater", "Landulf", "of Benevento", "Landenulf", "Landulfo", "Landulfus", "Landulph", "Landulpho", "Landulphus"
Birthplace: Benevento, Campania, Italy
Death: April 10, 943
Immediate Family:

Son of Atenulf I "magnus" prince of Capua & Benevento and .... of Naples
Husband of Gemma of Naples
Father of Landolf II-IV "the Red" prince of Capua & Benevento and prince Atenolfo III di Capua, count of Teano
Brother of Atenulf II, prince of Benevento & Capua and Gemma di Benevento

Occupation: prince of Capua & conqueror of Benevento
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Landolf I-III "anthypatos" prince of Capua & Benevento

Landulf I (died 10 April 943), sometimes called Antipater, was a Lombard nobleman and the Prince of Benevento and of Capua (as Landulf III) from 12 January 901, when his father, Atenulf I, prince of Capua and conqueror of Benevento, associated his with him in power. .. ...

1. LANDOLF (-943). According to the "Catalogus Principum Capuæ", "Landulfus I eius filius" ruled jointly with his father and, after his father's death, jointly with his brother Atenulf II[1534]. The Cronica de Monasterio Sanctissimi Benedicti record that "Atenolfus comes" left Capua to "filiis suis domno Landolfo et domno Atenolfo"[1535]. Landolf visited Constantinople to seek military help in Capua's struggle against the Arabs and was invested as patricius[1536]. According to the Annales Beneventani, "Landulphus filius Atenolfi" was installed as Prince of Benevento in 902[1537], but the extent to which he may have governed Benevento separately from Capua is unclear. The Annales Beneventani record that he succeeded his father in 912 as LANDOLF III joint Prince of Capua and Benevento, jointly with "Atenulfo germano suo et filii eorum"[1538]. The Chronicon Vulturnense records a charter dated Nov 914 "quinto anno patriciatus domni nostri Landulfi…et quinto anno domni nostri Athenulfi principis"[1539], which suggests either that the date of death recorded by the Annales Beneventani is incorrect or that their father Atenolf associated his two sons in the government of his territories three years before he died. He participated in the joint Capuan, Beneventan and Salernitan expedition which removed the Arab settlement from the mouth of the River Garigliano in 915[1540]. He was granted the Byzantine titles antipatos and patrikios in [914/early 916]: the Chronicon Vulturnense records that "Landulfus…et Athenulfus Langobardorum gentis Antipatus Patricius et Patricius" confirmed the possessions of Volturno "in finibus Venafranis" by charter dated 10 Jul 916[1541]. He and his brother invaded Byzantine Apulia in [921], captured the castrum of Ascoli and killed the Byzantine strategos[1542]. "Iohannes consul et dux" [Duke of Naples] signed a pact with "domno Landolfo et domno Atenolfo seu et domno Atenolfo principibus, filiis et nepos domni Atenolfi principis" (Princes of Benevento and Capua) promising mutual help, among other things, against Sarracen attacks, dated to [Mar 933/939][1543]. On the accession of the minor Gisolf I Duke of Salerno in 946, Prince Landolf prepared to invade Salerno together with Ioannes III Duke of Naples, but they were repulsed by the Salernitans with support from Amalfi[1544]. The Chonicon Monasterii Beneventani records the death in 941 of "Atenolphus frater Domni Landulfi" and in 943 of "Landulphus Antipater frater eius"[1545].

m ([Jan/Feb] 898) GEMMA of Naples, daughter of ATHANASIUS Duke of Naples & his wife --- (-after 10 Jul 961). The Chronicon Salernitanum records that "Athanasii filiam…Gemma" married "Atenolfi filius…Landolfus", dated to [Jan/Feb] 898 from the context[1546]. The Chronicon Vulturnense records "Landolfus et Pandolfus filius eiusdem…Langobardorum gentis" confirmed the grant of fishery rights "in lacum Patrensem" to the monastery of Volturno, granted by "domna Gemma principissa…genitrice nostra", by charter dated 960[1547]. Pandulf I and Landulf III Princes of Capua confirmed territory at Larino to Monte Cassino, at the request of "domna Gemma religiosa principessa abia nostra", by charter dated 10 Jul 961[1548].

  Prince Landolf & his wife had two children: 

943), sometimes called Antipater,[1] was the prince of Capua (as Landulf III) and prince of Benevento from 12 January 901, when his father, Atenulf I, prince of Capua and conqueror of Benevento, associated him with the government. His mother was Sichelgaita of Gaeta.

In 909, he went to Constantinople to receive the titles of antipatos and patrikios. His brother Atenulf II stayed behind in Italy and received like investiture. In June 910, his father died and he became sole prince. Immediately, he invested his brother as co-prince.

On 2 July 911, Landulf signed a treaty with Duke Gregory IV of Naples, part of a policy of alliance and friendship with his fellow Christian rulers of the Mezzogiorno. He also continued a policy of alliance with Byzantium, but never servility. He never pledge to be a vassal of the emperor in Constantinople. In 914, he succeeded in having the great abbey of Monte Cassino transferred from Teano to Capua and he and Atenulf appointed one John abbot. The next year (915), they sent John as ambassador to Constantinople to renew the bonds of allegiance. That summer, the forces of the new Byzantine strategos of Bari, Nicolaus Picingli, joined those of various other south Italian princes: John I and Docibilis II of Gaeta, Gregory IV and John II of Naples, and Guaimar II of Salerno. Through diplomatic marriages, Landulf had succeeded in allying these rulers to himself: he had married Gemma, daughter of Athanasius of Naples, and Atenulf's daughter Gaitelgrima married Guaimar II. His own son, Atenulf III, married Rotilda, Guaimar's daughter. Together the Greco-Lombard army joined the northern forces of Pope John X and Alberic I of Spoleto and vanquished the Saracens at the Battle of Garigliano.

In 921, he supported an anti-Greek Apulian rebellion, ravaging as far as Ascoli. He was forced, however, to send his second son, Landulf II, to Constantinople as a hostage. In 923 or 926, by agreement with Guaimar, they would jointly attack Byzantine possessions, Landulf taking Apulia and Guaimar, Campania. Landulf was largely unsuccessful, though Guaimar was much so. In 929, with Atenulf II, Guaimar II, and Theobald of Spoleto, he invaded Apulia and Calabria again. This time, all were unsuccessful and Theobald hurt the old alliance.

In 933, Landulf associated his son Atenulf with himself and his brother in the government. In 934, Guaimar was persuaded to quit the alliance by the Byzantine agent Cosmas of Thessalonica. In 935, King Hugh of Italy gave his support to the Greeks. Within a few years, Landulf's successful anti-Byzantine policy had been reversed and he was forced to make peace, but clashes continued: at Siponto in 936 and at Matera in 940. In 939, Landulf's brother Atenulf died and he associated his second son, Landulf, with him. He died four years later on April 10.