Leib (Löb) Pinkerle

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Leib (Löb) Pinkerle (ben Nathan)

Also Known As: "Yehuda Löb Pinkerle", "Josef Jehuda ben Natan", "Juda Löb", "Löb Staden"
Birthplace: Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany
Death: January 06, 1670 (74-75)
Altona, now Hamburg, Germany
Place of Burial: Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Nathan and NN NN
Husband of Reize bat Jitzchak Pinkerle and Bela Pinkerle
Father of Elkele Goldschmidt Stadthagen; Hendel Gompertz Kleve; Glückel von Hameln; Mate Ries-Wiener; Abraham Benjamin Wolf Pinkerle and 2 others

Occupation: Trader
Managed by: Simon (v.ltd.availability) Goodman
Last Updated:

About Leib (Löb) Pinkerle

Glückel of Hameln wrote: "My father ... was already a widower when he became engaged to my mother. For fifteen years or more he had been married to a splendid woman, of good family, named Reize, who maintained a large and fine house. My father had no children by her, but a previous marriage had blessed her with a daughter ... Following the death of his first wife, my father married my mother, who was then a fatherless child. ... My father gave his children, girls and boys, a secular as well as a religious education. And whoever came hungry to my father’s house went forth fed and satisfied. Before I was three years old, the German Jews, I am told, were all driven out of Hamburg. Thereupon they settled in Altona ... In those days we were hardly forty families all told. No one was very rich, but everyone earned an honest living. Chayim Fürst was the richest among us, with a fortune of 10,000 Reichsthalers, then came my father, of blessed memory, with 8000, others followed with 6000, and a few more with 2000. ... When I was about ten years old, war broke out between the Swedes and the King of Denmark, God heighten his fame! ... Once, on a Sabbath, the alarm went forth: “The Swedes are coming!” It was early in the morning and everyone was still asleep. We leaped from our bed, nebbich, and ran fairly naked all the way to Hamburg, where we took up posts of defence, some with the Sephardim and some with the Christian burghers. In this way we remained in the city a short while without permission. Finally, my good father was able to arrange matters, and he was the first German Jew allowed to resettle in Hamburg. ... The community prospered during the presidency of my father, .... I do recall, however, while I was yet a child, certain scroundels rose against my father and his fellow officials, and sought to injure the community. Two of them managed to elicit letters from the government conveying them the right to be parnassim by royal authority. ... The parnassim and other leaders of the community ... journeyed to Copenhagen and reported everything to the king. He was a pious man, a lover of righteousness, so that, God be praised! all ended well and the wicked were cast down” (Marvin Lowenthal, The Memoirs of Glückel of Hameln. New York: Schocken Books, 1977, pp. 6-13, 21-22).


Leib (Löb) Staden MP
Gender: Male Birth: estimated between 1582 and 1638 Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany Death: January 06, 1670 Altona, now Hamburg, Germany Place of Burial: Altona, Germany Immediate Family: Son of Nathan and N N Husband of Reizchen Bat Jitzchak Pinkerle and Bela Melrich Father of Elkele Goldschmidt-Stadthagen; Hendel Pinkerle; Glückel von Hameln; Rebecca Riwka Pinkerle; Unknown Pinkerle and 2 others Added by: Avraham Samson on January 1, 2008 Managed by: Eve Cohen (Picard) and 15 others Curated by: Simon Goodman


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Leib (Löb) Pinkerle's Timeline

Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany
Altona, now Hamburg, DK, now Germany
Altona, Denmark
Altona, now Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland (Germany)
Altona, Denmark
January 6, 1670
Age 75
Altona, now Hamburg, Germany